Тема: "London the capital of Great Britain"

НазваниеТема: "London the capital of Great Britain"
Дата публикации19.10.2013
Размер11.9 Kb.

Класс 9

по теме: "Лондон - столица Великобритании".

Тема: "London - the capital of Great Britain".

Задачи: a) развитие умений и формирование навыков монологической


b) совершенствование навыков диалогической речи;

c) активизация грамматических навыков: Present Simple и Present


Воспитательная развитие познавательной активности учащихся;

задача: патриотическое воспитание учащихся.


1.Организационная беседа учителя с классом:

T: Good morning, boys and girls!

P: Good morning, good morning!

Good morning to you!

Good morning, dear teacher,

We are glad to see you!

I'm glad to see you, too. Let's start our lesson.

1. What date is it?

2. Are all pupils in class today?

3. Who is away?

2. Фонетическая зарядка:

Take looking glasses! Let's train our tongues.

museum, stadium, gallery, park, have, river, square, street

Find the odd word, please. - It is "have".

Why do you think so? - It is a verb.

3. Речевая зарядка:

wide square main

gallery famous river

park stadium street

1. Make up sentences with the first group of words.

2. Make up negative sentences with the second group of words.

3. Ask questions with the third group of words.

Can you make up a small story about our home town Gusev?

The example of a story:

1. Gusev is a small town.

2. The main street in our town is Pobeda Street.

3. The is a square in the centre of our town.

4. We have a nice stadium near our school.

5. There is a town park in Gusev.

6. But there is no art gallery.

7. We have a museum which is in Malakhov Street.

8. It tells us about the past and present of our town.

9. I like my town because it is very nice and green especially in spring when there are many flowers and small sticky leaves on the trees.

4. Контроль домашнего задания:

Ex. 4 p. 61

You have prepared the dialogues about London and now you have a minute to remember them.

The example of the dialogue:

- Would you like to visit London?

- Yes, I would. It's one of the most famous and interesting cities in Europe.

- What places would you like to see there?

- I would like to visit the main square, art galleries and museums.

- What is the main square in the capital of Great Britain?

- It's Trafalgar Square.

5. Физкультминутка.

6. Активизация грамматических навыков: повторение Present Simple и Present Continuous.

Answer some questions.

1. Do you go to school every day?

2. Are you doing to school now?

3. What do you usually do in the evening?

4. Are you watching TV now?

5. What do we do at the English lesson?

6. Are we reading a text now?

7. What are we doing now?

Выполнение задания по карточкам.

Use the Present Indefinite or Present Continuous and open the brackets.

1. Look! The girl (to play) the piano.

2. Children (to go) to school at 8 o'clock every day.

3. He can't help you now. He (to do) his homework.

4. I (to stand), I (not to sit) now.

5. Kate usually (to go) to the stadium with her brother?

6. Your father (to have breakfast) at the moment?

7. H. W. 1) Ex. 4 p. 72(write);

2) Ex. 4, 5 p. 29(WB).

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