Антимикотическая активность активированного пиритиона цинка в отношении дрожжей рода Malassezia у больных атопическим дерматитом / Е. В. Голышева, А. М

НазваниеАнтимикотическая активность активированного пиритиона цинка в отношении дрожжей рода Malassezia у больных атопическим дерматитом / Е. В. Голышева, А. М
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Публикации сотрудников

  1. Антимикотическая активность активированного пиритиона цинка в отношении дрожжей рода Malassezia у больных атопическим дерматитом / Е. В. Голышева, А. М. Глушакова, Н. ,. Пампура А, М. А. Мокроносова [и др.] // Педиатрическая фармакология. - 2010. - № 6. - С. 58 - 62.

  2. «Тонзиллярный душ» - новый способ консервативного лечения тонзиллита / О. С. Зозуля, А. И. Проскурин, Ю. В. Назарочкин, Л. Я. Тучина // Материлы ХVIII съезда оториноларингологов России (г. Санкт-Петербург, 26 - 28 апреля 2011 г.). - СПб., 2011. - Т. 2. - С. 456 - 457.

  3. 3 наблюдения хондромы гортани / В. Г. Зенгер, З. М. Ашуров, Д. М. Мустафаев [и др.] // Рос. оториноларингология. - 2007. - № 4 (29). - С. 102 - 106.

  4. Autonomous acoustic solid propellants gas generators / Г. Сакович, А. Воронцов, В. Архипов [и др.] // Non-lethal Weapons: Fulfilling the Promise?. - Ettingen, 2007. - Т. 43. - С. 1 - 9.

  5. Bykova V. (Быкова В. П. ). Morphofunctional characteristics of the immunoregulatory compartment in human palatine and pharyngeal tonsils in the aspect of the innate immunity // F. Otorhinolaryngol. Pathol. Respir. - 2009. - Т. 15, № 2. - С. 6.

  6. Bykova V. P. (Быкова В. П. ). Adenoids in children with upper respiratory tract recurrent infections treated by immunomodulators. Immunohistochemical aspect // F. Otorhinolaryngol. Pathol. Respir. - 2011. - Т. 17, № 1. - С. 10 - 19.

  7. Carrier frequency of SLC26A5 (Prestin) gene mutation c. - 53 - 2A>G among 16 ethnic populations of Eurasia : European Human Genetics Conference (June 8 - 11, 2013 Palais des Congrès, Paris, France) : Abstracts / L. U. Dzhemileva, N. A. Barashkov, O. L. Posukh [и др.] // European J. of Human Genetics. - 2013. - Vol. 21, Suppl. 2. - С. 566 - 567.

  8. Communication disorders in dysphonia patients / O. S. (. О. С. ). Orlova, Р. А. (. П. А. ). Estrova, Е. Yu. (. Е. Ю. ). Radtzig [и др.] // 8th International Conference of the European Society of Paediatric Otorhinolaryngology (8-11 June 2008, Budapest). - Budapest, 2008. - С. Р. 77.

  9. Daikhes N. A. (., Davudov H. Sh. (., Matela I. I. (. Malignization of laryngeal papilloma :European Congress of Oto Rhino Laryngology and Head & Neck // Europ. Arch. Oto Rhino Laryngology and Head & Neck. - 2007. - Т. Vol. 264, Suppl. 1. - P.151.

  10. Davudova B. Kh. (Давудова Б. Х. ). Study of the relationship between eosinophilia and the expression of TOLL-like receptors on the peripheral blood cells and nasal polypous tissue in polypous rhinosinusitis // F. Otorhinolaryngol. Pathol. Respir.: XXV Annual Meeting of Int. Academy of Otorhinolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery (IAO - HNS); XXVI Int. Conf. of Young Otorhinolaryngologists (May 26 - 27, 2010, Saint Petersburg, Russia). - 2010. - 16, № 2. - С. 68 - 70.

  11. Dermal microcirculation in periauricular region of microtic children – new approach to planning of surgery / V. Budkevich, L. (. Л. В. ). Shurova, A. G. (. Г. А. ). Ryabinin, K. А. (. К. А. ). Kirillova // 14 th European Burns Association Congress (14 – 17 September 2011, The Hague, The Netherlands) : Mat. Pr. - Гаага, 2011. - С. 133 -134.

  12. Derzhavina N. A. (. Н. А., Osipenko E. V. (. Е. В. ). Infringement of voice function as a consequence of increased gastroesophageal reflux disease // XXVIth Congress of Union of European Phoniatricians (UEP) and the annual meeting of Swedish Phoniatric Society (SFF) "Examination and treatment in phoniatrics - today and tomorrow" (Palaestra, Lund University. Lund, Sweden, May 12 - 14, 2011) : Programme and List of Abstract. - Lund, 2011. - С. 32.

  13. Endolaryngeal coblation microsurgery of the larynx / D. M. Mustafaev, V. M. Svistushkin, V. M. Isaev [и др.] // F. Otorhinolaryngol. Pathol. Respir.: XXV Annual Meeting of Int. Academy of Otorhinolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery (IAO - HNS); XXVI Int. Conf. of Young Otorhinolaryngologists (May 26 - 27, 2010, Saint Petersburg, Russia). - 2010. - 16, № 2. - С. 54.

  14. Endoscopic anatomy of the spheno - palatine artery region: surgical aspects / G. A. (. Г. А. ). Polev, N. A. (. Н. А. ). Dayhes, V. V. (. В. В. ). Vinogradov, M. A. (. М. А. ). Labazanova // F. Otorhinolaryngol. Pathol. Respir. - 2012. - V. 18, № 2. - С. 13 - 16.

  15. First Russian experience of cochlear implantation of the Digisonic SP system – the surgeon view (тезисы на англ.) / А. (. А. В. ). Starokha, А. (. А. В. ). Davidov, N. (. Н. В. ). Scherbick, А. (. А. Э. ). Knipenberg // International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology. - 2011. - Т. 75. - С. 4.

  16. Freefield audiometry during cochlear implant speech processor fitting in children / М. М. Литвак, А. В. Давыдов, А. В. Староха, Ю. А. Хандажапова // Cochlear implants international. - Mancy Publishing, 2010. - Т. 11. - С. 442-443.

  17. Fuki E. M. (. Е. М. )., Trofimov E. I. (. Е. И. )., Osipenko E. V. (. Е. В. ). The voice assessment after thyroid surgery // 1st Congress of the Confederation of the European CE - ORL - HNS: abstract book (Barcelona, July 2 - 6, 2011). - Barcelona, 2011. - С. 514 - 515.

  18. Fuki E. M. (. Е. М. )., Trofimov E. I. (. Е. И. )., Osipenko E. V. (. Е. В. ). The voice assessment after thyroid surgery // Materials of 1st congress of CE - ORL - HNS (2011 г.). - 2011. - С. 514 - 515.

  19. Garashchenko T. (. Т. И. )., Boykova N. (. Н. Э. )., Levitsky M. Safe antimicrobal therapy of acute otitis media in children // 12th International Congress Of The European Society Of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology: abstract (Dublin, Ireland, 31May – 3 June 2014). - Dublin, 2014. - С. 355.

  20. Golysheva E. V., Pampura A. N., Mokronosova M. A. (. М. А. ). The clinical relevance of IgE - antibodies to staphylococcal enterotoxins and yeast’s Malassezia spp in patients with atopic dermatitis // Allergy. - 2012. - Volume 67, Issue Supplement S 96. - С. 147.

  21. Gonczarova O. W., Тarasowa G. D. (., Orlowa O. C. (. Zaburzenia jezykowe u dzieci w wieku predszkolnym ( Речевые нарушения у детей дошкольного возраста) // III Miedzynarodowa konferencja logopedyczna “Logopedia u progu XXI wieku” (Wroclaw, 21 - 23.09.2007). - Wroclaw, 2007. - S. 28 - 29.

  22. Gubeev R. I. (. Р. И. )., Yunusov A. S. (. А. С. ). Surgical rehabilitation of children with impaired nose function after heylouranoplastic operation : тез. XXVIII Междунар. конф. молодых оториноларингологов им. проф. М. С. Плужникова // F. Otorhinolaryngol. Pathol. Respir. - 2014. - V. 20, № 2. - С. 39 - 41.

  23. Histopathological evaluation of fibrous tissue surrounding cochlear implants / М. М. Литвак, А. В. Староха, Р. И. Плешко, А. С. Мачалов // Congress Book of 11th European Symposium on paediatric Cochlear Implantation. - Istanbul, 2013. - V. 1. - Р. 180.

  24. Ho: YAG и КТР лазеры в микрохирургии доброкачественных новообразований гортани / Д. М. Мустафаев, В. М. Свистушкин, В. М. Исаев // Лазерная медицина XXI века : материалы науч.-практи. конф. (9 - 10 июня 2009 года, г. Москва). - М., 2009. - С. 133 - 134.

  25. Hybrid Rhinoplasty: Beyond the dichotomy of rhinoplasty techniques / P. Palma, I. Khodaei, D. Bertossi [и др.] // Acta Otorhinolaryngologica Italica. - 2012.

  26. Hybrid rhinoplasty: beyond the dichotomy of rhinoplasty techniques / P. Palma, I. Khodaei, D. Bertossi [и др.] // Acta otorhinolaryngologica Italica. - 2013. - Т. V. 33, № 3. - С. 154 - 162.

  27. Kalinin D. (Калинин Д. ). Recognition receptors of innate immuity in adenoids // F. Otorhinolaryngol. Pathol. Respir. - 2009. - Т. 15, № 2. - С. 6.

  28. Kazarina O. V. (. О. В., Osipenko E. V. (. Е. В. ). World voice day in Russia // XXVIth Congress of Union of European Phoniatricians (UEP) and the annual meeting of Swedish Phoniatric Society (SFF) "Examination and treatment in phoniatrics - today and tomorrow" (Palaestra, Lund University. Lund, Sweden, May 12 - 14, 2011) : Programme and List of Abstract. - Lund, 2011. - С. 31.

  29. Korovkina E. S., Mokronosova M. A. (. М. А. ). Case-report of sensitization to tropomyosin // Allergy. - 2012. - Volume 67, Issue Supplement S 96. - С. 239.

  30. Korovkina E., Mokronosova M. (. М. А. ). Effect of subcutaneous Immunotherapy on Symptom and Medication Scores for Rhinoconjuctivitis: a 3 - Year Study // Acta Clinica Croatia. - 2010. - Т. Vol 48, № 1. - P. 99 - 100.

  31. Kuyan I. (. Ю. )., Kazanova G. (. Г. )., Mokronosova M. (. М. А. ). Mediators of inflammation in the serum, nasal secretions and nasal polyp's tissue in patients with nasal polyps and aspirin intolerance // European journal of allergy and clinical immunology : XXVIII Congress of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology : Abstract Book (Warszawa, Poland, 6 -10 June 2009). - 2009. - Suppl. 90. -V. 64. - С. 395 - 396.

  32. Litvac M. M. (. М. М. )., Ochirov D. D., Khulugurova L. N. New method of automated controlled politzerization for treatment of otitis media with effusion in children // F. Otorhinolaryngol. Pathol. Respir.: XXV Annual Meeting of Int. Academy of Otorhinolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery (IAO - HNS); XXVI Int. Conf. of Young Otorhinolaryngologists (May 26 - 27, 2010, Saint Petersburg, Russia). - 2010. - 16, № 2. - С. 31.

  33. Lymphoepithelial compartment of human palatine tonsils as a structural homologue of the thymus / V. (. В. П. ). Bykova, V. Pakina, O. Payushina, G. Satdykova // International Congress Series 1257. - 2003. - С. 75 - 80: ф.

  34. Magomedova K. M. (Магомедова К. М. ). Assessment of systemic and local adaptive immunity in polypous rhinosinusitis according to the relapse // F. Otorhinolaryngol. Pathol. Respir.: XXV Annual Meeting of Int. Academy of Otorhinolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery (IAO - HNS); XXVI Int. Conf. of Young Otorhinolaryngologists (May 26 - 27, 2010, Saint Petersburg, Russia). - 2010. - 16, № 2. - С. 32.

  35. Mikhalevskaya I. A. (. И. А. )., Osipenko E. V. (. Е. В. ). Formation of communication in patiens after laryngectomy // XXVIth Congress of Union of European Phoniatricians (UEP) and the annual meeting of Swedish Phoniatric Society (SFF) "Examination and treatment in phoniatrics - today and tomorrow" (Palaestra, Lund University. Lund, Sweden, May 12 - 14, 2011) : Programme and List of Abstract. - Lund, 2011. - С. 30.

  36. Mustafaev D. M., Ashurov Z. M., Osipenko E. V. (. HO:YAG and КТР lasers in the microsurgery of the larynx // Europ. Arch. Oto Rhino Laryngology Head and Neck. - 2007. - Т. Vol. 264, Suppl. 1. - С. Р. 95.

  37. Mustafaev D. M., Osipenko E. V. (. Е. В. ). Voice condition at the patients after coblation surgery of the of larynx benign lesion // Abstracts of Congress of 28th International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics World Congress (Athens, Greece, August 25, 2010). - Athens, 2010. - С. 35.

  38. Orlova O. (., Osipova M. Screening exploration voice disorders in teachers // 27 World Congress of the International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics. - 2007. - P. 171.

  39. Orlova O. S. (. О. С. )., Estrova P. A. (. П. А. )., Radtsig Yu. (. Ю. ). Effectifve communication and its obtaining methods in dysphonia patients // 9-th Pan Europen Voice Conference 8-th Workshop of the European Laryngological Society (aug.31-sept. 3. 2011, Marseille, France) : Book of abstracts. - Marseille, 2011. - С. 50.

  40. Orlova O. S. (. О. С. )., Radtsig E. Yu., Estrova P. A. (. П. А. ). Effective communication and its obtaining methods in dysphonia patient // XXVIth Congress of Union of European Phoniatricians (UEP) and the annual meeting of Swedish Phoniatric Society (SFF) "Examination and treatment in phoniatrics - today and tomorrow" (Palaestra, Lund University. Lund, Sweden, May 12 - 14, 2011) : Programme and List of Abstract. - Lund, 2011. - С. 27 - 28.

  41. Orlova O. S. (. О. С. )., Radtsig E. Yu., Estrova P. A. (. П. А. ). Effective communication and its obtaining methods in dysphonia patient // XXVIth Congress of Union of European Phoniatricians (UEP) and the annual meeting of Swedish Phoniatric Society (SFF) "Examination and treatment in phoniatrics - today and tomorrow" (Palaestra, Lund University. Lund, Sweden, May 12 - 14, 2011) : Programme and List of Abstract. - Lund, 2011. - С. 27 - 28.

  42. Orlova O. S. (. О. С. )., Radtsig Yu. (. Ю. )., Estrova P. A. (. П. А. ). Еffective communication and its obtaining methods in dysphonia patients // XXVIth Congress of Union of European Phoniatricians (UЕР) and the annual meeting of Swedish Phoniatric Society (SFF) “Examination and treatment in phoniatrics - Today and tomorrow” (Lund, Sweden, May 12-14, 2011). - Lund, 2011. - С. 27 - 28.

  43. Orlova O. S. (Орлова О. С. ). Innovative Technologies in Russian Speech and Language Therapy // Proceedings of International symposium “Modern trends in speech and language therapy” (28 - 30 October 2011, Blagoevgrad). - Blagoevgrad, 2011. - С. 3 - 9.

  44. Osipenko E. V. (. Е. В. )., Daikhes N. A. (. Н. А. ). Care of the professionals of voice in Russian Federation // Abstracts book of 39th annual symposium: Сare of the professional voice. June 2 —June 6, 2010 Philadelphia, (USA). - Philadelphia. - С. 49.

  45. Osipenko E. V. (. Е. В. )., Gyulumyants A. (. А. Г. ). The estimation of nasal breathing among vocalists with voice function disturbances according to computer rhinometry // XXVIth Congress of Union of European Phoniatricians (UEP) and the annual meeting of Swedish Phoniatric Society (SFF) "Examination and treatment in phoniatrics - today and tomorrow" (Palaestra, Lund University. Lund, Sweden, May 12 - 14, 2011) : Programme and List of Abstract. - Lund, 2011. - С. 26.

  46. Osipenko E. V. (. Е. В. )., Lazarenko N. N., Shtang O. M. PL38 Assessment of a condition of vegetative nervous system of patients with dysphonia // 2nd Meeting of European Academy of ORL-HNS and CE ORL-HNS Otorhinolaryngology & Head and Neck Surrgery (Nice, 27-30 April 2013) : absract book. - Nice, 2013. - С. 181 - 182.

  47. Osipenko E. V. (. Е. В. )., Mesherkin A. P. Main principles of the acoustic voice analysis among singers // Abstracts book of 39th annual symposium: Сare of the professional voice. June 2 —June 6, 2010 Philadelphia (USA). - Philadelphia, 2010. - С. 96.

  48. Osipenko E. V. (. Е. В. )., Mesherkin A. V. Voice quality assessment among voice professionals : Abstracts of Congress // 28th World Congress of the International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics (22-26 August 2010, Athens, Greece). - Athens, 2010. - С. 742 - 743.

  49. Osipenko E. V. (., Mihalevskaya I. A. (. The quantitative estimation of the voice acoustic characteristics of vocalists – enrollee // Программа и абстракты (PeVoc 2007 29 авг. - 1 сент., Гронинген, Нидерланды). - 2007. - С. 101 - 102.

  50. Osipenko E. V. (Осипенко Е. В. ). The report on carrying out of the World Voice Day in Russia in 2010 // Folia Phoniatrica et Logopedica. - 2010. - Т. Vol. 62, № 6. - С. 311 - 312.

  51. Osipenko E. V. (Осипенко). The new approaches in the voice disorder diagnostics // Europ. Arch. Oto Rhino Laryngology Head and Neck. - 2007. - Т. Vol. 264, Suppl. 1. - С. 132.

  52. Palma P., Vassilenko I. (. И. П. ). Endonasal Approaches for the Challenging Tip // Congresso Internazionale di Medicina Estetica (Milano, 9-11 Octobre 2008). - Милан, 2008. - С. 86 - 87.

  53. Palma P., Vassilenko I. (. И. П. )., Gonzales P. El Paciente Insatisfecho en Rinoplastia El Paciente Insatisfecho en Rinoplastia (на испанском) // Riegos y Complicaciones en la cirurgia ORL y de cabeza y cuello. Prevencion y tratamiento. - 2008. - С. 277-280.

  54. Pavlyuchenko L. L., Dubinin S. A., Vasilenko I. P. (. И. П. ). Revision facial aesthetic surgery: medical, psychological, social aspects of the phenomenon // Abstract book of the Annual conference in the 34rd year of the European Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery (EAFPS) (Brugge, Belgium). - Brugge, 2011. - С. 34.

  55. Pavlyuchenko L. L., Vasilenko I. P. (. И. П. ). Low third facelift and neck lift: personal concept and philosophy // Abstract book of the Annual conference in the 34rd year of the European Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery (EAFPS) (Brugge, Belgium). - Brugge, 2011. - С. 37.
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Формы работы учащихся – работа с текстом, таблицами, схемами, тестирование, редактирование, взаимопроверка
Антимикотическая активность активированного пиритиона цинка в отношении дрожжей рода Malassezia у больных атопическим дерматитом / Е. В. Голышева, А. М iconРеферат по летней практике “Алкалоиды рода Carex на Европейском северо-востоке России”
Антимикотическая активность активированного пиритиона цинка в отношении дрожжей рода Malassezia у больных атопическим дерматитом / Е. В. Голышева, А. М iconУрок в 6 классе
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