Учебно-методический комплекс для студентов специальности 030501 «Юриспруденция» направления 030500 «Юриспруденция» (бакалавриат)

НазваниеУчебно-методический комплекс для студентов специальности 030501 «Юриспруденция» направления 030500 «Юриспруденция» (бакалавриат)
Дата публикации23.04.2015
Размер1.36 Mb.
ТипУчебно-методический комплекс
100-bal.ru > Право > Учебно-методический комплекс
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3 семестр

Основная литература:

1. Just English. Английский для юристов. Базовый курс / Гуманова Ю.Л., Королева-Мак Ари В.А., Свешникова М.Л, Тихомирова Е.В. Под. ред. Шишкиной Т. Н. – М.: «ИКД Зерцало-М», 2009. – 256 c.

Дополнительная литература:

1. Выборова Г.Е. Advanced English: учебник английского языка для гуманитарных факультетов вузов, факультетов переподготовки и факультетов повышения квалификации учителей иностранного языка. М.: Флинта, 2009. – 190с.

2. Dooley J. Evans V. Grammarway. – Express Publishing, 2009. – 216 p.

3. Duckworth M. Business Grammar and Practice. Oxford University Press, 2009. – 220p.

4. Eastwood J. Oxford Practice Grammar, intermediate. Oxford University Press, 2009. – 320p.

5. Harding K., Taylor L. International Express, intermediate. Oxford University Press, 2009. – 320p.

6. Murphy R. English grammar in use. Cambridge University Press, 2010. – 328 p.

7. Periscope-review: Word News: Учеб. пособие по англ.яз. – № 1-12: ООО «Ритм планеты».

8. Wallwork A. Business Options. Oxford University Press, 2009. – 220 p.

9. Газета «Moscow News».
4-й семестр

Основная литература:

  1. Выборова Г.Е. Advanced English: учебник английского языка для гуманитарных факультетов вузов, факультетов переподготовки и факультетов повышения квалификации учителей иностранного языка. М.: Флинта, 2009. – 190с.

Дополнительная литература:
2. Dooley J. Evans V. Grammarway. – Express Publishing, 2009. – 216 p.

3. Duckworth M. Business Grammar and Practice. Oxford University Press, 2009. – 220p.

4. Eastwood J. Oxford Practice Grammar, intermediate. Oxford University Press, 2009. – 320p.

5. Harding K., Taylor L. International Express, intermediate. Oxford University Press, 2009. – 320p.

6. Murphy R. English grammar in use. Cambridge University Press, 2010. – 328 p.

7. Periscope-review: Word News: Учеб. пособие по англ.яз. – № 1-12: ООО «Ритм планеты».

8. Wallwork A. Business Options. Oxford University Press, 2009. – 220 p.

9. Газета «Moscow News».
Организация самостоятельной работы студентов

График самостоятельной работы

Очное отделение

Заочное отделение


Тема СРС

Вопросы, выносимые на СРС

Содержание СРС

Форма контроля СРС

Учебно-методическое обеспечение








1.Вводно-фонетический коррективный курс

См. задания для СРС к теме №1 в приложении «Календарно-тематический план СРС 1 семестр»



ОЛ 2, ДЛ 1

2. Personal Information. My Working Day.

См. задания для СРС к теме №2 в приложении «Календарно-тематический план СРС 1 семестр»



ОЛ 2, ДЛ 1, 5, 8, 9, 12

3. Personal Information. My Day Off.

См. задания для СРС к теме №3 в приложении «Календарно-тематический план СРС 1 семестр»



ОЛ 2, ДЛ 1, 5, 8, 9, 12

4. Student’s Life

См. задания для СРС к теме №4 в приложении «Календарно-тематический план СРС 1 семестр»



ОЛ 2, ДЛ 1, 5, 8, 9, 12

5. My Academy Studies

См. задания для СРС к теме №5 в приложении «Календарно-тематический план СРС 1 семестр»



ОЛ 2, ДЛ 1, 5, 8, 9, 12


1. The UK

См. задания для СРС к теме №1 в приложении «Календарно-тематический план СРС 2 семестр»



ОЛ 1, 2, ДЛ 1, 5, 7,

8, 9, 12

2. Higher Education in the UK

См. задания для СРС к теме №2 в приложении «Календарно-тематический план СРС 2 семестр»



ОЛ 1, 2, ДЛ 1, 5, 7,

8, 9, 12

3. The USA

См. задания для СРС к теме №3 в приложении «Календарно-тематический план СРС 2 семестр»



ОЛ 1, 2, ДЛ 1, 5, 7,

8, 9, 12

4. Higher Education in the USA

См. задания для СРС к теме №4 в приложении «Календарно-тематический план СРС 2 семестр»



ОЛ 1, 2, ДЛ 1, 5, 7,

8, 9, 12


1.Government System of Great Britain

См. задания для СРС к теме №1 в приложении «Календарно-тематический план СРС 3 семестр»



ОЛ 1, 2, ДЛ 1, 5, 7,

8, 9, 12

2.The Working of Local Governments in Great Britain

См. задания для СРС к теме №2 в приложении «Календарно-тематический план СРС 3 семестр»



ОЛ 1, 2, ДЛ 1, 5, 7,

8, 9, 12

3.Government System of the USA

См. задания для СРС к теме №3 в приложении «Календарно-тематический план СРС 3 семестр»



ОЛ 1, 2, ДЛ 1, 5, 7,

8, 9, 12

4.The Working of Local Governments in the USA

См. задания для СРС к теме №4 в приложении «Календарно-тематический план СРС 3 семестр»



ОЛ 1, 2, ДЛ 1, 5, 7,

8, 9, 12


1.Psychological View on Education

См. задания для СРС к теме №1 в приложении «Календарно-тематический план СРС 4 семестр»



ОЛ 1, 2, ДЛ 1, 5, 7,

8, 9, 12

2.The Importance of Self-Education

См. задания для СРС к теме №2 в приложении «Календарно-тематический план СРС 4 семестр»



ОЛ 1, 2, ДЛ 1, 5, 7,

8, 9, 12

3.Choosing a Career

См. задания для СРС к теме №3 в приложении «Календарно-тематический план СРС 4 семестр»



ОЛ 1, 2, ДЛ 1, 5, 7,

8, 9, 12

4.Reading as a Self-Development Process

См. задания для СРС к теме №4 в приложении «Календарно-тематический план СРС 4 семестр»



ОЛ 1, 2, ДЛ 1, 5, 7,

8, 9, 12

Условные обозначения: СМ - подготовка к практическому занятию; УМ – изучение учебного материала; Б - беседа индивидуальная или с группой; КО – контрольный опрос; ОЛ (если источник находится в списке основной литературы), ДЛ (если источник находится в списке дополнительной литературы). Номер информационного источника соответствует его порядковому номеру в списке рекомендуемой литературы.
График самостоятельной работы

Второе высшее


Тема СРС

Вопросы, выносимые на СРС

Содержание СРС

Форма контроля СРС

Учебно-методическое обеспечение








1. The UK. Government System of Great Britain

См. задания для СРС к теме №1 в приложении «Календарно-тематический план СРС 1 семестр»



ОЛ 1, 2, ДЛ 1, 5, 7,

8, 9, 12

2. The British Civil Service

См. задания для СРС к теме №2 в приложении «Календарно-тематический план СРС 1 семестр»



ОЛ 1, 2, ДЛ 1, 5, 7,

8, 9, 12

3. The Working of Local Governments in Great Britain

См. задания для СРС к теме №3 в приложении «Календарно-тематический план СРС 1 семестр»



ОЛ 1, 2, ДЛ 1, 5, 7,

8, 9, 12

4. The Finance of Local Governments in Great Britain

См. задания для СРС к теме №4 в приложении «Календарно-тематический план СРС 1 семестр»



ОЛ 1, 2, ДЛ 1, 5, 7,

8, 9, 12

5. Government System of the USA

См. задания для СРС к теме №5 в приложении «Календарно-тематический план СРС 1 семестр»



ОЛ 1, 2, ДЛ 1, 5, 7,

8, 9, 12

6. The American Civil Service

См. задания для СРС к теме №6 в приложении «Календарно-тематический план СРС 1 семестр»



ОЛ 1, 2, ДЛ 1, 5, 7,

8, 9, 12

7. The Working of Local Governments in the USA

См. задания для СРС к теме №7 в приложении «Календарно-тематический план СРС 1 семестр»



ОЛ 1, 2, ДЛ 1, 5, 7,

8, 9, 12

8. The Finance of Local Governments in the USA

См. задания для СРС к теме №8 в приложении «Календарно-тематический план СРС 1 семестр»



ОЛ 1, 2, ДЛ 1, 5, 7,

8, 9, 12

9. Careers in Civil Service

См. задания для СРС к теме №9 в приложении «Календарно-тематический план СРС 1 семестр»



ОЛ 1, 2, ДЛ 1, 5, 7,

8, 9, 12

10. Psychological View on Education

См. задания для СРС к теме №10 в приложении «Календарно-тематический план СРС 1 семестр»



ОЛ 1, 2, ДЛ 1, 5, 7,

8, 9, 12

11. The Importance of Self-Education

См. задания для СРС к теме №11-12 в приложении «Календарно-тематический план СРС 1 семестр»



ОЛ 1, 2, ДЛ 1, 5, 7,

8, 9, 12

12. Choosing a Career

См. задания для СРС к теме №13-15 в приложении «Календарно-тематический план СРС 1 семестр»



ОЛ 1, 2, ДЛ 1, 5, 7,

8, 9, 12

13. Reading as a Self-Development Process

См. задания для СРС к теме №16 в приложении «Календарно-тематический план СРС 1 семестр»



ОЛ 1, 2, ДЛ 1, 5, 7,

8, 9, 12

Условные обозначения: СМ - подготовка к практическому занятию; УМ – изучение учебного материала; Б - беседа индивидуальная или с группой; КО – контрольный опрос; ОЛ (если источник находится в списке основной литературы), ДЛ (если источник находится в списке дополнительной литературы). Номер информационного источника соответствует его порядковому номеру в списке рекомендуемой литературы.
Вопросы к экзамену

Структура экзаменационного билета:

1. Прочитать и письменно перевести на русский язык профессионально-ориентированный текст объемом 1500 печатных знаков с использованием словаря. Время подготовки 45 минут.

2. Прочитать и устно передать основное содержание текста по специальности объемом до 2500 печатных знаков на русском языке без использования словаря. Время подготовки 15 минут.

3. Продемонстрировать умение вести беседу с преподавателем в рамках предложенной тематики.

Устные темы к экзамену:

  1. My Future Profession.

  2. Our Academy.

  3. Types of Legal Professions.

  4. Government System of Great Britain.

  5. Government System of the United States.

  6. Government system of the Russian Federation.

  7. Law making Process in the USA.

  8. Law making Process in the UK.

  9. Law making Process in the Russian Federation.

  10. Education in Great Britain.

  11. Education in the USA.

  12. A famous politician and his historical time.

Список литературы
Основная литература

Основная литература:

1. Just English. Английский для юристов. Базовый курс / Гуманова Ю.Л., Королева-Мак Ари В.А., Свешникова М.Л, Тихомирова Е.В. Под. ред. Шишкиной Т. Н. – М.: «ИКД Зерцало-М», 2007. – 256 c.

2. Куценко Л.И., Тимофеева Г.И. Английский язык: Учебное пособие для юридических учебных заведений. – М.: Изд-во «ЦРиТ-М», 2008. – 288 с.

Разработки кафедры по темам: «Our Academy», «Homework: it is good for me», «Student’s Life».
Дополнительная литература:

1. Английский язык для поступающих в вузы: письменные тесты. М.: ГЛОССА, 2006.-99с.

2. Бонк Н.А. Английский язык шаг за шагом. Курс для начинающих. М.: Росмэн-Издат., 2006.-560с.

3. Выборова Г.Е. Advanced English: учебник английского языка для гуманитарных факультетов вузов, факультетов переподготовки и факультетов повышения квалификации учителей иностранного языка. М.: Флинта, 2006. – 190с.

4. Голицынский Ю.Б. Грамматика: сборник упражнений.- 5-е изд. СПб.: КАРО, 2005.-544с.

5. Мальцева Н.А., Жималенкова Т.М. Универсальный справочник по грамматике английского языка. М.: Издательство ГЛОССА, 2006.-105с.

6. Токарева Н.Д., Пеппард В. Америка. Какая она?: Учебник по страноведению США.- 2-е изд., испр., перераб. и доп. М.: Высш.шк., 2007.-365с.

7. Dooley J. Evans V. Grammarway. – Express Publishing, 2001. – 216 p.

8. Duckworth M. Business Grammar and Practice. Oxford University Press, 2006. – 220p.

9. Eastwood J. Oxford Practice Grammar, intermediate. Oxford University Press, 2006. – 320p.

10. Harding K., Taylor L. International Express, intermediate. Oxford University Press, 2008. – 320p.

Hornby A.S. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English.-Oxford University Press, 2005.

11. Murphy R. English grammar in use. Cambridge University Press. 2007. – 328 p.

Oxford Dictionary of Education. Oxford University Press, 2009.-336p.

12. Periscope-review: Word News: Учеб. пособие по англ.яз. – № 1-12: ООО «Ритм планеты».

13. Wallwork A. Business Options. Oxford University Press, 2006. – 220 p.

14. Газета «Moscow News».

Аудио и видеоматериалы:

1) ProFile_2(DVD) (видеоматериалы)

2) ProFile_3(CD) (видеоматериалы)

3) ProFile_2(CD) (видеоматериалы)

4) ProFile_1(CD) (видеоматериалы)

5) Oxford Express Telephoning (тестовые задания)

6) Oxford Express Presentations (тестовые задания)

7) Oxford Express Meetings (тестовые задания)

8) Oxford Express Marketing Advertising (тестовые задания)

9) Oxford Express Human Resources (тестовые задания)

10) Oxford Express Emails (тестовые задания)

11) Oxford Express Customer Care (тестовые задания)

12) Oxford Express Automobile Industry (тестовые задания)

13) Oxford Express Accounting (тестовые задания)

14) OXFORD - ProFile3 (аудио)

15) OXFORD - ProFile2 (аудио)

16) OXFORD - ProFile1 (аудио)

17) OXFORD - English File CD2 (аудио)

18) OXFORD - English File CD1 (аудио)

19) OXFORD - Business Focus CD2 (аудио)

20) OXFORD - Business Focus CD1 (аудио)

21) OXFORD - Business Focus (аудио)

22) OPG-Intermediate (тесты, аудирование, говорение, чтение, письмо)

23) OPG-Advanced (тесты, аудирование, говорение, чтение, письмо)

24) BFElementary (аудио, видео, лексические материалы,тесты)

25) журнал-диск Cool English
Материалы текущего, промежуточного и итогового контроля
Варианты контрольных работ для осуществления текущего контроля уровня знаний студентов (аттестации).

Аттестационные контрольные работы

Аттестационные контрольные работы составлены Недоспасовой В.Г., Пустоваловой Н.В.
Аттестационная контрольная работа №1

для студентов юридического факультета I курса
I семестр
I. Прочитайте текст:

Studies at our Institute
I am a first-year student at the Polytechnic Institute. I took entrance examinations in physics, chemistry, mathematics and Russian. My fellow-students from many towns and villages are specializing in different fields. We have highly qualified lecturers and professors, and the well-equipped laboratories are of great help to us.

The academic year begins in September. It lasts ten months and ends in June. There are two terms in the course of the academic year. So students take exams twice a year. During the terms students attend lectures, carry out laboratory tests, and do practical work. The institute has a five-year course of study. The first-year students study physics, chemistry, mathematics, English, elements of machines, and a number of other subjects. From the second year many students begin independent research work at student scientific societies.

  1. Кратко передайте содержание текста (5 предложений).

  1. Задайте 5 вопросов к тексту.

IV. Исправьте ошибки:

  1. The academic year begins in September, does it?

  2. How much terms are there in the course of the academic year?

  3. Did he/she took entrance exams?

V. Составьте предложения из данных слов:

  1. is/ a/ there/ kitchen/ large.

  2. a/ is/ in/ refrigerator/ there/ kitchen/ the.

VI. Выберите правильную форму глагола:
Every evening at 9 o’clock he ... his dog for a walk.

  1. is taking

  2. takes

  3. will take

  4. are taking

VII. Выберите подходящий ответ:
Hello, I’m Sara.

  1. I’m new here.

  2. I don’t know anybody here.

  3. Hi, Nice to meet you.

  4. What do you do for a living?

VIII. Заполните пропуски подходящим словом: some, any, no, anything, something.

  1. I’m going shopping. Do you need ... bread?

  2. Please buy me ... cookies.

  3. I don’t need ... more.

Аттестационная контрольная работа №2

для студентов юридического факультета I курса

II семестр
I. Прочитайте текст и озаглавьте его:

Child prodigy Ruth Lawrence made history yesterday when she came a clear first out of the 530 candidates who sat the entrance exam for St. Hugh’s College, Oxford. The all-women’s college is likely to offer her a scholarship. Ruth sat three three-hour papers - Algebra and Geometry; Calculus, Probability and Statistics; and Maths, Pure and Applied. «I was happy with the first two,» she said yesterday, «but I wasn’t sure about the third».

Ruth, who lives in Huddersfield, has never been to school. Her father, Harry Lawrence, a computer consultant, gave up his job when Ruth was five to educate her at home. Her mother, Sylvia, who also works in computers, is the family breadwinner.

Harry Lawrence explained that, besides mathematics, Ruth also enjoyed English, history, geography, nature study and other subjects. She began to read at four and started academic subjects at five. «We did not start off with the thought that she would not go to school», he said, «but we enjoyed teaching her so much and we seemed to be making quite a good job of it, so we just carried on».

Because she does not go to school, Ruth has not mixed much with other children. «She enjoys serious conversation with adults», her father said, «and I don’t think she will feel out of place at Oxford». He does not think she works harder than other children her age, but concentrates on what she enjoys, principally mathematics. «She watches television a little but not as a habit», he explained. «But she plays the piano and has quite a wide range of interests».

If she does well at St. Hugh’s, Ruth expects to take a further degree and eventually hopes to become a research professor in mathematics - an ambition she may achieve while still in her teens. The Lawrence family plans to move to Oxford when Ruth takes up her place in October 1983. Before then, she plans to take four A levels to satisfy the college matriculation requirements. Her father hopes she will be exempt from the requirement to pass a foreign language - a «diversion», he feels, «from her main interest».

Miss Rachel Trickett, the principal of St. Hugh’s, said last night: «We are all very excited about Ruth. She is obviously quite brilliant and has shown genuine originality». Ruth’s future tutor, Dr. Glenys Luke, admits that taking so young a student is a daunting responsibility but says it is one she expects to enjoy. «I shall tailor the teaching to her requirements», she said. «Ruth shouldn’t have to suffer the same tensions and disappointments that older students face. I hope I shall make it fun for her».

Last night the Lawrence family were thrilled at Ruth’s achievement. «We all jumped up and down a bit when we heard», said Harry Lawrence. When Ruth becomes a student, Harry Lawrence looks forward to concentrating his efforts on her younger sister Rebecca, seven. «She’s doing very well», he said, «but it’s too early to tell whether she’s a mathematician».
II. Ответьте на вопросы:

  1. What role do Ruth’s mother and father play in her upbringing?

  2. Why did they decide to educate her at home?

  3. What is Ruth’s ambition?

  4. How old will she be when she achieves this ambition?

  5. How will the college change the course for Ruth?

  6. What was the Lawrence family’s reaction to the news?

III. Передайте содержание каждого ответа на русском языке.
IV. Выпишите из текста предложения, в которых употребляются Present Perfect, Modal Verbs, Passive Voice. Переведите эти предложения на русский язык.
V. Употребите глаголы, данные в скобках, в нужной видовременной форме:

  1. I (sit) in my garden yesterday, when the servant (come) and (say) that a visitor (wait) for me in the hall.

  2. Years ago he (be) very poor, and (not know) how to live. He (become) very rich now.

  3. He looked at the girl and understood he (see) her somewhere before.

  4. I think John (miss) his 7.30 train. That’s why he isn’t here now.

  5. The day before yesterday we (invite) to the restaurant by Tom Jenkins.

Аттестационная контрольная работа №3

для студентов юридического факультета II курса

III семестр
I. Прочитайте текст:

Canada is a young country, but it has a legal system rich in tradition. The principles of common law used in most Canadian provinces were first developed in medieval England. The principles of Quebec’s civil code date back even further, through France to the ancient Roman Empire.

These traditions form the base of Canada’s legal heritage, but they have also been adapted [1] to meet Canadian needs. The courts ensure that the law is interpreted and enforced in а way that reflects current conditions.

The Canadian Constitution

Canada’s Constitution establishes the basic framework for the country’s system of law and justice. It defines the nature of the federal and provincial governments, how these governments are elected, and the powers of each. Equally important, the Constitution sets out the basic rights and liberties of each citizen that must [2] be respected by all governments.

The Constitution defines a federal system of government for Canada. This means the authority [3] to make laws is divided between the Parliament of Canada and the provincial legislatures.

The provincial governments have the authority [4] to make laws concerning such matters as education, property rights, the administration of justice, hospitals, municipalities and other matters of a local or private nature. In addition, the provinces may create local or municipal governments that can deal with matters such as parking regulations or local building standards.

The federal government deals with matters that affect all of Canada, such as trade and commerce, national defence, immigration and criminal law. As well, the federal government has jurisdiction over Aborigines and lands reserved for Aborigines.
II. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

  1. When were the principles of common law first developed in Canada?

  2. Is the Canadian legal heritage interpreted nowadays to reflect current conditions?

  3. What does Canada’s Constitution define?

  4. What is divided between the Parliament & the provincial legislations?

  5. What laws do the provincial governments have the authority to make?

  6. And the federal one?

  1. Передайте на русском языке содержание каждого ответа.

  1. Определите грамматическую форму подчеркнутых конструкций, дайте их точный перевод.

V. Переведите предложения на английский язык:

  1. Чтобы вступить в силу, акт парламента должен быть опубликован в статутной форме.

  2. Законопроект, который должен быть принят, должен пройти три чтения в Палате общин и такую же процедуру в Палате лордов.

  3. Если бы не было одобрения договора Сенатом, не было бы договора.

  4. Если бы Вы выросли в этих условиях и изучали это в школе, Вы бы легко разобрались в системе управления в США.

  5. Если бы две трети состава Палаты представителей одобрили законопроект импичмента, последовал бы судебный процесс в Сенате.

Аттестационная контрольная работа №4

для студентов юридического факультета II курса
IV семестр

  1. Прочитайте текст.


In a civil case either party may appeal to a higher court. But in a criminal case this right is limited to the defendant. Appeals in either civil or criminal cases may be on such grounds as: errors in trial procedure and errors in substantive law, i.e., in interpretation of law by the trial judge. These are the most common grounds for appeals to higher courts although there others.

The right of appeal does not extend to the prosecution in a criminal case even if the procurator should discover new evidence of the defendant’s guilt after his acquittal. Moreover, the state is powerless to bring the defendant to trial again on the same charge. The Constitution of the United States and those of most states prevent retrial under provisions known as double jeopardy clauses.

Criminal defendants have a further appellate safeguard. Those convicted in state courts may appeal to the federal courts on grounds of violation of constitutional rights, if such grounds exist. This privilege serves to impose the powerful check of the federal judicial system upon any abuses that may occur in state criminal procedures.

The record on appeal consists of the papers filed in the trial court and the court reporter’s transcript of the evidence. The latter is called a bill of exceptions or transcript on appeal and must be certified by the trial judge to be true and correct. In most states only so much of the record need be included as will properly present the questions to be raised on appeal.

  1. Ответьте на вопросы на русском языке:

  1. Which party has the right of appeal?

  2. What are the most common grounds of appeals?

  3. Why is retrial impossible in the USA?

  4. What courts and on what grounds may those convicted in state courts appeal?

  5. What papers does the record on appeal consist?

  1. Найдите предложения, несоответствующие содержанию текста, и исправьте их.

  1. In a civil case the right of appeal is limited to the defendant

  2. Appeals in criminal cases may be on such grounds as errors in trial procedure.

  3. The state has the right to bring the defendant to trial again if the procurator can discover new evidence of the defendant’s guilt.

  4. The Constitution of the United States and those of most states prevent retrial.

  5. Those convicted in state courts may appeal to the federal courts.

  6. A bill of exceptions or transcript on appeal needn’t be certified by the trial judge.

Итоговые контрольные работы

Итоговые контрольные работы составлены Недоспасовой В.Г., Пустоваловой Н.В.

Итоговая контрольная работа №1

для студентов юридического факультета I курса
II семестр
I Поставьте глагол, данный в скобках в нужную видовременную форму:
The United States (to have) many election days because there are so many levels of Government. States set their own election days for state and local officials. City and county elections take place on a variety of dates. Generally, state officials (to elect) on a day that (to select) by Congress for national elections in the nation’s early years. This day (to be) the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November. This rule may seem complicated, but there was a reason for it. Most Americans at that time (to live) in small towns and rural areas. Elections had to be held at a time when the weather (to be) still good and when the harvest (to be) over, so farmers wouldn’t have to worry too much about their work. It also (to have) to be on a day of the week that was not a religious one. The November Tuesday rule was the result.
II. Задайте 5 вопросов по содержанию текста.
III.Поставьте глагол, данный в скобках в нужную видовременную форму:

  1. Look! The bridge (repair).

  2. The letter and the parcel (post) tomorrow.

  3. Margaret (know) to be a very industrious person.

  4. The doctor said that Tommy’s leg (X-rayed) the following day.

  5. Dad phoned us and asked if our luggage (already/pack).

  6. Mike hoped that his friend (help) him with his car.

  7. We didn’t know the score, but we were sure their team (lose) the game.

  8. Yesterday Tom heard that his aunt (be ill) for five days.

  9. He gave all his money to me because he (trust) me.

  10. Hurry up, John. I’m waiting for you. You (have a bath) for an hour.

  11. How long you (sit) here?

  12. You (write) this composition for two hours and can’t complete it.

  13. The amount of crime (increase) for the last ten years and we can’t stop this process.

IV.Переведите предложения на русский язык:

  1. Strictly speaking, the Prime Minister and Cabinet are the advisers of the monarch.

  2. The Senate, also called the Upper House, is patterned after the British House of Lords.

  3. Being divided into 11 judicial circuits the USA has a Federal Court of Appeal in each circuit.

  4. Having passed both the Houses the bill became a law.

  5. Being divided into executive, legislative and judicial branches, all power in each state is similar to that of the entire nation.

  6. A “constitution” meaning in American political language the set of rules, laws, regulations and customs provides the practical norms and standards regulating the work of the government.

Итоговая контрольная работа №2

для студентов юридического факультета II курса
IV семестр
I. Прочитайте текст:

What is a crime?

A distinction must be drawn between breaches of law which are crimes and those which are merely illegal without being criminal. The definition of a «crime» has always been a matter of difficulty. It has been stated that no really satisfactory definition of a «crime» has yet been evolved. Various definitions of a «crime» have from time to time been attempted.

«A violation of the public rights and duties due to the whole community considered as a crime» (Blackstone).

Austin stated that the distinctive attribute of criminal procedure in all countries lay in the fact that its sanctions are enforced at the discretion of the sovereign, that is to say, that the sanctions or punishments of criminal procedure are remissible only by -the Crown1 whereas the power of remitting a sanction in a civi1 ruling can be exercised by any private person.

Professor Kenny defined crimes as «wrongs whose sanction is punitive and is in no way remissible by any private person but is remissible by the Crown alone if remissib1e at all».

In Russel’s On Crime crimes are defined as «those acts or omissions involving breach of a duty to which by the law of England a sanction is attached by way of punishment or pecuniary penalty in the public interest».

The following definition has also been given:

«A crime is an act which is forbidden2, or the omission to perform an act which is commanded, by the Common Law, by statute or by Regulations made by a subordinate authority; the remedy for which is the punishment of the offender at the instance of the State».

Perhaps, the matter may be summarized by saying that a criminal offence is an offence against, not necessarily violating any private right and punishable by the State.

  1. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

  1. Are all breaches of law crimes?

  2. Is there a satisfactory definition of a «crime»?

  3. What is a «crime» according to Blackstone’s definition?

  4. What problem did Austin deal with?

  5. Did Professor Kenny support Austin’s point of view?

  6. What is the last given definition of a «crime»?

III. Передайте на русском языке содержание каждого ответа.
IV. Выберите предложения, соответствующие содержанию текста, переведите их на русский язык:

  1. It is necessary to draw a distinction between crimes and those breaches of law which are not criminal.

  2. Nobody has tried to give a really satisfactory definition of a «crime».

  3. Though many attempts have been made, no really satisfactory definition of a «crime» has yet been evolved.

  4. Many famous jurists define a «crime» as an act violating the law of the State.

  5. Analysing criminal and civil procedure Austin discusses power of imposing and remitting punishments.

  6. According to Russel a sanction is attached by way of punishment or pecuniary penalty in the public interest.

  7. Any act forbidden or any omission to perform an act commanded by the law of the state is a crime.

  8. Crimes may be punished by any private person injured by the offender.

  9. Crimes are punishable by the State only.

1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   ...   16


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