Учебно-методический комплекс по дисциплине Иностранный язык Специальность

НазваниеУчебно-методический комплекс по дисциплине Иностранный язык Специальность
Дата публикации10.01.2015
Размер0.52 Mb.
ТипУчебно-методический комплекс
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Организованная самостоятельная работа для студентов

Форма ОргСРС


Объем и время

Объем и время, затрачиваемое на выполнение

Форма выполнения

форма контроля

Аудирование текстов по изучаемой тематике


Продолжительность звучания

15 мин./нед.

в течение семестра

аналитические обзоры

краткое изложение

Чтение газет журналов по изучаемым темам


2-2,5 тыс. знаков/нед.

в течение семестра

письменно; составление аналитических обзоров

содержание (устно) презентация

Цели и задачи программы

Основная цель программы:

Дальнейшее развитие навыков устной и письменной речи в результате овладения речевыми образцами, содержащими новые лексические и грамматические явления, а также более углубленное изучение аспектов языка в предусмотренное учебным планом время. Одновременно с этим закрепление уже известных речевых образцов и составляющих их словарных единиц, а также грамматического и фонетического материала.
Цели обучения:
1. Совершенствование произношения

2. Расширение запаса речевых образцов в процессе углубленной работы над ними.

3. Расширение словарного запаса студентов и анализ изучаемых лексических единиц (выявление многозначности, подбор синонимов, антонимов и.д.).

4. Прочное закрепление вводимого языкового материала в результате многократного повторения и использования его в процессе речевого общения.

5. Развитие навыков устной (в том числе и неподготовленной) и письменной речи.

6.Преобретение навыков работы с оригинальным текстом на примере английской и американской прозы и поэзии, а также ряда явлений, характерных для быта, традиций и образа жизни англичан.

7. Развитие навыков понимания иностранной речи на слух.

8. Выработка прочных навыков грамматически правильной речи.

Студент должен уметь:

  • правильно воспроизводить и употреблять в речи ранее изученные и вновь вводимые интонационные структуры

  • читать и пересказывать оригинальные английские тексты, проводя их смысловой, лексико-грамматический и стилистический анализ

  • понимать аутентичный звучащий текст, воспроизводимый носителем языка

  • воспринимать и воспроизводить устную английскую речь, используя речевые клеше и тематическую лексику

  • подготовить устное высказывание, сообщение, комментарий в рамках изучаемой темы

Cтруктура программы:
Формирование умений и навыков в аспектах:

I. Владения лексическим материалом в рамках изучаемых тем, его активизации в монологической и диалогической речи

  1. Moscow, the capital of Russia

  2. The October Revolution

  3. Margaret Thatcher Legacy

  4. Long Live Commune

  5. The Curse of the Co burgs

  6. Russia in 1917

  7. The Norman Conquest

  8. Alexander the Great

  9. Outline of English History

  10. Newspaper article

II. Владения и активизации в различных видах речевой деятельности предусмотренными данной программой грамматическими конструкциями и грамматическим материалом по разделам:

  1. Tense Forms. The Active Voice

  2. Tense Forms. The Passive Voice

  3. English Tenses The Active Voice. The Passive Voice. (Compared)

  4. Неличные формы глагола. Infinitive.

  5. Неличные формы глагола. The Participle

  6. Неличные формы глагола.The Gerund

  7. Absolute Participial Construction.

  8. Предлоги

  9. Modal Verbs

  10. Модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты

  11. The Subjunctive Mood

  12. Условные предложения. I типа.

  13. Условные предложения. II типа.

  14. Придаточные условные. III типа.

Основная и дополнительная литература
1.Е.А.Бонди Английский язык для студентов-историков. М.2003

2.С.А.Шевелева Английский язык для гуманитариев. М. 2005

3.А.П. Миньяр-Белоручева Английский для историков. М 2002

4. З.В. Санников Грамматика английского языка. Ростов-на-Дону. 2001

5. R.Murphy English Grammar in Use. Cambridge University Press. 2007

6. А.П. Миньяр-Белоручева Англо-русский исторический словарь. М.1994

7. С.Д. Комаровская Современная английская грамматика. М. 2004

8. Г.А. Николаев Англо-русский исторический словарь. М. 1995

9. США. Лингво-страноведческий словарь. М. 2000

10.Великобритания. Лингво-страноведческий словарь. М. 2000

11.В.А.Мельникова,Л.А.Тарасова. Грамматика английского языка в таблицах и схемах.

Урюпинск, 2006.

12. Martin Hewings Advanced Grammar in Use. Cambridge University Press. 2000

13. Н.В.Косолапова, В.А.Мельникова, Л.А.Тарасова. Сборник упражнений по грамматике

Английского языка. Урюпинск, 2008


Наименование темы

Количество часов

I семестр

Модуль 1


  1. Грамматика: Tense Forms. The Active Voice.

  2. Текст: Moscow, the capital of Russia.



  1. Working on newspaper article.

  2. Текст: Moscow, the capital of Russia (continued).



  1. Грамматика: Tense Forms. The Passive Voice.

  2. Текст: The October Revolution.



  1. Грамматика: English Tenses The Active Voice. The Passive Voice. (Compared)

  2. Текст: Margaret Thatcher Legacy.



Review of Grammar and Vocabulary


Модуль 2


  1. Грамматика: Неличные формы глагола. Infinitive.

  2. Текст: Long Live Commune.



  1. Грамматика: Неличные формы глагола. The Participle.

  2. Working on newspaper article.



  1. Грамматика: Неличные формы глагола.The Gerund.

  2. Working on vocabulary.



Review of Grammar and Vocabulary


Модуль 3


  1. Грамматика: Absolute Participial Construction.

  2. Working on vocabulary.



  1. Грамматика: Предлоги.

  2. Working on newspaper article.



  1. Working on vocabulary.

  2. Oral Language practice.



  1. Грамматика: Предлоги.

  2. Текст: The Curse of the Co burgs.



Review of Grammar and Vocabulary


II семестр

Модуль 1


  1. Грамматика: Modal Verbs.

  2. Текст: Russia in 1917



  1. Грамматика: Модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты.

  2. Working on newspaper article.



  1. Working on vocabulary.

  2. Oral Language practice.



Review of Grammar and Vocabulary


Модуль 2


  1. Грамматика: The Subjunctive Mood.

  2. Working on newspaper article.



  1. Грамматика: Условные предложения (реальное условие). I типа.

  2. Working on vocabulary.



  1. Текст: The Norman Conquest.

  2. Working on newspaper article.



Review of Grammar and Vocabulary


Модуль 3


  1. Грамматика: Условные предложения. II типа.

  2. Oral Language practice.



  1. Грамматика: Придаточные условные. III типа.

  2. Текст: Alexander the Great.



  1. Работа с газетной статьей.

  2. Oral Language practice.



  1. Текст: Outline of English History

  2. Working on newspaper article.



Review of Grammar and Vocabulary


Примеры контрольных работ
I. Insert prepositions or post-verbal adverbs.

I should like to tell you…… my recent holiday. As my brother and myself are members…….. the Youth Hostels Association we decided to go Youth Hostel-ing…… our holidays. …….six o’clock….. the morning…… the 5th….. August we set…… ……. our walking holiday…….. the Lake District. The first hostel we visited was one…….. the end…….. Ullswater Lake, a hostel named Greenside. It was a pretty little hostel……. the foot……. a mountain, …….. a stream………. one side……. it. All round us were mountains, with paths winding…… the top…….. them. We were given a room…….. the first floor. …….. Our window we had a beautiful view……. the lake and the mountains. We stayed…….. Greenside……. one night and the next day we set…….. to climb a steep mountain path named Sticks Pass. I had never been…….. the mountains before and was looking…….. ……… the ascent tremendously.
II. Translate into English.

1. Несколько широко известных и уважаемых журналистов постоянно сотрудничают с этим еженедельным изданием. 2. Он упал, ударившись головой о стену. 3. По вкусу это больше похоже на курицу, чем на индейку. 4. Итак, в заключение, позвольте мне подвести итог тому, что мы обсудили. 5.У него в столе было не так много вещей – лишь всякая мелочь. 6. Он продолжал отпускать шутки о моей внешности. 7. Тонкий луч света показался сквозь щель в шторах. 8. Чтобы купить коттедж она собрала остатки своих сбережений. После этого денег у нее совсем не осталось. 9. Для такой деликатной работы тебе нужна твердая рука. 10. Букет простой, но цветы подобраны со вкусом. 11. Ты втянул нас в эту неприятную историю, Тед. Ты можешь вызволить нас из нее. 12.Мы решили, что это будет прекрасной возможностью, чтобы внести свой вклад в общее дело. 13. У меня мигом упало настроение, когда я увидела, что они сделали с моими цветами. 14.»Вы лучше разбираетесь в бренди, чем в музыке, доктор», сказал Крис.15. Так дело не пойдет! Если ты не будешь тверд, она опять обведет тебя вокруг пальца. 16. В последней контрольной работе я сделал массу ошибок и окончательно все испортил. 17. Мы услышали, как треснула ветка, и увидели, как она отломилась. 18. Кофе должен быть крепким и без постороннего привкуса. 19. Я бы никогда не подумал, что люди так легко могут поверить сплетням. 20. Он такой милый! Чем больше смотрю на него, тем больше в этом убеждаюсь. Не понимаю, почему он тебе не нравится. Хотя, на вкус и цвет товарища нет.
Test (mid-term)

1. When a student, I... to the discos every Friday night.

a/ used to go c/ use to go

b/ are used to go d/ were used to go

2. Our mother doesn’t ...of eating between meals.

a/ agree c/ suggest

b/ allow d/ approve

3. If it ...so late, we could have a chat.

a/ won’t c/ isn’t

b/ weren’t d/ not be

4. Let’s ask him to do this work,...?

a/ will we c/ don’t we

b/ shall we d/ are we

5. Please give me... .

a/ a yellow c/ yellow one

b/ a yellow one d/ a yellow ones

6. It’s the first time my brother...to the Zoo.

a/ was c/ has been

b/ were d/ had been

7. We are all looking forward...your friends.

a/ of seeing c/ for seeing

b/ to see d/ to seeing

8. My grandma makes me...carrots, but I prefer ice-cream.

a/ eat c/ to eat

b/ eating d/ to eating

9. ...never knows what to say in such situation.

a/ No one c/ Someone

b/ One d/ Each one

10. Dad wants me...him a glass of cold water.

a/ bring c/ to bring

b/ bringing d/ to bringing

11. My grandparents...bread with the meals.

a/ are used to eat c/ get used to eat

b/ are used to eating d/ got used to eat

12. I like to watch football on TV because you can see more...than from a seat in the stadium.

a/ clearness c/ clear

b/ clearer d/ clearly

13. He went upstairs and had... .

a/ wash c/ a wash

b/ the wash d/ not wash

14. ...rich pay higher taxes?

a/ Does c/ Does the

b/ Do d/ Do the

15. Can you hear the sound of...inside?

a/ laugh c/ laughter

b/ laughs d/ laughed

16. The information...contained...article on biology.

a/ was...in an c/ was...on an

b/ were...in the d/ were...on the

17. Do you know all of the...in our town?

a/ mathematic teachers c/ mathematic’s teachers

b/ mathematics’ teachers d/ mathematics teachers

18. Don’t mix up our suitcases, yours is almost the same... .

a/ like my c/ to mine

b/ as my d/ as mine

19. We are getting pretty fed up...him.

a/ to c/ with

b/ of d/ upon

20. I don’t feel like... this article today.

a/ to read and translate c/ read and translate

b/ on reading and translating d/ reading and translating

21. Can you look...my son for an hour while I go to the dentist?

a/ out c/ for

b/ to d/ after

22. It was not easy to understand the language..., but after a few days we could communicate quite well.

a/ first c/ at first

b/ firstly d/ first of all

23. ...you rather sit by the fire?

a/ Don’t c/ Will

b/ Won’t d/ Wouldn’t

24. Would you...the telephone?

a/ to answer c/ answer

b/ answering d/ to answering

25. Jane was here a few minutes ago, but she...now.

a/ went c/ have gone

b/ has gone d/ had gone

26. I can’t bear... in queues.

a/ stand c/ to stand

b/ standing d/ to standing

27. Ann’s health is...better now.

a/ more c/ many

b/ much d/ less

28. I am scared of... .

a/ dark c/ the dark

b/ a dark d/ some dark

29. Your word is...for me.

a/ enough good c/ good as enough

b/ good enough d/ good than enough

30. I have no idea of... .

a/ geography of Scotland c/ the geography of Scotland

b/ geography of the Scotland d/ the geography of the Scotland

31. ...tourists stay here.

a/ Only few c/ Only a few

b/ Only little d/ Only a little

32. Is it difficult to find a... in the centre?

a/ three-bedroom flat c/ three-bedroom flats

b/ three-bedrooms flat d/ three-bedroom’s flat

33. ...you get to know him, the more you like him.

a/ As more c/ More

b/ The more d/ The most

34. If something makes you worried and unhappy, you are very upset...it.

a/ about c/ of

b/ with d/ to

35. I don’t like strong coffee, and... .

a/ she doesn’t too c/ either does she

b/ neither does she d/ she doesn’t neither

36. If Jane...with us, we would have had a good time.

a/ would come c/ would have come

b/ had come d/ came

37. Since she isn’t answering the telephone, she... .

a/ must have left c/ should have left

b/ need have left d/ can have left

38. We’d...this work until he asks us for.

a/ rather not do c/ not rather do

b/ rather not to do d/ rather not doing

39. You...me a postcard, but you didn’t.

a/ could send c/ could be sent

b/ could have sent d/ could had sent

40. Dan has already had his composition... .

a/ be check c/ be checked

b/ check d/ checked

41. Dad congratulated Jane...passing the exam.

a/ with c/ on

b/ at d/ -

42. Jack forgot about...him to join us for the dinner.

a/ us to ask c/ us asking

b/ our asking d/ we asking

43.I want one and...of pears, please.

a/ half kilo c/ half kilos

b/ a half kilo d/ a half kilos

44. Both I and my friend...to see you here.

a/ was surprised c/ were surprised

b/ has surprised d/ have surprised

45. ...three years passed before we met again.

a/ Another b/ Other c/ The other

46. ...we’ve eaten today is a bar of chocolate.

a/ Each b/ Everything c/ All

47. It was...that we decided to walk though the time pressed.

a/ such nice weather c/ so nice weather

b/ too nice weather d/ such a nice weather

48. Tuition in an American university runs...several thousand dollars a semester.

a/ high as c/ as high to

b/ as high as d/ as high than

49. It was careless...you to forget...the door.

a/ of...to lock c/ of...locking

b/ to...to lock d/ to...locking

50. Either Jane or her parents...to speak to me.

a/ is going c/ are going

b/ has been going d/ have been going

51. Would you mind..., please?

a/ to open the window c/ opening the window

b/ open the window d/ to the window opening

52. You...your seats beforehand if you want to go to Paris on a through train.

a/ had better to book c/ had to better book

b/ had better book d/ had to book better

53. I’m likely...very busy tomorrow.

a/ is c/ be

b/ - d/ to be

54. I hadn’t expected Jane to apologise, but I had hoped...

a/ her calling me c/ that she would call me

b/ her to call me d/ that she call me

55. They...him, because Nick didn’t say that.

a/ must misunderstand c/ must be misunderstanding

b/ had to misunderstand d/ must have misunderstood

56. I’d like to know...about this accident.

a/ each b/ everything c/ all

57. You should have your tooth...soon.

a/ be take out c/ be taken out

b/ take out d/ taken out

58. Harry succeeded...passing the test.

a/ at c/ on

b/ in d/ with

59. I really appreciate...to help me.

a/ you to offer c/ your offering

b/ that you offering d/ that you are offering

60. The ticket agent said that the plane would be boarding at... .

a/ the gate six c/ sixth gate

b/ gate six d/ the six gate

61. I asked for ... .

a/ a two coffee c/ the two coffee

b/ two coffee d/ two coffees

62. Neither Jim nor Jack... there.

a/ was invited c/ were invited

b/ was been invited d/ were been invited

63. Her house wasn’t ... .

a/ a better than ours c/ better than our

b/ any better than our d/ any better than ours

64. The trains run here...three hours.

a/ each b/ every c/ all

65. He has...books on history as my Dad has.

a/ half of c/ a half less

b/ half as many d/ a half as many

66. The midterm was...the beginning.

a/ like c/ alike

b/ same d/ similar

67. If you feel that you don’t trust someone, you are suspicious... .

a/ at him c/ with him

b/ of him d. on him

68. He felt satisfied...he had done.

a/ with all the work c/ at all work

b/ by all the work d/ by all work

69. Jack overslept and was...late that he missed his train.

a/ so c/ too

b/ much d/ very

70. ...a lovely flower! Thank you very much!

a/ How c/ What

b/ So d/ That

Final Test
I. Open the brackets. Use the Past Indefinite, the Present Indefinite, the Present Continuous, the Present Perfect or the Present Perfect Continuous.

1. I’m so glad you (come). We (wait) for hours. 2. Look! She (write) something on the fly-leaf of the book. 3. I wonder what (happen) there since we (leave)? 4. I (ring) the bell for the last quarter of an hour. 5. I don’t want to take a cure at all. I’m perfectly happy. All my life I (be) perfectly happy. 6. Here’s my key. I (leave). 7. I must not let my eyes get all red and swollen, or Henry’ll know I (cry). 8. At the lesson the teacher told that the sun (shine) with different degrees of heating power in different parts of the world. 9. Cesare, you and I (be) friends for all these years, and I never (tell) you what really happened to Arthur. 10. What are we going to say to the king when he (come) in?
II. Use one of the prepositions: about, after, at, for, in, of, on, to, with

1. She’s only crying because she wants you to feel sorry…her. Ignore her and she’ll stop.

2. When he explained…me what he was looking…, I was able to help her.

3. I’m so bored…this exercise I could scream.

4. Joanna was very proud…her son when he won the race.

5. I don’t think I’ll come…you. I’m not really interested…folk music

6. That man’s smiling…me as if he knows me.

7. I’ll make sure he gets the message before he leaves…the office in the morning.

8. How dare you accuse me…stealing? I wouldn’t dream…doing such a thing!

9. It’s no good complaining…the problem if you’re not prepared to do anything … it.

10. He’s one of those people who believes…saying what he thinks, even when it upsets people.

11. Are you nervous…addressing a large audience?

12. I’m afraid your teacher was rather shocked…what I said.

13. I was furious at first, but after he had apologized…me I calmed down.

14. He has forgiven her…what she did.

15. I no longer care…what he thinks.

16. I’m old enough to look…myself.

17. She’s perfectly capable…managing alone.

18. He’ll never succeed…changing her opinion.

19. I’m relying…her to help me.

20. The minibus belonged…a group of tourists.
III. Match the underlined verbs and phrases with the phrasal verbs on the right.

1. I can give accommodation to you for the weekend. a. put up

2. We’ve postponed the meeting till next week. b. take off Extinguish the lights before you go to bed. c. take after

4. They are eager to assume control of the company. d. put out

5. When did you start skiing (as a hobby) e. put down

6. I don’t know how you can endure these conditions. f. put off

7. The plane left the ground two hours ago. g. take over

8. Doesn’t he resemble his father! h. put up with

9. The government is sure to raise taxes soon. i. take up

10. Try not to make him look small. j. put (smb.) up
IV. Use the correct form of the adjectives.

1. My…brother is 3 years…than me.(old)

2. They live 20 miles from…town. (near)

3. Have you read brown’s…novel? It’s much better than his…one.(last)

4. She was…to arrive.(last)

5. This wine is…as I ever tasted.(good)

6. Thing are going from…to… .(bad)

7. No…news had come.(far)

8. Of the two evils let us choose… .(little)

9. She was…of the family.(practical)

10. Handball isn’t so…as football.(popular)

V. Choose the appropriate adverb.

1. His heart was (deep, deeply) moved. 2. The idea seemed (high, highly) improbable to everybody. 3. You will have to work really (hard, hardly) to get everything done as planned. 4. The mechanic (close, closely) examined the machine. 5. He was (near, nearly) run over by the car. 6. I’ve seen very little of him (late, lately). 7. She always comes (pretty, prettily) dressed. 8. The train passed by whistling (loud, loudly). 9. You paid too (dear, dearly) for this radio set. 10. Through a space in the trees I could see the house door; it was (wide, widely) open. 11. The tunnels of the Moscow Metro are dug (deep, deeply) below the surface of the earth. 12. The plane soared (high, highly), we could (hard, hardly) see it. 13. He approached me (closer, more closely) to hear me well. 14. He lives quite (near, nearly). 15. You‘ve come too (late, lately). 16. It is (pretty, prettily) difficult to speak to her. 17. Do I speak (loud, loudly) enough? 18. The father loved his daughter (dear, dearly). 19.Nabokov’s works are (wide, widely) known throughout the world. 20.You guessed (wrong, wrongly).
VI. Put the adverb on the right in the correct place in the sentence. Sometimes more than one place is possible.

1. The film was good. quite

2. I phoned the police. immediately

3. I got up late this morning, but just

I managed to catch the bus. fortunately

4. ‘Hi, Pete. How are you?

My name’s John, but don’t worry.’ actually

5. In the middle of the picnic it began suddenly

to rain.

6. I saw Mary at the party. I didn’t

see anyone else. only

7. Everybody in our family loves really

ice-cream, me. especially

8. The traffic to the airport was bad

that we missed the plane. nearly so

9. I’m tall to be a policeman, but I enough

haven’t got qualifications. enough

10. Jane and I have been friends. W ever

went to school. We were born in together

the same hospital. always
VII. Complete the table.
Base adjective Strong adjective

hot …

tired …

… disgusting

interesting …

… superb

dirty …

… astonished

… huge

angry …

funny …


clever …

… beautiful
VIII. Complete the sentences with either the infinitive without to or the –ing form of the verb in brackets.

1. When I woke up, I could hear the birds…(sing).

2. But then I heard my brother…(slam) the bathroom door.

3. Soon I could smell bacon…(cook).

4. From our hotel window we could see people…(play) and…(sunbathe) on the beach.

5. I saw her…(pick) up the letter from the mat and…(rip) open the envelope.

6. When I got to the cinema, I spotted my friend…(wait) for me.

7. Over the years I watched the new airport…(build).

8. I knew the guests had arrived because I could hear them…(laugh) downstairs.

9. I’ve never seen anyone…(eat) as much as you do.

10. I noticed a girl…(shoplift). I saw her…(take) a bottle of perfume from a shelf and…(put) it in her bag.
IX. Open the brackets. Use the necessary tenses in the Passive Voice.

1. Look! There is nothing here. Everything (to take) away. 2. We (to tell) to wait because the man (to question) just. 3. If anyone comes in you (to find) looking through his papers.4. We can’t get there in time. By the time we get there the papers (to destroy). 5. Why nothing (to do) about it at the time? 6. You can’t go in. She (to interview) for the TV. 7. She promised that nothing (to do) till he came back. 8. I had a most unpleasant feeling that I (to watch). 9. She looked a different girl. Her face (to wash), her hair (to comb). All traces of tears (to remove). 10. We could still see the tracks where the car (to drag) off the road.
X. Translate into English using the Speech Patterns and Active Vocabulary:

1. Чем больше читаю светскую хронику, тем больше ухудшается настроение.

2. В этой башне не осталось ни одной безопасной ступеньки, придется подниматься по винтовой лестнице.

3. Никогда бы не подумал, что обвести человека вокруг пальца так легко.

4. Это никуда не годится. Вам придется удалить (соскрести) всю краску, прежде чем перекрасить дверь.- Но на это уйдет часа два!- Зато у вас будет возможность понять насколько вы уравновешенный человек.

5. Это было больше похоже на шутку дурного вкуса, чем на вклад в общее дело.

6. Не поддаваться ее влиянию – вот что вам необходимо.

7. Я бы охарактеризовала его скорее как общительного человека, а не верного друга.

8. Если бы он не вмешивался в чужие дела, к нему не относились бы с таким подозрением.

9. Его размышления не имели ничего общего с сутью данного вопроса.

10. Она по-своему талантлива, но недостаток такта может помешать ей сделать карьеру великолепной актрисой.
Организованная самостоятельная работа для студентов

Форма ОргСРС


Объем и время

Объем и время, затрачиваемое на выполнение

Форма выполнения

форма контроля

Аудирование текстов по изучаемой тематике


Продолжительность звучания

15 мин./нед.

в течение семестра

аналитические обзоры

краткое изложение

Чтение газет журналов по изучаемым темам


2-2,5 тыс. знаков/нед.

в течение семестра

письменно; составление аналитических обзоров

содержание (устно) презентация

Цели и задачи программы

Основная цель программы:

Развитие навыков устной и письменной речи, актуализация этих знаний в процессе выработки и дальнейшего совершенствования навыков чтения, говорения, письма.
1   2   3   4   5


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