Rash. = be patient; скоропалительный I promised your father on his deathbed I'd give you a well-rounded education

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НазваниеRash. = be patient; скоропалительный I promised your father on his deathbed I'd give you a well-rounded education
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“Crimes and Misdemeanors"

Year: 1989

Country: US

Director: Woody Allen

Stars: Martin Landau, Woody Allen, Bill Bernstein

Awards: 13 wins and 20 nominations, including 3 Oscar nominations (Best Actor in a Supporting Role, Best Director, Best Screenplay), Golden Globes nomination (Best Picture), BAFTA Awards nominations (Best Actor in a Supporting Role, Best Actress in a Supporting Role, Best Direction, Best Editing, Best Film, Best Screenplay)

Tagline: A film about humanity.


I knew he was nervous when you didn't eat any of those cocktail weenies. – mini sausages

He was so courageous all week, then suddenly, tonight, stage fright. – боязнь сцены, волнение перед выходом на сцену

This must be faced, as there are so many ramifications and complications. – последствие

I gave up business opportunities. :: Pipe dreams. – пустая, несбыточная мечта

I never said I'd leave Miriam. It's wishful thinking. – принятие желаемого за действительное

Now listen to me, please. Just bear with me. We'll work something out. Just don't do anything rash. = be patient; скоропалительный

I promised your father on his deathbed I'd give you a well-rounded education. всестороннее, широкое образование

If we run quickly, we can kick the crutch from that old lady and get it (the cab). – костыль

You were not nice and your resentment showed. – неприязнь

What are you muttering? :: Nothing. :: You are. You're running down Lester. – пренебрежительно отзываться о ком-либо

I can't watch his stuff. It's sub-mental. – situated beneath the chin

She gave a bundle to the Museum of Broadcasting. – (informal) a large sum of money

A lawyer for the ACLU, with a husband who writes for a conservative magazine. – American Civil Liberties Union

Out there it's such a Mickey Mouse environment. I'm not interested. – insignificant, unimportant

So, are you in TV, too? :: No. No, I'm a rabbi. – раввин

I couldn't help it. I was going out of my skin. – ср. места себе не находить

May I confide in you? I've done a foolish thing. Senseless, vain, dumb. – довериться, открыться кому-л.; самодовольный; глупый

Maybe I was flattered, vulnerable. – польщен; уязвим

Now my life's about to go up in smoke. And it's my fault. I instigated it. I prolonged it. = be ruined; провоцировать

Many times I tried to back off but I was too weak. – зд. прекратить отношения

We realise the difference between what's real and deep and lasting versus the superficial payoff of the moment. – сиюминутная выгода

Now you're talkin' to me like your congregation. – паства

Schubert. Schumann is flowery. – вычурный, витиеватый

I gave up things for you. :: Come on. That's poppycock. – чушь, пустая болтовня

I'm just so rattled. – ошеломлённый, раздражённый, обалдевший

You come to life. Your whole face changes. – ты оживаешь

If I caused you to miss any opportunities that might have been lucrative for you, I'm perfectly prepared to reimburse you. – прибыльный, доходный, выгодный; возместить

I think she should know her husband is a liar and an embezzler. – растратчик, аферист

I know what went on with those philanthropies and your stocks. – благотворительность; акции

Stupid threats and slander. This is your idea of love, right? – клевета

I will not be tossed out. – букв. выкинуть

I love New York. It's like thousands of straight lines just lookin' for a punch line. заключительная фраза, содержащая "соль" шутки

The thing to remember about comedy is: if it bends, it's funny. If it breaks it's not. – букв. гнуться

You'd fire me. I'm too opinionated. – holding stubbornly and often unreasonably to one's own opinions

Why don't you come with me down to Barbados? We'll swim, we'll get some sun. :: Sorry. I freckle. – покрываться веснушками

They make a movie about him because he is an American phenomenon. :: Yeah, but so is acid rain. – кислотный дождь

in spite of millennia of efforts = a thousand

For me to get on your series would be such a feather in my cap. – a distinctive achievement

You know, even though we just met, I've taken an instant liking to you. = I liked you at once

There's a section on speakeasies, which is really interesting. – a place for the illegal sale and consumption of alcoholic drinks, as during Prohibition in the United States

I heard you got some action on your ad in the personals. = there were responses to your ad

I'm a wreck. – in bad shape physically or mentally

He was never fresh. He was always a perfect gentleman. – дерзкий

I'm a sensible gal. – (informal) a girl

Jesus. You're such a dope! – a stupid person

I knew it had to be some deep, dark secret for you to stoop to call me. – снизойти

Don't make sharp cracks. – замечание

Add to that her blabbing about my financial indiscretions. – разболтать, выболтать; неосторожность, неосмотрительность

Want me to have somebody talk to her? Straighten her out. – ср. мозги вправить

You've staked me plenty of times. I don't forget my obligations. = financed

I won't even comment on that. That's mind-boggling. – (informal) astonishing, bewildering

I've met a lot of characters. – (informal) an odd, eccentric, or unusual person

I can't afford to be aloof. = indifferent

You come to me with a hell of a problem, and then you get high-handed on me. – высокомерный

I know. Playing hardball was never your game. – принимать жёсткие меры

I tie sash weights to her ankles with soft catgut. – a weight that balances another weight; кетгут

It's loathsome. – вызывающий отвращение, тошнотворный

It's like playing hooky. – прогулять уроки

A treadmill. Are you trying to tell me something? – беговая дорожка

I wanna talk to you in person, or I'm coming over. – to pay a casual visit

This woman plans to make a stink. = (informal) scandal

Maybe I led her on more than I realised. – to keep in a state of expectation or hope, to deceive

financial improprietiesфинансовые махинации

You wanna sweep her under the rug? – to conceal smth in the hopes it won't be discovered by others

I have no caviar. I have oat bran. It's better for your heart. – овсяные отруби

He was very eloquent on the subject of love, didn't you think? – красноречивый, убедительный

It would've saved me a gall bladder operation. – жёлчный пузырь

Yeah, the office is kind of spooky at nine o'clock. = scary

I've never been seduced by a guy who wears loafers and no socks. Much less one who says "nucular". :: He also says "foilage". – мокасины

This guy tells you he wants to exchange ideas when what he wants is to exchange fluids. – жидкости

And he inserted a cat's whisker into her tear duct. – слёзный канал

He sees the righteous and he sees the wicked. – праведный; порочный, безнравственный

I'm putty in your hands. :: What'll I do with a handful of putty? :: She's always got a zinger. This vixen, this minx. – 1) легкоуправляемый 2) шпатлевка, мастика; остроумныйответ; лиса, чертовка

What'd you major in? :: Law. I graduated from the law school. – специализация в учебном заведении

I used to edit newsreel footage. – новостные хроники

Lester was so pushy tonight. – бесцеремонный, навязчивый, наглый

That was pretty witty. – остроумный

You wouldn't pick up on it if it hit you over the head. – просечь, обратить внимание

You really know how to get my goat! = (informal) annoy

But you'll find that great depth and smouldering sensuality does not always win. – тлеющий

And he's got a great attitude. He's really a mensch. – (informal, Yiddish) a decent responsible person with admirable characteristics

If I'm not prying, did you resolve your personal difficulties? – проявлять чрезмерное любопытство

That's wonderful. So you got a break. – an often sudden piece of luck, especially good luck

You're gonna have a breakdown. It's over. – нервный срыв

I had to retrieve some incriminating things. – забрать, вернуть; обличительный, разоблачительный

I saw her there... just staring up. An inert object. – обездвиженный предмет

All you saw was a black void. – пустота

Why put us through this mumbo jumbo? – чушь, ахинея

You come to every Seder. You pray in Hebrew. – (Judaism) a ceremonial dinner, held on the first night or first two nights of Passover

Yes. I'm going through the motions. – делать что-л. на автомате

I say what goes around comes around. – ср. как аукнется так и откликнется

You know, show business is dog-eat-dog. – ср. действует волчий закон

Boy, this will put a damper on the show. = discourage, spoil, interfere with

I'll cut it up and make it into guitar picks. – медиатор

I'm sorry for seeming cranky. – (informal) раздражительный

Just be a man. You're in the clear. – в безопастности

You'll rub me out, too? = (slang) kill

Adultery, fornication, lies, killing. – супружеская измена; прелюбодеяние

Without God the world is a cesspool. – выгребная яма

I was lurking around the corner. = hiding

They want an upbeat profile of Lester. – optimistic, happy, cheerful

Jesus. I'm so self-conscious. Every single thing on me is rented. – socially ill at ease

Wendy and I finally decided to call it quits. – to split up (to finish the relationships)

A funny line: Last time I was inside a woman was when I visited the Statue of Liberty.

ready to enter into the bonds of wedlock узы брака

There's a hitch. – an impediment or obstacle, esp one that is temporary or minor

Give me a little credit. – (here) believe in my common sense

He's endearing. – lovable especially in a childlike or naive way

A funny line: It's my one love letter. :: It's beautiful. I'm just... the wrong person. :: It's probably just as well. I plagiarised most of it from James Joyce. You probably wondered why all the references to Dublin.

Except my murder story has a very strange twist. – неожиданный поворот

Let me ask you something. :: What? :: Am I a phony? :: Are you a little high or something? – someone who pretends to be someone he is not; накурился (травки)

They don't pay off on high aspirations. You gotta deliver. – зд. невозможно выехать за счет высоких устремлений; = give results

That is music to my ears. = it’s very pleasant to hear that

The killing gets attributed to a drifter who has several other murders to his credit so, what the hell, one more doesn't even matter. – преступник-гастролёр

Now he's scot-free. – безнаказанный

What do you expect him to do? Turn himself in? – сдаться полиции

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