“Choosing a Career: The World of Jobs”

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Мир профессий. Выбор профессии

Открытый урок в 8-м классе в школе с углубленным изучением английского языка

Тип урока: повторение и закрепление полученных знаний с использованием информационных технологий.

Оснащение урока: УМК, доска, мультимедийное оборудование, аудиокассеты, карточки (ИРМ).

Тип упражнений: упражнения с заданным механизмом выполнения, творческие задания.

Цель урока: развивать навыки монологической речи по теме “Выбор профессии”; совершенствовать лексические навыки и расширить лексический запас учащихся.

Задачи урока:

  • Образовательные: развивать навыки монологической устной и письменной речи; активизировать ранее изученную лексику по теме “Профессия и успех” в устной и письменной речи; развивать навыки аудирования, умение общаться на английском языке.

  • Развивающие: развивать интеллектуальные способности учащихся; формировать умение выделять главное, сравнивать и анализировать.

  • Воспитательные: развивать у учащихся самостоятельность мышления; содействовать профориентации учащихся.

Дидактический материал:

1. О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева. Учебник английского языка для 8-го класса.
2. Рабочая тетрадь к учебнику английского языка для 8-го класса.
3. Карточки с заданиями.
4. Загадки о профессиях (д/з для учащихся).
5. Анкета “Just the job?” (учебник английского языка для 9-го кл. Л.В. Хрусталевой, В.Н. Богородицкой).
6. Speaking and Listening. M.Mann, S.Taylore-Knowles. MacMillan. Unit 12. “Work”. Listening/Task B.



Тема: “Choosing a Career: The World of Jobs”.

I. Организационный момент. Сообщение целей и задач урока

Teacher: Today we’re going to talk about the world of professions. You will do some lexical exercises to improve your speech. At the end of our lesson I will help you to choose the profession suitable for you. It will help you to write a composition “My future profession”.

II. Фонетическая зарядка

На доске – слова, учащиеся тренируются в чтении существительных и прилагательных.

Teacher: Let’s do a phonetic drill first. Look at the blackboard and read the words which end with suffixes:


-cian physician,
-ist physicist,
-er photographer, programmer, manager, cashier, teacher, fashion designer, bricklayer, bus driver
-or conductor, tailor
-ant accountant


-al rational, practical
-ive communicative, creative
-ic artistic
-ful helpful
-able sociable

Other helpful words: prestigious, organized, observant, reliable, imaginative, humanities


III. Речевая разминка

Teacher: First of all, I’d like to remind you of the difference between the words: profession, job and occupation.

Profession – a job that needs a special education and training.
Study the combination: by profession/choose sth as a profession.
Here are examples: What is your mother by profession? Will you choose law as a profession?

Job – the regular paid work that you do for an employer.
Study the expressions: get/find, take/accept, lose, leave/quit a job, apply/try to get a job, job satisfaction, change jobs, Saturday/summer/holiday job
Study the examples: Did you work a holiday job this summer?

Occupation – a job or profession. What is your mother’s occupation?
Work – to do the job that you are paid for.
Here are the examples: work for the company/work as a secretary. What company does your father work for?

Ученики тренируются в употреблении данных словосочетаний выполняя вопросно-ответное упражнение.

Teacher: Now answer the questions.

1. What is your mother by profession?
2. What is your father by profession?
3. What company does your father work for?
4. Is it an easy matter to get a job nowadays?
5. What profession will you choose?

Introduction Conversation

1. What do you want to be when you grow up?
2. What is important in choosing a profession? Do you want to have a well-paid job or low-paid but interesting job for you profession?
3. What professional field can you work in?
4. What subjects are you good at?

Форма работы – фронтальная.

IV. Активизация использования лексики. ИграУгадай профессию

Teacher: Now it’s time for a guessing-game “What profession is it?” I’ll describe you a profession and you will give me the word.

Introduction Exercises

Exercise 1. Here are some professions: journalist, bricklayer, accountant, physicist, sports instructor, interpreter, architect, manager, pharmacist, physician, announcer, receptionist, cashier, conductor, interior decorator, programmer, fashion designer.

Учитель описывает профессии, используя слова на доске.

Listen to the definitions of professions, try to guess and name them.

1. someone who can count well and keeps the money records of a business
2. someone who makes walls with bricks
3. someone who designs clothes
4. someone who writes computer programs
5. someone who stands in front of the group of musicians or singers and directs their playing or singing
6. someone who gets cash or pays out money in a shop
7. someone who works at the reception desk of a hotel
8. (Am.) a doctor
9. someone who changes spoken words from one language to another
10. someone whose job is to design buildings
11. someone whose job is to manage a company
12. someone who studies or works in physics

Затем учащиеся сами дают описание профессий. Задание приготовлено учащимися дома.

Exercise 2. Give your definition of professions:

bricklayer, teacher, accountant, driver, musician, singer, photographer, shop-assistant

V. Проверка домашнего задания

Teacher: Your home task was to write a dialogue “My future profession.” I’d like you to read some examples of your dialogues.

Ученики читают диалоги по ролям.

Примерные вопросы учащихся друг к другу:

1. What would you like to do after school?
2. Was it your own decision?
2. Who helped you to make the decision?
3. What is your father by profession?
4. Is this profession important for society?

Форма работыпарная.

Teacher: Your home task was to read the text about Robert Lee Frost. (Activity Book, ex.30, p.17). Decide what basic information is missing in it. Work in pairs and practice in asking questions.

VI. Отработка и закрепление лексики по теме

Актуализация приемов дифференциации существительных (названий профессий) и прилагательных (характеристики) в письменной и устной речи.

Teacher: Now, it’s time to do our lexical exercises. Please, take your papers.

Exercise 1. Look at the screen.

Professions can be: prestigious, not prestigious, up-to-date, out-of-date, well-paid, low-paid, rare and widespread.

Look at the pictures of rare and out-of-date professions. They are: weaver, potter, tailor, animal trainer, conductor, and bricklayer.


Read the names of professions and divide them into groups.

photographer, school master, physician (doctor), conductor, bus driver, bricklayer (каменщик), tailor (портной), weaver (ткач), judge, shop-assistant, physicist, manager, accountant, programmer, fashion designer, architect.

Prestigious jobs

Not prestigious jobs









Exercise 2. Look at the traits of character and name 2 or 3 professions in which they are necessary to use.

strength (сила)
responsibility (ответственность) – (pilot)
reliability (надежность) – (judge)
creativity (творчество) – (singer, photographer)
observation (внимание к деталям) – (judge)
patience (терпение) – (teacher)
common sense – (doctor)
logical mind – (programmer)
kindness – (doctor)

Work in pairs

Which characteristics are necessary for people of these professions: pilot, teacher, doctor (physician), physicist, sportsman, bricklayer, programmer, accountant.

Make up the sentences.

(A teacher should be patient, intellectual, loving children.)

Exercise 3. Look at the screen. You know that there are some professional fields: Sciences, Law, Architecture and Urban Planning, Environmental Science, Agriculture and Forestry, Journalism, Library and Information Science, Computer Science and so on. Each profession requires definite traits.

Match the fields on the left with the traits on the right.

1. technical
2. art
3. humanities
4. working-class
5. service

a) imaginative, artistic, loving, big hearted
b) practical, active, energetic, organized.
c) logical, rational, fast-thinking, cool-headed
d) expressive, observant professions (наблюдательный)
e) helpful, communicative, reliable.

Which type of profession would you choose – 1, 2, 3, 4, 5?

(I would choose art as a profession)

Exercise 4. Look at the ex. 3 and say what are the traits of your character? Write down your results to make a home essay.

(I am rather communicative,…)

Формы работы – фронтальная.

VII. Подготовка к аудированию

Teacher: Now we are going to listen to how these people describe their everyday duties. Look at the screen and say what are the professions of these people.

Ученики смотрят на экран и называют: photographer, teacher, cook, judge, shop assistant, radio DJ.

Teacher: Say what they usually do every day?

Ученики описывают их профессиональные каждодневные обязанности.

Форма работы – индивидуальная.


VIII. Развитие навыков аудирования по теме

Teacher: Now you will listen to these people. Write down their professions.

Форма работыиндивидуальная.

IX. Развитие навыков чтения и письма с последующей отработкой в речи. Работа с анкетами.

Teacher: Are people always asking you what you want to be when you leave school? You know how difficult it is to choose a profession. Your traits and abilities are very important here. Try our special chart to help you discover which is the job for you.
Work in pairs asking questions and giving answers while you will get a symbol. After that I’ll give you the answers. Find your symbol and read the answers, then write them down into your exercise books and tell us about yourselves. Use the plan on the blackboard.

Форма работы – парная.

X. Подведение итогов урока. Выставление оценок

Учитель подводит итоги урока и оценивает работу учащихся.

Teacher: Let’s sum up. Today you have found out what kind of person you are and what profession is suitable for you. I hope this questionnaire will help you to make the right choice. At home please write a short essay (15 sentences) “My future profession”.

By Yelena Lagutina ,
School No. 1383, Moscow

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