Урок по теме «Choosing a career»

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Урок по теме «Choosing a career» в 11 классе,

проведенный в апреле 2009 г. учителем английского языка МОУСОШ №6 г. Балея Толокновой Галиной Ивановной.
Цель урока: Совершенствовать навыки устной речи, чтения по теме «Выбор профессии»

План урока:

  1. Приветствие, вступительное слово, тема урока, задачи.

  2. Пословица к уроку, обсуждение. Р1, Р2.

  3. Чтение списка профессий (на экране)

  4. Кем вы мечтали быть в детстве? Почему? Р1, Р2, Р3.

  5. Что важно для тебя в выборе профессии? (таблица на экране) Р1- Р2 3. (Физкультминутка после этого пункта)

  6. Вспомним русские пословицы о труде, о работе, о профессии. Чтение английских пословиц о труде (на экране)

  7. Аудирование диалога и подбор пословицы к нему из списка (Р1, Р2).

  8. Чтение письма на экране и на листах, его обсуждение.

  9. Монологи о профессиях (Р1, Р2, Р3).

  10. Составление кластера.

  11. Итоги, оценки.

  1. Организационный момент.

The theme of our lesson is “Choosing a career”. We shall speak about professions, your parents’ professions, your future professions, read and listen some texts and stories about them.

You know there are very many different professions in the world – more than 2000. They are international and not international, easy and difficult, prestigious and non-prestigious, low-paid and high-paid. We’ll speak about your right of choosing a profession, about important factors for it, if you are useful or not in your future work.

  1. I want this proverb to be an epigraph for our lesson “Tastes differ” – о вкусах не спорят.

Т: How do you understand this proverb? – P1, P2. Can you explain it?

( Учащиеся объясняют)

Yes, there are many people, so there are many tastes and they are different.

  1. Look at the table. Let’s read these professions and answer the question. – What did you dream to be in your childhood and why? (Р1, Р2, Р3)

  2. And what is it now? You have changed your dreams, haven’t you? Yes, you have. You have already chosen other professions, I think. Where do you want to work? What is important (for you) at first in choosing a profession? Now look at the table that shows the results of a servey among British teenagers.(на экране таблица, где показаны результаты опроса подростков, что для них наиболее важно в выборе профессии)

5. Read, please, and ask each other what factors are important for you in choosing a profession and why?

Chain questions P1-P2-P3-P4.

( money, friendly atmosphere, job satisfaction, good conditions, training, travel)is important for me in choosing a profession because…


Let’s have a rest. Close your eyes, turn left, turn right, up, down. (3 times.)

6.Now remember Russian provebs about work, professions, labour. Давайте вспомним русские пословицы о… (вспоминают на русском языке).

Look at the screen. Are there any of them? They are English proverbs. Read them and translate.

7. Now you’ll listen to a dialogue between Mum and her son John, uderstand it and match the proverb (подберите пословицу).

It is Sunday. And Mrs. Brown is cooking in the kitchen. Her son John is playing computer games in his room.

  • What are you doing, John?

  • I am playing a computer.

  • Have you done your homework? Tomorrow you’ll have 5 lessons.

  • Now yet, Mum. I’ll do it when finish playing.

One hour later. (Прошел час).

  • What are you doing, John?

  • I’m listening to my favourite group.

  • Have you done your homework?

  • Not yet, Mum. I’ll do it when I finish listening.

  • John, I must say that…

Say, what proverb Mum said to her son? – Business before pleasure. P1, P2, P3.

T: Good, Ok.

9. Let’s continue our lesson.

This is the text “Job for life, job for love”. It is a letter of Alyona Slinkina, 11th former from Novosibirsk. She wrote what job you must choose, how you must choose it.

Read it, please, I give you 5 minutes and then discuss it using these questions:

  1. What diffiult question appears before children in choosing a profession?

  2. What do some people choose?

  3. Do they get any satisfaction out of their work?

  4. What do some people sacrifice for their work?

  5. What can a person do if he hasn’t got any satisfaction?

  6. What does Alyona suggest yu in her letter? Do you agree with her?

  1. Let’s listen to your stories about your future profession. What profession have you chosen?


  1. А сейчас (домой) я предлагаю вам сделать кластер. Cluster – от англ.слова «гроздь». На экране вы видите такую гроздь, кластер под общим названием “Professions”. Что вы должны сделать? Вписать слова, которые вы объединяли каким-то одним словом, внизу будут конкретные профессии.

  2. Подведем итоги. Thus, we are finishing our lesson. I hope you will make right choice in life. You future career will be useful, nessesary for you, for your family, and of course, for our country. You must raise our economy; make our country richer, stronger, more beautfull. I am sure you will do it. Thank you for the lesson. I hope you liked it. Good luck. Your marks:

Job for life, job for love.

From early age children like to dream about their future profession. Boys often want to be soldiers or drivers, girls-singers, dancers or actresses. But growing older they learn more about other professions, begin to understand the role of money in life. A difficult question appears: how to find a job that is interesting and at the same time profitable. (Полезная, выгодная)

Some people don’t think of this problem much.They choose security (безопасность) – a job that brings money. They work for the rest of life in the sphere which is boring and irritating (раздражающая) to them. They don’t get any satisfaction (не получают удовлетворения) out of their work, they only spend time there. Sometimes these people have problems with their health (здоровье) and family relations. On the one hand, a person can’t be satisfied if he has got an interesting job which brings him money only for buying cheap (дешевый) food and second-hand clothes, paying rent for the flat and any more.

Sometimes people’s interests and profit (польза) coincide (совпадают). We know many persons from life and literature when professionals get what they deserve (заслуживают). However, there are many people who live just on bread and water, in a small flat, who sacrifice (жертвуют) their family life and the joys of ordinary people for (ради) their work.

It all depends on one’s personality. I think one can find (можно найти) something attractive in every job. At least if a person hasn’t gt any satisfaction from his work, he can get a hobby. At the same time, if you are unable to earn (не имеешь возможоности заработать) enough money for life, you can find another job or another way out. (Другой выход)

Looking for a job, for life and love you should only have a desire (желание) for it. Believe in yourself (поверь в себя) and everything will be OK!

Alyona Slinkina, 11th former

Lyceum №1525, Novosibirsk.

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