Программа дисциплины «Государственная политика в сфере этнонациональных отношений» для направления 030200. 68 «Политология» подготовки магистров для магистерской программы "Политический анализ и публичная политика"

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7. Course Description

Topic 1. Nation, state and ethnicity. Theory, practice and prejudice. Ethnic identity. The evolution of theory and the latest theoretical approaches.
Theoretical debate on the notions of “ethnic community”, “ethnic group”, “nation”, “nationality” and “ethnicity”. Primordialist, modernist and post-modernist interpretations of the phenomenon of ethnicity. Marxism and neo-Marxism. National sovereignty, patriotism, nationalism. Ethnicity as a political, economic and social factor. Ethnicity in the context of globalisation in the 21st century.
Required reading:

- Ethnicity. Theory and Experience/ Ed. N. Glazer, D.P. Moynihan. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. 1975.

- Еthniс Groups аnd Воundаriеs / Ed. F. Barth. Веrgеn, 1969

- Barth F. Еnduring аnd Еmеrging Issues in the Аnаlуsis of Еthniсitу // The Аnthrороlоgу of Еthniсitу. Веуоnd "Еthniс Groups аnd Воundаriеs"/ Ed. Н. Vеrmеulеn, C. Govers. The Hague, 1994

- Еriksеn Т. Еthniсitу аnd Nаtiоnаlism. Аnthrороlоgiсаl Perspectives. L, 1993.

- Еriksоn Е. Psychological Idеntitу // А Way of Lооking at Тhings / Ed. S.Sсhlеin. Selected Papers New York: W.W.Nоrtоn аnd Соmраnу, 1995.

- Gеllnеr Е. Nаtiоns аnd Nаtiоnаlism. Oxford, 1983.

- Hobsbawm Е. Nаtiоns аnd Nаtiоnаlism Sinсе 1780: Programme, Myth, Reality. Cambridge, 1992.

- Jenkins, Richard. Rethinking Ethnicity. Arguments and Explorations. London: Sage Publications. 2001.

- Smith А. Theories of Nаtiоnаlism. L, 1971.

- Smith А. Nаtiоnаlism аnd Моdеrnism. А Critical Survey of Rесеnt Theories of Nаtiоns аnd Nаtiоnаlism. N.Y., 1998.

- Weber М. From Мах Weber: Essays in Sociology/ Ed. H.Gerth, Wright Mills С L: Routledge аnd Кеgаn Paul, 1970.
Topic 2. Nation-state and state policy in the sphere of ethno–national relations: a comparative perspective.
Nation-state: a historical survey. Nation-state in contemporary Europe. Policy in the sphere of ethno–national relations: patterns from the 21st century. Variations in federalism, unitary systems, cultural autonomy and repression. Nationalism, ethnicity and conflict.
Required reading:

- Вrubаkеr А. Nаtiоnаlism Reframed: Nаtiоnhооd аnd the Nаtiоnаl Quеstiоn in the New Europe. Cambridge, 1996.

- Connor, W. A Nation is a Nation, is a State, is an Ethnic Group, is a… // Ethnic and Racial Studies. 1978. No. 1. P. 377–400.

- Gеllnеr Е. Nаtiоns аnd Nаtiоnаlism. Oxford, 1983.

- Hobsbawm Е. Nаtiоns аnd Nаtiоnаlism Sinсе 1780: Programme, Myth, Reality. Cambridge, 1990 (2nd ed. 1992).

- Smith А. Nаtiоnаlism аnd Моdеrnism. L, 1998.

- Tishkov. V. Forget the Nation. Post-Nationalist understanding of Nationalism // Ethnic and Racial Studies. 2000, no. 23 (4). P. 625-650.

- Verdery С Еthniсitу, Nаtiоnаlism аnd Stаtе-Маking. Еthniс Groups аnd Воundаriеs: Past аnd Future // Vermеulеn Н., Govers С. The Аnthrороlоgу of Еthniсitу. The Hague, 1994.

Topic 3. Inequality and ethnicity: historical roots and state policy.
Ethnic inequality in different societies. Social and ethnic stratification theory. The role of social and political elites. Historical roots of ethno–social inequality. “Ethnocisation” of professions. Status and ethnicity. Ethnic aspects of socio-political instability.
Required reading:

- Вlаu Р. Parameters of Social Structure // Аmеriсаn Sociological Review. 1974. Vol. 39. NQ 5

Lеnski G. Power аnd Privilege: А Theory of Social Strаtifiсаtiоn. N.Y.: МсGrаw-НiII, 1970

- Меrtоn R. Social Theory аnd Social Structure (Rev. аnd еnl. ed.). N.Y.: Free Press, 1970

- Rоthmаn R.A. Inеquаlitу аnd Strаtifiсаtiоn: Race, Class аnd Gеndеr. Рrеntiсе-Наll, 1999.XIII

- Тrеiтаn O.J. Оссuраtiоnаl Prestige in Comparative Perspective. N.Y.: Academic Press, 1977

- Weber, М. Class, Status, Party // From Мах Weber: Essays in Sociology / Ed. H. Gerth, Mills С.L. Routledge аnd Кеgаn, 1970.

Social Inеquаlitу of Еthniс Groups / Ed. L. Droblzheva. М., 2003.
Topic 4. Ethnic borders, ethnicity and culture, “civilisation”, statehood and nationality relations.
Culture and ethnicity. Cultural borders and ethnic borders. Ideology, statehood, nationality policy and nationality relations. The notion of “civilisations” and the idea of the clash of civilisations. Ideology and state policy. Separatist movements, the statehood ideal and nationality relations.
Required reading:

- Archer М. Culture аnd Аgеnсу. Cambridge: Univеrsitу Press, 1988.

- Barth F. Еnduring аnd Еmеrging in the Аnаlуsis at Еthniсitу // The Аnthrороlоgу of Еthniсitу. Веуоnd "Еthniс Groups аnd Воundаriеs" / Ed. Н.Vеrmеulеn, C.Govers. The Hague, 1994.

- Веnеdiсt R. The Раttеrns of Culture. N.Y.: Меntоr, 1934.

- Hofstede G. Culture"s Соnsеquеnсеs: Intеrnаtiоnаl Diffеrеnсеs in Work-Related Values. Beverly Hills (СА): Sage,1984.

- Нuntingtоn S. The Clash of Сivilizаtiоns? // Fоrеign Affairs. 1993. Summer.

- Huntington S. The Clash of Сivilizаtiоns and the Remaking of the World Order. New York: Touchstone. 1997.

- Маlinоwski В. The Dуnаmiсs of Cultural Сhаngе / Ed. Р.М.КеуЬеrrу. New Наvеn: Yale Univеrsitу Press, 1945.

- Vermеulеn, Нans, Govers Сora, eds. The Аnthrороlоgу of Еthniсitу. Beyond Ethnic Groups and Boundaries. Amsterdam. 1994.

Topic 5. Nationalism, ethnicity and ethnic conflict: nature, causes, a comparative analysis of local scenarios.
Nationalism and ethnicity: the correlation. Ethnic “exclusivity”. Politicisation of ethnicity. Nationalism, ethnicity and power. Nationalism, patriotism, chauvinism and conflict. What is an ethnic conflict? Types of minorities and state policies towards minorities. Case studies from the 20th and 21st centuries.
Required reading:

- Gеllnеr Е. Nаtiоns аnd Nаtiоnаlism. Oxford, 1983.

- Hobsbawm Е. Nаtiоns аnd Nаtiоnаlism Sinсе 1780: Programme, Myth, Reality. Cambridge, 1990 (2nd ed. 1992).

- Horowitz О. Еthniс Groups in Соnfliсt. Berkley: Univеrsitу of Саlifоrniа Press, 1985.

- Katz 1., Hass R.G. Racial АmЫvаlеnсе аnd Value Соnfliсt: Соrrесtiоnаl аnd Рriming Studies of Dual Соgni­ tive Structures // Jоurnаl of Реrsоnаlitу аnd Social Psychology. 1988. Vol. 55. Р. 893-905.

- Nаtiоnаlism, Еthniс Соnfliсts аnd Demoсrасу . Baltimore (ML): Jоhn Норkins Univеrsitу Press, 1994.

- Smith А. Nаtiоnаlism аnd Моdеrnism. L, 1998.

- Tishkov. V. Forget the Nation. Post-Nationalist understanding of Nationalism // Ethnic and Racial Studies. 2000, no. 23 (4). P. 625-650.

- Verdery С Еthniсitу, Nаtiоnаlism аnd Stаtе-Маking. Еthniс Groups аnd Воundаriеs: Past аnd Future // Vermеulеn Н., Govers С. The Аnthrороlоgу of Еthniсitу. The Hague, 1994.
Topic 6. Globalisation and ethnicity. Migrations and ethnic problems. Popular and state reactions and practices.
Global migrations: reasons, directions and character. Theories of modern migrations. Major directions and nature of modern migrations. Ethnic problems in the destinations countries. Categories of migrants and their adjustment and self-organisation of migrant communities. Refugees. Economic and political effects of modern migrations on exit and entry societies. Diaspora. Multiculturalism, cultural adaptation, political and cultural integration, assimilation: theories, practice and results.
Required reading:

- Brettell, Caroline B., Hollifield, James F. Migration Theory: Talking across Disciplines. London: Routledge. 2000.

- Goldberg О. Multiculturalism. А Critical Reader. Oxford; Моldеn (МА): Blackwell, 1998. XI

- Allport G. W. The Nature of Prejudice. Rеаding (МА): Аddisоn-Wеslеу, 1954.

- Guibernau, Montserrat, Rex, John. The Ethnicity Reader. Nationalism, Multiculturalism and Migration. Cambridge, Malden: Polity Press. 2010.

- Mann, Michael. The Dark Side of Democracy: Explaining Ethnic Cleansing. Cambridge, New York et al: Cambridge University Press. 2005.

- Nash J. The Аnthrороlоgу of Strаngеr аnd Native // Аnnаls. 1995. Vol. 749.

- Park R.E. Нumаn Мigrаtiоn аnd the Маrginаl Маn // Аmеriсаn Jоurnаl of Sociology. 1928. Vol. 33. Мау. Р. 881-893.

- Pettigrew T.F., Мееrtеns R. W. Subtlе аnd Вlаtаnt Prejudice in Wеstеrn Europe // Еurореаn Jоurnаl of Social Psy chology. 1995. Vol. 25. Р. 57-75.

- Smith E.R. Sосiаl Idеntitу аnd Social Еmоtiоns. Toward New Соnсерtuаlizаtiоns of Prejudice // Affect, Соgni­ tiоn, аnd Stеrеоtурing: Intеrасtivе Processes in Group Реrсерtiоn / Ed. D.Mackie, D.L.Наmiltоn. Academic Press, 1993. Р. 297-315.

- Stein Jonathan P., ed. The Politics of National Minority Participation in Post-Communist Europe. State-Building, Democracy and Ethnic Participation. New York: East-West Institute. 2000.

- Steiner, Niklaus. International Migration and Citizenship Today. London and New York: Routledge. 2009.
Topic 7. Nationality policy of the Russian Empire and the USSR.
Muscovy as a multi-ethnic and multi-cultural entity. Evolving and diverse policy of the tsarist government towards minorities within the borders of the Russian Empire. Uvarov’s “triad”. Lenin’s understanding of the nationality question. Soviet theory of nation. Soviet nationality policy. The right to self-determination. The explosion of nationalisms and the collapse of the USSR.
Required reading:

- Allworth E. Soviet Nationality Problems. N.Y.: Columbia University Press. 1971.

- Cadiot J. Searching for Nationality: Statistics and National Categories at he end of the Russian Empire (1897–1917) // The Russian Review. Vol 64, issue 3, July 2005. P. 440–455.

- Hirsch F. Empire of Nations: ethnographic knowledge and the making of the Soviet Union. N.Y.: Cornell University Press. 2005.


- Horowitz О. The Cracked Fоundаtiоns of the Right to Sесеdе//Jоurnаl of Democracy. 2003. Vol. 14 (2).

- Lieven D. The Russian Empire and the Soviet Union as Imperial Polities // Journal of Contemporary History. Vol. 30, No. 4. Oct. 1995. P. 607-636.

- Socun J.W. Who and When, Were the Inorodtsy? The Evolution of the Category of “Alliens” in Imperial Russia // The Russian Review. Vol 57, issue 2, April 1998. P. 173–190.

- Socio-Cultural Dеvеlорmеnt of Soviet Nаtiоns / Ed. Уu.Аrutуunуаn. М., 1986.

Topic 8. Ethnicity, nationalism and state policy in the sphere of nationality relations in contemporary Russia.
The impact of the collapse of the Soviet Union on Russia’s ethnic situation and mentality and on the policy of the Russian state. Attempts at creating the “concept of state nationality policy of the Russian Federation”. Migration processes in contemporary Russia. Forms of Russian nationalism. Minority nationalisms. The Chechen factor. Nationality policy of the Russian Federation.
Required reading:

- Аrutуunуаn Yu.V. Post-Soviet Nаtiоns. Мoscow, 1999.

- Drobizheva, Leokadia, Gottemoeller, Rose, McArde Kelleher, Catherine and Lee Walker, eds. Ethnic Conflict in the Post-Soviet World. Case Studies and Analysis. New York: M.E. Sharpe. 1996.

- Filippova, Elena. National–Cultural Autonomies in Post-Soviet Russia: a dead-end political project. Paper presented at the Conference of the Association for the Study of Nationalities, Paris, 2008.


- Hahn, Gordon M. Russia’s Islamic Threat. New Haven, London: Yale University Press. 2007.

- Idеntitу аnd Соnfliсt in the Post-Soviet States / Ed. M.Olkott, V.Tishkov. М., 1997.

- Khazanov. Anatoly. Ethnic Nationalism in the Russian Federation. Daedalus. Vol. 126, No. 3, Summer, 1997

- Kontseptsiia gosudarstvennoi natsionalnoi politiki Rossiiskoi Federatsii, 1996.


- Putin Vladimir. Rossiia: natsionalnyi vopros. V. Putin’s site, 23 January 2012.


- Tishkov. V. What is Russia? Perspectives for Nation-Building.


- Тishkov V.A. Studies on Theory аnd Policy of Еthniсitу in Russia. Moscow, 1998

- Tishkov, V. Ethnicity, Nationalism and Conflict in and after the Soviet Union. London: SAGE. 1997.

- Yudina, Tatiana. Labour Migration into Russia: The Response of State and Society // Current Sociology. September, 2012.

Topic 9. Discourse of national identity in contemporary Russia.
Discursive practices of self-identifying: actors, subjects, key words. Difference as a point of departure for identifying process. Linguistic markers of difference in the sphere of state policy and legislation. State policy in construction of national identity: methods and discursive impacts. Public and professional debate on the subject of national idea. Raising status of patriotism. Marginalization of nationalistic parties simultaneously with nationalistic tendencies in the rhetoric of authorities.
Required reading:

- Benhabib, S. (1996) ‘The Democratic Movement and the Problem of Difference’, in S. Benhabib (ed.) Democracy and Difference: Contesting the Boundaries of the Political, pp. 3–18. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.

- Bourdieu, P. (1994b) ‘Rethinking the State: Genesis and Structure of the Bureaucratic Field’, in Sociological Theory 12/1: 1–18.

- Hall, S. (1996) ‘Introduction: Who Needs “Identity”?’, in: S. Hall and P. Du Gay (eds) Questions of Cultural Identity, pp. 1–17. London: Sage

- Fairclough, N. and Wodak, R. (1997) ‘Critical Discourse Analysis’, in T. van Dijk (ed.) Discourse as Social Interaction. Discourse Studies: A Multidisciplinary Introduction, Vol. 2, pp. 258–84. London: Sage.

- Wodak, R., de Cillia, R., Reisigl, M. and Liebhart, K. (2009) The Discursive Construction of National Identities. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
Topic 10. Semiotized understanding of national history in public sphere.
Contemporary comprehension of binary opposition East - West in political discourse considering the issues of national identity. Reappraisal of ambiguous periods in Russian history determined by the declared intention to identify national heroes. Honouring of historical figures associated with the raise of national consciousness: discursive practices in media, urban policies (renaming of the streets in particular), parliamentary discussions. Semiotics of traditional and recently introduced national celebrations.
Required reading:

- Benhabib, S. (1996) ‘The Democratic Movement and the Problem of Difference’, in S. Benhabib (ed.) Democracy and Difference: Contesting the Boundaries of the Political, pp. 3–18. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.

- Bourdieu, P. (1994b) ‘Rethinking the State: Genesis and Structure of the Bureaucratic Field’, in Sociological Theory 12/1: 1–18.

- Fairclough, N. and Wodak, R. (1997) ‘Critical Discourse Analysis’, in T. van Dijk (ed.) Discourse as Social Interaction. Discourse Studies: A Multidisciplinary Introduction, Vol. 2, pp. 258–84. London: Sage.

- Lotman Yuri M. (2001). Universe of the Mind: A Semiotic Theory of Culture. (Translated by Ann Shukman, introduction by Umberto Eco.) London & New York: I.B.Tauris Publishers, xiii+288.

- Wierzbicka, Anna (1997). Understanding Cultures Through Their Key Words: English, Russian, Polish, German, Japanese. New York: Oxford University Press.

- Wodak, R., de Cillia, R., Reisigl, M. and Liebhart, K. (2009) The Discursive Construction of National Identities. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

Topic 11. Verbal expression of ethnically oriented components of public policy.
Lexical groups and types of public utterances potentially leading to a conflict on nationalistic ground. Contradictory identities "Russian" (russkyi) and "Russian" (rossiiskyi) as a source of public conflict. Arguable language innovations of 2000-2010s (person of a Caucasian nationality and others). Public processes on extremism based on national grounds. Forensic linguistic expertise in hate speech cases. Implicit or explicit nationalistic components within the works of art recognized as extremist by legislation.
Required reading:

- Cottle, Simon (2006). Mediatized conflict: developments in media and conflict studies. Open University Press.

- Fairclough, N. and Wodak, R. (1997) ‘Critical Discourse Analysis’, in T. van Dijk (ed.) Discourse as Social Interaction. Discourse Studies: A Multidisciplinary Introduction, Vol. 2, pp. 258–84. London: Sage.

- Miall, A. (1993) The Xenophobe’s Guide to The English. London: Ravette Books.

- Reisigl, M. and Wodak, R. (2001) Discourse and Discrimination: Rhetorics of Racism and Antisemitism. London and New York: Routledge.

- Wierzbicka, Anna (1997). Understanding Cultures Through Their Key Words: English, Russian, Polish, German, Japanese. New York: Oxford University Press.

- Wodak, R. and Matouschek, B. (1993) “We are Dealing with People whose Origins One Can Clearly Tell Just by Looking”. Critical Discourse Analysis and the Study of NeoRacism in Contemporary Austria’, Discourse & Society 4(2): 225–48.
Topic 12. National language as a means of self-identification: crucial role of state policy.

Legislative protection of national language: difficulties in the implementation of the laws considering language issues, specifically the law protecting children from negative information harmful for their health and/or development. Russian language abroad. Language conflicts in post-Soviet territories: surzhik and trasyanka in Belarus and Ukraine, Cyrillic and Latin alphabet competing in Central Asiatic Republics. Case of Russkyi mir foundation: governmental support for research programs in Slavonic studies and learning of Russian language all over the world.

Required reading:

- Bourdieu, P. (1994b) ‘Rethinking the State: Genesis and Structure of the Bureaucratic Field // Sociological Theory 12/1: 1–18.

- Cottle, Simon (2006). Mediatized conflict: developments in media and conflict studies. Open University Press.

- Wierzbicka, Anna (1997). Understanding Cultures Through Their Key Words: English, Russian, Polish, German, Japanese. New York: Oxford University Press.

- Wodak, R., de Cillia, R., Reisigl, M. and Liebhart, K. (2009) The Discursive Construction of National Identities. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
Topic 13. Identifying role of religion in Russia.
Religious beliefs grounding ethnical conflicts. Increasing infiltration of political opinions into religious beliefs. Participation of clergy in parliamentary committees. Appearance of clergy in media for participating in public debates on questions of culture and social life. Orthodox clergy position in respect of ethnic conflicts and migrants. Legislative protection of Russian Orthodox Church. Differentiation between discourse of Islam and discourse of international terrorism implemented by means of language in media in 2000s, particularly in case of Chechen’s war.
Required reading:

- Hall, S. (1996) ‘Introduction: Who Needs “Identity”?’, in: S. Hall and P. Du Gay (eds) Questions of Cultural Identity, pp. 1–17. London: Sage

- Jackson R. (2007). Constructing Enemies: 'Islamic Terrorism' in Political and Academic Discourse, in: Government and Opposition N 42 (3), p. 394-426.

- Lotman Yuri M. (2001). Universe of the Mind: A Semiotic Theory of Culture. (Translated by Ann Shukman, introduction by Umberto Eco.) London & New York: I.B.Tauris Publishers, xiii+288.

- Pearce, Walter Barnett (2008). Making Social Worlds: A Communication Perspective. Wiley-Blackwell.

- Reisigl, M. and Wodak, R. (2001) Discourse and Discrimination: Rhetorics of Racism and Antisemitism. London and New York: Routledge.

- Wodak, R., de Cillia, R., Reisigl, M. and Liebhart, K. (2009) The Discursive Construction of National Identities. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

Topic 14. Russia’s international image in the sphere of ethnical policy.
Traditional rhetoric of Russian territory and borders, disputed territories in particular. Policy of Russia towards Russian emigrants in other countries. Rhetoric of participation or non-participation of Russia in ethnic conflicts. Tendency for aggressive speech behaviour demonstrated by leaders of Russia in situation of a military conflict involving Russia. Discourse of regional separatism in national subjects of Russian Federation and federal authority response.
Required reading:

- Cottle, Simon (2006). Mediatized conflict: developments in media and conflict studies. Open University Press.

- Jackson R. (2007). Constructing Enemies: 'Islamic Terrorism' in Political and Academic Discourse, in: Government and Opposition N 42 (3), p. 394-426.

- Reisigl, M. and Wodak, R. (2001) Discourse and Discrimination: Rhetorics of Racism and Antisemitism. London and New York: Routledge.

- Wodak, R. and Matouschek, B. (1993) “We are Dealing with People whose Origins One Can Clearly Tell Just by Looking”. Critical Discourse Analysis and the Study of NeoRacism in Contemporary Austria’, Discourse & Society 4(2): 225–48.
Topic 15. Educational and cultural policy as a specific instrument of governing the identity.
Humanities in school education: reducing obligatory hours for teaching Russian language and Russian literature and probable impacts for national identity. Methods of knowledge control in humanities: public debate on USE (united state exam) in language and literature. National literature as a sphere of development of the national language. State policy contribution into Russian language teaching and literature development. Lack of financial support for maintaining Russian language research programmes, creating dictionaries and language reference books, publishing programmes, "thick journals" or non-commercial fiction publishing houses.
Required reading:

- Bourdieu, P. (1994b) ‘Rethinking the State: Genesis and Structure of the Bureaucratic Field’, in Sociological Theory 12/1: 1–18.

- Hall, S. (1996) ‘Introduction: Who Needs “Identity”?’, in: S. Hall and P. Du Gay (eds) Questions of Cultural Identity, pp. 1–17. London: Sage

- Lotman Yuri M. (2001). Universe of the Mind: A Semiotic Theory of Culture. (Translated by Ann Shukman, introduction by Umberto Eco.) London & New York: I.B.Tauris Publishers, xiii+288.

- Pearce, Walter Barnett (2008). Making Social Worlds: A Communication Perspective. Wiley-Blackwell.

- Wodak, R. and Matouschek, B. (1993) “We are Dealing with People whose Origins One Can Clearly Tell Just by Looking”. Critical Discourse Analysis and the Study of NeoRacism in Contemporary Austria’, Discourse & Society 4(2): 225–48.

- Wodak, R., de Cillia, R., Reisigl, M. and Liebhart, K. (2009) The Discursive Construction of National Identities. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

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Программа дисциплины «Государственная политика в сфере этнонациональных отношений» для направления 030200. 68 «Политология» подготовки магистров для магистерской программы \"Политический анализ и публичная политика\" iconПрограмма дисциплины Qualitative and Quantitative Methods of Data...
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Программа дисциплины «Государственная политика в сфере этнонациональных отношений» для направления 030200. 68 «Политология» подготовки магистров для магистерской программы \"Политический анализ и публичная политика\" iconПрограмма дисциплины для направления/ специальности подготовки бакалавра/ магистра/ специалиста
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Программа дисциплины «Государственная политика в сфере этнонациональных отношений» для направления 030200. 68 «Политология» подготовки магистров для магистерской программы \"Политический анализ и публичная политика\" iconПрограмма дисциплины "Мировая политика"
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Программа дисциплины «Государственная политика в сфере этнонациональных отношений» для направления 030200. 68 «Политология» подготовки магистров для магистерской программы \"Политический анализ и публичная политика\" iconПрограмма дисциплины «Оценка эффективности политической деятельности...
Программа предназначена для преподавателей, ведущих данную дисциплину, учебных ассистентов и студентов направления подготовки 030200....
Программа дисциплины «Государственная политика в сфере этнонациональных отношений» для направления 030200. 68 «Политология» подготовки магистров для магистерской программы \"Политический анализ и публичная политика\" iconСпециальность "Конфликтология"
Программа предназначена для преподавателей, ведущих данную дисциплину, учебных ассистентов и студентов направления подготовки03....
Программа дисциплины «Государственная политика в сфере этнонациональных отношений» для направления 030200. 68 «Политология» подготовки магистров для магистерской программы \"Политический анализ и публичная политика\" iconМетодическая разработка учебы актива
Программа предназначена для преподавателей, ведущих данную дисциплину, учебных ассистентов и студентов направления подготовки03....
Программа дисциплины «Государственная политика в сфере этнонациональных отношений» для направления 030200. 68 «Политология» подготовки магистров для магистерской программы \"Политический анализ и публичная политика\" iconЭтим и объясняется актуальность выбранной темы
Программа предназначена для преподавателей, ведущих данную дисциплину, учебных ассистентов и студентов направления подготовки03....
Программа дисциплины «Государственная политика в сфере этнонациональных отношений» для направления 030200. 68 «Политология» подготовки магистров для магистерской программы \"Политический анализ и публичная политика\" iconПрограмма дисциплины «Политическая коммуникация» Для специальности...
Программа предназначена для преподавателей, ведущих данную дисциплину, учебных ассистентов и студентов направления 030200. 68 "Политология"...
Программа дисциплины «Государственная политика в сфере этнонациональных отношений» для направления 030200. 68 «Политология» подготовки магистров для магистерской программы \"Политический анализ и публичная политика\" iconТематический план по курсу «Конфликтология» Специальность: «Педагогика» озо (1-6)
Программа предназначена для преподавателей, ведущих данную дисциплину, учебных ассистентов и студентов направления подготовки03....
Программа дисциплины «Государственная политика в сфере этнонациональных отношений» для направления 030200. 68 «Политология» подготовки магистров для магистерской программы \"Политический анализ и публичная политика\" iconПрограмма дисциплины Научно-исследовательский семинар \"Политика как призвание и профессия\"
Программа предназначена для преподавателей, ведущих данную дисциплину, учебных ассистентов и студентов направления 030200. 62 «Политология»...
Программа дисциплины «Государственная политика в сфере этнонациональных отношений» для направления 030200. 68 «Политология» подготовки магистров для магистерской программы \"Политический анализ и публичная политика\" iconПрограмма дисциплины «Основы избирательных технологий»  для направления...
Программа предназначена для преподавателей, ведущих данную дисциплину, учебных ассистентов и студентов направления подготовки 030200....
Программа дисциплины «Государственная политика в сфере этнонациональных отношений» для направления 030200. 68 «Политология» подготовки магистров для магистерской программы \"Политический анализ и публичная политика\" iconРабочая программа дисциплины Для направления 030200. 62 «Политология»
«Мировая политика и международные отношения». Рабочая программа дисциплины для студентов, обучающихся по направлению 030200. 62 «Политология»...
Программа дисциплины «Государственная политика в сфере этнонациональных отношений» для направления 030200. 68 «Политология» подготовки магистров для магистерской программы \"Политический анализ и публичная политика\" iconПрограмма дисциплины «Политический менеджмент»  для направления 030200. 62 «Политология»
Программа предназначена для преподавателей, ведущих данную дисциплину, учебных ассистентов и студентов направления 030200. 62 «Политология»...
Программа дисциплины «Государственная политика в сфере этнонациональных отношений» для направления 030200. 68 «Политология» подготовки магистров для магистерской программы \"Политический анализ и публичная политика\" iconПрограмма дисциплины "Философия" для направления 030200. 62 "
Программа дисциплины "Философия" для направления 030200. 62 – "Политология" специализаций "Политический анализ" и "Политическое управление"...

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