Всероссийская олимпиада по английскому языку 2009 г. Муниципальный этап. Время проведения конкурсов

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НазваниеВсероссийская олимпиада по английскому языку 2009 г. Муниципальный этап. Время проведения конкурсов
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Шкала критериев оценивания заданий в разделе «Устная речь»

Максимальное количество баллов: 20

Внимание! При оценке 0 по критерию "Содержание" выставляется общая оценка 0.


за содержание


(максимум 10 баллов)

Взаимодействие с собеседником и оформление речи (максимум 10 баллов)

Взаимодействие с собеседником

(максимум 4 балла)

Лексическое оформление речи

(максимум 2 балла)

Грамматическое оформление речи

(максимум 2 балла)

Фонетическое оформление речи

(максимум 2 балла)

9 - 10

Коммуникативная задача полностью выполнена: цель общения успешно достигнута, тема раскрыта в заданном объеме. Участник высказывает интересные и оригинальные идеи.

4 балла

Участник способен логично и связно вести беседу: участник соблюдает очередность при обмене репликами, при необходимости участник начинает первым или поддерживает беседу, восстанавливает беседу в случае сбоя.

7 - 8

Коммуникативная задача полностью выполнена: цель общения успешно достигнута, тема раскрыта в заданном объеме, однако выступление не отличается оригинальностью мысли.

5 - 6

Коммуникативная задача выполнена не полностью: цель общения в основном достигнута, однако тема раскрыта не в полном объеме: высказанные положения недостаточно аргументированы.

3 балла

В целом участник способен логично и связно вести беседу: участник соблюдает очередность при обмене репликами, но не всегда проявляет инициативу в поддержании беседы.

3 - 4

Коммуникативная задача выполнена частично: цель общения достигнута не полностью, тема раскрыта в ограниченном объеме: высказанных положений мало и они не аргументированы.

2 балла

Участник не способен логично и связно вести беседу: не начинает и не стремится поддерживать ее, в значительной степени зависит от помощи со стороны собеседника.

2 балла

В речи участника нет лексических ошибок; словарный запас участника богат, разнообразен и адекватен поставленной задаче.

2 балла

В речи участника нет грамматических ошибок; речь участника богата разнообразными грамматическими конструкциями.

2 балла

В речи участника нет фонетических ошибок.

1 - 2

Коммуникативная задача не выполнена: цель общения не достигнута, содержание не соответствует коммуникативной задаче.

1 балл

Участник диалога не способен вести беседу.

1 балл

Словарный запас участника в основном соответствует поставленной задаче, однако наблюдается некоторое затруднение при подборе слов и/или имеются неточности в их употреблении.

1 балл

В речи участника присутствуют грамматические ошибки, не затрудняющие понимания или используются однообразные грамматические конструкции.

1 балл

Речь участника в целом понятна, участник допускает отдельные фонетические ошибки.


Отказ от ответа

0 баллов

Отказ от выполнения задания по диалогу

0 баллов

Словарного запаса не хватает для общения в соответствии с заданием.

0 баллов

В речи участника присутствуют грамматические ошибки, затрудняющие понимание.

0 баллов

Понимание речи участника затруднено из-за большого количества фонетических ошибок.

Раздел 1. Аудирование

1. В1. Вы. услышите 6 высказываний. Установите соответствие между
высказываниями каждого говорящего 1-6 и утверждениями, данными в
списке А-G.. Используйте каждую букву, обозначающую утверждение,
только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Вы
услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.

A. The speaker is sure that only professionals should help people when their health is at risk.

B. The speaker is not sure she/he will be able to give first aid, if needed.

C. The speaker thinks you can save someone's life if you do the right thing at the right moment.

D. In the speaker's opinion more attention should be given to teaching first aid at school.

E. The speaker is sure you can learn first aid from the mass media.

F. The speaker was able to put into practice what she/he had learnt on first aid course.

G . The speaker does not think the first aid course was efficient enough.









2. Вы услышите разговор между мужчиной и женщиной. Определите, какие из приведенных утверждений А1 —А 7 соответствуют содержанию текста (1 — Тruе), какие не соответствуют (2 — False) и о чем в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3—Not stated). Обведите номер выбранного вами ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды

.A1. The woman went to see the exhibition of English art at the National gallery.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated
A2. The woman was greatly impressed with the oil paintings.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

A3. The watercolours at the exhibition showed mainly city scenes.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

A4. The artists showed life in bright and sunny colours.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

A5. Old city buildings were not depicted clearly in the paintings.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

A6. The man is doing research on the history of the English towns.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

A7. The woman gave the man the catalogue as a present.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

3. Вы услышите рассказ женщины о её семье. Выполните задания А8-А14, обведя цифру 1, 2, или 3, соответствующую номеру выбранного вами варианта ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды._______________________

A8 When Monica's parents moved to Sao Paulo, they

  1. had to live on a construction site for a while.

  2. decided to bring their parents to the city.

  3. experienced terrible loneliness.

A9 According to Monica, her mother didn’t do acting when she was young because she

1) had to help her husband in the hospital.

  1. was busy taking care of her children.

  2. wanted to make a career in management.

A10 Monica and her brothers used to stay behind after classes because

  1. they had to wait for their parents to collect them from school.

  2. their parents wanted them to do their homework with a teacher.

  3. their parents were back home from work in the evening.

A11 Monica thinks that her father is different from other people because he has always been

  1. able to combine his work at the hospital and teaching

  2. true to his beliefs and principles.

  3. admired by a big majority of his students.

A12 Monica is proud of her father because he

1) puts student’s professional development first.

  1. has a prestigious private surgery.

  2. holds a very influential position.

A13 |Monica likes it that when she was a child

  1. her father was responsive to all her wishes.

  2. she was the centre of attention on campus.

  3. she could develop an interest in different activities.

A14 Monica claims that

  1. her parents failed to prepare her for adult life.

  2. she has had to stand up for herself since childhood.

  3. she feels ready to face real problems.



1. I think it’s very important to know how to help someone who has had an accident. We had some very good lessons at school on first aid. We learnt, for example, what and when to do

and what not to do if somebody burnt or cut himself or if he broke an arm or a leg. A lot of first aid is very simple to do, but it can sometimes make a big difference if you do it quickly. Sometimes it’s a matter of life and death.

  1. Most accidents happen at home when people are cooking, doing housework or repairs. So it’s very important to know what to do. For example, if someone has an electric shock when changing a light bulb or fitting a socket. I did some courses on first aid at a local hospital. I found them really interesting, but I honestly don’t feel confident enough to put all the ideas into practice. I’m quite shy and slow.

  2. I don’t know any first aid. And I must say that I’m not really interested in the topic. I think that if somebody has an accident the best thing to do is to take him or her quickly to hospital. It’s important that a doctor or a nurse deals with the problem. Not somebody who has done a few first aid classes. I think we should let the experts look after people. I don’t think unqualified people can really help in serious situations.

  3. I don’t know much about first aid. I took a short first aid course after school a few months ago. We didn’t really learn a lot. The problem was that the course wasn’t at all practical. They just spoke about what to do but we didn’t have a chance to practice ourselves. I’m sure most of us are afraid of making a mistake. So there is always a risk of making things worse.

  4. My small brother cut his leg quite badly last week when he was playing with his friends in the garden. Fortunately, I had just finished a first aid course at school and knew exactly what to do. First of all I washed the cut with cotton wool, clean water. And then I put an antiseptic cream on it. After that I put on a bandage and hold him to sit in an armchair with his leg on a stool. I felt quite pleased with myself.

  5. I was at my friend’s house a few days ago and we watched TV. We both love home channel. They showed how to stop blood if you suddenly cut your arm or leg and there is nobody to help you. It was really helpful. They showed what to do step by step and encouraged viewers to practice several times using soft toys or dolls. I hope I’ll be able to do something like that if there is a need.

A1 – A7

Did you have a chance to see the special exhibition of English art last week?

  • Yes, I really enjoyed it. And what about you?

  • I was planning to go on Saturday, but I caught a really bad cold and had to spend a whole weekend in bed. So I missed it. And I had really been looking forward to it for so long. What did you like best about it?

  • I liked all the paintings, but I greatly admired the early 20th century water colours. They were so beautiful, you can’t imagine.

  • Were they scenes of the countryside?

  • A few, yes. But most of them were the paintings of the life of ordinary people in a big industrial city round about the year 1910.

  • Oh, that sounds fascinating.

  • Yes, I’m sure you would have loved it. The colours were very interesting. The artists used lots of different shades of grey and brown. I got the impression that life in big cities at that time was pretty gloomy.

  • And what were the buildings like?

  • Well, that’s an interesting question. In fact, you could hardly see the buildings in the pictures. They were just part of the background. They didn’t have definite outlines. The artists focused mainly on the people. They showed what life must have been like for ordinary people in a big industrial town. The people were walking, running, selling, buying, arguing, you know, all everyday activities.

  • I’m really sad about missing it. You know that I’m as much interested in the history of English towns as you are in English art.

  • Never mind. I’ve bought a full catalogue so you can see everything at home. The quality of the print is very good. So it’s almost like looking at the real thing. You can keep it as long as you need.

  • Great, thanks.

A8 – A14

  • Monica,can you tell me when and where you were born? And a bit about your family?

  • I was born in Sao Paolo in 1986. I think that both my parents were quite young when they migrated to the city and the four of us, my three brothers and I, were poor men.

  • And what do you remember most about your childhood?

  • I had the impression that Sao Paolo was a very busy city and there were a lot of building sites around where we were. You know, up to the age of seven it seemed like they were rebuilding the whole area nearby all the time. I also think there was a strong feeling of strangeness, of not belonging because my mom and dad came from a small town and they missed their friends and parents a lot. It must have been quite a traumatic experience for them to leave the security and familiarity of their home town. But under the circumstances they could only dream of the family reunion and so I had this feeling that life was tough, and it was tough for them too.

  • So you are a closely knit family.

  • Yes. We were very close I suppose. My father was a doctor, a skin specialist, and he taught at the university, and although he is officially retired now he loves medicine and now teaches students voluntarily. And my mother was a hospital manager for many years. She seemed to have liked her job a lot. Now she is doing acting. You know, she brought up the four children and now that we are all grown up she’s doing what she really loves and what she wanted to do since her childhood. I think it’s vital that people should follow their own stuff and do what they want to do in life. Good for her!

  • Ok. So tell me a bit more about your childhood. For example, what kind of school did you go to?

  • Ok, both my parents were professional people and worked regular hours from 9 a. m. to 6 p.m. So unlike a lot of our classmates who would stay just half a day we had to go to school and stay there till the time when we knew for sure that our parents were back home from work. On the one hand I used to envy the other kids who came home after lunch, you know, and could do the homework when they chose to. But on the other hand we always had our teacher’s help with our homework if necessary. I would also like to say that it is a nice feeling when there is somebody from your family to greet you when you come back home from school.

  • Could you tell me more about your father?

  • Yes, sure. I think he is a very special person. He does medicine as a vocation, not as a profession or trade. He is a heroic figure for me and for a big majority of his students who admire him for his anticapitalism and anticonsumerism. He refuses to be shaped by fashion or what other people think. I think he just rises above all the other people around him because of his clear and sincere convictions and inner strength of character.

  • You obviously love and admire him very much.

  • Yes, he is very different from most people in his position. Well, for example, he doesn’t have a secretary, he doesn’t have a telephone at this office and he has students from the university to his prestigious private surgery and teaches them there. Nowadays I think many people in his position and preserve would be actually to share their knowledge, because your knowledge represents money and power. But he never had that attitude. I suppose he is a very individual character with very strongly havebeliefs.

  • Your family life sounds quite interesting. I mean what kind of things would you do? Did you go to interesting places?

  • My father never approved of our doing what other kids did, like going to the cinema, partying and buying chewing gum, that kind of stuff. When I wasn’t at school I would go to a leisure centre which was located on the university campus where my father taught. Because we were the children of the professor the staff didn’t mind us spending hours in the centre. So we grew up there making good use of the centre facilities. We went swimming, played different sports, did crafts, the things that appealed to us. When I look back on my childhood I can see that we led an ideal existence.

  • Do you think that you are prepared for the real world outside?

  • A lot of people ask me that question. And I could well understand why. It’s true that I led a very sheltered existence after my father became a professor. I wish I could say that I was prepared to cope with real problems and issues and could stand up for myself, but unfortunately it isn’t so. I need to learn to stand up for myself. Nevertheless I didn’t forget my earlier experiences that life was tough.


1 В2. Установите соответствие тем A-H текстам 1-7. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.








1. A comparatively new job for girls, and for young men also, is the job of a photographer's model. The work involves being photographed for television commercials and for fashion magazines. It may also include modelling clothes at fashion shops. It can be an exciting and interesting career, but with the present interest to young models it is unlikely to be a long-one and it comes to an end as one gets older.

2. Mary Quant's childhood memories of "make, do and mend" gave her a passionate desire to design clothes which would be "fun to wear". At her fashion displays models in short-skirted shifts and knicker-bocker suits ran rather than walked. It is not surprising that she caused a sensation in the fashion world. Her company is now a profitable business, selling make-up, textiles and other fashion items.

3. Fashion is now a major industry in many countries. It employs many thousands of workers and makes an important contribution to the expansion of the home and export markets of industrialized countries. In the past it was largely controlled by the Fashion houses. Today, however, the wholesale manufacturers, who reproduce millions of copies of a "model' dress, play an even more important part, making fashion a global phenomenon.

4. If you wish to be not only fashionable but also well dressed, the most important thing of all is to add a personal touch to your clothes. Now that fashion has become universal and clothes are mass produced, it is very difficult to avoid monotony unless you are fortunate enough to be able to make all your own clothes. However, by skilful adaptation you can give a certain personal style to a general fashion "line".

  1. Use beginner level skills to make T-shirts, skirts, dresses, tank tops, jogging
    suits, shorts and other clothing popular in today's world. Practise making
    necklines and cuffs, applying zippers, choosing fabrics. Use all these skills
    to make very economical clothes. You need to know how to use your sewing
    machine and bring your own sewing kit and thread

  2. With better opportunities for education and training, today's people under
    twenty- five can earn fairly high wages and usually spend a good deal on
    personal luxuries, such as clothes. Young-style boutiques, full of exciting
    and colourful clothes and accessories, have sprung up everywhere. The
    larger shops have special departments where not only clothes but goods of
    all descriptions, attractive to teenagers, are displayed. Advertising is
    skillfully aimed at making them buy the latest expensive novelty.

  3. Modern women often totter about in agony on feet squeezed into such
    pointed high-heeled shoes that "My feet are killing me" has become a
    popular joke. In 1958 women wore a dress so shapeless that it was called
    "the sack", even the cave women made themselves more shapely garments.
    And who, except a film-star, can look her best in a hat shaped like a tea cosy
    or an upturned flower pot?








2 B3. Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски 1-6 частями предложений A-G. Одна из частей в списке A-G лишняя. Перенести ответы в таблицу

Fish live in a watery world that covers over three-quarters of the earth's surface.

As one might expect, therefore, 1 . They are also

the most varied. Each of the four principal groups into which fish are divided differs more from the other three groups than birds differ from reptiles or reptiles from mammals. Fish are among the most widely distributed of all animals.

Of the various factors that have influenced the distribution, 2_____________

Many kinds of fish are limited to tropical areas. They include butterfly fish, goatfish and the gaily coloured specimens 3_________________
_______ . Other kinds of fish are restricted to temperate

areas, while still others are found only in polar regions. The distribution of fish at different depths in the sea is due in part to temperature and food supply, but water pressure must also have something to do with it. For example, the flying fish are found only very close to the surface, while other fish, including many

lantern fish, live at mid depth and 4 .

Fish depend upon some of the same senses as land animals to give them information about their surroundings. Most fish have a well-developed sense of smell. The sense of taste is closely associated with that of smell and especially well developed in certain fish. Most fish have well-developed vision and their eyes are especially modified for sight under water. Few fish have much in the way of binocular vision - that is, the ability to combine the images perceived

through each eye and because of that, 5 . There

seems to be no doubt that some kinds of fish can hear, as they react to sounds. Some fish even produce sounds which are not accidental

6 ___________.

A. but refer to many other animals.

B. found in abundance in pet shops.

C. they are the most numerous of the animals with backbones.

D. they have the advantage of a very wide field of vision.

E. but are made deliberately and serve a definite purpose.

F. temperature is extremely important.

G. rarely if ever come to the surface.







3. Прочитайте текст и выполните задания А15 -А21, обводя цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую номеру выбранного вами варианта ответа.

Augustus Mellowkent was a novelist with a future; that is to say, there seemed good reason to suppose that if he steadily continued to turn out novels year by year an increasing circle of readers would acquire the Mellowkent habit, and demand his works from the libraries and bookstalls.

One morning in December Augustus sat in his writing-room, at work on the third chapter of his eighth novel. The author's labours were cut short by the sudden intrusion of a maidservant.

"A gentleman to see you, sir," said the maid, handing a card with the

name Caiaphas Dwelf inscribed on it; "says it's important." Mellowkent

hesitated and yielded; the importance of the visitor's mission was probably

illusory, but he had never met anyone with the name Caiaphas before. It would

be at least a new experience.

Mr. Dwelf had a large book under his arm, and there seemed every probability that he had left a package of similar volumes in the hall. He took a seat before it had been offered to him, placed the book on the table, and began to address Mellowkent in the manner of an "open letter."

"You are a literary man, the author of several well-known books -" I am engaged on a book at the present moment," said Mellowkent, pointedly.

"Exactly," said the intruder; "time with you is a commodity of considerable importance. Minutes, even, have their value." "They have," agreed Mellowkent, looking at his watch. "That," said Caiaphas, "is why this book that I am introducing to your notice is not a book that you can afford to be without. 'Right Here' is no ordinary encyclopaedia."

"On a shelf at my elbow," said the author, "I have a row of reference books that supply me with all the information I am likely to require."

"Here," persisted the salesman, "you have it all in one compact volume. 'Right Here' gives you all that you want to know in the briefest and most enlightening form. Historical reference, for instance, career of John Huss, let us say. Here we are: 'Huss, John, celebrated religious reformer. Born 1369, burned at Constance 1415. The Emperor Sigismund universally blamed."

"If he had been burnt in these days everyone would have suspected the Suffragettes," observed Mellowkent.

"Geography," said Caiaphas, imperturbably, "that's a thing that a busy man, writing at high pressure, may easily make a slip over. Only the other day a well-known author made the Volga flow into the Black Sea instead of the Caspian; now, with this book-"

"On a polished rose-wood stand behind you there reposes a reliable and up-to-date atlas," said Mellowkent; "and now I must really ask you to be going."

"An atlas," said Caiaphas, "gives merely the chart of the river’s course and indicates the principal towns that it passes." Mellowkent sat and watched the hard-featured, resolute, pitiless salesman. A sudden inspiration flashed across his mind.

"Have you read my last book," The Cageless Linnet" he asked. "I don't read novels," said Caiaphas tensely.

"Oh, but you ought to read this one," exclaimed Mellowkent, fishing the book down from a shelf, "published at six shillings, you can have it at four-and-six. There is a bit in chapter five that I feel sure you would like. "It was a day when all Nature -"

"In 'Right Here' you have full information on all branches of Nature study," broke in the bookagent.

"I wonder if you would care for one of my earlier books, ' The Reluctance of Lady Cullumpton," said Mellowkent, hunting again through the bookshelf. "Do let me read you how it opens.

"I don't read novels," said Caiaphas sullenly.

"No one ought to travel without one or two of my novels in their luggage as a stand-by. I wonder if I've got a copy of "The Python's Kiss. "

Caiaphas did not wait to be tempted with selections from that thrilling work of fiction. With a muttered remark about having no time to waste on monkey-talk, he gathered up his volume and departed. He made no audible reply to Mellowkent's cheerful "Good morning," but the latter fancied that a look of respectful hatred flickered in the cold grey eyes.

A15 Augustus Mellowkent wrote novels and was

  1. supposed to produce a novel each year.

  2. considered to be a promising writer.

  3. in the habit of meeting with his readers.

  4. an author whose books were in demand.

A16 Mellowkent let Mr. Dwelf come in because Mellowkent

  • felt that the visitor's first name had aroused his curiosity.

  • thought that the visitor had something important to say.

  • was glad to have a short break from his hard work.

  • wanted to find out what kind of mission the visitor had .

A17 Mellowkent informed Mr.Dwelf that he was engaged on a book in order to

  1. make the visitor understand that Mellowkent was a man of importance

  2. show the visitor that Mellowkent was a hard-working person.

  3. encourage the visitor to speak about Mellowkent's new novel.

4) hint that Mellowkent wasn't inclined to waste time on trifles.

A18 Mellowkent was reluctant to buy 'Right Here' as

  1. he never used any reference material in his work.

  2. the information given in the encyclopedia was very brief.

  3. historical facts given in the book were not accurate.

  4. he already had books with the necessary data.

A19 Mellowkent drew Caiaphas's attention to the atlas in order to

  • show Caiaphas where one might find accurate information.

  • prove that it contained more information than 'Right Here\

  • boast of his beautiful polished rose-wood stand.

  • assure Caiaphas of Mellowkent's interest in geography .

A20 Mellowkent insisted that Caiaphas should buy some of his books because Mellowkent

  1. could let the bookseller have them at a lower price.

  2. wanted Caiaphas to start advertising and selling his novels.

  3. felt it was the best way to get rid of the persistent visitor.

  4. was sure that Caiaphas would enjoy reading them .

A21 Caiaphas had a look of respectful hatred in the cold grey eyes because he

  1. had a strong aversion to the kind of fiction Mellowkent wrote.

  2. couldn't help appreciating the way Mellowkent had outwitted him.

  3. was displeased to realise that Mellowkent wouldn't read the books.

  4. was annoyed at having wasted so much time talking to the writer.


Аудировани: В1 1c. 2b. 3a. 4g. 5f. 6e

A1-1. A2-3. A3-1. A4-2. A5-1. A6-3. A7-2.

A8-3. A9-1. A10-3. A11-2. A12-1. A13-3. A14-1.

Чтение: В2 1-c, 2-a, 3-h, 4-b, 5-d, 6-e, 7-f.

B3 1-c, 2-f, 3-b, 4-g, 5-d, 6-e.

A15-2, A16-1, A17-4, A18-4, A19-1, A20-3, A21-4.

11 класс
Use of English
1   2   3   4   5


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