Тема : Literary Britain: Famous Writers of the uk. William Shakespeare. Цели

НазваниеТема : Literary Britain: Famous Writers of the uk. William Shakespeare. Цели
Дата публикации28.06.2014
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Тема: Literary Britain: Famous Writers of the UK. William Shakespeare.


-Активизация тематической лексики в устной речи учащихся в диалогической и монологической форме в процессе развития иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции школьников;

-Развитие умений и навыков учащихся аргументировано выражать личное отношение к проблеме, предлагая собственные пути её решения;

-Воспитание интереса учащихся к шедеврам мировой литературы и формирование потребности расширять свои знания и кругозор через книги.

Формы проведения: интерактивная беседа; заочное путешествие с использованием ИКТ(презентация «William Shakespeare»).

Ход урока

T: Well, while speaking about the summer activities you were involved in during your summer holidays many of you said at our previous lessons that reading was one of them. This made me be pleased with you I`d like to know why you were so interested in reading and what books you prefer. Tell me a few words about it, will you?

P: As for me, reading is never a waste of time because all kinds of books people read help everybody not only in education but in many spheres of life too.

T: You are right. You may sustain the conversation using the words and the expressions from the key words cards I`m going to offer you. Have a look at them and continue discussing the subject of our today`s lesson, will you? (Учитель раздает карточки с речевыми опорами по теме «Reading…? Why not…?», стимулируя их участие в разговоре)

P: Of course a lot of people prefer reading as on the hand they want to be on the known of everything. But on the hand only books can captivate you with their thrilling plot and make you be impressed by it for a long time.

T: I agree with you. But I`d like to stress that books can also tell you a lot about lives of famous people and politics, about ancient times and latest discoveries. You are learning English and I believe you`re all interested to know more about English-speaking countries and their famous people, some of the well-known writers among them.

P: Well, as I know British literature is associated with the names of such great writers as William Shakespeare, Robert Burns, Charles Dickens, Charlotte Bronte, Thomas Hardy Jerome K. Jerome, etc.

T: You are right. And you will prepare short stories about them for our next lesson. But the remainder of our today`s lesson I suppose we should devote to William Shakespeare one of the greatest British writers. Let`s see the presentation about William Shakespeare. (Учитель представляет вниманию учащихся презентацию, делая комментарии по слайдам.)

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