Методические указания по выполнению контрольной работы Количество контрольных заданий, выполняемых студентом на каждом курсе, устанавливается учебным планом института

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НазваниеМетодические указания по выполнению контрольной работы Количество контрольных заданий, выполняемых студентом на каждом курсе, устанавливается учебным планом института
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ТипМетодические указания
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министерство образования и науки российской федерации

Владивостокский государственный университет

экономики и сервиса


для контрольных работ студентов недневных форм обучения по дисциплине

«Иностранный язык (модуль 3)»
Направление «Психология», «Организация работы с молодежью»

Преподаватель (составитель)

Королёва В.К., Тёщина Н.К.

Утверждены на заседании кафедры

Протокол № ___ от «___» _____ 2013 г.

Владивосток 2013
Контрольная работа является одной из форм учебной работы студентов.

Цель написания контрольной работы состоит в том, чтобы проверить, как студенты могут применять изученный грамматический материал по теме The Verbals (Неличные формы глагола) при переводе специальной литературы, а также умение извлекать информацию из прочитанного на базе профессионально ориентированных текстов, подобранных из аутентичной литературы.

Выполнение контрольной работы является обязательным условием для получения допуска к промежуточной аттестации (экзамену) по дисциплине «Иностранный язык (модуль 3)».

Оформление контрольной работы должно соответствовать требованиям СТО 1.005-2007* «Система вузовской учебной документации. Общие требования к оформлению текстовой части выпускных квалификационных работ, курсовых работ (проектов), рефератов, контрольных работ, отчётов по практикам, лабораторным работам. Структура и правила оформления».

Методические указания по выполнению контрольной работы

1. Количество контрольных заданий, выполняемых студентом на каждом курсе, устанавливается учебным планом института.

2. Каждое контрольное задание предлагается в пяти вариантах. Студент должен выполнить один из пяти вариантов в соответствии с последней цифрой студенческого шифра: студенты, шифр которых оканчивается на 1 или 2, выполняют вариант № 1, на 3 или 4 – № 2, на 5 или 6 – №.3, на 7 или 8 – № 4, на 9 или 0 – № 5. Все остальные варианты можно использовать в качестве материала для дополнительного чтения и для подготовки к экзамену.

3. Выполнять письменные контрольные работы следует в печатном виде на листах формата А4, шрифт Times New Roman 14. При выполнении контрольной работы оставляйте широкие поля для замечаний, объяснений и методических указаний рецензента.

Материал контрольной работы следует располагать по образцу:
Английский текст Русский текст Поля
4. Готовые контрольные работы направляйте для проверки и рецензирования в деканат института заочного и дистанционного обучения в установленные сроки.

5. Если контрольная работа выполнена без соблюдения указаний и не полностью, она возвращается студенту без проверки.

Контрольная работа №3

Вариант 1
Грамматика: Infinitive. Forms and Functions. Bare Infinitive

Infinitive Constructions: Objective, Nominative, For-to-Infinitive

Задание 1. Перепечатайте предложения, вставив инфинитив в нужной форме, и переведите предложение на русский язык.

  1. People want … in their communities, at work and at home. (to value)

A. to have valued C. to value E. to have been valued

B. to be valued D. to be valuing F. to have been valuing

  1. It is known the first hospice … with the assistance of philanthropists. (to organize)

A. to organize C. to be organizing E. to have organized

B. to be organized D. to have been organized F. to have been organizing

  1. A social group is said … as a group of people with common interests and duties. (to define)

A. to have defined C. to be defining E. to define

B. to have been defined D. to have been defining F. to be defined

Задание 2. Перепечатайте предложения, поставьте частицу to, где необходимо. Объясните причину отсутствия частицы to. Переведите предложение на русский язык.

  1. Fifteen minutes of this relaxation can make a person … feel as if he has been away from work for several hours.

  2. All knowledge must … be based on sense-impressions, on the evidence of the senses, on observation.

  3. The purpose of this book is … provide a clear understanding of his theory.

Задание 3. Перепечатайте предложения. Измените их, используя Infinitive вместо подчёркнутых слов. Переведите полученное предложение на русский язык.

  1. Wilhelm Wundt was the first person in history who was called a ‘psychologist’.

  2. Counseling psychologists help people recognize their strengths and resources so that they could cope with their problems.

  3. Research which must be carried out by us is of great importance.

Задание 4. Перепечатайте предложения. Замените сложные предложения или группы предложений простыми предложениями с инфинитивным оборотом Complex Object. Переведите полученное предложение на русский язык.

1. Escapism is a disease called as sociophobia. Doctors identified it.

2. You will participate in the research in the near future. I would like it.

3. He was influenced by his past experiences. Psychologists believe it.

Задание 5. Перепечатайте предложения. Закончите их, используя "for-to-Infinitive Construction". Переведите предложение на русский язык.

  1. It is natural (to lie; people) to protect themselves.

  2. Serious deception often makes it impossible (to trust, us) another person again.

  3. This is (to decide; you) whether to conduct this research or not.

Задание 6. Перепечатайте предложения с Complex Subject. Вставьте сказуемое в нужной форме и переведите предложение на русский язык.

  1. His theory … to have been developed for half a century. ( to say)

  2. He … to be a leading scientist in this field of sociology. (to prove)

  3. Some children … to experience hardships in their childhood by being teased by their classmates. (to be sure)

Задание 7. Перепечатайте предложения, подчеркните инфинитивные обороты. Определите, какой инфинитивный оборот употреблён в предложении. Переведите предложение на русский язык, обращая внимание на форму инфинитива.

1. When Americans offer food or drink, they expect the other person to say ‘yes’ at once if the food is desired.

2. A change in the role of one spouse is likely to alter the roles of other family members.

3. It is really important for you to provide yourself with the support and resources that will help you.
Грамматика: Participle. Forms and Functions. Participial Constructions

Gerund. Gerundial Construction

Задание 8. Выберите правильный вариант перевода выделенной части предложения. Переведите предложение на русский язык.

  1. The public opinion poll conducted on the basis of the latest methods gave positive results.

A. проводящий C. проведенный

B. проводимый D. будучи проведенным

  1. To watch the changing world is rather interesting.

A. меняющийся C. изменивший

B. измененный D. изменяющий

  1. When being studied from all the aspects, the event becomes understandable.

A. изучавший C. изучая

B. изучаемый D. изученный

Задание 9. Выберите нужную форму Participle I. Переведите предложение на русский язык.

  1. …this research he came across some interesting phenomenon.

A. being conducted B. conducting C. having conducted

  1. Observations …with the help of special techniques gave different results.

A. making B. having made C. being made D. made

  1. While … the previous theories, he tries to understand their relationships.

A. criticizing B. being criticized C. having criticized D. criticized

Задание 10. Перепечатайте предложения. Замените выделенную часть предложения соответствующей формой Participle I. Переведите полученное предложение на русский язык.

  1. The science which develops raises more and more important questions for the further discussion.

A. having developed B. developing C. being developed

  1. When he had achieved certain success in his life he decided to get married.

A. being achieved B. achieving C. having achieved

  1. The data which is being discussed at the seminar are of particular importance.

A. discussing B. being discussed C. discussed D. having been discussed

Задание 11. Перепечатайте предложения. Определите, какой формой глагола является выделенное слово: Participle II или Past Simple. Переведите полученное предложения на русский язык.

1. The new achievement made in this field of science is of certain value.

2. He spoke of the results obtained, conclusions made and future plans taken.

3. His conclusion founded on the latest statistical data was quite right.

Задание 12. Перепечатайте предложения. Вставьте Participle I или Participle II. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

  1. The … interaction is a result of close communication. (to give)

  2. …thoroughly the phenomenon was resolved at last. (to study)

  3. …the experimental laboratory he felt rather tired. (to leave)

Задание 13. Перепечатайте предложения, подчеркните причастные обороты. Переведите предложение на русский язык, обращая внимание на форму причастия.

  1. He having felt lonely, feelings of depression and anxiety overcame him.

  2. This problem should be solved immediately, specific techniques being applied.

  3. People's characteristics differ greatly, with positive ones prevailing over negative traits.

Задание 14. Перепечатайте предложения. Определите, чем является выделенное слово: Participle I, Gerund, Verbal Noun. Переведите предложение на русский язык.

        1. What are the reasons for conducting psychological researches?

        2. Without knowing these facts it is impossible to build up a true picture of the world.

        3. His representation was true, the main idea being connected with consciousness.

Задание 15. Перепечатайте предложения, подчеркните герундиальные обороты. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на форму герундия.

  1. His having misinterpreted their nonverbal behaviour led to complete misunderstanding and to a quarrel.

  2. He couldn't help criticizing her for such strange ideas.

  3. Without investigating this case it was difficult to find the guilty.

Задание 16. Прочитайте текст.

Family Development (B)

  1. Stage three: families with preschoolers. This stage begins approximately at the time when the eldest child reaches age three and continues until the child starts school. Often, the demands of dependent children are high, financial resources are low, and parents are heavily involved in early career development. The combination of these factors can be stressful.

The preschooler's task during this stage is to develop initiative. Parents can foster this as they expose the child with an opportunity to interact with peers and variety of adults. Children require the security and warm attachments of both parents and the opportunity to develop a positive sibling relationship.

  1. Stage four: families with schoolchildren. This stage begins when the first child is six or starts elementary school and ends at the beginning of adolescence. It lasts for approximately six years and is heavily influenced by outside activities. Parents can either support or hinder their children's success at school and with their friends.

  2. Stage five: families with teenagers. This stage begins when the eldest child turns 13. This period has often been characterized as one of intense upheaval and transition. These are biological, emotional, and sociocultural changes occurring with great and ever increasing rapidity. The family must move from the dependency relationship previously established with a young child to an increasingly independent relationship with the adolescent. Growing psychological independence is frequently not recognized due to continuing physical dependence. Conflict often surfaces when the teenager's independence threatens the family who count on the teenager's dependency for their well-being.

The teenager's frequent questioning and conflict about values, life-styles, career plans, and so forth can thrust into an examination of their own marital and career issues. All family members continue to have their relationships within the family, but increasingly the teenagers are more involved with their friends than with family members.

IV Stage six: families as launching centres. This stage begins with the actual departure of the first child from the home and continues until the youngest child has left home. Parents must adapt to the new roles of a parent and separated adult. This involves renegotiation of emotional and financial commitments.

  1. Stage seven: middle-aged families. This stage begins with the departure of the last child from the home and ends with the retirement of one of the mates. It is a long stage of approximately 15 years. The family cycle tends to repeat itself and the couple find themselves in new roles of mother-in-law, father-in-law, and grandparent. The parents adjust family ties and expectations to include their child's spouse.

VII. Stage eight: aging families. This stage begins with retirement and lasts until the death of both spouses. This is a time for a life review and taking care of unfinished businesses with family as well with business and social contacts. Most elderly people do not mind talking about death.

In recent years, there have been several changes impacting on the traditions in family developmental life cycles. Separation, divorce, the rise of single-parent families and the frequency of remarriage by divorced persons have all had an impact.

Because divorce may occur at any stage of the family life cycle, it has different impact upon family functioning depending upon its timing. The marital breakdown may be sudden or it may be long and drawn out. In either case emotional work is required to restabilize the family and proceed on a developmental course.

  1. Переведите письменно III часть текста.

  2. Найдите в тексте предложения, имеющие одинаковое значение со следующими: …

1. Children want the safety and warm attitude of their mother and father and the chance to continue good relations.

2. This is a period for re-estimating your existence and paying attention to uncompleted things with your close relatives.

3. Great number of aged people do not object speaking about the end of their life.

  1. Ответьте на вопросы, используя информацию из текста.

1. Why are parents heavily involved in early career development?

2. When does conflict with teenager take place?

3. What changes have had an impact on the traditions in family developmental life cycles?

  1. В какой части текста говорится …

1. о семьях с детьми младшего школьного возраста?

2. о стадии развития, когда ребенку исполняется 13 лет?

3. о семьях среднего возраста?

  1. Определите, является ли данное предложение: истинным, ложным или в тексте нет об этом информации.

1. Growing psychological independence is accepted due to continuing physical dependence.

2. The parents adjust family ties and expectations to include their child's spouse.

3. The marital breakdown may be sudden or it may be long and drawn out.

  1. Определите, какое предложение выражает главную мысль текста.

1. The family must move from the dependency relationship previously established with a young child to an increasingly independent relationship with the adolescent.

2. The family cycle tends to repeat itself and the couple find themselves in new roles of mother-in-law, father-in-law, and grandparent.

3. Major stages of family development and their general features and characteristics.

Контрольная работа №3

Вариант 2

Грамматика: Infinitive. Forms and Functions. Bare Infinitive

Infinitive Constructions: Objective, Nominative, For-to-Infinitive

Задание 1. Перепечатайте предложения. Вставьте инфинитив в нужной форме и переведите предложение на русский язык.

  1. They want the problems of generation gap … at the coming session. (to discuss)

A. to discuss C. to be discussing E. to have discussed

B. to be discussed D. to have been discussed F. to have been discussing

  1. Analysts of the Russian Research Center maintain the proportion of the middle class … 10 percent. (to reach)

A. to reach C. to be reaching E. to have reached

B. to be reached D. to have been reached F. to have been reaching

  1. When Americans offer food or drink, they expect the other person … «yes» at once if the food is desired. (to say)

A. to have said C. to be saying E. to say

B. to have been saying D. to have been saying F. to be said

Задание 2. Перепечатайте предложения, поставьте частицу to, где необходимо. Объясните причину отсутствия частицы to. Переведите предложение на русский язык.

  1. It is not wise to make the man … marry just … legalize relations that caused “incidental” pregnancy.

  2. … discover the truth, we must … start from personal experience.

  3. A common way … greet small children in the U.S. is … pat them on the top of the head.

Задание 3. Перепечатайте предложения. Измените их, используя Infinitive вместо подчёркнутых слов. Переведите полученное предложение на русский язык.

  1. Hermann Ebbinghaus was the first person who studied memory scientifically and systematically.

  2. That is the true conclusion that we can make.

  3. Social psychologists are interested in all aspects of interpersonal relationships, including both individual and group influences, and seek ways that will improve such interactions.

Задание 4. Перепечатайте предложения. Замените сложные предложения или группы предложений простыми предложениями с инфинитивным оборотом Complex Object. Переведите полученное предложение на русский язык.

1. Problem solving is a mental process. Psychologists think so.

2. The conference will be held at the end of June. We suppose so.

3. The psychiatrist Sigmund Freud developed an independent approach to the study of the mind. We know it.

Задание 5. Перепечатайте предложения. Закончите их, используя "for-to-Infinitive Construction". Переведите предложение на русский язык.

  1. He repeated it twice (everybody; to understand).

  2. It is almost impossible (to lie down; a sleepy person) in a darkened room all night and not fall asleep.

  3. It was a wise idea (to end; you; the relationship).

Задание 6. Перепечатайте предложения с Complex Subject. Вставьте сказуемое в нужной форме и переведите предложение на русский язык.

  1. Sociology as a science … to be concerned with social groups and institutions. (to know)

  2. Drug and alcohol abuse … to lead to unemployment and isolation. (to happen)

  3. Less attractive personalities … to experience less rewards in the social situations. (to be likely)

Задание 7. Перепечатайте предложения, подчеркните инфинитивные обороты. Определите, какой инфинитивный оборот употреблён в предложении. Переведите предложение на русский язык, обращая внимание на форму инфинитива

  1. Some people suggest their personal recollections to be confused with outside sources of information.

  2. Children often learn by imitating their parents, who serve as models for them to copy.

  3. If you lie all the time, you are likely to have a problem that will eventually cause your real relationship, financial or legal troubles.

Грамматика: Participle. Forms and Functions. Participial Constructions

Gerund. Gerundial Construction

Задание 8. Выберите правильный вариант перевода выделенной части предложения. Переведите предложение на русский язык.

1. The analysis of the poll conducted at the plant seemed rather fruitful.

A. проводящий C. проведенный

B. проводимый D. будучи проведенным

2. Polls being defined as the basic tool of psychology help psychologists in their research.

A.определенный C. определяемый

B. определяющий D. определено

3. Having been recognized as the leading principle the statement was included into his theory.

A. признающий C. признанный

B. признаваемый D. признан

Задание 9. Выберите нужную форму Participle I. Переведите предложение на русский язык.

  1. …all in detail she understood the real picture of the phenomenon.

A. analyzing B. analyzed C. having analyzed

  1. The data …at the seminar are of particular importance.

A. discussed B. discussing C. having discussed D. being discussed

  1. The psychologists…with the problem of migration made up a number of special questionnaires.

A. dealing B. being dealt C. having dealt D. dealt

Задание 10. Перепечатайте предложения. Замените выделенную часть предложения соответствующей формой Participle I. Переведите полученное предложение на русский язык.

  1. The phenomenon which was thoroughly studied was resolved at last.

A. having studied B. studying C. being studied

  1. As she had seen him unexpectedly she crossed the street to be lost in the crowd.

A. seeing B. having seen C. being seen D. seen

3. As he had been invited to the scientific conference he bought a ticket for the plane at once.

A. invited B. having been invited C. inviting D. being invited

Задание 11. Перепечатайте предложения. Определите, какой формой глагола является выделенное слово: Participle II или Past Simple. Переведите полученное предложения на русский язык.

  1. The recent poll held in the given region revealed a lot of problematic questions.

  2. They couldn't agree with his point of view expressed so illogically.

  3. The analysis of the poll conducted at the plant seemed rather fruitful.

Задание 12. Перепечатайте предложения. Вставьте Participle I или Participle II. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

  1. Any problem can be attacked in a scientific way…either to a right answer or to an explanation of why an answer cannot be found. (to lead)

  2. The discovery …and the data …were published in «SCIENCE NEWS». (to make, to obtain)

  3. …one experiment he started another with the children as the subjects. (to finish)

Задание 13. Перепечатайте предложения, подчеркните причастные обороты. Переведите предложение на русский язык, обращая внимание на форму причастия.

  1. He having felt lonely, feelings of depression and anxiety overcame him.

  2. This problem should be solved immediately, specific techniques being applied.

  3. The definite decision having been taken, they started discussing the details.

Задание 14. Перепечатайте предложения. Определите, чем является выделенное слово: Participle I, Gerund, Verbal Noun. Переведите предложение на русский язык.

  1. They discussed a lot of interesting issues, the problem of nonverbal communication being one of them.

  2. She answered without hesitating.

  3. The child was awakened by their loud talking.

Задание 15. Перепечатайте предложения, подчеркните герундиальные обороты. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на форму герундия.

  1. Their having been awarded a special prize for the research has quickly become known to everybody.

  2. Do you mind my having taken a decision of organizing a new firm?

  3. They succeeded in having achieved the desired conclusions.

Задание 16. Прочитайте текст.

Nonverbal Behavior

I. People from different cultures attach a wide variety of meanings to the same specific non-verbal behavior: looking another person in the eye, laughing in a certain way, touching a person on the head, holding up two greeting or separating from other women, although they are free to kiss each other lightly on one or both cheeks (or to touch cheek-to-cheek and kiss the air) if this is common in their social circle. The traditional pattern for a man and woman is that they shake hands only if the woman takes the initiative by offering her hand. In recent decades, however, the rules for men and women in some social circles have broadened to include men's taking the initiative in hand-shaking; a light kiss on the cheek between friends or relatives also is becoming increasingly common. Men and women may hug each other, even in the absence of romantic attachment, under the same conditions mentioned above for men.

II. When in conversation with one another, Americans generally stand about half a meter apart and look each other in the eye frequently but not constantly. The distance that is maintained between people in conversation can vary; for example, a larger distance is likely to be maintained between people who have a clear superior-subordinate relationship, while a lesser distance is common between peers who are good friends.

III. You should be aware that, under most circumstances, people in the U.S. instantly are made to feel very uncomfortable by others who stand very close to them. A common exception occurs on public transportation vehicles during the crowded «rush hours», but in these cases the people who are very close to one another are careful to completely ignore each other.

  1. Americans also feel very uncomfortable when dealing with others who look constantly into their eyes; on the other hand, they feel suspicious about others who never look into their eyes. In general, the rules for eye contact seem to be these: When you are listening, you should look into the speaker's eyes (or at least at his or her face) fairly constantly, with an occasional glance away. When you are speaking, you are freer to let your eyes wander as you talk, but you should look at the eyes of the listener from time to time to receive acknowledgment that he or she is listening and understands the points you are making.

V. Some visitors to the U.S. are shocked, insulted, or perplexed by certain common non-verbal behaviors of Americans. Here are a few facts for you to keep in mind: (1) Americans have no taboo of any kind associated with the left hand; they are as likely to touch you or to hand you objects with the left hand as with the right hand. (2) Americans have no negative association with the soles of the feet or bottom of the shoes; they do not feel it necessary to prevent others from seeing these areas. (3) A common way to greet small children in the U.S. is to pat them on the top of the head. (4) People in the U.S. often point with their index finger and wave it around as they make important points in conversation. (5) One beckons to another person to come closer by holding the hand with the palm and fingers up, not down. (6)Americans show respect and deference for another person by looking him or her in the face, not by looking down. (7) Informal, relaxed postures are commonly assumed by U.S. people when they are standing or sitting, even when they are conversing with others; lack of formal posture is not a sign of inattention or disrespect. (8) Americans are uncomfortable with silence; they expect to talk rather constantly when in the presence of others. (9) The doors of rooms usually are left open unless there is a specific reason to close them. (10) Punctuality is important to many U.S. people; they become quite annoyed if forced to wait more than 15 minutes beyond the scheduled time for appointments. (11) People who see each other on a daily basis do not shake hands every time they encounter one another; they may not even greet each other on every encounter after the first one each day. (12) Smokers do not necessarily offer cigarettes to others whenever they light up. (13) When Americans offer food or drink, they expect the other person to say «yes» at once if the food is desired; they do not expect polite refusals first.

  1. A) Переведите письменно IV часть текста.

  2. B) Найдите в тексте предложения, имеющие одинаковое значение со следующими:

1. Some guests of the USA can’t stand or don’t accept certain things in common way of communication with people.

2. A general way to say “hello” to small kids in America is to touch them on the head.

3. To be in time is essential to most Americans and they get quite angry if they are made to wait more than a quarter of an hour.

  1. C) Ответьте на вопросы, используя информацию из текста.

1. What ways of non-verbal behavior are described in the text?

2. What do people in America do when they greet each other?

3. Why do Americans feel rather uncomfortable when someone never looks into their eyes?

  1. D) В какой части текста говорится …

1. о способах приветствия;

2. о том, что другие люди могут не понимать поведения американцев;

3. о расстоянии между общающимися людьми;

  1. E) Определите, является ли данное предложение: истинным, ложным или в тексте нет об этом информации.

1. During “rush hours” in public transportation vehicles people usually stand very far from each other

2. In the absence of romantic relations men and women may hug each other.

3. When you are listening, you should look into the speaker's eyes (or at least at his or her face) fairly constantly, with an occasional glance away.

  1. F) Определите, какое предложение выражает главную мысль текста.

1. Americans are uncomfortable with silence; they expect to talk rather constantly when in the presence of others.

2. People from different cultures attach a wide variety of meanings to the same specific non-verbal behavior: looking another person in the eye, laughing in a certain way, touching a person on the head etc.

3. You should be aware that, under most circumstances, people in the U.S. instantly are made to feel very uncomfortable by others who stand very close to them.
Контрольная работа №3

Вариант 3
Грамматика: Infinitive. Forms and Functions. Bare Infinitive

Infinitive Constructions: Objective, Nominative, For-to-Infinitive

Задание 1. Перепечатайте предложения. Вставьте инфинитив в нужной форме и переведите предложение на русский язык.

1. A person may lie … himself.(to protect)

A. to be protecting C. to protect E. to have protected

B. to have been protecting D. to be protected F. to have been protected

2. In case of a divorce some women risk … without means of subsistence.(to leave)

A. to leave C. to be leaving E. to have left

B. to be left D. to have been left F. to have been leaving

3. His theory is said … for half a century.(to develop)

A. to have developed C. to be developing E. to develop

B. to have been developed D. to have been developing F. to be developed

Задание 2. Перепечатайте предложения, поставьте частицу to, где необходимо. Объясните причину отсутствия частицы to. Переведите предложение на русский язык.

  1. The situation made them … change their plans immediately.

  2. Sometimes women are naive … believe that a man can't … leave the children.

  3. Escapism, the desire … avoid contact with other people, down to subjecting oneself to complete isolation, is not rare.

Задание 3. Перепечатайте предложения. Измените их, используя Infinitive вместо подчёркнутых слов. Переведите полученное предложение на русский язык.

  1. Alfred Binet was the first psychologist who invented the first usable intelligence test, the basis of today’s IQ test.

  2. Psychologists are working hard so that they can provide answers to research questions in diverse areas.

  3. There are strong doubts that a man will be generous enough so that he will leave everything including his flat to his wife.

Задание 4. Перепечатайте предложения. Замените сложные предложения или группы предложений простыми предложениями с инфинитивным оборотом Complex Object. Переведите полученное предложение на русский язык.

1. He will occupy a leading position in the research center. I would like it.

2. Children are treated badly. I don’t bear it.

3. He was a leading scientist in this field of sociology. We know it.

Задание 5. Перепечатайте предложения. Закончите их, используя "for-to-Infinitive Construction". Переведите предложение на русский язык.

  1. It is almost time (conference; to start).

  2. It is important (to begin; you) the forgiveness and re-connecting process.

  3. If a relationship has ended, it might be (both people; a chance; to look at) what happened and to learn to ‘do it differently’ the next time.

Задание 6. Перепечатайте предложения с Complex Subject. Вставьте сказуемое в нужной форме и переведите предложение на русский язык.

  1. Speech therapy … to be very effective in helping people overcome the problem of stuttering. (to seem)

  2. The problem of science and religion … to have been the subject of long discussions. (to know)

  3. A larger distance … to be maintained between people who have a clear superior - subordinate relationship. (to be likely)

Задание 7. Перепечатайте предложения, подчеркните инфинитивные обороты. Определите, какой инфинитивный оборот употреблён в предложении. Переведите предложение на русский язык, обращая внимание на форму инфинитива

    1. Most men recognize the need for improved communication to be the woman’s responsibility.

    2. It is often difficult for a person to avoid a metaphysical way of thinking.

    3. Most of lies told by the average person are known to be harmless and they are called white lies.

Грамматика: Participle. Forms and Functions. Participial Constructions

Gerund. Gerundial Construction

Задание 8. Выберите правильный вариант перевода выделенной части предложения. Переведите предложение на русский язык.

1. It was a great forum, scientists of many countries
  1   2   3   4

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