Базовый курс Часть 2 Учебное пособие Второе издание, переработанное Томск 2003 удк 628. 91

НазваниеБазовый курс Часть 2 Учебное пособие Второе издание, переработанное Томск 2003 удк 628. 91
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ТипУчебное пособие
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How Do You Feel?

What do you do when you fall ill?

What does the doctor do when he comes to examine you?

Do you have to pay for medical care or is it free of charge?

What catching diseases do you know?

What are the symptoms of ‘flu (smallpox, quinsy, measles, mumps, scarlet fever, gout, etc.)?

I. Below some people are complaining of their health. Read the symptoms of the illnesses in the bubbles. Try to guess what the matter is with them.

take vitamin C

go on a diet

see a doctor

lie down

drink some water

go to the dentist

take an aspirin

count to 100

get some fresh air

go to bed
I. What do people do if:

  • they have a cold;

  • they can’t get to sleep;

  • they feel sick;

  • they have ‘flu;

  • they have toothache;

  • they want to lose weight;

  • they have hiccups.

III. Correct the following statements, beginning each sentence with one of the expressions from the bubble.

  1. Sick people never stay in bed while they are ill.

  2. It is not dangerous to take care of a person who has got a catching disease.

  3. People often feel sick and giddy when they are quite well.

  4. We seldom sneeze and cough when we have a cold.

  5. Probably you consult a dentist when you have a stomachache.

IV. Read the dialogue, translate the words in bold and answer the questions.

  1. What’s the trouble with the patient?

  2. What is the doctor’s prescription?

A Visit to the Doctor

Doctor: Well, what is the trouble? You are looking rather unwell, I must say.

Mr. Brown: You had better ask me what is not trouble with me, sir. It seems to me that I am suffering all the illnesses imaginable: headaches, earache, insomnia, indigestion, pains in the stomach, muscle pain, and appetite loss. And to make things worse I've caught a cold, I've got a sore throat, so I am sneezing and coughing all the time I feel hot and feverish. I got short of breath. Actually, I feel more dead than alive.

Doctor: I am sorry to hear that. Anyway, I don't think things are so bad as you can imagine. Let me have a look at you. I'd like to sound your chest. Your heart, chest and lungs seem to be not bad. Now let me see your throat. Yes, it looks a bit sore. Show me your tongue. Have you taken your temperature?

Mr. Brown: Not yet, but I guess I should.

Doctor: Well, I don't find anything radically wrong with you. But it is clear that you're run down, and if you don't take care yourself, you may have a nervous breakdown. So first of all I advise you to stop worrying. Take some rest, have regular meals, keep off alcohol. If possible, give up smoking, at least for a time. Have this tonic made up and take 1 tablespoon three times a day before meals.

Mr. Brown: What about diet, doctor?

Doctor: Well, keep to a diet of salads and fruit, and a bit meat. If you do this I can promise you full recovery.

Mr. Brown: But if I don't?

Doctor: You have to decide what is the lesser evil - to follow my advice or prepare for a better world! And one more thing. Keep off accidents so that your neck, arms and legs were not hurt!

V. When you have some problems with your health you usually go to a doctor. Tell about your last visit to the doctor. Use the expressions from the box.

to feel smb’s pulse;

to write out a prescription (for pills, etc.);

to go to a chemist’s (drug store);

to follow the doctor’s directions;

to examine a patient (his throat, etc.);

to breathe in deeply;

to keep to a diet;

to be wrong with (one’s heart, lungs, etc.);

to strip to the waist;

to sound smb’s heart (lungs, heart);

to stay in bed (to be laid up);

to have (to give) an injection;

to have one’s chest (heart, etc.) X-rayed;

to have one’s blood tested;

to have one’s blood pressure tested;

to feel the patient’s pulse;

to take medicine (a spoonful of , etc.);

to take the patient’s temperature (blood pressure).

VI. Read the text and answer the question ‘What is the secret of a long life in your opinion?’

The secrets of a very long life

There are several places in the world that are famous for people who live a very long time. Doctors and scientists often travel to these regions to solve the mystery of a long, healthy life; the experts hope to bring to the modern world the secrets of longevity.

Hunza is in the Himalayan Mountains of Asia. There, many people over one hundred years of age are still in good physical health. Men of ninety are new fathers, and women of fifty still have babies.

People in the Caucasus Mountains are also famous for their longevity. In general, they not only live a long time, but they also live well. They are almost never sick, and when they die, they have not only their own teeth but also a full head of hair, and good eyesight.

Vilcabamba, Ecuador, is another area famous for the longevity of its inhabitants. This region is also in high mountains, far away from cities. There is very little serious disease. One reason for the good health of the people might be the clean, beautiful environment. Experts found one surprising fact in the mountains of Ecuador: most people there, even the very old, consume a lot of coffee, drink large amounts of alcohol, and smoke forty to sixty cigarettes daily!

In some ways, the diets of the inhabitants in the three regions are quite different. However, the diets are similar in two general ways: (1) the fruits and vegetables that the people eat are all natural, that is, they contain no chemicals; and (2) the inhabitants consume fewer calories than people do in other parts of the world. A typical inhabitant of these areas takes in an average 1,700-2,000 calories every day, while a typical North American takes in about 3,300 calories.

And one more thing, as these people live in the countryside and are mostly farmers, their lives are physically hard. Thus, they do not need to go to health clubs because they get a lot of exercise in their daily work. In addition, although their lives are hard, the people do not seem to have the worries of city people. Their lives are quiet.

VII. Read the statements below and correct the wrong ones.

  1. Doctors and scientists study certain people to learn their secrets of long life.

  2. The areas of the world where people live a long time are usually near the sea.

  3. The secrets of long life might be lots of rest and no hard work.

VIII. Read the text and write your opinion about smoking in a short paragraph.

Up in smoke

I began to smoke in high school. My friends smoked. My parents smoked. It seemed to be a natural, "adult" thing to do. But forty years later we all started to hear about the effects of cigarette smoke: lung disease, cancer, and heart problems. I didn't pay much attention to these reports. I felt healthy, and I thought I was taking good care of myself.

Then two things happened. First, I started to cough. I thought it was just a cold, but it didn't get better. Second, my brother got lung cancer. He got sicker and sicker. He died last year. My brother and I smoked our first cigarettes together eleven months ago. I sat with him in his hospital room, and I decided to quit. No more cigarettes, I told myself.

However, it was very hard to quit, although I knew I ought to. Nicotine is a drug; as a result, cigarettes cause a powerful addiction. I tried several times to quit, but I couldn't. Then I tried the "Stop Smoking" program at a hospital. It wasn't easy. For the first two months I thought about cigarettes all the time. I didn't sleep well. I ate a lot and gained ten pounds. I was nervous, and my hands shook. I became angry very easily – not only at important things but also small ones. The effect of the nicotine was amazing.

I very slowly started to lose my need for cigarettes. My cough disappeared. Sleep wasn't a problem anymore. I became calmer. And when I exercised, I had more energy. I feel better now. I don't always think about cigarettes, but I do feel the need for one five or six times every day. I hope my grandchildren keep themselves healthy; they had better not start to smoke. It's a terrible addiction.
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