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April, 2011 The 6th Form.

TOPIC: Scotland – bonny Scotland.

Цели урока:

практическая: обеспечить в ходе урока проверку сформированных умений и навыков давать монологические высказывания по теме устной речи, а также по фильму « Шотландия» и мультимедийным проектам , подготовленными учащимися.

воспитательная: воспитывать любовь к красоте природы, желание узнать больше информации о странах изучаемого языка.

развивающая: развивать творческий потенциал учащихся , повышать эмоциональный уровень.

образовательная: научить учащихся задавать вопросы и составлять монологические высказывания давать оценку увиденному фильму и проектам.

Технические и наглядные средства обучения.

  1. Notebook, мультимедийный проектор, экран.

  2. Картины и карточки с видами Шотландии.

  3. Фильм “My Bonny Scotland”.

  4. Мультимедийные проекты “Scotland,” “Edinburgh,””Legends and traditions.”

  5. Костюмы Р. Бёрнса и В. Шекспира.

План открытого урока.

I. Warm up.

Children, today we’ll deal with one of the most beautiful parts of Britain -Scotland. We’ll describe picturesque sights of Scotland, watch a film, discuss your projects.

( Все слышат стук в дверь. Входит ученик в костюме Р. Бёрнса.)

T. Who are you?

R. I’m Robert Burns. I was born in Scotland. I admire my native land. I wrote many poems about Scotland.

P1. I know your poem. It’s “ My heart’s in the Highlands.”

T. Can you recite it?

P1. Yes, of course.

(Ученик читает стихотворение наизусть.)

T. Robert Burns, you are welcome to our lesson. Can you answer our questions?

R .Naturally.

( Ученики задают Роберту Бёрнсу вопросы о Шотландии.)

P1: Where is Scotland situated?

P2. What is the capital of Scotland?

P3. What is the symbol of Scotland?

P4. Is Edinburgh an old city?

P5.What other big cities are there in Scotland?

P6.Is Glasgow far from Edinburgh?

P7. What do people call Edinburgh?

P8.Is Edinburgh famous for its sights?

T. We’ll work in groups. We’ll have a contest between groups. Will you be our judge, Robert?

R. With great pleasure.

II. Phonetic drills. P1 --- Ps in unison.

(на доске находятся карточки со сложными словами – названиями достопримечательностей Шотландии. )

III. General Talk.

  1. T. Let's talk about Scotland, it’s capital Edinburgh, it’s sights.

( группам раздают карточки с названиями наиболее интересных мест в Шотландии.)

T. Which group wants to begin?

Р1. Glasgow is the largest and busiest town of Scotland. It is the heart of industry, the centre of business and trade. It is very prosperous, smart but dirty in some parts.

P2 .Edinburgh is rather cold but attractive and has a great history .It is known as Athens of the North. It is an ancient city and every building has its story.

P3. The Castle is older than the city. When the first settles came to live here, they built a castle that was a fortress at first. It looks good in any weather. Many tourists come to admire its beauty.

P4.Holyrood House is the official residence of the Queen when she is in Scotland.

P5.Princes Street is the most beautiful street of Edinburgh. It has a lot of gardens on the one side and it is also a popular shopping centre. It is connected with the name of the famous writer, Sir Walter Scott. The Scott monument is called a poem of stone.

P6. The Cannongate gives a good idea of what the Old Town was like. Closes lead to little yards and attractive historical buildings.

P7.The Edinburgh military tattoo takes place every August and September. For 90 minutes on 5 or 6 nights a week, people play military music and march to it.

P8.One of the most well – known monuments in Edinburgh is a monument to a dog called Bobby. The dog belonged to John Gray. When he died Bobby lived near his grave for twenty – six years. Later Bobby was buried near his master and his statue has become a symbol of devotion.

T. Now you will watch a film about Scotland and comment on it and say what new and interesting information you have learnt from the film.

(учащиеся смотрят фильм “ Scotland – bonny Scotland.”)

T. Let’s discuss the film.

P1.I got a lot of useful information about Scotland from the film. I’ve learnt that Scotland is rich in lakes and mountains. The highest mountain is Ben Nevis.

P2.The information about Loch Ness and the monster that lives in it seems interesting to me.

P3.Glasgow is the industrial centre of Scotland. The main industry is ship – building.

P3.The castle stands on a high rock. It is a picturesque view.

P4.The national food of Scotland is whisky and haggis, a meat dish .

P5. I learnt that the main street in Edinburgh is Princes street. It is very beautiful.

P6.The Scottish people wear kilts. Different clans have different tartans.

T. Children, you have understood the film very well and added a lot of useful information about Scotland. Your hometask was to create projects on three topics and enlarge our information about Scotland.

(учащиеся представляют свои проекты о Шотландии по группам.)

G1. Scotland.

Scotland took the northern part of the island of Great Britain and adjacent islands: Hebrides, Orkney, Shetland . The main area of Scotland to the west and north is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean, from the east - the North Sea, and from the south - in England and the Irish Sea .

  • For example : Ben Nevis (born Ben Nevis, gelsk. Beinn Nibheis) - a mountain in the Grampian Mountains (Highland Region, Scotland). Is the highest point of the British Isles. Locals call the mountain for short - Ben.

  • The climate of Scotland is a typical Marine. Average January temperature approx. 4 ° C, July - 14 ° C. There are differences between the open west coast and the more protected eastern, the latter is characterized by a colder winter and warmer in summer.

  • There are ten lakes in Scotland. For example Loch Ness. The lake is well known in the world thanks to the legend of the Loch Ness monster ( "Nessie"). There are numerous commercial routes on the lake for tourists wishing to enjoy the picturesque landscape and perhaps see the mythical monster.

  • There are four bays in Scotland. For example Firth of Clyde - Bay of the Irish Sea on the western coast of Scotland. Separated from the Atlantic Ocean, the peninsula of Kintyre. The width of the bay at the entrance - 42 km.

  • Caledonian Forest (born Caledonian Forest) - the type of landscape, relict forest that once covered much of Scotland. At the present time due to human economic activity remained only about 1% of the forest in 35 isolated areas in the north-west of the Grampian Mountains and the Scottish Highlands. Nevertheless, the forest is home to many species of animals that can not occur nowhere else on British Isles.

G2. Edinburgh.

  • Edinburgh is the capital city of Scotland. It is the second largest city in Scotland and the seventh-most populous in the United Kingdom.

  • The Old Town has preserved its medieval plan and many Reformation-era buildings. One end is closed by the castle and the main artery, the Royal Mile, leads away from it.

  • The New Town was an 18th century solution to the problem of an increasingly crowded Old Town. The city had remained incredibly compact, confined to the ridge running down from the castle. In 1766 a competition to design the New Town was won by James Craig, a 22-year-old architect. Either side of it are the other main streets of Princes Street and Queen Street. Princes Street has since become the main shopping street in EdinbThe City of Edinburgh has entered into 11 international twinning arrangements since 1954. Most of the arrangements are styled as 'Twin Cities', but the agreement with Kraków is designated as a 'Partner City the only region to be twinned with Edinburgh.

G3. Legends and traditions of Scotland.

  • There are many legends in Scotland. The most famous legend – legend about Beast Loch Ness. I'll show you it!

  • Men and boys have the opportunity to parade in the bright and unusual national costume. They keep the pipes from which the rest of Europe declined in 14 th century (and which one critic described as the "missing link between music and noise"). They also preserve folk dances, with which the holidays are fun. In Scotland there is a ritual gathering of the so-called highland games, during which competitions are held, with bagpipe music, dancers and strong men.

  • Scots - is one of those people who zealously honor its traditions.
    First of all the most important tradition is the clan. Clan in Scotland (Clan) is a group of families, bearing a name (for example, Mac Donald, Donald's children, "as Mac the Scots means" son ") and having a common ancestor.
    Tartan - woolen cloth with a pattern of lines of various widths and different colors, which cross each other at certain angles.

T. Did you like the projects, children? What are your opinions on them?

P1. I liked the project about legends and traditions of Scotland which offered us interesting information.

P2. And I liked the project about Edinburgh because there are many colourful pictures in it.

T. The word is given to our judge.

Burns: the contest was won by the 2nd group.

( раздаются аплодисменты ,учитель вручает руководителю группы приз. Раздаётся стук в дверь и входит ученик в костюме В. Шекспира.)

T. Who are you?

Sh. I’m William Shakespeare. I’m from England. I wrote many stories about Englishmen.

Burns: And I’ m Robert Burn. I was born in Scotland. I’ m a national poet of Scotland. I wrote many poems about my country.

Sh. England is the largest and the richest part of Great Britain, situated in the centre of the country. London is the capital of my country. It is the most beautiful and famous city of Britain.

Burns: And Scotland is the most picturesque part of Britain. Edinburgh is its capital. I like my country for its green valleys , high mountains, superb lakes, brave and proud people.

Sh. I was born in Stratford - upon – Avon. It is in the Midlands. This part of Britain is famous for its historical places.

Burns: And my country is famous for its lakes, the most mysterious one is Loch Ness …

IV. The end of the lesson. T: Thank you children, for your very interesting lesson. I’ll give you excellent and good marks for your stories…Your hometask is to write a postcard about your trip to Scotland.

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