Программа по формированию навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах и улицах «Добрая дорога детства» 2

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План – конспект урока английского языка по теме “Школа” с использованием ИКТ

Подготовила: учитель английского языка МКОУ “СОШ а. Вако-Жиле”

Джужуева Мулидхан Ахмедовна.

Аннотация к работе: УМК Биболетовой М.З.

“ Английский с удовольствием”, 7 класс.
Тема урока: “Школа”
Тип урока: Обобщающий

Цель урока: развитие коммуникативной, социо-культурной, ценностно-смысловой компетенции у учащихся, совершенствование речевых лексических навыков по теме “Школа”
Задачи урока:

- Обучающая – обучать детей грамотному использованию речевых и грамматических оборотов (лексика по теме “Школа”, употребление настоящего, прошедшего, будущего простого времени); обучать использованию проектной деятельности на уроках английского языка;
- Развивающая – развивать у учащихся навыки использования лексических и грамматических структур; развивать навыки разговорной речи с использованием пройденного материала; формировать у учащихся собственное мнение, умение давать полные развернутые ответы;
- Воспитательная – воспитывать чувство гордости за свою школу, бережное отношение к школьному имуществу.

учебник, тетрадь, мультимедийный проектор, специально подготовленные к уроку проекты в среде Microsoft Point.

Ход урока:

I. Организационный момент.

T: Good morning, dear boys and girls!

I`m very glad to meet you at our English lesson.

Before starting our lesson, please have a look around our classroom.

Here you see some unknown people.

They are all teachers of the English language.

I think you know what they are gathered for?

We are going to have a lesson-repetition on the theme “School” and what are you good at?

Let`s start our lesson.

(listen to me carefully and answer my questions).
1.-Do you like your school?

- Yes, I do. My school is the best school in our region and we love our teachers too.

2. - What`s your favourite subject?

- We learn many subjects at school, but my favourite subject is History.

3. - Are you glad to be back to school?

-Yes, of course.Though we had holidays it was not so interesting to live without our school. The school gives us knowledge and power to be successful in future?

4. - What school do you like to go to?

-I`d like to a modern many-storeyed school. I have a dream to have a school with modern computers and a big gymnaziam.

5. - And the main question of our lesson: “Is it necessary to go to school? Why”

- Learning at school is very important and necessary. While we are learning at school we may get important knowledge on different subjects. We can`t live without knowledge. As people say “Knowledge is power”. We need much power in our future life.

T: - First of all the English language is the most popular language in the world nowadays.

That`s why we must know this language perfectly. It is the international language for computers and to my mind it is very important.

  • Secondly, this language is very melodious and it has a very long history.

  • Today we`ll have a talk about our school in the Past Simple, the Present Simple and the Future Simple tenses.

And now let`s play the game. The game is called: “The best expert of the English language”.


II. Основной этап.
T: - It`s very well of you, the game is good. Thank you very much, all of you have an excellent mood, don`t you?

  • Dear boys and girls, the theme of our lesson is “Our School”.

But we`ll speak about school in the Past Simple, the Present Simple and the Future Simple tenses.

Let`s remember what we know about the English verbs in the Past Simple tense.
1. (1 презентация – Глагол прошедшего простого времени).

  • Remember please the indicator words in the Past Simple tense.

2. And now let`s remember the day when you came to school for the first time. You must use the verbs in the Past Simple tense.

  • I came to school 7 years ago. It was a very happy day in my life, because I was going to school. I came to school with my mother and father. My clothes were new. My father bought me a beautiful schoolbag, new books, pens and pencils. There are many pupils with flowers and a lot of parents were at school.

Our teacher Зарема Мухадиновна came to us. She was young and beautiful. We gave her flowers.

3. T: Now______ will show us some scenes of her everyday life.
P: I`ll show you some scenes of my everyday life.

Look and guess what I did yesterday.

You may ask only “Yes/No” questions.
(делает зарядку, моет лицо, чистит зубы, читает, пишет,

одевается, слушает музыку).

  • Did you do your morning exercises? – Yes, I did.

  • Did you wash your face and hands? – Yes, I did.

  • Did you listen to the music? – Yes, I did.

  • Did you play the piano? – No, I didn`t.

  • Did you read? – Yes, I did.

  • Did you write? – Yes, I did.

  • Did you put on your suit? – Yes, I did.

  • Did you clean your teeth? – Yes, I did.

4. T: (презентация: глагол Present Simple Tense).

  • Let`s remember what we know about the English verbs in the Present Simple Tense.

  • Remember, please the indicator words in the Present Simple Tense.

5. T: The school has changed for recently 7 years. Let`s speak about our school today. And what does our school look like today, who will be this speaker?

(устный рассказ по теме “Моя школа”) (презентация).
P: - Our school is not very big. It is a two-storeyed building, more than 200 pupils study at our school. There is a gym, a workshop, a school canteen on the ground floor. Besides, there are many classrooms for younger pupils here. On the first floor there are four classrooms. We meet the headmaster`s room and near it there is Russian language classroom. And now let`s enter the English language classroom.

Do you see how beautiful and clean it is?

On the same floor you can find three classrooms they are: Physics, Chemistry and Biology classrooms.
6. T: Children, to my mind every pupils has his favourite teacher and I

think that you have your own favourite teachers.

Please, tell us about your favourite teacher.
P: I have a lot of favourite teachers. They are clever and kind, strict

and creative, I respect them very much. But now I`d like to tell

you about our Russian teacher Аминат Алиевна.

She has been working at school for more than 18 years. She

wants their pupils to know and love Russian Literature, to be

proud of Russian writers. She is dedicated and hard working.

7. T: And now children, tell us about our school library.
P: Our school library is on the ground floor. Рима Джамурзовна is

the librarian. She is very kind and attentive. Р.Д. helps us to

choose necessary books and magazines.

If you come to our library you can see a lot of shelves full of

books, portraits of writers and poems, new books. You can take

out textbooks and books on Literature fiction.
T: Let`s listen to the conversation between our librarian and a pupil
P: Good afternoon R.D. Have you got any books about horses?

You see, we have a little young horse and I want to know how

to look after him.
L: Let me see, OK, take this book. I think you will like it. And next

time I shall give you another book about horses?

P: Thank you.
L: The book is very popular with the boys. Please, bring the book

back in time.
P: Thank you. Good – buy.

8. T: - Children, you see many pupils are ill in winter. Sometimes

they play outdoors too much and sometimes they eat snow.

We want all pupils to be well.

So, they must do morning exercises every day and like sports.
- What about you boys and girls?

Do you like sports? What sports do you go in for?

P:- I like sport very much. I go in for football. Our sports teacher

is Кучук Асланович. He teachers us to run, to jump, to play

games. He helps us to be healthy.
9. Физкультминутка.

- It`s time to have a rest now. Stand up, please. Let`s do some


10. T: Now, children, let`s tell us about your school day.
P: I want to tell you about my school day. I go to school six days

a week. There are normally six lessons a day, except on

Saturdays when I have 5 lessons. The first lesson starts at

8:30- (half past eight). Lessons at our school last 45 minutes.

The breaks are usually 10-15 minutes long, but there is a

longer break at 11:10 (ten minutes past eleven). My friends

and I go to the canteen for tea and some pastry. Today I have

Russian, Literature, English and Art lesson. I am good at

those. Then we have Maths. Finally, there is History, which I


11. T: And now children, let`s speak about traditions and rules of our school, about you liking and disliking in our school.

P: Our school has different traditions and rules. We should

were a school uniform. We should come to school at 8:30.

We mustn`t be late. We must work hard. Usually we don`t

argue over these rules. But we don`t like to wear a uniform.

We prefer casual clothes.
12. Презентация: глагол будущего простого времени.
-T: And now children, let`s remember what we know about the

English verbs in the Future Simple Tense.
-Remember please the indicator words in the Future Simple tense.
-письменное упражнение.

13.T: That`s fine of you. I`m very satisfired with your answers. And

now children. Imagine please, your school in 50 years, you

school of future.

______, how can you see your school of future, please, tell us

some words. What school would you like to go to.
P: The school I would like to go to would have a swimming-pool

and a big gymnaziam. There would be 4 floors at the school.

The classrooms would have carpets on the floor. There would

be many beautiful flowers on the windowsills. There would be

a computer in every classroom. There would be at least 16

computers in our English classroom. The hall would be 30

metres long and 20 metres wide. The school meals would

have different food every day.

Teacher`s profession will be the most prestige [presti:ʒ] and highly paid in future. Everage earnings will be more than bank`s manager.

The foreign languages will have a large popularity at schools of future because many people will spend their holidays abroad. Foreign languages will be taught in the countries where it is spoken.

For example, pupils with their teacher will be removed to England for a half of a year. Here they can learn the language while speaking with the English people.

Schools of future wouldn`t manage without a swimming-pool. Sport games such as football, basket-ball, tennis, boxing will be in great honour. Children in schools of future will be very healthy.

Biology will be taught in the open air, in the forests, in the fields and in the parks. Each kind of plants or animal would be seen in animate.

It would be fine to learn geography in such a way. If it is possible to imagine the super-high-speed transport is invented, in the same way during one lesson pupils may visit a couple of continents.

History lessons will be spent by machines of time: that means all pupils may find themselves in different centuries, take part in different campaigns, learn the art of that centuries.

The breaks will be very merry, there will be many rooms according to the tasks of pupils.

Robot`s waiters will work at the school canteens and there will be the meals according to the taste of pupils.

There will be many different rooms for relaxation.

The school yard will be cosy and there will be many flowers and much verdure [və:dʒə ].

This is the school of my dream.

14. T: And now children be attentive, please. I`ll give you some

riddles, listen to me carefully.

Can you guess the riddles about school?
1. What word of three syllables contains 26 letters? ( Alphabit).

2. What has 4 legs, but can not walk. (a table)
3. I don`t know the ABC, but I like to write as you can see. (a pen)
4. What do you keep in your schoolbag that shows what lessons

you must prepare at home. (a daybook)
5. The teacher writes on me with chalk, my face is black, I cannot

talk (a blackboard)
6. I know everything, I teach everybody, but to make friends with

me you must first learn letters. (a book).

15. Стих. “Моя школа”.

III. Подведение итогов.
We discussed today a very important and useful question:

It is necessary to go to school? Why?

We had much grammar material, we remembered and repeated the

Simple Tenses of the English verbs.

I`m satisfired and pleased with your work and answers at our lesson.

All the pupils were very attentive and active during our lesson.

I think our guests liked your work at our lesson.

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