The system of schooling in Great Britain

НазваниеThe system of schooling in Great Britain
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The system of schooling in Great Britain
Education is compulsory from the age of five to sixteen, and there is usually a move from primary to secondary school at about the age of eleven, but schools are organized in a number of different ways. There is no law which provides for education of the underfives. In England about 47 per cent of three- and four-year-olds receive education in nursery schools or classes. In addition many children attend informal pre-school play groups organized by parents and voluntary bodies.

For many years the education service has been characterized by change. The provision (обеспечение) of maintained school education is the responsibility of local education authorities (LEAs). They employ teachers and other staff, provide and maintain buildings, supply equipment and materials, provide grants to students proceeding to further and higher education. The Department of Education and Science maintains overall control although local education authorities and head teachers have considerable powers in planning and administration. Plans were introduced into Parliament in 1988 for more centralized control, including a national curriculum1 for all schools.

Schools Maintained by the State. No fees are charged to parents of the children at maintained schools, and books and equipment are free. Schools supported from public funds are of two main kinds in England and Wales: county schools and voluntary schools. County schools2 are provided and maintained by LEAs wholly out of public funds. Voluntary schools3, mostly established by religious denominations (конфессия), are also wholly maintained from public funds but the governors of some types of voluntary schools contribute to capital costs. Nearly a third of primary and secondary maintained schools in England and Wales are voluntary schools, most of them Anglican or Roman Catholic. All children in county or voluntary schools receive religious education by law and take part in a daily corporate act of worship4 unless their parents choose otherwise.

Education within the maintained school system usually comprises two stages — primary education and secondary education.

Primary Schooling. Compulsory education begins at five when children in England and Wales go to infant schools or departments; at seven many go on to junior schools or departments. The usual age of transfer from primary to secondary schools is 11, but a number of LEAs in England have established "first" schools for pupils aged 5 to 8, 9 or 10 and "middle" schools covering various age ranges between 8 and 14.

Secondary Schooling. The publicly maintained system of education aims to give all children an education suited to their particular abilities. Until the 1960s most children took an examination at the end of primary school (the Eleven Plus): those who passed it successfully went to grammar schools while those who did not went to secondary modern schools1. A few areas especially in the south of England still have selective exams at the age of eleven, but about 90 per cent of secondary schools in Britain are now comprehensive2.

They take pupils without reference to ability or aptitude (способность) and provide a wide range of secondary education for all or most of the children from their local area.

Special schools cater for a wide variety of handicap3.

The Curriculum. The content of the secular (мирской) curriculum in maintained schools in England and Wales is the responsibility of the LEA and of the schools' governors. In practice, responsibility is largely devolved (переходить) on head teachers and their staff. The government has issued guidance on the curriculum for both primary and secondary school pupils. It considers that secondary pupils up to the age of 16 should follow a broad curriculum including English, Mathematics and Science, some study of the humanities including History, Religion and Physical education, and opportunities for both practical and aesthetic activities. Most pupils should also study a foreign language. A programme of development projects4 has been introduced to provide a more effective education with a practical slant (уклон) for lower-attaining (плохо успевающий) pupils who do not benefit fully from existing courses.

Independent Schools. Most parents choose to send their children to free state schools financed from public funds but an increasing number of secondary pupils attend fee-paying independent schools outside the school system. Many of these are boarding schools (школа-интернат), which provide accommodation for pupils during term time. There are about 2,500 independent schools educating more than 500,000 pupils of all ages. They charge fees, varying from about £ 100 a term for day pupils at nursery age to £ 2,000 a term for senior boarding pupils.

Independent schools for older pupils — from 11, 12 or 13 to 18/19 — include nearly 500. They are sometimes confusingly referred to as "public schools"5 in England and Wales. Today the term is becoming less frequently used but refers to the mainly boys' schools (which are increasingly admitting girls).

Preparatory schools prepare children for the Common Entrance Examination to senior schools. The normal age range is from seven plus to 11, 12 or 13, but many of the schools now have pre-preparatory departments for younger children.

Examinations. Since 1988, most sixteen-year-olds have taken the General Certificate of Secondary Education6 (GCSE) in five, ten or even fifteen subjects.

Pupils going on to higher education or professional training usually take 'A' level examinations in two or three subjects. These require two more years of study after GCSE, either in the sixth form of a secondary school, or in a separate sixth-form college. Other pupils may choose vocational subjects7 such as catering (обслуживание), tourism, secretarial or building skills. Subsidized courses in these subjects are run at colleges of further education.

School-leavers with jobs sometimes take part-time vocational courses, on day-release from work. School-leavers without jobs get no money from the government unless they join a youth training scheme, which provides a living allowance during two years of work experience.

1 национальный учебный план (курс обучения, введённый в 1988 во всех государственных школах; кроме трёх "коренных" предметов: английский язык, математика, наука, включает семь "основных" предметов: историю, географию, технологию, музыку, искусство, физическое воспитание и, в средних школах, современный иностранный язык; контрольные и экзамены по всем предметам проводятся в возрасте 7, 11, 14 и 16 лет)

2 школы графства (содержатся на средства местных органов народного образования [local education authority])

3 "добровольные" школы (такие школы создаются на пожертвования различных благотворительных организаций)

4 богослужение

1 средняя современная школа (для детей от 11 до 16 лет; государственная; имеет практическую направленность; программа не предусматривает изучения классических языков)

2 общеобразовательная школа

3 физический или умственный недостаток; увечье; расстройство

4 опытно-конструкторская работа, ОКР

5 The most notable public schools are Eton, Harrow, Winchester, Rugby, Oundle, Uppingham, Charterhouse. These schools are exclusive boarding schools, which train their pupils for leading positions in society.

6 экзамен на получение аттестата об общем среднем образовании

7 профессионально-технические предметы

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