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Наименование учебного заведения

Муниципальное образовательное учреждение «Средняя общеобразовательная школа №17» г. Вологды

Класс, уровень

5 А


Информация об учащихся

Ребятам из 5 А 11-12 лет, они живо интересуются английским языком, как средством общения и компьютерными играми, первый год обучения

Тема урока

« What colour is your tartan?»

Основной УМК

K.Kaufman, M. Kaufman “Happy English.ru” 5 класс(первый год обучения)

Цель урока:

Употребление лексических единиц и грамматических структур в речевых ситуациях по теме «Одежда. Цвета». Развитие речевых умений по теме «Одежда. Цвета».

Lesson plan
Aim: By the end of the lesson students should be able to say what colour are their tartans.

Pupils will practice: - reading for gist, reading for details

  • speaking( a short monologue)

-listening for gist

-completing sentences

-writing words
Materials/equipment: audio tape, a course-book by K.Kaufman, M.Kaufman “Happy English. ru”, Power Point Presentation, Internet games and videos, cards, the cherry tree, children’s butterflies, coloured pencils or crayons for the crafts, а figure of Rob MacWizard (the hero of the textbook).


Teacher says/Does

Students Do



I. Warm up

1.1 Greeting, cheering up, chant, aim of the lesson

- Good morning boys and girls!

- Glad to see you, children!

- Listen to the tongue twister and practise saying it. How fast can you say it?

Red leather yellow leather."

A big black bug bit a big black dog on his big black nose."

Red lorry, yellow lorry."

"The blue bluebird blinks."

- Let`s sing together! Song “ I like my butterfly”

-Now children, look at the slide and say what are we going to talk about today?

- Yes, we are going to talk about colours and clothes. Do you know the word “tartan”?

Today you will learn about Scotland tartans.

And also you will have a surprise today!

- Good morning teacher!

  • Glad to see you too!

The girls sing the first verse of the song, the boys sing the second one

- Colours and clothes.

4 min

On the blackboard- date, day.

On the first slide – butterflies. On the second slide – topic of the lesson.

Teacher can use both languages: English and Russian. The song “I like my butterfly” is taken from the pupils book “Millie”2,Azarova S.I.(British Council, TITUL)

1.2 Revision of active vocabulary, speaking (a short monologue), review of grammar structures I like, It is, It can.

- I`d like to get all your butterflies together. Please, tell about your butterfly. What colour is your butterfly? Who wants to start? Hang your butterfly on the cherry tree.

- It is my butterfly. It`s blue, orange……and yellow. I like my butterfly. My butterfly can fly.

3 min

Ss tell about their butterflies and hang them on the cherry tree.

II Controlled practice

2.1 Review of vocabulary

And now let` talk about clothes.

- 1. I have a special task for you today. Do you know the words for clothes in English? Play this game to find out.

Look at the picture - can you spell the word? Burst the right balloons when they go past.


Would you like to go to the board?(Sasha)

7 min

It is an individual task. A person works with the game independently.

A student should write down all words for clothes.

2.2 Review of vocabulary. Writing.

- Look at the slide and 1)match the words to the pictures, 2)find the words, 3)Complete the sentences with the words from the pictures you ticked:
A. I love clothes! My favourite item of clothing is my _______________________.

B. It’s got a fantastic __________________________________________ on it!

C. For school I usually wear __________________________________________

D. with _________________________________________________________

E. and a pair of ___________________________________________________.Let`s do these tasks in writing. I`ll give you cards.



There are 3 tasks on the slide.

It`s the very basic level Clothes Vocabulary worksheet containing a simple matching exercise, a wordsearch and

completing the sentences with the words from the pictures

III Free practice

3.1 Reading and listening for gist.

- Now you see that you can recognize a person if you know about his/her clothes. So we are ready to meet Rob. Rob is fling to Lukinsk. Let`s go to the airport. And our butterflies fly away.

- Open your textbooks on page 127.It`s lesson 4, Ex. 4. At home you had to read and translate it. Listen and read it.

- Let`s do some tasks.

- First of all, look through this text. Listen and read it.

Ss read the text.


Teacher can use both languages: English and Russian.

There is a text on the slide. Ss listen to it.

3.2 Reading for details.

- The first task: Find these sentences in the text: 1) Понятия не имею.2) Прочитай телеграмму снова.3)Сделайте большой плакат с его именем.

- The second task: Mark these sentences true or false:

- 1) Rob is Misha`s pen friend.

- 2) Rob`s T-shirt is yellow, his jeans are blue, his trainers are green and his cap is black.

- Correct the sentence. Don`t forget to change “my” into “his”.
-3)Rob`s sweater is green and yellow.

- Correct the sentence.

- 1) No idea.

-2) Read the telegram again.

- 3)Make a big poster with his name on it.

-It`s true.

-It`s false

- Rob`s T-shirt is yellow, his jeans are blue, his trainers are brown and his cap is black.

- -It`s false.

- Rob`s sweater is green.


Teachers gives each student an element of Rob`s clothes. And students clothe in Robin on the blackboard.

There is a text and tasks with answers on the slides.

3.3 Reading for recognition of new language.

And the last task:

Complete these sentences with the correct information from the text.

- 1) He is only my …..friend.

- 2) Read the telegram….

- 3) The …. is big.



Teachers gives each student an element of Rob`s clothes. And students clothe in Robin on the blackboard.

There is a text and tasks with answers on the slides

3.4 Speaking (a long monologue)

- So, now we can recognize Rob at the airport.

‘What's he wearing?'

Would you like to go to the board!(Dima)

- Rob`s T-shirt is yellow, his jeans are blue, his trainers are brown, and his cap is black. His sweater is green.

3 min

S come out to the front and describes the hero of the lesson.

IV New language

4.1 New vocabulary

- Look at Rob. He has got a rucksack. Do you know this word?

Our new rubric is called ” Word of the week”. “Word of the week” is a great way to learn new words. Watch the video showing children in the UK using the new words.

“A rucksack is a bag that you wear on your back. People call it a backpack too.
"My school bag's a rucksack and it's always really heavy."

- What can you say about Rob`s rucksack?

- Yes. You are right. But what do you know about tartan.

-Yes. Let’s learn one more about tartans. - -A surprise!!! Do you remember about it?

- Please, greet!! They are guests from Scotland.

- His rucksack is the colour of his tartan.
- Это клетчатая ткань.
- YES!

-Ss from 7V :

“Hello, children!!”

- Ss from 5A:


- We`d like to tell you something about Scotland National clothes. Listen to us very carefully.

Let`s go to the United Kindom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Look at the map. The UK consists of 4 countries: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Scotland occupies the northern third of the island of Great Britain.

Издавна в Шотландии существовали родовые общины, т.е. группы шотландских семей с родственными связями. Такие семьи назывались кланами.

Clan, т.е клан переводится как «дети, потомки, потомство». Шотландские кланы отличались своей воинственностью. У каждого клана была своя символика и клич. У каждого клана была своя фамилия. Например MacWizard( или McWizard), Приставка Mac или Mc (сокращенное от Mac) перед фамилией характерна для шотландцев. Mac означает сын. Т.е. MacWizard дословно, сын волшебника.А вот еще какие бывают названия кланов: Маклауд (McLeod), Макалистер (McAlister) ,Макмиллан (McMillan), Макензи (McKenzie), Макинтош (McKintosh), Гамильтон (Hamilton), Николсон (Nicolson), Робертсон (Robertson), Браун (Broun)

  • Отличительным признаком отдельного клана был тартан, т.е tartan in English.. Tartan это клетчатая ткань, у каждого клана была своя расцветка тартана. Юбка шотландского горца – Килт и сделана из тартана. Предмет мужской национальной одежды. Это традиционная одежда горцев Шотландии.

  • Сегодня килт носят мало. Только лишь как часть официального или свадебного костюма, а так же на военных парадах и спортивных соревнованиях горцев.

That`s all! Thank you for attention.

8 min

There is the same information on the slides (maps, photos, new words)

Ss from 7V come to our lesson to tell children about tartans. They can speak both languages English and Russian.

4.2 Crafts “ My tartan”

- Let`s divide our class into two groups.

-Prepare your crayons!

- Each group should choose a name for their clan and colour their tartan.

Ss work in groups. They choose the name for their “clan” and colour their tartans.

4 min

Ss from 7 V and the teacher help children.

4.3 Speaking “My tartan is…”

- Have you finished?

-Tell about your clan and your tartan. But first of all let’s listen to our friends Yana and Maksim.

-Very good

-Nice work!

Well done!

I like it

Sample language:

- We are MacAlisters. Our tartan is black, yellow, blue and white.

2 min

Ss present their tartans.

V Feedback

5.1 Feedback

-So, children what did you learn today?

-What did you do ?
- How did you work today?

- мы научились рассказывать о цвете тартана.

- мы пели песенку “I like butterflies”

- готовились ко встрече с Робином Маквизардом

-I am Ok.

- I am fine.

- I can better.

2 min

Finds out Ss’ opinions about the content, procedure and activities of the lesson.

5.2 Home task

-It`s high time to write down your homework task. Open your diaries and put it down. T.B. p.129,ex 9. W.B. Lesson 4,p. 53

Ss write down their homework task for the next lesson.

5.3 Saying good-bye

-That’s all for today! The lesson is over. Thank you for your good work!

Please stand up! Have a break! Goodbye!


Appendix № 1

Task: “Sing together”
Audio file “I like my butterfly”
I like butterflies,

Red and yellow butterflies,

Pink and purple butterflies

Blue and orange too

I like butterflies

Green and brown butterflies

Black and white butterflies.

Do you like them too?
Appendix № 2
Task: “Listen and read”
Text “ At the airport”

  • Mother: Misha! Where is your friend?

  • Misha: No idea! He is only my pen friend.

  • Father: Read the telegram again.

  • Misha: Meet me at the airport at 11 p.m. today. My T-shirt is yellow, my jeans are blue, my trainers are brown and my cap is black. My sweater is green. My rucksack is the colour of my tartan: red, blue, green and black. Thank you. Robin MacWizard.

  • Father: OK. But the airport is big. Make a big poster with his name on it and walk around.

Appendix № 3 Writing



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