Программа по формированию навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах и улицах «Добрая дорога детства» 2

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НазваниеПрограмма по формированию навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах и улицах «Добрая дорога детства» 2
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МБОУ «Средняя общеобразовательная школа №12»


открытого урока по английскому языку

с применением ИКТ в 10 классе по теме:


Учитель английского языка:

Галкина Ирина Аркадьевна

г. Новочебоксарск, 2013 г
Цели урока:

Поддержание положительной мотивации к более глубокому изучению иностранного языка.
Образовательный аспект:

Путём использования средств иностранного языка сформировать у учащихся целостное представление о роли компьютера в нашей жизни.
Развивающий аспект:

Совершенствование умений и навыков употребления широкого спектра ЛЕ (активный и пассивный запас слов) при систематизации представлений учащихся о роли компьютера в жизни.
Воспитательный аспект:

Формирование умения видеть и рационально использовать в жизни положительные и отрицательные стороны информационных технологий.

Активизация и расширение употребления ЛЕ.

Развитие навыков чтения научно-популярных и технических текстов.

Развитие творческих способностей учащихся как языковых, так и художественных через формирование навыков работы на ПК с использованием программы Microsoft Power Point.

Знакомство с правилами этикета при общении в Интернете.
Ход урока

1.Организационный момент:

2. Речевая зарядка: (слайд №1)

T.: - I think that you know popular English song for children:
“Old McDonald has a farm, E-I-E-I-O,

And on this farm he has some cows, E-I-E-I-O…..”
And we know a modern variant of this popular song: (текст исполняется речетативом, подражая молодёжному стилю “рэп”).
“Old McDonald has a farm, E-I-E-I-O.

And on his farm he has some comps, E-I-E-I-O.

With a comp, comp here and a comp, comp there,

Here a comp, there a comp,

Everywhere a comp, comp.”
Today our topic is: Computers in our life. So, computer has become an important part of our life – some people can admire it, some can call it “devil”, but no one can deny it.

We will see what computers can do and what you can do with their help. Do you have a PC at home? Can you use it? What can you do? Can you use the Internet? What do you use the Internet for? Do you like working with the computer? Why? (слайд №2)
a) What do you think of computer? (слайд №3)


еxtremely interesting educational games play computer games

exciting important for you useful

help to learn foreign languages use English help get information

help do a lot of things faster and better for all ages it saves time

help connect people who lives so far away from each other

- “

bad for your eyes waste of time like drug dangerous
As for me I think….

I think that….

To my mind the computer…
You can express your own attitude to computers using the given phrases.

-Yes, really, computers are useful, but very often it is dangerous for our health.
b) T.: I want you to discuss this question: COMPUTERS. CAN THEY …? (слайд №4)




play chess


do crosswords



forecast the weather

check spellings

make music

have conversations

write books



Yes, they can count.

Yes, they can translate. But some translations look really funny.
Комментарий учителя: Компьютерный перевод несовершенен. Например, словосочетание traffic jam (учащиеся отвечают, что это “пробка на дороге”) компьютерная программа перевела на французский язык и обратно, как car-flavored marmalade (“мармелад, приправленный запахом автомобиля”).
Yes, computers can speak English, but limited.

Yes, they can play chess.

No, they can’t see. It’s impossible.

No, computers can’t do crosswords. Though some modern ones probably can.

Unfortunately computers can’t hear as well as smell.

Yes. Of course, they can print some documents.

Yes, computers can check spellings

Yes, computers can forecast the weather.

Yes, they can make music. (But not like Mozart!)

No, computers can’t have conversations.

No, they can’t write books. Only the man can write them with their help.

No, they can’t think.

Yes, computers can paint. (But not like Levitan!) They do it with our help.
T.: And can computers eat? Drink? Fall in love? Can computers replace people?
Sample answer: As we see, computers can do a lot of things, but not all of them, that’s why they can’t replace people. We are better in many ways. But we all use PCs to make our life easier.
3. Основная часть: (слайд №5)

Т.- Let’s speak about Internet. Internet came into our life not long ago, but it seems to be the most popular way of spending free time; old and young, male and female – everybody fond of it.
1) In groups make up lists of most popular with young people activities:


10 year ago

20 years ago
Compare them and say what has changed.

Учащиеся работают в группах: записывают на отдельные листы разные виды деятельности (to read, to go to the cinema, to do for a walk, to listen to the music, to play the guitar и др.), затем представители разных команд зачитывают свои списки и прикрепляют их на доску и отвечая на вопрос “What has changed for these years?”
Кто-то один подводит итог: (“There were no computers in young people’s lives 10 and ears ago and certainly there were no Internet.” )
2) Have you ever heard such word combination as “Surfing the NET”? (слайд №6)

Look at the screen, please:
NET – slang for the “Internet”

Surfing – slang for using browser to move through the World Wide Web

WWW – World Wide Web – an interconnected set of hypertext documents located through the Internet.
T.: In the world of computers we use some special words and expressions. They all have two meanings: from the general English and from the sphere of computers. So, let’s choose the correct word (слайд №7)

a mouse –

1) мышь;

2) мышка (компьютерная)
to surf –

1) заниматься серфингом;

2) бродить по Интернету
a flame –

2) неприветливое (грубое) письмо по электронной почте
1) пламя;

to boot –

1) ударить ногой;

2) стартовать компьютер
a bug –

1) жук;

2) ошибка в компьютерной программе
a geek –

1) фокусник, иллюзионист;

2) профессионал в компьютерном деле
3) T. Now we will read a text about Internet. But first of all let’s look through the list of words and say which of these words do you expect to see in the text? (слайд №8)
* language *mouse teacher

tennis *dog *dot

modern рresident expect

* computer *learn cry

* tool chocolate green

*communication *еnglish * speak

* old-fashioned *children
T.: Read the text and check if you are right or not: (слайд №9)
4. Защита минипроектов. (проверка дом. задания) Учитель предлагает учащимся ответить на вопрос: What are the pros and cons of computers? (слайды №10, 11)
Sample answers: Computers can do a lot of work for us. They help us at school. They keep useful information. Besides, they can even teach us English as well as other subjects. On the other hand, they have some cons. Viruses are a headache for many users. You shouldn’t spend too much time at your PC. It’s bad for your eyesight, for instance. Chatting in the Internet with your friend is not the same as a face-to-face talk.
Your homework for today was to get ready for the discussion about pros and cons of computers. You have to divide into two groups. Using different linkers, opinion phrases you have to give arguments in favour of computers and against them. Then we will draw a conclusion (Выступление групп)

Advantages Disadvantages
Computers are essential tools in almost every field of work from constructing models of the universe to predicting tomorrow’s weather reports.
Computers are influencing ways of teaching and learning. Education benefits from using computers (a) School subjects become more interesting when presented on a computer screen.
The one-to-one interaction students have with a computer helps to promote independent learning.
They allow to organize your time in a more productive way.

Computers are valuable to any business (They make life easier and save time by being capable storing and retrieving (to get back information that has been stored in the memory of a computer) vast amounts of info at the touch of a button.).
Computers are used to solve different problems such as calculations, bank account transactions, airline reservations and scientific and engineering computations (вычисления).
Computes are important in the collection, organization, storage, retrieval and interpretation (объяснение) of info.
Personal gains can be seen as the use of computers increases powers of concentration.
In the film industry, computers are used to create graphics for scenes, animated characters, beautiful backgrounds, and amazing special effects.
Computer technology enables the pilots to train I flight simulators which create the illusion of the flight. (It is safer and cheaper than training stuff in airplanes.)
The computer has become a great source of entertainment with the introduction of interactive Virtual Reality programs which are available on CD-ROMs or through the Internet. (They enable people located in different places to come together and interact with one another in real time using speech, sound and 3-D animated graphics.)
It’s possible to explore sites on anything you are interested in, or even chat with celebrities, experts and others who share your interest.
The Internet keeps you up-to-date with the latest news, fashions and reports.
You can work from home.
Programs for different purposes can be downloaded free from different sites.

Many people do not like using computers, and prefer dealing with a person instead.
You have to attend at least computer classes for beginners before dealing with the machine.
Computers can get viruses and sometimes computers fail and people lose the work they had done.
Computers quickly become obsolete, so they soon need to be replaced or updated.
If a computer is not working properly, most people do not know how to fix it, and this can be very annoying. You have to turn for help to the technical support/expert. It can be expensive.
T.: Let’s draw a conclusion. There are strong arguments both for and against the use of computers. They have replaced humans in many jobs and made our lives considerably easier. It’s difficult to imagine life without them.
5. Заключительная часть урока: (слайд №12)

Т.- So, it was very interesting lesson today.
Let’s do some conclusions:

What was the topic of our lesson?

What aspects were touched at our lesson?

What was the new for you?

Do you like this lesson or not? Why?
Let’s finish our lesson with our song:
Old McDonald has a farm, E-I-E-I-O

And on has farm he has some comps, E-I-E-I-O

With a comp, comp here, and a comp, comp there

Here a comp, there a comp

Everywhere a comp, comp…
So, the lesson is over. You can be free. Good-bye, friends!

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