Рабочая программа учебной дисциплины «иностранный язык»

НазваниеРабочая программа учебной дисциплины «иностранный язык»
Дата публикации09.03.2015
Размер0.73 Mb.
ТипРабочая программа
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Английский язык

Обязательная литература

  1. English for Businessmen, части 1-3. / Г. А. Дудкина [и др.]. – М.: Изд-во Филоматис, 2010. – 383 с.

  2. English for Businessmen, Workbook / Г. А. Дудкина [и др.].– М.: Изд-во Филоматис, 2010. – 167 с.

  3. Ганц, Н.В. Учебный курс английского языка для государственных служащих и управленцев/ Н.В.Ганц, Л.Ф.Лихоманова. СПб: Изд-во СЗАГС, 2008. – 182 с.

  4. Aнглийский язык для студентов заочной формы обучения и слушателей ФПГС /, Н.В. Ганц [и др.]. СПб: Изд-во СЗАГС, 2002. – 83 с.

  5. Вдовенко, Т.В. Учебное пособие по английскому языку для аспирантов и соискателей/ Т.В Вдовенко,Н.В.Ганц. – СПб: Изд-во СЗАГС, 2009. – 103 с.

  6. Just English Ю.Л. Гуманова [и др.], М.: Изд-во Зерцало , 2007. – 243 с.

Дополнительная литература

  1. Bill Mascul. Business Vocabulary in Use ( Intermediate) – Cambridge University Press, 2002.– 172 c.

  2. Michael Vince Macmillan English Grammar in Context (Advanced) –Macmillan Education, Between Towns Road, Oxford OX 4 3PP, 2008. – 240 c.

  3. Guy Brook-Hart. Business Benchmark . Student’s Book (Upper-Intermediate) – Cambridge University Press, 2002.– 192 c.

  4. Tonya Trappe, Graham Tullis. Intelligent Business. Coursebook. ( Intermediate Business English) – Pearson Education Limited, 2005– 176 c.

  5. John Allison with Paul Emmerson. The Business . Student’s Book (Intermediate) – Macmillan Education, Between Towns Road, Oxford OX 4 3PP, 2007. – 159 c.


  1. Leo Jones,

  2. Richard Alexander New International Business English

  3. Cotton David Market Leader, Business Leader Briefings,

  4. Allience. ELT Video

  5. Jeremy Comfort

  6. and Derek Utley Effective Socializing, Oxford English Video

  7. Jeremy Comfort

  8. and Derek Utley Effectve Presentations, Oxford English Video

Немецкий язык

Обязательная литература

  1. Бориско, Н. Ф. Бизнес-курс немецкого языка / Н. Ф. Бориско. – Киев: Изд-во ЛОГОС, 2007. – 350 c.

  2. Tatsachen über Deutschland /, Societäts-Verlag, 2007. – 490 c.

  3. Журнал Deutschland, Zeitschrift für Politik, Kultur, Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft»,2010. – 60 c.

  4. Улитина, Л.Е. Немецкий язык для управленцев / Л.Е. Улитина, Т.В. Филиппова – СПб: Изд-во СЗАГС, 2005. – 116 c.

  5. Сущинский, И.И. Немецкий язык для юристов / И.И. Сущинский, М.: Изд-во ГИС, 2007. – 285 c.

  6. Бориско, Н. Ф. Самоучитель немецкого языка (1,2 том) / Н. Ф. Бориско – Киев: Изд-во ЛОГОС, 2008. – 480 c.+ 480 с.

  7. Сущинский, И.И. Грамматика немецкого языка /И.И.Сущинский М.: Изд-во ГИС, 2009. – 445c.

  8. Басова, Н.В. Немецкий для экономистов / Н.В. Басова, Т.Ф. Гайвоненко, М.: Изд-во Феникс, 2009. – 70 c.

  9. Tangramm. Kursbuch, Arbeitsbuch.

  10. Staats und Verwaltungsorganisation in Deutschland. – 120 c.

  11. Драйер, Хильке Учебник по грамматике /Хильке Драйер, Ulmitt., Берлин 2007. – 480 c.

  12. Немецко-русский юридический словарь.М.: Изд-во Руссо, 2007. – 400 c.

  13. Rechtswörterbuch Russisch- Deutsch Verlag ,,Trast ,, Moskau 2000. – 520 c.

  14. Neues Wirtschaftswörterbuch Deutsch- Russisch ,, Russo,, Moskau 2003. – 710 c.

  15. Васильева, М.М. Немецкий язык для студентов экономистов / М.М. Васильева, Н.М. Мирзабекова, Е.М. Сидельникова - М.: Изд-во Альфа-М.Инфра-М, 2006 . – 348 c.

Дополнительная литература

  1. Die Rechtsgrundlagen des Staates Deutschlands/ Medwedewa Moskau Gis 2005. – 330 с.

  2. Recht, Handel, Wirtschaft, Geschäftsverkehr /Suschtschinski Moskau 2004. – 140 с.

  3. Deutsch für Juristen / Suschtschinski Moskau- Ersmo 2007.– 285 с.

  4. Шубина, Э.Л.,Немецкий язык для студентов экономических специальностей /Э.Л. Шубина - М.: Изд-во Альфа-М.Инфра-М ,2010. – 269 c.

  5. Борисов,Н.И. Zolldienst und Weltwirtschaft / Н.И. Борисов – М.: 2007. – 330 c.

  6. Богатырёва, Н.А. Немецкий для менеджеров / Н.А.Богатырёва – М.: Изд-во Астрель АСТ, 2002.- 250 с.

  7. Богатырёва, Н.А. Немецкий язык для финансистов /Н.А. Богатырёва, Л.А. Ноздрина – М.: Изд-во: АСТ. Астрель , 2002.– 285 с.

8. I. Suschtschinski. Business-Deutsch Moskau Filomatis, 2008.– 355 с.

9. Artemjuk N.D. Deutsch für Fachleute N.D. Artemjuk NWI WARJAG Moskau

2000.– 80 с.

10. Deutsch im Geschäftsleben Tallinn TEA 2003.– 70 с.

Французский язык

Обязательная литература

  1. Воловец, М.Я.Французский язык для государственных служащих и управленцев / М.Я.Воловец, О.Р. Прощенок-Кальнина.- СПб., изд-во СЗАГС, 2005. – 104 с.

  2. Загрязкина, Т.Ю. Франция сегодня/ Т.Ю. Загрязкина. -М.:КДУ, 2005. – 240 с.

  3. Попова И.Н.Французский язык: учебник для 1 курса институтов и факультетов иностранных языков/ И.Н. Попова, Ж.А. Казакова, Г.М. Ковальчук - М.:ООО «Издательство «Нестор Академик», 2006. – 576 с.

  4. Попова, И.Н.Грамматика французского языка. Практический курс / И.Н Попова, Ж.А. Казакова - М.:ООО «Издательство «Нестор Академик», 2006. – 480 с.

  5. Anne-Lyse Dubois. Objectif Express 2. Le monde professionnel en français /Anne-Lyse Dubois,Beatrice Tauzin – Hachette Livre , 2009 – 192 p.

  6. Beatrice Tauzin. Objectif Express 1. Le monde professionnel en français / Beatrice Tauzin ,Anne-Lyse Dubois - Hachette Livre , 2006 – 192 p.

  7. Laurence Riehl. Le français des relations européennes et internationales / Laurence Riehl ,Michel Soignet, Marie-Hélène Amiot - Hachette Livre , 2006 – 192 p.

  8. Ross Steele. Civilisation progressive du français/ Ross Steele – CLE International /SEJER, 2004

Дополнительная литература

  1. Глухова, Ю.Н.Общайтесь с Францией/Учебное пособие на французском языке / Ю.Н.Глухова, С.В. Колядко, К.Е. Панфилова – СПб.,Люмьер, 2009 – 344 с.

  2. Annie Berthet. Alter Ego A1/ Annie Berthet, Catherine Hugot, Véronique M.Kizirian. - Hachette Livre , 2006 – 192 с.

  3. Jean-Luc Penfornis. Vocabulaire progressif du français des affaires/ Jean-Luc Penfornis. - CLE International SEJER, 2004 – 160 с.

  4. Odile Grand-Clément. Civilisation en dialoques/ Odile Grand-Clément. - CLE International

  5. Yves Loiseau.Latitude 3/ Yves Loiseau, Marie-Noelle Cocton, Mathilde Landier, Anneline Dintilhac – Les Éditions Didier, Paris 2010 – 192 с.


Английский язык


Экзаменационные вопросы

по 1-ой части “Management” ($ 1-2).
1. What kind of organizations do we come into contract with daily and why are organizations so important for us ?

2. How do people feel about organizations and what is the reason for the existance of organizations ?

3. What kind of behavior is typical for organizations and why do organizations influence our behavior ?

4. What are the most urgent concerns which have given rise to the study of organizational behavior ?

5. What is the definition of organizational behavior and what disciplines is organizational behavior based on ?

6. How does humanistic orientation of organizational behavior manifest itself ? What do they mean by humanistic orientation of organizational behavior ?

7. What levels of analysis should one identify when studying organizational behavior and why ?

8. What are the reasons for organizational behavior being performance -oriented ?

9. Is organizational behavior a theoretical or practical discipline ? Who is going to benefit most of the development of this discipline ?

10. What types of behavior is it necessary to analyze to manage individuals and groups ?


Экзаменационные вопросы

по 1-ой части “Management”($ 3-4).

  1. Why should organizational behavior follow the principles of human behavior and what

should all the managers know about their employees ?

  1. Why should a manager be concerned with every person working for him and what can

happen if managers ignore some laws and principles of prychology ?

  1. Why do certain roles appear in organizations and what is the position of a middle

manager ?

4. Would you like to take up the job of a middle manager and what is good/bad about it ?

  1. Why is it impossible to identify all the factors influencing individual behavior and what is the main idea and advantage of contingency approach ?

  2. What kind of people would willingly use contingency approach and what sort of

people will resent it ?

  1. What are the major processes in organizations and why is it vital to be aware of all the

processes in organizations ?

  1. Which type of behavior is Japanese management focused on nowadays and why are

the Japanese firms likely to pay more attention to organizational process factors ?

  1. Why is it vital for a manager to be good at understanding individual behavior and what

are the four factors influencing individual behavior in organizations ?

  1. Where can one get reliable information on various individual characteristics and which

characteristics have become increasingly important for managers lately ?

11. What is the range of individual characteristics a manager should know ?

  1. What are the objectives of the motivation theory and how is motivation related to the

performance ?

  1. Is there a generally accepted theory of motivation and why is motivation theory so

important for managers ?

  1. How does an organization reward system influence an individual performance and

what are the most common types of rewards ?

15. How can performance provide employees with rewards ?

16. What are some usual symptoms of stress ? What gives rise to stress and how can the

existance of positive and negative types of stress be accounted for ?

Зачётные вопросы

для 1 курса 2 семестра

по 1-ой части “Management”($ 3-4).
1. Why should organizational behavior follow the principles of human behavior and

what should all the managers know about their employees ?

2. Why should a manager be concerned with every person working for him and what

can happen if managers ignore some laws and principles of psychology ?

3. Why do certain roles appear in organizations and what is the position of a middle

manager ?

4. Would you like to take up the job of a middle manager and what is good/bad about

it ?

5. Why is it impossible to identify all the factors influencing individual

behavior and what is the main idea and advantage of contingency approach ?

6. What kind of people would willingly use contingency approach and what sort of

people will resent it ?

7. What are the major processes in organizations and why is it vital to be aware of all

the processes in organizations ?

8. Which type of behavior is Japanese management focused on nowadays and why

are the Japanese firms likely to pay more attention to organizational process factors?

9. Why is it vital for a manager to be good at understanding individual behavior and

what are the four factors influencing individual behavior in organizations ?

10.Where can one get reliable information on various individual characteristics and

which characteristics have become increasingly important for managers lately ?

11. What is the range of individual characteristics a manager should know ?

12. What are the objectives of the motivation theory and how is motivation related to

the performance ?

  1. Is there a generally accepted theory of motivation and why is motivation theory so

important for managers ?

  1. How does an organization reward system influence an individual performance and

what are the most common types of rewards ?

15. How can performance provide employees with rewards ?

16. What are some usual symptoms of stress ? What gives rise to stress and how can

the existance of positive and negative types of stress be accounted for ?
Зачётные вопросы

по сборнику текстов для чтения, часть III (§5,6,9,10,11)
1. Why is the job of a manager hard and exciting?

2. What kind of person should a manager be?

3. What types of managers work in a large firm?

4. What kinds of reports can you mention?

5. What are the main stages of writing reports?

6. What are the advantages and disadvantages of meetings?

7. What's the purpose of an agenda at the meeting?

8. What papers do you need to apply for a job and to give a good impression?

9. What do you mention in your CV in the letter of application?

10. What are the main aims of interviews?

11. What sort of person should an interviewer be?

12. What sort of perks do people receive at their jobs?

13. What type of relations can there exist between an employee and a manager?

14. What is the main function of trade unions?

15. Why is a collective bargaining important and beneficial for the employees?


  1. How do people usually travel when they go on business?

  2. What’s the fastest and the most comfortable way of travelling?

  3. Who helps you to bring your luggage to the train compartment?

  4. What is unusual about the traffic in London?

  5. What foreign countries have you been to?

  6. What European cities are centers of tourism?

  7. What’s your idea of an ideal hotel?

  8. What sort of hotels are the best for holding business talks?

  9. Whom do you ask about accommodation at the hotel?

  10. What’s the most famous museum in London (in St. Petersburg)?

  11. What are the most important sights in St. Petersburg?

  12. What’s the shortest way to the Hermitage?

  13. Whom and how do people ask to tell them the way if they are strangers in a town?

  14. Do you enjoy sightseeing?

  15. How do you know where and when to cross the street?

  16. What’s the population of London (St.Petersburg)?

  17. Is it better to live in an old or a new district?

  18. How do you get to the Institute?

  19. By what mail can one send a letter?

  20. Where can one buy stamps, envelopes, etc.?

  21. Where are the best seats in the theatre?

  22. What sort of films are popular with the young people (with elderly people, with children)?

  23. What’s the climate like in St.Petersburg?

  24. What kind of holidays do you enjoy?

  25. What resorts are the most popular in this country?

  26. What do you enjoy doing on holiday?

  27. How often do you go to the movies?

  28. Which do you prefer: to go to the movies or to watch TV at home.

  29. Where can one find out about the range of goods of the firm?

  30. How does one check the quality of goods?

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