Тематический план по курсу «Иностранный язык» очная форма обу

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РАЗДЕЛ 10. Источники.

10.1 Основная литература:

1. Дудкина Г.А. и др. Английский для делового общения. М.: Филоматис, 2008. – 688с.

10.2. Дополнительнительная литература:

1. Агабекян И.П. Английский для менеджеров: учебное пособие для студ. вузов. Ростов н/Д: Феникс, 2003. – 415с.

2. Базанова Е.М. Английский язык: учеб. Для студ вузов. М.: ВЛАДОС, 2003. – 382с.

3. Латышев Л.К. Технология перевода: учеб.пособие для студ.вузов. М.: Академия, 2007.- 317с.

4. Нехаева Г.Б. Английский для делового общения. М.: ПРОСПЕКТ, 2007. – 454с.

5. Любимцева С.Н. Курс английского языка для финансистов. М.: ГИС, 2007. -351с

6. Любимцева С.Н., Тарковская Б.М., Памухина Л.Т. Деловой английский для начинающих.Учебник.М.: ГИС, 2008. – 368 с.

10.3. Интернет-ресурсы (аннотированный указатель)

http://www.multitran.ru/ словарь

http://www.englishlearner.com/tests/ онлайн тестирование на использование лексико-грамматических навыков

http://www.audioenglish.net/english-learning/ формирование навыков аудирование аутентичных текстов

http://www.eslpdf.com/index.html онлайн тестирование на использование лексико-грамматических навыков

РАЗДЕЛ 11. Приложение
Тексты к экзамену
Письменный перевод
Вариант 1

Economics is the social science that analyzes the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. Current economic models emerged from the broader field of political economy in the late 19th century. A primary stimulus for the development of modern economics was the desire to use an empirical approach more akin to the physical sciences.
Economics aims to explain how economies work and how economic agents interact. Economic analysis is applied throughout society, in business, finance and government, but also in crime, education, the family, health, law, politics, religion, social institutions, war, and science. The expanding domain of economics in the social sciences has been described as economic imperialism.
Common distinctions are drawn between various dimensions of economics. The primary textbook distinction is between microeconomics, which examines the behavior of basic elements in the economy, including individual markets and agents (such as consumers and firms, buyers and sellers), and macroeconomics, which addresses issues affecting an entire economy, including unemployment, inflation, economic growth, and monetary and fiscal policy. Other distinctions include: between positive economics and normative economics (advocating "what ought to be"); between economic theory and applied economics; between mainstream economics (more "orthodox" dealing with the "rationality-individualism”, more "radical" dealing with the "institutions-history-social structure”); and between rational and behavioral economics.(1545)

Вариант 2
In microeconomics, production is the conversion of inputs into outputs. It is an economic process that uses inputs to create a commodity for exchange or direct use. Production is a flow and thus a rate of output per period of time. Distinctions include such production alternatives as for consumption (food, haircuts, etc.) vs. investment goods (new tractors, buildings, roads, etc.), public goods (national defense, small-pox vaccinations, etc.) or private goods (new computers, bananas, etc.), and "guns" vs. "butter".
Opportunity cost refers to the economic cost of production: the value of the next best opportunity foregone. Choices must be made between desirable yet mutually exclusive actions. It has been described as expressing "the basic relationship between scarcity and choice.". The opportunity cost of an activity is an element in ensuring that scarce resources are used efficiently, such that the cost is weighed against the value of that activity in deciding on more or less of it. Opportunity costs are not restricted to monetary or financial costs but could be measured by the real cost of output forgone, leisure, or anything else that provides the alternative benefit (utility).
Inputs used in the production process include such primary factors of production as labour services, capital (durable produced goods used in production, such as an existing factory), and land (including natural resources). Other inputs may include intermediate goods used in production of final goods, such as the steel in a new car.(1530)

Вариант 3
Specialization is considered key to economic efficiency based on theoretical and empirical considerations. Different individuals or nations may have different real opportunity costs of production, say from differences in stocks of human capital per worker or capital/labour ratios. According to theory, this may give a comparative advantage in production of goods that make more intensive use of the relatively more abundant, thus relatively cheaper, input. Even if one region has an absolute advantage as to the ratio of its outputs to inputs in every type of output, it may still specialize in the output in which it has a comparative advantage and thereby gain from trading with a region that lacks any absolute advantage but has a comparative advantage in producing something else.
It has been observed that a high volume of trade occurs among regions even with access to a similar technology and mix of factor inputs, including high-income countries. This has led to investigation of economies of scale and agglomeration to explain specialization in similar but differentiated product lines, to the overall benefit of respective trading parties or regions.
The general theory of specialization applies to trade among individuals, farms, manufacturers, service providers, and economies. Among each of these production systems, there may be a corresponding division of labour with different work groups specializing, or correspondingly different types of capital equipment and differentiated land uses.(1503)
Вариант 4

Prices and quantities have been described as the most directly observable attributes of goods produced and exchanged in a market economy. The theory of supply and demand is an organizing principle for explaining how prices coordinate the amounts produced and consumed. In microeconomics, it applies to price and output determination for a market with perfect competition, which includes the condition of no buyers or sellers large enough to have price-setting power.
For a given market of a commodity, demand is the relation of the quantity that all buyers would be prepared to purchase at each unit price of the good. Demand is often represented by a table or a graph showing price and quantity demanded (as in the figure). Demand theory describes individual consumers as rationally choosing the most preferred quantity of each good, given income, prices, tastes, etc. Here, utility refers to the hypothesized relation of each individual consumer for ranking different commodity bundles as more or less preferred.
The law of demand states that, in general, price and quantity demanded in a given market are inversely related. That is, the higher the price of a product, the less of it people would be prepared to buy of it (other things unchanged). As the price of a commodity falls, consumers move toward it from relatively more expensive goods. Purchasing power from the price decline increases ability to buy. Other factors can change demand; for example an increase in income will shift the demand curve for a normal good outward relative to the origin, as in the figure.(1574)

Для зачета
Text 1

A middle manager is a manager who implements the strategy and major policies handed down from the level of the organization. Middle managers develop tactical plans, policies, and standard operating procedures, and they coordinate and supervise the activities of first-line managers. Titles at the middle-management level include division manager, department head, plant manager, and operations manager.

A first-line manager is a manager who coordinates and supervises of operating employees. First-line manager spend most of their time working with employees, answering questions, and solving day-to-day problems. Most first-line managers are former operating employees who, owing to thir hard work and potencial, were promoted into management. Many of today’s middle and top managers began their careers on this first management level. Common titles for first- line managers include office manager, supervisor, foreman and project manager.

Operating employees are not managers. They are qualified and non-qualified persons working for the organization. For their labour or sevices they get salaries or wages. They represent the work force of the organization (1150).
Text 2

Each organization can be represented as a three-story structure or a pyramid. Each story corresponds to one of the three general levels of managers: top managers, middle managers and first-line managers. At the basic level of this pyramid there are operating employees.

A top manager is an upper-level executive who guides and controls the overall activities of the organization. Top managers constitute a small group. They are generally responsible for the organisation’s planning and developing mission. They also determine the firm’s strategy and its major policies. It takes years of hard work as well as talent and good luck to reach the rank of top managers. They are president, vice president, chief executive officer and member of the Board.

A middle manager is a manager who implements the strategy and major policies handed down from the top level of the organization. Middle managers develop tactical plans, policies and standard operating procedures, and they coordinate and supervise the activities of first-line managers. Titles at the middle management level include division manager, department head, plant manager and operations manager (1151).
Text 3

The most important resources of any organization are its human resourses- people. Some firms believe that their employees are their most important assets. To keep employees contant, a variety of incentives are used, including higher-than-average pay, flexible working hours, recreational facilities, lengthy paid vacations, cafeterias, offering inexpensive meals, etc.

Many organizations increasingly find they cannot ognore information. External environment – including the economy, consumer markets, technology, politics, adapt will probably not survive. And, to adapt to change the organization must know what is changing and how it is changing. Companies are finding it increasingly important to gather information about their competitors in today’s business environment.

It is important to realize that these are only general categories of resources. Within each category are hundreds of thousands of more specific resourses from which management must choose those that best accomplish its goals. Managers must coordinate this complex group of specific resources to produce goods and services(1097).
Text 4
Effectivness of a manager’s activity depends on certain important skills. These skills can be divided into seven different categories: conceptual, decision making, analytic, admistrative, communicational, interpersonal and technical.

A conceptual skill is the ability of a manager to see the “the general picture” of an organisation. Managers must understand how their duties and the duties of other managers fit together to plan their activity in a proper way and get their required results. This slill is very important for top managers because it helps them plan “super goals” and develops proper strategies for the whole organisation.

A decision making skill is the ability of manager to choose the best course of actions of two or more alternatives. A manager must decide the following:

- what objectives and goals must be reached?

- what strategy must be implemented?

- what resources must be used and how they must be distributed?

- what kind of control is needed?

In short, managers are responsible for the most important decisions which are required to carry out any organisation activity.(1093)
Text 5

Material resources are physical materials and equipment used by an organisation to make a product. For example, cars are made on assembly lines. These assembly lines and the building that house them are material resources.

The most important resources of any organization are its human resourses- people. Some firms believe that their employees are their most important assets. To keep employees contant, a variety of incentives are used, including higher-than-average pay, flexible working hours, recreational facilities, lengthy paid vacations, cafeterias, offering inexpensive meals, etc.

Financial resources are the funds the organisation used to meet its obligation to the various creditors. A grocery store obtains money from customers and uses a portion of that money to pay the wholesalers from which it buys food. A large bank borrows and lends money. A college obtains money in the form of tuition, income indowments, and federal grants. It uses the money to pay utility bills, insurance premiums, and professors’ salaries. Each of these transactions involves financial resourses. (1088)
Text 6

Management is based on a scientific theories and today we can say that it is a developing science.

But knowledge of theories and principles doesn’t provide practical results. It is necessary to know how to apply this knowledge. Practical application of knowledge in the management area requires certain abilities or skills/

An organisation may employ a number of managers who are responsible for particular ares of management. A very large organisation may employ many managers, each responsible for activities of one management area. In contract, the owner of sole proprietorship may be the only manager in the organisation. She or he is responsible for all levels and areas of management.

It is important the abilty of these managers to achieve the organisation’s goals. This ability requires a great skill.

In other words, management is the process of coordinating the recourses of an organisation to achieve the primary organisational goals(942).
Text 7

An analytic skill is the ability to determine the most important problem of many other problem and identify the causes of each problem before implementing a proper action plan. This ability is especially important for top managers because the have to solve complex problems.

An adminstrative skill is the ability of a manager to keep to the organisational rules specified for the production process, within a limited budget, and coordinate the flow of information and paper work in his group and in other groups.

A communicational skill is the ability of manager to share his ideas and opinions with other people both orally and in writing. This skill is a decisive factor of a manager’s success. Some investigations show that top and middle managers spend approximatly 80% (per cent) of their work time in communicating with each other.

Thus, a communication skill enables managers to hold meetings, write clear letters and exlanatory notes, make reports, etc (959).
Text 8

An organisational structure can also be divided more or less horizontally into areas of management. The most common areas are finance operations, marketing, human resources and administration. Depending on its purpose and mission, an organisation may include other areas as well – research and development, for example, or risk management.

A financial manager is primarly responsible for the organisation’s finacial resources. Accounting and investment are specialised areas within financial management. Because financing affects the operation of the entire firm, many of the presidents of the largest companies are people who got their “basic training” as financial managers/

A human resourses manager is in charge of the organisation’s human resources programs. He oe she engages in human resources planning, design system for hiring, training and appraising te performance of employees, and ensures that the organisation follows government regulations concerning employment practices(986).
Text 9

Microeconomics, like macroeconomics, is a fundamental method for analyzing the economy as a system. It treats households and firms interacting through individual markets as irreducible elements of the economy, given scarcity and government regulation. A market might be for a product, say fresh corn, or the services of a factor of production, say bricklaying. The theory considers aggregates of quantity demanded by buyers and quantity supplied by sellers at each possible price per unit. It weaves these together to describe how the market may reach equilibrium as to price and quantity or respond to market changes over time.
Such analysis includes the theory of supply and demand. It also examines market structures, such as perfect competition and monopoly for implications as to behavior and economic efficiency. Analysis of change in a single market often proceeds from the simplifying assumption that relations in other markets remain unchanged.(952)

An example that combines features above is a country that specializes in the production of high-tech knowledge products, as developed countries do, and trades with developing nations for goods produced in factories where labor is relatively cheap and plentiful, resulting in different in opportunity costs of production. More total output and utility thereby results from specializing in production and trading than if each country produced its own high-tech and low-tech products.
Theory and observation set out the conditions such that market prices of outputs and productive inputs select an allocation of factor inputs by comparative advantage, so that (relatively) low-cost inputs go to producing low-cost outputs. In the process, aggregate output may increase as a by-product or by design. Such specialization of production creates opportunities for gains from trade whereby resource owners benefit from trade in the sale.(927)
Text 10

Supply is the relation between the price of a good and the quantity available for sale at that price. It may be represented as a table or graph relating price and quantity supplied. Producers, for example business firms, are hypothesized to be profit-maximizers, meaning that they attempt to produce and supply the amount of goods that will bring them the highest profit. Supply is typically represented as a directly-proportional relation between price and quantity supplied (other things unchanged). That is, the higher the price at which the good can be sold, the more of it producers will supply, as in the figure. The higher price makes it profitable to increase production. Just as on the demand side, the position of the supply can shift, say from a change in the price of a productive input or a technical improvement.

Market equilibrium occurs where quantity supplied equals quantity demanded, the intersection of the supply and demand curves in the figure above. (972)
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