Учебник О. В. Афанасьева english VI тема

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Дата публикации10.01.2015
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ПРЕДМЕТ: иностранный язык (английский)

КЛАСС, ПРОФИЛЬ: 6 класс, углубленное изучение англ. языка

Ф.И.О. педагога, № ОУ: Тюпенкина Людмила Петровна,



изучение английского языка,

учебник О.В. Афанасьева ENGLISH VI

ЦЕЛЬ УРОКА: Совершенствование лексических и

грамматических навыков.
ВОСПИТАТЕЛЬНАЯ ЗАДАЧА: Воспитывать бережное отношение к

природе и окружающей среде.

РАЗВИВАЮЩИЕ ЗАДАЧИ: Развитие дедуктивного мышления,

воображения, способности к

распределению и переключению

внимания, к сравнению и сопоставлению,

развитие познавательного интереса


ОБОРУДОВАНИЕ: компьютер; мультимедийная

установка; презентация; яблоко;

изображения земли, воды, гор,

льда, продуктов, магнитофон, запись

песни М.Джексона «Песня Земли».

Ход урока :

  1. Организация класса и речевая зарядка.

- Hello! I’m glad to see you today. How are you?

- What day is it today?

  • What day was yesterday?

  • How do you usually spend your weekends?

  • What do you usually buy at the market /in the shop?

  1. Вступительная беседа.

Yesterday I also went to the market to buy some food and fruits. And today I’ve brought one apple at the lesson. Look at it! Isn’t it wonderful?

Try to use your imagination to think what the apple looks like?

Yes, I can’t but agree , that the apple reminds of the EARTH. And now look!

I cut the apple into quarters (4 parts).

-o- -o- -o- 3 quarters of the Earth’s surface is water and

-o- only 1 quarter is land.

Now I take the part representing land and cut it in half.

Look only 1 half of the land is habitable. The rest part of land is deserts, mountains, frozen ice and other places where people can’t live.

And now I take the piece that represents the habitable land and cut it into 4 sections. Only 1 of these parts ( of the Earth’s habitable land ) is where all the Earth’s food come from. Now look at the 3 quarters of the Earth, which represent the water. Less than 1% of the Earth’s water is fresh and drinkable. And most of this water is tied up in the atmosphere (clouds) and underground.

  1. Введение в тему урока.

So, you can see how important it is to think about our Earth. And today we are going to start discussing Earth’s problems from reading a small fairy-tale. Look at the screen!
Once upon a time there lived MEN and NATURE. They lived on the EARTH in great harmony. NATURE helped MEN to hunt, to fish, to grow food and to build many things. The time went on. Once MEN built many factories, plants, different cars and machines, electric power stations and many other things. All these things were very dangerous for Nature because of their waste. That is why Nature felt ill. Since that time the situation has been changing to the worst.

Now NATURE has different diseases. They all are called ECOLOGICAL PROBLEMS.

Do you know what ECOLOGY means?

  • What comes to your mind when you hear the word ECOLOGY?

( The answers of the pupils )

  • A








    nd now look at the screen and see what words are connected with Ecology!








You know, that on the 22nd of April people all over the world celebrate the EARTH DAY. Imagine that you all are the members of the world’s ecological organization GREEN PEACE . You have got a lot of letters from children. You must find the answers in the information, which is given in the ecological magazine.


We live in Lipetsk. There are many plants and factories. And, of course there are a lot of problems connected with chemicals, which plants and factories throw up into the air or pour into the rivers, seas or even into the oceans.

  • Why are chemicals so harmful to the land?

At the beginning of our discussion we have spoken that not so much water is drinkable on the Earth. And much of it is polluted.

  • How is water polluted?

The life of people, animals and other creatures depends on the air.

  • What kinds of air pollution is mentioned?

Around the Earth there is a blanket of invisible gases that act just a greenhouse. It traps the heat like a roof, keeping it close to the planet. That’s good, because we can’t live without warmth. But harmful gases in the atmosphere make the temperature of the Earth very hot. That’s not good, because it is called global warming or a greenhouse effect.

  • What can we do to stop the greenhouse effect?

The Earth is surrounded by a layer of gas, which is called ozone. It is very helpful to all living creatures on the Earth.

  • How does the ozone layer help us?

It is very unpleasant to see garbage in the streets. The streets are the face of any town or city, and it is very important to have clean streets, towns, cities, countries and the whole world. So, read the information and answer the question:

  • How can we help the Earth with garbage and waste?

Animals and birds are our small brothers. They can’t speak, they only die in silence. They are in danger.

  • What have happened with plants and animals on the Earth nowadays?

Every day you can watch over TV or hear about different ecological events or even tragedies. All people must think about this situation on the Earth. These catastrophes must be examples for all people and they must never repeat them.

  • Why is radiation bad for people?


And what does it mean to be friendly to the environment?
To be friendly to the environment means -- to keep the country tidy

-- to respect the life and work of

the countryside

-- to take litter home

-- to grow trees and flowers

-- to put rubbish into the bins

Many people all over the world -- are Greenpeace supporters

-- have environmental programs

-- solve Earth’s problems

-- do their best in caring for all

human beings

You must not -- spoil the countryside

-- damage trees

-- hurt animals

-- pick flowers and break trees

-- catch or frighten birds and animals

-- pollute water
You should -- help animals

-- feed birds

-- plant and protect trees

-- take care of wild flowers

-- save flora and fauna

-- help rare animals and young plants to survive

-- keep the environment clean

-- be in charge of the planet

A lot of people all over the world are worried about the Earth. Among them there are many famous people. One of them is M. Jackson. He loves nature and sings about the Earth’s problems in his songs. Now, listen to one of his hits – THE EARTH SONG. Here are the words of the song, but some of the words are missed. While listening to the song you should put the right word to complete the song.

Killing, mine, crying, time, the blood, to gain, to notice, sunrise, things, rain.

What about sunrise, what about rain,

What about all the things, that you said we were to gain.

What about killing fields

Is there time

What about all the things, that you said were yours and mine.

Did you ever stop to notice

All the blood we’ve shed before,

Did you ever stop to notice

This crying Earth, this weeping shore.

  1. Hometask:

So, you can see that the problems of the Earth-our home is very dangerous. Not only grown-ups but small children must think about them, about the future of the mankind and nature. We all responsible for the environment. At home write down the ecological rules for children, which help the Earth and teach children to keep the land, air and water clean.

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