Урок круглый стол «Спорт-это жизнь» (The Round table “Sport is Life”)

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Дата публикации18.07.2014
Размер10.9 Kb.
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Урок - круглый стол «Спорт-это жизнь» (The Round table “Sport is Life”)

10 класс


1.Активизировать употребление изученной лексики по теме.

2. Совершенствовать навыки устной речи.

3.Воспитывать уважение к людям с ограниченными возможностями, пропагандировать здоровый образ жизни.

4.Повысить интерес к изучению английского языка.

Оборудование: плакаты “Sports means health”, ”Dream big and work hard”, “Sport for all”,сочинения, постеры.
Ход урока.

Организационный момент.

-Good morning, everybody. Glad to meet you in our studio. I am Anna Bystrova, the journalist of “Arguments and Facts” newspaper. Let me introduce our participants. They are: Olga Nikolaeva, a famous gymnast; Victor Kuznetsov, the beginning sportsman; Olga Pankrushina, a school teacher; Vladimir Vasnetsov, a coach; Peter Karpov, a parent.

The agenda of our meeting is “Why sports? Is it worth a sacrifice?” We have a lot of questions to discuss. Let’s start. What is the most interesting sport to your mind?

Высказывания участников.

-Well, there are lots of kinds of sports and sport games. Some of them are popular in different countries and are called national sports. You know, basketball and baseball in the USA, cricket and golf in the UK, Russian national sports are skiing, skating, football. These sports are spectacular, popular and thousands of people do them professionally. There are a lot of fans who attend stadiums, watch these matches and competitions on TV. Sport is an activity and it helps people to become stronger, healthier and more confident. Besides, sport is fun and excitement.

-I quite agree with you. But we can’t but mention that going in for sports is dangerous and it leads to injuries and illness.

-Do not forget that the greatest rewards in life go to the risk takers. Some people like being put at risk because they like to overcome difficulties. It acquires their sense of individuality and self-confidence. Others simply like to take things to the edge or to protest against something.

-On the other hand, sport and exercise is necessary to maintain general health and well-being. It even may prolong our lifespan. I can say that a fit body has a stronger immune system and makes us less susceptible to illness and disease.

-For disabled people sport is a chance to forget about their problems, to make friends and to improve their outlook. For example, Jean Driscoll is a wheel chair racer who was born with a condition known as “spina bifida”. But at the age of 15 she started playing wheelchair softball, tennis and racquetball. In the Paralympics she raced 1,500-meter and the marathon. Her motto is: Dream big and work hard

The next question is if It is possible to use drugs in sport?

-The feeling of belonging inspires sportsmen to gain new results and achievements. But sometimes they use drugs to set a record at any rate and it is unfair. What would you do in order to make athletes stop using illegal substances?

-If I were President of the International Olympic Committee I would introduce stricter anti-doping regulations and I would forbid money prizes.

-As for me, I would prohibit the use of drugs and explain to coaches and athletes how dangerous it is.

What are the possibilities for teenagers and young people who would like to play hockey, basketball or climb mountains, go in for extreme sports in our town of Novokuznetsk?

-As a coach of our hockey team, I can mention such opportunities as visiting gym halls or tennis courts, training hockey at a skating-rink or at the stadium, doing exercises or jogging. To my sportsmen hockey as a team sport is a part of their life. They enjoy working together with others toward a common goal. They would like to play hockey matches in a foreign country some day. They would really like to represent our country internationally.

-So, to sum it up we can say that sport is very popular in Russia. However, the number of people who take part in sport is quite small. The most popular spectator sports are football, ice-hockey, volley-ball, boxing and swimming. In recent years tennis and rugby has become rather popular. Teenagers should attend P.E. lessons at school, spend much time outdoors, play winter and summer games. People of all ages can go in fo9r swimming, riding a bike, playing tennis or jogging. Jogging and swimming are particularly good for the heart and lungs. Keep fit and eat healthy diet-this is our piece of advice for everyone who dreams to be healthy and happy. I am thankful for our participants and say “Good-bye” for everyone. Yours, Anna Bystrova.

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