«Money Matters» (Денежные вопросы)

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Название«Money Matters» (Денежные вопросы)
Дата публикации01.07.2014
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  1. Английский язык

  2. 10 класс, экономический профиль

  3. Галкина Ольга Валентиновна, МОУ лицей №44 г. Липецка

  4. Программа: профильный уровень. Используемые учебники

«The World of Britain» 10-11 В.Н. Богородицкая, Л.В. Хрусталёва

«Business and Commerce» Neil Wood, Oxford University Press

«Keys to Management» David Cotton, Longman

«Countdown» Michael Duckworth, Oxford University Press

  1. Тема урока «Money Matters» (Денежные вопросы).

  2. Цели.

Образовательные: развитие речевых умений (монологи-

ческая, диалогическая речь, письмо).

Развивающие: развитие умения находить сходства и различия в родной культуре и культуре англоязычных стран, развитие воображения и фантазии, логического мышления.

Воспитательные: расширение культурного кругозора учащихся, воспитание ответственности, сознательного отношения к выбору профессии.

7.Оборудование: карточки для работы со словами по теме «Финансы», карточки для работы в группах, магнитофон.

Ход урока
1 Вступительное слово учителя
Today we’ll continue discussing some issues concerning the economic sphere of people’s life.Listen to the poem and you are sure to guess the topic for today’s talk.

Workers earn it,

Spendthrifts burn it,

Bankers lend it,

Women spend it,

Forgers fake it,

Taxes take it,

Dying laeve it,

Heirs receive it,

Thrifty save it,

Misers crave it,

Robbers seize it,

Rich increase it,

Gamblers lose it...

I can use it.
(Richard Armour)
What is the poem about? Of course it’s about money. Today we are going to discuss money matters.
Which of these sentences best expresses the idea of the poem?

- Money always makes people happy.

- Money is used in different ways.+

- The author would like to have more money.

At today’s lesson we’ll speak about some ways of using money.
2 Речевая подготовка

People use money in different ways. Which of them were mentioned in the poem? (borrow, lend, earn, spend, save, lose, burn, fake, take, leave, receive, crave, sieze, increase).

There’s no denying the fact that money is very important in people’s lives. Why?

Учащиеся высказывают своё мнение о роли денег.

Образцы высказываний:

P1:Money is very important in people’s lives. People need o lot of things for living: food, homes, clothes, furniture. They cost money and people have to pay for them. Not only material goods can be bought. If we want to read a book, to go to the theatre, to visit a museum we must pay for it too. So our spiritual life also depends on money. Money has become even more important lately because education, health care, recreation are getting expensive too.
P2:Today we can’t imagine our life without money. It is one of the greatest achievements in the economic sphere. Money has provided our world with the possibility of trade.The importance of money can be proved by a great number of people involved in trade and bank systems. Money makes the world go round, it has so many uses in each part of the planet that our life would stop at once without it. For each person in particular money is a sign of his or her social status, it provides people with everything they need, gives a sense of safety and security.
P3:No doubt money is important. If people have a lot of money they can afford practically everything: they visit different countries of the world, buy expensive and beautiful clothes, have magnificent houses and splendid cars.Rich people can also support their relatives. When people have money they can broaden their outlook reading books and magazines, going to the cinema, travelling.We pay for all these spiritual pleasures.On the contrary, those people who don’t have enough money can’t afford to buy what they want.
3 Проверка домашнего задания

(комментарий английских пословиц о деньгах)

Really in different ways our life depends on money. National folklore also reflects its role.Can you recollect any proverbs, sayings, idioms about money in the Russian language?

Учащиеся вспоминают различные пословицы, идиомы про деньги.
Копейка рубль бережёт.

Деньги корень всех зол.

Не имей 100 рублей, а имей 100 друзей.

Денег куры не клюют.

Бросать деньги на ветер.

Время деньги.

Кто платит, тот заказывает музыку.

Дай взаймы, потеряешь друга.

Деньги правят миром.

Не всё покупается.
Certainly, there are proverbs, idioms like these in the English language. Some of them can be translated word per word, with others the meaning is expressed in different ways.

Try to find the English equivalents of the Russian sayings.

(На доске английские пословицы, идиомы со словом «деньги»).
Take care of the pence and the pounds will take care of themselves.

To have money to burn.

Time is money.

To pour money down the drain.

Money makes money.

He who pays the piper calls the tune.

Money is the root of all evil.

Lend your money and lose a friend.

Money makes the mare go.

To spend money like water.

To be in the money.
These sayings express some ideas briefly and clearly. Can you interprete them to describe the ideas vividly?

Комментарий пословиц учащимися.

Образцы комментария:

P1:Lend your money and lose a friend.

It is always easy for some people to take money from their friends, but it can be difficult to pay off a debt, because they feel they borrow their friend’s money, but return their own money. They think that a friend can wait as long as they need. And a person who has lent money may feel embarrassed to remind a friend about a debt. I think their friendship will break up.
P2:There are some things money can’t buy.

Though today money is believed to be the most powerful thing in the world, there are things money really can’t buy. It may sound commonplace, but love, friendship, simpathy, warmth of heart, kindness, an ability to forgive, deep understanding, health, happiness, respect still can’t be bought.And we must never forget that money can often make you rich and wealthy but rarely happy.

4 Ролевые игры (обсуждение финансовых вопросов в телепрограммах «Умники и умницы» и «Парламентский час»).
Money often becomes a topic of conversation in our daily life, we can read about it in magazines and newspapers, we can watch programmes on TV devoted to financial issues.I suggest discussing money matters on imaginary TV programmes.The first programme we’ll drop in is “Bright Boys and Girls” where teenagers compete for some privileges to become the students of Moscow University of International Relations.

Bright Boys and Girls (активизация лексического материала по теме).

Certainly all people use money. But for some people money is an important part of their jobs.What jobs and professions do I mean?

Учащиеся вспоминают профессии, связанные с деньгами.

A banker, an accountant, a financial manager, an economist, a financier, a stockbroker, a dealer, a businessman...

You are going to make a career in this sphere, in the future you’ll have to use a lot of “money-words”, let’s see if you know any of them.

Match the statements with the words from the box.

Building society cash cheque credit card currency deposit fee grant income tax interest loan mortgage overdrawn pension exchange rate receipt salary statement unemployment benefit value added tax wage withdrawal

  1. a word for a document you receive when you buy something

  2. a word for an organisation which lends you money to buy a house

  3. a word for a document your bank sends to you telling you what you have in your account

  4. a word for money you earn from a larger amount of money or pay on money you borrow

  5. two words for money which is lent to you

  6. two words for bank operations with a bank account

  7. three words for methods of paying for things you buy

  8. a word to describe the status of your account

  9. two words for money the government takes away from you

  10. two words to do with money from a foreign country

  11. three words to describe the payment you receive for work you do

  12. three words or expressions to describe money which the government may pay you

What’s the difference between the words in e),f),g),i),j),k),l)?

T: I can see that many of you are cut out for the profession of a financier.

  1. “The Parliament Hour”

The next programme on out TV schedule is “The Parliament Hour”, in which you’ll have a chance to use your analytical abilities and social skills. This programme is very serious , so you have to prepare for it. Imagine that you are the members of our Parliament- the State Duma. You meet to discuss the budgetary policy of the country, its priorities. You should work out a memorandum about your ideas how the government should spend the money of the budget and why.First let’s brainstorm the ideas which can be discussed. What are the most significant spheres to invest money in?

«Мозговой штурм» (учащиеся предлагают возможные сферы для вкладывания денег).
Education economics pensions

Health care culture wages

Law and order transport recreation

Army science housing

Environment trade
Let’s form groups. Exchange your ideas and complete the memo,using the structure suggested. Then you’ll present them on TV.

Работа в группах по составлению меморандума, обмен мнениями.

Карточки с фразами, используемыми при обмене мнениями.

Making suggestions:

In my opinion we should/ ought to...

I suggest V-ing...

I recommend V-ing...

I think that we should...

Why don’t we...?

Why not... ?

It might be a good idea to...

It might be worth V-ing...

We could perhaps...

Another option would be to...

It’s vital/important to...

Схема меморандума:

To: all staff

From: deputy group...

Subject: budget Date:

Our group wants to suggest the following important lines of economic activity that will help to improve the standard of living of ordinary people and create a more humane and just society.


Another way...


Live from the State Duma.Today the members of our Parliament have been discussing the budgetary policies. Now the representatives from deputy groups will come out with their ideas.(Представление меморандумов).

Образец составленного меморандума.


To: all staff
From: deputy group
Subject: budget Date:

Our group wants to suggest the following important lines of economic activity that will help to improve the standard of living of ordinary people and create a more humane and just society:
Firstly, we should spend money of the budget on the development of highly technological production processes.At present the economy of the country depends on raw materials, which are the chief exports. To change the situation we must invest money in scientific research, create scientific centres, raise the wages of scientists.
Secondly, we should establish national health care.The health of a nation is a base of the country’s economic potential. Quality health care must be a right of every citizen, not a privilege for the wealthy.The country should encourage medical research and provide low-income population with free medicines.
Another way of improving the standard of living is raising the minimum wage. A great number of people in Russia live under the poverty line.This country should not be known as a low-wage nation.The minimum wage should be raised to reflect reasonable needs. Meaningful, well-paid jobs can be created by investing money in mass transit, bridges, water and sewage systems, libraries, schools, housing.
Finally, it might be a good idea to spend money on solving ecological problems. Rivers and seas, soil and air are polluted, forests are disappearing, a lot of animals and plants are endangered, people suffer from chronic deseases.We need money to modify and redesign plants and factories, to build purifying systems, to create sanctuaries, to introduce special cources on ecolgy at schools.

People started pollution, people must stop it.

(Используя материалы из прессы, можно посмотреть, на что в действительности будут направлены бюджетные деньги).

5 Заключение.

It was very interesting to listen to your opinions and ideas. I hope you will become good specialists in the economic sphere and will do your best to make this country prosperous.

Money is really important. But there are a lot of things money can’t buy. So, paraphrasing a famous saying, let’s earn to live and not live to earn.

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