Программа по формированию навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах и улицах «Добрая дорога детства» 2

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НазваниеПрограмма по формированию навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах и улицах «Добрая дорога детства» 2
Дата публикации06.02.2014
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Уроки домашнего чтения
Нугаева И.О. учитель высшей категории,

почетный работник образования, ГСГ
Уроки домашнего чтения – важная составная часть процесса формирования основных умений и навыков владения иностранным языком, позволяющие решать многие учебные, развивающие и воспитательные задачи.

Особенности уроков домашнего чтения способствуют развитию мотивации учащихся к изучению иностранного языка, знакомя с культурой страны изучаемого языка и учитывая индивидуальные особенности учащихся. Именно эти уроки дают возможность интенсивно формировать навыки всех видов чтения: просмотрового, с извлечением определенной информации, и чтения c полным пониманием; они способствуют расширению лексического запаса, знакомят с новыми грамматическими структурами, позволяют использовать ранее изученные лексические единицы и грамматические структуры в новой ситуации. Самой главной особенностью уроков домашнего чтения является возможность создания условий для дискуссий и коммуникации.

Одной из важных проблем для учителя является подбор книг для домашнего чтения. При всем многообразии печатной продукции выбранная книга должна отвечать определенным требованиям: соответствовать уровню владения языком, учитывать возрастные особенности учащихся, быть разумной по объему, хорошо иллюстрированной. Серия «Оксфордская библиотека любителей чтения» (“The Oxford Bookworms Library”) полностью соответствует вышеуказанным требованиям. Все книги этой серии делятся на 7 уровней (stages) в соответствии с уровнем владения языком читателя. Авторы серии дают подробную информацию о количестве лексических единиц и основных грамматических структурах в книгах каждого уровня. Например:

Starter – 250 headwords; present simple – present continuous – imperative – can/cannot, must – going to (future) – simple gerunds…

Stage1- 400 headwords; past simple- coordination with and, but, or-subordination with before, after, when, because, so…..

Stage2 – 700 headwords; present perfect – will (future) – modals have to, must not, could – comparison of adjectives – simple if clauses – past continuous – tag questions – ask/tell+ infinitives…..

Такая информация позволяет легко подобрать книгу к учебному комплексу соответствующего уровня: Starter – Basic; Stages 1-2 – Elementary; stages 3-4 – Pre-Intermediate; Stages 5-6 – Intermediate.

В каждой книге помещена краткая биография писателя, что способствует воспитанию культуры чтения у обучающихся. Регулярная работа с глоссарием помогает снять трудности понимания аутентичного текста и формирует навык работы с англо-английским словарем уже на ранней стадии обучения.

Общеизвестно, что книга должна увлечь читателя с того самого момента, когда он ее увидит, заинтересовать с первой страницы, поэтому первый урок должен включать элемент новизны и неожиданности. Ниже приведены образцы заданий для первого урока знакомства с книгой Чарльза Диккенса “Great Expectations”(Stage5).

  1. Read the story introduction on the first page of the book and the back cover. What do you know about the story now? Circle Y(Yes) or N(No) for each of the statements:

  1. Miss Havisham’s wedding was cancelled. Y/N

  2. Miss Havisham wants Pip to fall in love. Y/N

  3. Estella is one of Pip’s friends. Y/N……

  1. What do you think Pip’s ‘great expectations’ will be? Choose one or more of these possibilities:

  1. His education will be paid for.

  2. He will be trained for a profession.

  3. A marriage will be arranged between him and a lady of high social position…..

3. What do you think is going to happen in the story? Can you guess the answers to these questions?

1. Will Pip and Estella marry, and if so, will they be happy?

2. Will Miss Havisham help Pip to move upwards in society?

3. Will Pip be disappointed by his ‘great expectations” in the end?

Уроки домашнего чтения – огромное поле деятельности для творчества учителя, который может использовать материал с учетом особенностей своих учеников. Авторы серии предусмотрели разнообразные упражнения для проверки понимания прочитанного (While Reading Activity), но учитель всегда может внести дополнения или изменения. Хорошо известное упражнение True / False statements можно заменить на “ Лабиринт ошибок” (Mistakes Maze).

Принцип тот же, но внесен элемент игры: при ответе True ученик движется по белой стрелке, при ответе False – по черной. Только при всех правильных ответах возможно выбраться из лабиринта. Учащиеся работают в парах, обсуждая ответы и стараясь выполнить задание как можно быстрее.

(Ответ: in – 14 – 6 – 8 – 9 – 4 – 13 – 7 – 2 – 10 – 3 – 12 – 5 – 1 – 11 – out)

При выполнении упражнения Put the sentences in the right order задание можно усложнить и начать с Race dictation. Перед началом урока учитель помещает на доске постеры с предложениями, связанными с содержанием текста. Учащиеся работают в парах. Один ученик из каждой пары должен добежать до доски, прочитать и запомнить предложение, быстро вернуться к своей парте и продиктовать предложение своему партнеру. Когда все предложения записаны, оба ученика должны расположить эти предложения в нужном порядке.

Подготовка к организации такой работы на уроке не требует много усилий со стороны учителя, но значительно повышает познавательную активность и мотивацию учащихся.

Нельзя забывать, что одним из этапов работы с текстом являются речевые упражнения (дискуссия, обсуждение), построенные на коммуникативной основе.

Новый вид работы – организация дискуссии, принципом которой является цепочка: Read – Think – Connect – Ask – Connect (Читай – Думай – Сопоставляй – Спрашивай – Сопоставляй). Каждый ученик получает свою роль. В зависимости от уровня подготовки группы это может быть домашним заданием или заданием, выполняемым на уроке. Ученик может продумать вопросы для дискуссии (Discussion Leader), подготовить краткое содержание (Summarizer), отвечать за ключевые слова (Word Master), найти самые интересные эпизоды (Passage Person), попытаться найти общие черты и различия двух культур (Culture Collector), сравнить свой опыт с событиями из книги (Сonnector). Для каждого задания предусмотрена инструкция, помогающая выполнить его наилучшим образом. Обычно такие дискуссии вызывают большой интерес учащихся и способствуют формированию навыков монологической и диалогической речи.

Для заключительного этапа работы над книгой также разработаны коммуникативные упражнения (After Reading activities). Для книги Чарльза Диккенса “Great Expectations”можно предложить следующие вопросы для обсуждения:

What happened to Magwitch in the end?

Who is who in the story? (Match the names with the information about them).

What did these people have to do with Pip? How did they influence his life?

What was Magwitch thinking on that early morning on the marsh? How did Pip learn who Estella’s parents were?

Do you agree or disagree with the given statements about the characters Explain why.

How did the people’s characters develop and improve during the story? What caused them to change?

Did you like the ending of the story, or would you have preferred a different one?
Проектная деятельность учащихся может включать в себя работу над постером или создание сценария по прочитанной книге. (Приложение).

В мотивированной группе интерес вызывает классная библиотека, которую создают сами учащиеся и принимают активное участие в ее работе.

Таким образом, уроки домашнего чтения способствуют успешному решению образовательных, развивающих и воспитательных задач.

A Little Princess

Frances Burnett

Script 2008-2009
Scene 1
Pupil 1: Hallo! My name is

Pupil 2: Hallo! My name is …

Pupil 1: We are here to tell you a lovely story about a girl whose name is Sara.

Pupil 2: Do you believe in wonders? - - - - So do I / But I do!

Pupil 1: Do you believe in friendship? - - - - So do I / But I do!

Pupil 2: Do you believe that friendship can make wonders? So do I /But I do!

Pupil 1: But it’s time to begin! Let me introduce the main characters. This is Mr. Crewe – a rich owner of goldmines in India.

Pupil 2: And this is his little daughter Sara. Her mother died when she was a child. Now she is 9 and Mr. Crewe has brought her to London.

Pupil 1: Listen, here they coming!
(Noise of a big city)
Sara: Daddy, London is such a huge city! It’s so beautiful! Our life in India was quite different! The hot sun and the blue sky! But London’s sky is grey! It’s so cold here!

Mr. Crewe: You are quite right, darling! London is very different from India!

Houses, churches mixed together,

Streets unpleasant in all weather,

Prisons, palaces contiguous,

Gates a bridge, the Thames irriguous.

But you must go to school in London and I must go back to India!

Sara: I see, Daddy. But I want to be with you very much!

Mr. Crewe: Cheer up Sara. Here we are. This is one of the best schools for girls and this is its head teacher Miss Minchin. How do you do Miss Minchin! I am Ralph Crewe and this is my daughter Sara. She is going to be a pupil of your school.

Sara: How do you do, Miss Minchin!

Miss Minchin: What a beautiful child!

Mr. Crewe: Sara is a good girl. Her mother was French, so she speaks French well. She likes books and spends all the time on reading. But she must play with other girls and make new friends too.

Miss Minchin: Of course, come along, Sara! I’ll introduce you to our girls. And father will write letters and send presents to you!

Mr. Crewe: Bye, darling! Be a good girl!

Sara: Bye, Daddy!

Miss Minchin: Come on, my child! Lavinia, Ermie, Elisabeth! This is our new pupil!

Elisabeth: Hi, where did you come from?

Sara: From India.

Elisabeth: I think it’s very far from London.

Sara: Yes, India is a nice country with the hot sun and the blue sky.

Ermie: Is your mother in India?

Sara: No, she is dead.

Ermie: Oh dear, I’m sorry!

Sara: That’s all right.

Lavinia: What’s your father?

Sara: He is an owner of diamond mines.

Lavinia: I see I think Miss Minchin will like you very much. She likes daughters of rich fathers!

Ermie: Lavinia, why are you so envious? If Sara is really good at science and languages, Miss Minchin will like her!

Elisabeth: Sara, when is your birthday?

Sara: In four months.

Elisabeth: It’s nice. We’ll have a nice party!

Pupil 1: Soon Sara made new friends in the school. Some little rich girls are not very nice. They think they are important because they have money and a lot of expensive things.

Pupil 2: But Sara was different. She liked beautiful dresses and dolls but she was more interested in people and books and telling stories. She had many friends and rivals as well.
Sara is walking with the girls. They are talking and laughing.

Lavinia; Oh, Sara is so clever! Sara is so good at French! Her dresses are so beautiful! She can sing so well! And she is so rich! Of course Miss Minchin likes her best! She is Princess Sara now!

Ermie: Drop it Sara! She is so envious! For me you are a princess and you always look like a real princess in your beautiful dresses. Will you tell me a story about French kings?

The girls go away The light goes out.

Scene 2
Pupil 1: Days and weeks passed by quickly. Sara had many friends but felt very lonely. She was missing her father.

Pupil 2: At last Sara’s birthday came.
Sara is laying the holiday table.
Everything’s different all the day long

Lovely things have happened,

Nothing has gone wrong.

Nobody has scolded me,

Everyone has smiled,

Isn’t it delicious to be a birthday child!

Guests are entering the room. They have brought nice presents.
Guests: Happy birthday to you!

Happy birthday to you!

Happy birthday, dear Sara!

Happy birthday to you!

Sara: Thank you very much! I’m so glad to see you!

Guest 1: I’ve made this poem especially for you!

Roses are red,

Violets are blue,

The sky is blue

And we all love you!

Guest 2: My music is for you too!

He plays the flute or the piano
Guest 3: I’ve drawn this picture for you too.

There is a dragon- fly which sings

Close to your ear

He tries to tell you secret things

Which you can’t hear!

She presents Sara with a picture.
Guest 4: Listen to my poem, please!

If I were a bird

I wouldn’t like to be

In a little cage

Where I couldn’t be free.

I’d like to spread my wings and fly

Over the tree- tops and into the sky!

I’d visit my dear

Who lives very far

Then I’d fly up high

And sit on a star!

Sara: Thank you very much! Sit down please. What a wonderful day! I wish my father was here!

Lawyer: Miss Minchin, I have to talk to you!

Ms Minchin: What’s the matter?

Lawyer: Bad news about Mr. Crewe! He has no money!

Ms Minchin: What are you saying! What about his diamond mines?

Lawyer: There are no diamond mines! There are mines but there are no diamonds in them!

Ms Minchin: But what about his good friend?

Lawyer: He’s run with all Mr. Crewe’s money! Ralph Crewe was ill with a fever and when he heard about this he got worse. A week later he died!

Ms Minchin: Died! And what about his daughter and this expensive birthday party?

Lawyer: Sara Crewe has no money, not a penny, not a penny!

Ms Minchin: She must leave my school at once! This afternoon!

Lawyer: You can’t put her out in the street! Think of your reputation! But she can work for you!

Ms Minchin: Becky, Becky! Bring Sara Crewe to me at once!

Have you got a black dress, Sara?

Sara: Yes, Miss Minchin. But it’s very small!

Miss Minchin: Go and put it on at once! Your father is dead! You have nothing. Not a penny! But I am going to be very kind to you! You can stay in my house but you must work for your bread!

Sara: Oh, my God! My dear Daddy! Life has stopped for me!

Becky: Poor Sara! It’s unfair! You never hurt a living thing:

Ladybird, nor butterfly,

Nor moth with dusty wing,

Nor cricket chirping cheerily,

Nor dancing gnat, not beetle fat,

Nor harmless worms that creep.

You should be strong now. Life is going on! The best way out now is to fall asleep!

Sara: I must be brave! Father always wanted me to be brave! And I have a bed to sleep in and something to eat every day. Lots of people don’t have that!

She is singing with a candle in her hands.(Fields of Grey)The light goes out

Then she blows out the candle.

Voices of the girls: Have you heard the news?

Ralph Crewe is dead! Ralph Crewe is dead!

Poor Sara! Poor Sara!

Not a penny! Not a penny!

Stop making noise! Silence, girls, silence!
Light goes up.

Scene 3
In the hall of the school. Voices from the left and from the right:
Sara, bring me some hot water!

Sara, bring the plates to the kitchen!

Sara, where are you? I’ve been waiting for you for 15 minutes already!

Have you washed up yet?

Have you tidied up the bedroom?

Have you bought bread?

Have you brought vegetables?

Have you laid the table?

Have you ironed our dresses?

Have you watered the flowers?

Have you swept the floor?
Lavinia: I never liked Sara Crewe! And I was right about the diamonds! There weren’t any! You are only a servant, Little Princess! Your friends can’t talk with you any longer! Oh, here’s Princess Sara in her old dress and her dirty shoes!
Sara is very tired. She sits down on the edge of the scene. Ermengarder comes up.
Sara: Ermie, what are you doing here?

Ermie: Oh, Sara, tell me: What’s the matter? Why don’t you like me any longer?

Sara: I do like you! Of course I do! But you see, everything is different now! Miss Minchin doesn’t allow me to talk to the girls. Most of them don’t want to talk to me! And I thought, perhaps, you don’t want either.

Ermie: But I’m your friend! I’m always going to be your friend! Nobody can stop me!

Sara takes her friend’s hand. They are smiling together.

Ermie: Oh, Sara, how can you live in this room? It’s so cold and uncosy here.

Sara: It’s not so bad! There’s Becky in the next room. And look out of the window! These wonderful birds!

Ermie: Do you remember the poem? “Think”- said the Robin

“Think” - said the Jay,

sitting in the garden,

talking one day.

“Think about people -

The way they grow:

they don’t have feathers

at all, you know.

They don’t eat beetles,

they don’t grow wings,

they don’t like sitting

on wires and things.”

Sara and Ermie together: “Think!”- said the Robin,

“Think!” - said the Jay.

“Aren’t people funny

to be that way?”
The girls are laughing merrily. Becky enters the room.
Becky: What a nice evening! But I’m very hungry! Have you got anything for a bite?

Ermie: Wait a minute! I got parcel yesterday with a lot of tasty things! We’ll have a holiday supper!

Soon she returns with a big box .They are going to have supper. Lavinia appears on the stage.

Lavinia: Oh, Miss Minchin, I have something to tell you!

Miss Minchin: Yes, Lavinia, what is it?

Lavinia: Ermengader isn’t in her room, Miss Minchin.

Miss Minchin: But it’s after 10 o’clock. Where is she?

Lavinia: Upstairs. In the attic!

Miss Minchin: What is she doing up there?

Lavinia: She is having tea with Princess Sara!

MissMinchin: Having tea with Sara? How do you know this Lavinia?

Lavinin: I saw her on the stairs, with a box!

Miss Minchin: A box? What was in it?

Lavinia: A cake. She said Sara was hungry!

MissMinchin: Of course, she isn’t hungry! Right I’m is going upstairs at once! You were right to tell me this, Lavinia! You can go back to bed now.

She goes to the girls.

Upstairs, in the servant’s room! It’s impossible!

She speaks angrily.

So, Lavinia was right. You are with Princess Sara! Becky, get back to your room at once!

Lavinia: Oh, please, Miss Minchin! It was my cake, from home! We are only having a party!

Miss Minchin: Go back to your room, Ermergarder and take these things with you and tomorrow there is no breakfast, no dinner and no tea for you! Remember that!
Scene 4
Pupil 1: Do you believe in magic? Can you imagine that at that very moment 2 gentlemen were talking about Sara in the house just next door?

Pupil 2: You won’t believe me but they were Mister Carrisford and the lawyer.
The servant carries Mr. Carrisford in the wheelchair. The lawyer is standing near. A monkey is on the back of the chair.
Mr. Carrisford: I must find the child. I must find her and take care of her. But where is she? Here I’m with all the money from the diamond mines. And half of it is Ralf Crewe’s money! How could I leave my friend run away when things looked so bad? Why?

Lawyer: You were ill with a fever. It nearly killed you!

Mr. Carriford: And it did killed poor Ralf! He put all his money into the mines because I was his friend. But at first we didn’t find any diamonds and all Ralf’s money was gone. I was afraid to tell him the truth so I ran away. But later when we did find diamonds Ralf was dead. What a BRAVE friend I was!

Lawyer: It’s not very easy to be brave when you are ill with a fever!

Mr. Carriford: Ram Dass tells me about a little servant girl next door. The poor child sleeps in a cold dirty attic and works about sixteen hours a day! Is Ralf’s daughter living like that? I can’t stop thinking about it!

Lawyer: We are trying to find her!

Mr. Carriford: Ram Dass, can we do anything for the little servant?

Ram Dass: I see her in the street every day. In the rain, in the snow. She looks thin and hungry. But we can help her. I can easily get in through her attic window.


The servant is whispering his plan. Mr.Carriford is smiling.

Mr. Carriford: Yes, yes! I like it!
The light goes down. Ram Dass Is walking on the stage. He is carrying Toys, books. He switches the fireplace on and lights the candles.

The light goes on.

Sara comes into the attic.
Sara: Something is different! What is it? Is this a dream? Where did all these thighs come from? No, it’s not a dream! The fire is hot! I can feel it! And oh! Look at the table! Becky, come here. The magic is here! Come and look!

Becky: Oh, Miss! What is it? How did all these thighs get here?

Sara: I don’t know! It’s magic! But hot pies aren’t a dream!

Becky: Everything is so good! I don’t understand magic, but I like it!

Sara: Look! There is a message here. Listen! It says: “To the little girl in the attic from a friend”. Oh, Becky! I have a friend! Someone is my friend. A friend does it. A kind, wonderful friend. But he doesn’t want us to know his name!

Becky: Oh, Miss, there is something at the window! What is it?

Sara: She takes the monkey. It’s a monkey! The monkey next door!

Becky: I’ve never seen monkeys before! What are you going to do with it?

Sara: It’s very late now. I can take him to the owner in the morning.
The light goes out and up.

Mr. Carriford is sitting in the chair. Ram Dass enters the room.
Ram Dass: The little servant-girl from the attic is here. With the monkey! Would you like to see her?

Mr. Carriford: Yes, yes. I would! Bring her in!

Sara: How do you do!

Mr. Carriford: How do you do, little girl!

Sara: Your monkey ran to my room last night. Shall I give him to the lascar?

Mr. Carriford: how do you know he is a lascar?

Sara: Oh, I know lascars. I was born in India.

Mr. Carriford: In India?

Sara: Yes, in India. Then Father took me to London.

Mr. Carriford: Where is your Father?

Sara: He died.

Mr. Carriford: What-what is your Father’s name?

Sara: Ralf Crewe. He died in India from a fever.

Mr. Carriford: Oh, my God! It is the CHILD! The CHILD! And all this time she was in the house next door! You are never going back there. Your home is here now. I’m going to take care of Ralf’s little princess!
All actors appear on the stage.
Friendship is a thing for two

Three or four, even more!

Like a song that’s made to sing

Friendship is a doing thing!!!

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Цель: формировать у учащихся устойчивые навыки безопасного поведения на улицах и дорогах, способствующие сокращению количества дорожно-...
Программа по формированию навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах и улицах «Добрая дорога детства» 2 iconПрограмма по формированию навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах...
Конечно, главная роль в привитии навыков безопасного поведения на проезжей части отводится родителям. Но я считаю, что процесс воспитания...
Программа по формированию навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах и улицах «Добрая дорога детства» 2 iconПрограмма по формированию навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах...
Поэтому очень важно воспитывать у детей чувство дисциплинированности и организованности, чтобы соблюдение правил безопасного поведения...
Программа по формированию навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах и улицах «Добрая дорога детства» 2 iconПрограмма по формированию навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах...
Всероссийский конкур сочинений «Пусть помнит мир спасённый» (проводит газета «Добрая дорога детства»)
Программа по формированию навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах и улицах «Добрая дорога детства» 2 iconПрограмма по формированию навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах...
Поэтому очень важно воспиты­вать у детей чувство дисциплинированности, добиваться, чтобы соблюдение правил безопасного поведения...
Программа по формированию навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах и улицах «Добрая дорога детства» 2 iconПрограмма по формированию навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах...

Программа по формированию навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах и улицах «Добрая дорога детства» 2 iconПрограмма по формированию навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах...

Программа по формированию навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах и улицах «Добрая дорога детства» 2 iconПрограмма по формированию навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах...

Программа по формированию навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах и улицах «Добрая дорога детства» 2 iconПрограмма по формированию навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах...

Программа по формированию навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах и улицах «Добрая дорога детства» 2 iconПрограмма по формированию навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах...

Программа по формированию навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах и улицах «Добрая дорога детства» 2 iconПрограмма по формированию навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах...

Программа по формированию навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах и улицах «Добрая дорога детства» 2 iconПрограмма по формированию навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах...

Программа по формированию навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах и улицах «Добрая дорога детства» 2 iconПрограмма по формированию навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах...

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