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Столицы Великобритании, США, Канады и России.

London is the heart of Britain. It is not only Britain’s capital. It is the country’s largest city, the most important seaport and the financial and business centre. It lies in the valley of the Thames.

It was originally restricted to the City of London. But the surrounding districts were absorbed one by one to make up the vast metropolis which is London today.

Actually, there are several Londons. First, there is the City of London. It is about 2.6 square km in area. The City is the oldest part of London. Its history goes back to at least 43 A.D. and the Romans. Another name for the City is the Square Mile. Now about half a million people work in the City during the day. At night it is almost deserted. Not many people live in the Square Mile nowadays.

Then there is the County of London. This is composed of separate boroughs in addition to the City of London.

It covers an area about 311 square km and has a population of three and a half million. Many London boroughs were once villages.

Finally, there is Greater London. It extends for more than 30 kilometers in every direction from Charing Cross the official centre of the metropolis. The population of Greater London is over eight million.

London is traditionally divided into the West End and the East End.

The West End is famous for shopping and entertainment. It includes the shopping area of Knightsbridge, Oxford Street, Piccadilly Circus and the fashionable Covent Garden.

It hosts theatres, cinemas, museums, picture galleries and the famous London’s parks.

One of the tourists’ centres of the city is Trafalgar Square. In the middle of it there is Nelson’s Column, erected to commemorate the victory of Admiral Nelson at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805.

A wide street called the Mall runs south-west of Trafalgar Square and leads to Buckingham Palace. It’s the British monarch’s main residence in London.

The Changing of the Guard at the Palace is one of the most important tourist attractions. It lasts for half an hour. The troops wear their traditional bearskins and scarlet tunics.

The main street running south of Trafalgar Square is Whitehall, a street of government offices. If you walk along Whitehall towards Parliament Square, you will see on your right the famous Downing Street. No.10 is the official residence of the British Prime Minister.

Whitehall leads directly into Parliament Square, with the Houses of Parliament and Westminster Abbey. The new building for the Houses of Parliament was built in 1840 on the site of the old Palace of Westminster. When Parliament is sitting a flag flies from the Victoria Tower. The Houses of Parliament contain the universal symbol of London, Big Ben. This is the name of the bell. It got its name in the 19th century after Sir Benjamin Hall, First Commissioner of Works.

Close to the Houses of Parliament stands Westminster Abbey. Most British Monarchs since William the Conqueror have been crowned there. Here you can see the ancient Coronation Chair.

Many British kings and queens, famous statesmen, scientists, writers and poets were buried in the Abbey.

To the north-west of Trafalgar Square there is Piccadilly Circus. This is a round square with the statue of Eros in the centre of it. It is always crowded.

The Strand is a street running north-east from Trafalgar Square. Soon it becomes Fleet Street, associated with British journalism and leading to the City of London. It contains very many sights. The most well-known are St. Paul’s Cathedral and the Tower of London.

St. Paul’s Cathedral was built by a famous English architect, Sir Christopher Wren. It is considered to be a fine specimen of Renaissance architecture. Many great Englishmen are buried there.

The Tower in the past has been a fortress, a palace and a state prison. Now it is a museum of armour and the place where the Crown Jewels are kept.

The best-known parks of West and North-West London are Hyde Park, Regent’s Park, Kensington Gardens, Green Park and St. James’ Park. An interesting sight, situated on the edge of Hyde Park, is Speakers’ Corner. There everyone can go and air their views to anyone.

The famous museums and galleries are the Tate Gallery, the National Gallery, the National Portrait Gallery, the British Museum and Madame Tussand’s.

The East End, where working people live, includes all the main dock areas and is heavily industrialized. Many districts and residential areas of London are inhabited by immigrants.
I. Names / Имена собственные.

Romans [’rəumənz] - римляне

the County of London [’kaunti] – графство Лондона

Charing Cross [’t∫æriŋ ’krɔs] - Чаринг-Кросс (перекрёсток между Трафальгарской площадью и улицей Уайтхолл), принятый за центр Лондона при отсчёте расстояний)

Knightsbridge [’naitsbriʤ] - Найтсбридж (фешенебельный район лондонского Уэст-Энда)

Piccadilly Circus [¸pikə’dili ’sə:kəs] - площадь Пиккадилли

Trafalgar Square [trə’fælgə ’skwεə] - Трафальгарская площадь

Parliament Square [’pa:ləmənt ’skwεə] - Парламентская площадь
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