Тема: «To be or not to be?»

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Тема: «To be or not to be?»
Творческое задание: «Написать эссе, что такое «быть или не быть» для меня» (на основе оригинального текста В.Шекспира «Гамлет. Принц Датский.» Отрывок.)

Цель блока-модуля: развитие коммуникативной компетентности на уроках английского языка.



  • читать и понимать устные и письменные тексты, удерживая предмет коммуникации, используя новую информацию;

  • высказывать своё мнение в форме выступления, доклада, презентации, кратко и точно выражая мысль в слове;

  • участвовать в дискуссии, выделяя аргументы «за» и «против» определённого суждения о предмете, проявляя гибкость и толерантность;

  • воспроизводить свою собственную позицию и позицию партнёра по коммуникации, использовать результаты коммуникации с целью создания собственного (авторского) текста.

2. Научить работать с аутентичным текстом литературного произведения:

  • выразительно читать и декламировать прозу и поэзию;

  • переводить английские прозаические и поэтические произведения на русский язык;

  • всесторонне работать со словом как средством выражения идей, понятий, чувств с использованием различных словарей;

  • формировать навыки творческого письма.

(Ниже приведены некоторые ответы учащихся, идеи которых затем легли в основу эссе)
T: “To be or not to be?” A very serious question, you see. W. Shakespeare again! And again we deal with love and hate, happiness and disappointments, life and death. All these things are eternal. They haven’t changed since early man. Maybe, that’s why W. Shakespeare is as relevant today as he ever was. Up to the present days he’s helped us to understand ourselves better. He makes us think. Is Macbeth evil? Is Cleopatra immoral? To be or not to be? I do not know. It’s up to everybody to choose. Hamlet made his choice! What does it mean “to be” for you? Try to think of your own ideas about life.
Life is a coin with two sides

I think, one of the most important questions is the question what for I live and what the meaning of my life is. To my mind, life is a coin with two sides and I don’t know what side it will turn. On one hand, it’s some disappointments, on the other side, it’s some happy minutes that happen so seldom and that’s why they are so important in our lives.

As for me I believe in life after death. I think that every person has his destination and his meaning of life. For example, we should be repeated in our children. Even after death we leave a piece of our love in their hearts. Maybe, my mission here on the Earth seems not so global but I’d like to create a good family as a community of people who are very close to each other. Why not? I know it’s very hard! A good family is not only never-ending love story but it’s a high temperature of a daughter, bad marks of a son, it’s a great responsibility for what we’ve done (I mean me and my second half). A good family is understanding + support + love!

Vorobiova Kate
Life is a present moment

I think my life is only a present moment! There is a proverb, “Seaze the day!”As for me it means to enjoy every minute of my life, for example, to enjoy a sunny day. It’s so sweet! Also it means to visit many countries and meet new friends. Can’t it be cool?

I think all people are mortal. I think nobody knows what will be after death. We should live here, on the EARTH.

Feshkova Sasha

Life is fate

What for we live? What for we die?

Why can we dream, but cannot fly?

Sometimes we’re happy and we smile,

Sometimes we’re sad, we scream and cry.

What for we love? What for we hate?

I cannot answer! Life is fate!

Shilova Irina
Life is an eternal struggle

I think life is an eternal struggle between good and evil, happiness and disappointments. In my opinion there is no paradise on the Earth, the paradise where all people love each other, where everyone is hard-working and well-educated, where the land flourishes and everything is sweetness and light. No troubles, no problems, no sorrows only never ending calm and happiness. Our life is not so simple. But nevertheless we have been looking for happiness. Every person tries to find out his own mission. As for me I’d like to help people who live around me. It’s simple to say but what to do to realize my idea? I was impressed by the beautiful fairy tale written by M.Gorkiy. The main hero Danko gave his heart to light the way, but foolish people! They didn’t notice it! Maybe, it should be so? I mean I should just live according to the laws that I keep in my soul. Who knows? Perhaps it helps someone…

Toguleva Ulya
Life is the way to oneself

I think everyone should find out his own way to realize himself. It’s very hard, you see. I’m going to be a barrister. My goal is to be a top specialist. First, I should be a well-educated person. Second, I should have my own point of view. Third, I should be honest and live according to the laws of my country. I want my country to be democratic.

Petrov Sergey

What does it mean to be a good father?

I think my mission is to become a good father. Being a father I should understand all consequences of my actions and feel responsibility for my children. I think that a father should teach children about good and evil. He should protect them and help to solve their problems. The brightest remembrance of my childhood is my father who changed into Father Frost on New Year Eve. I knew it exactly but I never told him about it because there was calm and peace in my soul when I was sitting on his knees touching upon his beard. If all fathers understand their missions our world will become better.

Pushkarov Andrey
My mission

I think my mission is to create a good home. Home isn’t just walls or people. Home is something else. It’s the atmosphere of love, happiness and understanding that gives me lots of life energy. Home is my mother whom I love very much. Sometimes she worries about me when I come home late or do out-of-the-way things. Sorry, mum! Home is my brother whom I love too. Sometimes he annoys me very much. Home is the place where I can hide away from all my problems, where I can relax after a hard school day and be myself. If I leave my home a piece of it will be always in my heart.

Momotova Kate
Life is a coin with two sides

I have lived for 15 years, which is far a small age, but I still have come to understand a few things about my life. On the one hand, I have everything that is needed to be a happy boy. I have a family, friends, a warn home, a wonderful school. There isn’t a war in my country, and there isn’t going to be one. My family isn’t poor, and there is a great chance that I will apply in a good university, and get a good qualification. But, on the other hand, there is still a great number of problems, big and small, that I have to solve, and a number of goals, that I have to achieve, to reach that future. There is still a huge number of dangerous things that will have to avoid, such as drugs, alcohol, jail, and maybe even the army. So, in conclusion I would like to say, that nobody’s life is perfect, and all people have a life with two sides. It’s just up for them to keep the good side up.

Ilia Tsybko

Life is an eternal contradiction

Love and hate, happiness and disappointments, life and death, real world and virtual world, good and evil. All these things are irresistible contradictions.

What is real world?

I think real world is a part of a human being. I think it is an earthly side of human’s life. People live in the real world and don’t know about virtual world. Every day we get up at 7 o’clock and go to school, in the evening we come back and do homework. It is repeated again and again. It is our routine life. Living such life we don’t notice the world around us: the sun is shining, the sky is blue, the trees are in blossom. You see spring is coming! We can’t enjoy our life, but it’s a great mystery! We can’t see miracles. Maybe, this ugly worm that is climbing in the tree will transform into a beautiful butterfly? Maybe, this boy is captured by a love bacterium and that’s why he smiles so stupidly?

I think romantic people live in the virtual world. Virtual world is our dreams. I like to read fantastic books. Reading such kinds of books you can remove into the other world, the world where everything is possible: cats can smile, dogs can talk, witches fly through the air on broomstick, I can be a beautiful princess.

As for me I am between two worlds: virtual world and real. Sometimes I live according the rules and do my best to be the best. But sometimes I am ready to break stereotypes and do out-of-the way things. Sometimes I wear rose-colored glasses and enjoy my life. My motto is, “Dream and your dreams will come true”

Grigorjeva V.
T: Many people, the majority of people are the toys in the hands of fate. They flow down the river. It’s much easier to flutter like a butterfly above the flowers and cry, “Ouch! Look at me! How beautiful am I !” It’s more difficult to have a mission. Was Danko a toy in the hand of fate? I think No, He wasn’t. Were Decabrists toys in the hands of fate? No, they weren’t. They knew exactly why they had come to Senate Square. Were their wives toys in the hands of fate? No, they weren’t. They loved their husbands. Love was their great mission.

You see it’s so hard to have a mission. It’s so hard to answer the global questions, “Why did we come and why did we die? What for do we love and what for do we hate? What for do we suffer? At least what for do we enjoy a sunny day?” It’s up to everybody to choose if it’s necessary for him to understand all consequences of his choice or not, if he is ready to feel responsibility for his actions or not, in other words, if he has his own mission or not. To be or not to be? W. Shakespeare again! And again we deal with some eternal things: love and hate, happiness and disappointments, good and evil…

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