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(учебно-методическое пособие по книге М.Е. Бирмана «Рассказы английских писателей» для домашнего чтения)



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Кандидат педагогических наук, доцент кафедры СГ и ЕНД ЕФ ИСГЗ
Рузанова О.В.
Старший преподаватель кафедры английской филологии ЕГПУ
Соловьева Г.В.

Балашова Л.С., Казакова Ю.К., Яхина А.М. Читаем рассказы английских писателей: Учебно-методическое пособие по книге М.Е. Бирмана «Рассказы английских писателей» для домашнего чтения / Л.С. Балашова, Ю.К. Казакова, А.М. Яхина – Елабуга. 2008.-

Предлагаемое пособие рассчитано на студентов 2 и 3 курсов немецкого отделения факультета иностранных языков. Оно нацелено на то, чтобы помочь студентам методически грамотно организовать чтение английских произведений, а также на развитие у студентов навыков устной речи в ходе обсуждения прочитанных рассказов. В книгу для чтения включены популярные рассказы известных английских писателей, что обеспечивает знакомство студентов с основными произведениями английской литературы.

There’s Many a Slip ’Twixt the Cup and the Lip” by Charles Reade (pp. 5-20)

I. Transcribe, pronounce and translate the following words:

wretched, attractive, self-denying, mercenary, furious, sorrowful, favourite, beautiful, senseless, impatient, independent, faithful, tactless, ungrateful, dishonest, thoughtful, unpunctual, good-humoured.
II. Find in the text the following word-combinations, recall the situations in which they are used.

  • to enliven smth/smb

  • to burst into tears

  • to trouble one’s peace

  • to be on the verge of smth

  • to hold one’s tongue

  • to mind one’s own business

  • to break smb’s heart

  • to teach smb a lesson

  • to be envious of smb

III. Prepare the following passage for good reading and literary translation. p. 18 “They came home with… as she looks”.
IV. Find English equivalents for: бросаться на колени (p. 14), рыдать (p. 14), проучить кого-то (p. 15), принимать к сердцу (p. 15), тратить попусту время (p. 16, 17), пожимать плечами (p. 19).
V. Give descriptions of:

  • Rebecca Barnes

  • Samuel Sutton

  • Joe Newton

  • Melusina Tiverton.

VI. Be ready to answer the following questions;

  1. Who are the main characters of this story?

  2. Where did they live?

  3. Whom did Mr. Sutton live with after his wife’s death?

  4. Who changed the life of the village one day and how?

  5. What happened to Rebecca one day?

  6. Whom did Joe Newton marry?

  7. How did Rebecca learn that Melusina wasn’t a poor woman?

  8. How can you prove that Joe’s wife didn’t like Rebecca?

  9. What happened to Mr. Sutton and what was his disease?

  10. What was the real reason of Joe’s coming to the uncle’s house?

  11. How can you prove that Rebecca was a clever woman?

  12. Who was the real hope and support for Mr. Sutton?

  13. What was the end of the story?

VII. Retell one of the chapters from the point of view of:

    • Rebecca

    • Mr. Sutton

    • Joe Newton

    • Melusina (a lady of fashion)

VIII. Agree or disagree with the following: “A man is as old as he feels and a woman is as old as she looks.” (p. 18)

The Traveller’s Story of a Terribly Strange Bed by Wilkie Collins (pp.21-29)

  1. Transcribe and translate: delightful, fashionable, ragged, croupier, leisure, occasion, honour, suspicious, effects, proposal, panic-stricken, punish, society.

  1. Read the story and find the following word-combinations and phrases, make up the sentences of your own with them.

  • to preserve one’s self-possession

  • to have an effect on smb

  • to agree to smb’s proposal

  • to compose oneself

  • to amuse oneself

  • to make friends with smb

  1. Prepare the following passage for good reading and literary translation. p.21 “When we had left our hats…dulled in the atmosphere of the room.”

  1. Answer the questions:

    1. Who is the main character of the story?

    2. What is the story about?

    3. Who were the guests of that gambling house?

    4. How many bottles of champagne did they drink?

    5. What was the source of that strange effect?

    6. What happened to our hero at night?

    7. What did he do in order not to be murdered?

    8. What portrait was on the wall?

    9. What was the machine for secret murder?

    10. Is the end of the story quite unexpected?

    11. What would you do if you were him?

    12. What does the author want to tell us by this story?

  1. Agree or disagree to the following:

    1. One day two friends and two ladies went to the theatre, where ladies of fashion and very out-standing and famous people were. Is it so?

    2. The game began, nobody was interested in it and very soon they stayed alone.

    3. He often went to the gambling house and always had a success, but at that time he failed.

V. Retell the story.

The Sire de Maletroit’s Door by Robert Louis Stevenson (pp.30-42)

  1. Find some information about the author.

  1. Read the story (pp.30-42).

  1. Translate and transcribe the following words:

inexplicable, brutal, beard, moustache, violently, resigned, ache, kneeling, unfortunate, gratitude, honoured, awkward, passionately, nephew.

  1. Prepare the passage for good reading and literary translation. p. 30-31 “There was no wind now but the night … and his sword knocked loudly against the wall of the house.”

  1. Find the following word-combinations and make up your own situation with them.

  • to curse

  • a way out (of smth)

  • to touch one’s honour

  • to put an end to smth

  • it occurred to smb that

  • to make a conclusion

  1. Answer the questions:

    1. What was Denis Beaulieu?

    2. What happened to him one day?

    3. Whom did he find inside the gloomy house?

    4. What did the man look like?

    5. What did the man demand of him?

    6. What was the girl like? Describe her appearance.

    7. Why was her uncle angry with her?

    8. What was the end of the story?

VII. Make up a plan of the story (10 items) in written form and retell the story according to it.

Mr. Brisher’s Treasure by H.G. Wells (pp. 43-50)

  1. Transcribe and translate: company, stylish, fortnight, anxious, treasure, reason, afterwards, burglar, authority, presently, dozen.

  1. Find in the text sentences with the following word-combinations. Give the context these word-combinations are used in.

  • to happen to smb

  • to be engaged

  • to be respectable

  • to let smb do smth

  • to get a proper position

  • to do the house

  • to make smb do smth

  • to answer smb back

  1. Prepare a passage for good reading and literary translation. p. 45 “Uncovered … had looked over the fence.”

  1. Express agreement or disagreement to the following statements.

    • One day two friends were sitting in the restaurant and talking.

    • One of these friends was really happy because he had found a real treasure-trove and had become a rich man.

    • An orphan girl lived in Essex near London.

    • Mr. Brisher got to know her in one little café in Paris.

    • Two sisters were in London with their uncle and he let them do what they wanted.

    • These friends used to go on board of a motor launch to have a view of London.

    • Soon the two sisters were married.

    • Jane lived with her uncle and aunt because her parents had died.

    • Her father liked to sing popular songs at restaurants.

    • One day Mr. Brisher came to their house and wanted to make a rockery there.

    • He dug for a long time and once he dug up a real treasure-trove. He took it, went to Jane’s father and gave it to him. Then Jane and Mr. Brisher married.

  2. Give the main idea of the story and your own conception upon the whole.

  3. Translate the following sentences into English.

    • Почему вы думаете, что она ему не пара? Я не удивлюсь, если уже в следующем месяце они будут помолвлены.

    • Я думаю, что с ним что-то случилось. Он очень ответственный и всегда приходит во время.

    • Не позволяй детям гулять так поздно одним. С ними может случиться несчастье.

    • Он работал много лет, чтобы достичь подобающего положения в обществе.

    • Просто невозможно заставить ее убраться дома. Лучше все сделать самому, чем слышать, как она дерзит.

VIII. Imagine you have dug a lot of treasure. What would you do? Make up a situation using the vocabulary of all the stories you have read.

The Lion’s Share by Arnold Bennet (pp.51-60)

  1. Read the story pp.51-60

  1. Transcribe and translate: consider, unfortunate, disease, fever, specialist, sufficiently, legacy, exhausted, honest, tragedy, breathe, manage, improve.

  1. Prepare the passage for good reading and literary translation. p.56 “The wedding cost Horace a large sum of money…Horace had to suffer and he did suffer.”

  1. Find these word-combinations in the story and give the context they are used in.

  • to change one’s mind

  • to get on in business

  • to be clumsy

  • in spite of

  • to wreck smb’s happiness

  • to accept the invitation

  • to spend money on smth

  1. Find in the text the following word-combinations in English and translate the sentences with them: быть серьезным (р. 55), принять приглашение (р. 55), быть ужасно счастливым (р. 55), пристально смотреть (р. 56), производить впечатление (р. 56), ухаживать, заботиться (р. 57), занять, взять в долг деньги (р. 57, 58), ужасно сожалеть (р. 58), прийти на ум, осенить (р. 59).

  1. Give the description of:

    • Horace

    • Ella

    • Sidney

    • Sidney and Ella’s children.

Characterize these people.

  1. Complete the situations:

  • Sidney was ill, but when he was better, Horace wanted to carry Sidney downstairs, but his mother was against it. However Horace took Sydney…

  • Sidney reached the age of eighteen and was now very handsome…

  • By this time Mrs. Carpole died and Horace became father and mother for Sidney…

  • Sidney was left gay and content at school by Horace. But when he went home he was weeping…

  1. Answer the questions.

      1. Why did Horace do everything for his brother?

      2. Do you think that Sidney was truly ill?

      3. What was interesting about Sidney and Ella’s first meeting?

      4. When Horace was in a difficult position why didn’t he refuse 8 pounds a week for Sidney?

      5. Why didn’t Horace borrow money from Ella?

      6. How can you explain the title of the story?

XI. Retell one of the chapters in detail and with the maximum of your active vocabulary.

Fifty Pounds by Alfred Coppard (pp. 61-70)
I. Transcribe and translate the following words: circumstance, energetic, manuscript, useless, poor, burden, fare, secret, legacy, noble, desert (n.), treachery.
II. Find in the text the following words and word-combinations:

  • быть без работы (p.61)

  • быть подавленным и усталым (p. 61)

  • бесполезный (p. 62)

  • выдерживать (терпеть, переносить) (p. 62)

  • зарабатывать на жизнь (p. 63)

  • несчастье, неприятности (p. 64)

  • ради кого-либо (p. 64)

  • это стоило того (p.66)

  • небрежно (p. 67)

  • жестокое и подлое предательство (p. 68)

III. Make up your own situation with these word-combinations. Try to base it on the sentence “If my beloved wanted to leave me like that I would…”
IV. Find in the story all the words and word-combinations you have learnt during the year. Write them out and be ready to enumerate.
V. Give the description of Philip Repton and Eulalia Burnes. What kind of people are they?
VI. Make up 5-10 questions to the story beginning with ‘Why’.
VII. Prepare the following passage for good reading and literary translation. p. 68 “The bus took her to a…a cruel and mean treachery”.

VIII. Give the detailed description of the room where they lived.

IX. Be ready to answer the questions:

  1. What was the reason for such a gloomy mood of the young people?

  2. Why did Lally think that she was a burden to Repton?

  3. How can you prove that Repton was too proud to deal with?

  4. What do you think about the fact that Repton didn’t want to let Lally go to Glasgow?

  5. Why didn’t Repton and Lally marry?

  6. What were Lally’s thoughts after receiving a legacy of 80 pounds?

X. Make up a monologue. Use the word-combinations you’ve learnt.

    1. Describe what you felt when parting with Ph. Repton. Begin with these words: “At last I dressed and went into the room to say goodbye to Ph. Repton. I saw him standing and waiting for me. My heart began to beat quicker and quicker…”

    2. Describe what you felt when parting with Eulalia Burnes. Begin with the words: “In the long run Eulalia decided to leave me. She dressed and came into the room to say goodbye to me. I was standing and waiting for her…”

    3. Retell the passage when Lally went to the District Messenger office (from the point of view of the messenger boy). Begin with the words: “The door opened and the woman, who had come here before came into the room. I was very surprised to see her again…”

The Escape by W. S. Maugham (pp. 71-74)

  1. Transcribe and translate the following words: certain, quay, experience, scheme, pathetic, address, thoroughly, exhausted, announce, expensive, climb, agent.

  1. Find the sentences in the text and give the context. Make up your own sentences with them.

  • escape

  • to be on the point of doing smth

  • to suffer

  • to be as hard as nails

  • to fall out of love

  • to apply to smb for smth (usually to an authority for work, permission or information)

  • to lose one’s temper

  • to lose one’s patience

  • to set out

  • to content oneself with doing smth

  1. Prepare a passage for good reading and literary translation. p.71 “I always believed that if…the gift of pathos.”

  1. Make up a list of adjectives, which might be helpful while describing the protagonists and translate them.

  1. Give the description of Ruth Barlow and Roger Charing and characterize them.

  1. Answer the following questions:

    1. What kind of woman was Ruth Barlow? Was she really in love with Roger? Why did she make up her mind to marry him?

    2. What kind of man was Roger? Was Roger in love with Ruth? How does his flat-chase tactics characterize him? How should he have behaved?

    3. Whose side do you take in the conflict: Ruth’s or Roger’s?

    4. Isn’t there anything to be said in Ruth’s defence?

VII. Retell the story.

When Greek meets Greek by Graham Greene (pp. 75-84)

  1. Transcribe, pronounce and translate the following words: moustache, chemist, gaily, cloth, bursar, college, pour, advertisement, particular, excitements, anxiety, triumph, ignorance, knowledge, graduate (n, v), dangerous, coincidence, swindle, fraud.

  1. Find in the text these word-combinations and memorize them. Read and translate all sentences with them.

  • to be thankful to smb for smth

  • to trouble smb, trouble (n)

  • in advance

  • to see smb off

  • to think up

  • to go off

  • old-fashioned

  • to call on smb

  • to outdo

  1. Make up a short dialogue with the vocabulary.

  1. Choose any dialogue you liked and read it with good intonation.

  1. Answer the following questions:

    1. What swindle did Mr. Fennick decide to organize?

    2. Who was to be the bursar of the college?

    3. Did Mr. Fennick’s swindle work? Prove it.

    4. Were Mr. Fennick, Elisabeth and Priskett experienced tutors?

    5. What was Lord Driver thankful for? What was he proud of?

    6. What detail in Frederick’s appearance made Elisabeth suspicious?

  1. Agree or disagree:

  • The President’s business in St. Ambrose’s got on and many graduates took their diploma-degrees.

  • It was winter in Oxford. Elisabeth was very happy because she was to marry her beloved young fellow.

  • All tutors were glad to meet Sir Lord Driver. They all went to the station and met him with pleasure.

  • Elisabeth went to the airport and met Sir Lord Driver. She recognized him easily, because she had seen him before.

  • Mr. Fennick offered Sir Driver to have supper and Sir Driver accepted the invitation with pleasure.

  • Elisabeth and Frederick fell in love at first sight. The uncle and the father were satisfied. Then two young people were engaged.

VII. Retell the story as if you were:

      • Mr. Fennick

      • Mr. Lord Driver

      • Elisabeth

      • Frederick Driver

Людмила Семеновна Балашова

Юлия Константиновна Казакова

Альбина Мухаметдиновна Яхина

(учебно-методическое пособие по книге М.Е. Бирмана «Рассказы английских писателей» для домашнего чтения)

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