Заседание №2012-3 1 Заседание №2012-2 2

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Заседание № 2011-21

Дата: 06 апреля 2012

Доклад:  “Equity Markets and the Performance of Hedge Funds: How Stable Is Persistence?”

Докладчик: Prof. Dr. Pascal Gantenbein (University of Basel)

Аннотация: This paper investigates the performance of a sample of 4,788 hedge funds in bull and bear equity markets. Applying a six-factor regression model to measure the performance of hedge funds, it is evident that the explanatory power of the predictors is not constant over time, but each bull and bear market period has its dominant independent variables. Covering the period from January 1994 to December 2008, we find that the level of performance persistence is not significantly related to equity market conditions. Using contingency table test methodologies at an aggregate fund level, the analyses show that hedge fund performance persistence is higher in more recent sub-periods than in earlier sub-periods. In a bullish as well as in a bearish equity market, performance persistence is driven by both constant winners and losers. Moreover, we find that both live and dead funds exhibit statistically significant levels of performance persistence, but the persistence with dead funds is primarily driven by constant losers while with live funds driven by constant winners.

Материалы: здесь.

Заседание № 2011-20

Дата: 03 апреля 2012

Доклад 1: "Liquidity creation by banks, how we can measure it and what do the numbers for Russia show us"

Докладчик:   Zuzana Fungáčová (BOFIT, Bank of Finland)

Аннотация: We examine how the introduction of deposit insurance influences the relationship between bank capital and liquidity creation. As discussed by Berger and Bouwman (2009), there are two competing hypotheses on this relationship which can be influenced by the presence of deposit insurance. The introduction of a deposit insurance scheme in an emerging market, Russia, provides a natural experiment to investigate this issue. We study three alternative measures of bank liquidity creation and perform estimations on a large set of Russian banks. Our findings suggest that the introduction of the deposit insurance scheme exerts a limited impact on the relationship between bank capital and liquidity creation and does not change the negative sign of the relationship. The implication is that better capitalized banks tend to create less liquidity, which supports the “financial fragility/crowding-out” hypothesis. This conclusion has important policy implications for emerging countries as it suggests that bank capital requirements implemented to support financial stability may harm liquidity creation.

Материалы: здесь.

Доклад 2: "Bank competition in the EU: How has it evolved?"

Докладчик:   Laurent Weill (University of Strasbourg)

Аннотация: Economic integration on the EU banking markets is expected to favor competition, which should provide economic gains. However, even if there is a commonly accepted view in favor of enhanced bank competition during the last decade, no study has been performed in the 2000s showing this trend. In this paper, the authors aim to fill this gap by measuring the evolution of bank competition in all EU countries during the 2000s. They estimate the Lerner index and the H-statistic for a sample of banks from all EU countries. The authors provide evidence of a general improvement in bank competition in the EU, even if cross-country differences are observed in the pattern of the evolution of bank competition. They check whether convergence in bank competition has taken place on the EU banking markets, by applying beta- and sigma- convergence tests for panel data. They show convergence in bank competition. These findings are also observed with standard competition measures (Herfindahl index, profitability indicators). They thus support the view that bank integration has taken place in the European Union.

Материалы: здесь.
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