Программа по дисциплине «Иностранный язык (деловой английский)»

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  1. Теоретический вопрос.

  2. Последовательный перевод с английского на русский.

  3. Письменный перевод английского текста (1500 печ. зн.) с помощью словаря.

  4. Реферативный перевод (rendering) русской журнальной статьи (3000 печ. зн.).
I. Список вопросов по теории перевода

  1. The ABC of translation. The definition of translation, its terms, the impossibility of absolute equivalence and its reasons.

  2. The basic differences between Russian and English.

  3. Translation of lexical units: permanent and partial equivalents, intersection (cup), reflection of reality in different ways (watch/clock, вишня/ черешня).

  4. Translation of non-equivalent lexical units: proper names, place names, realia.

  5. Two contradictory tendencies in the theory of translation.

  6. Two main phases of translation, equivalents and variant translations.

  7. Contextual meaning of the word; extralinguistic context.

  8. Grammar transformations: change of parts of speech.

  9. Syntactic transformations in translation.

  10. Translation of participial constructions.

  11. Translation of gerundial and infinitive constructions.

  12. Lexical transformations: specification, generalization, metonymical translation.

  13. Lexical transformations: antonymic, total, compensating.

  14. Translation of continuative infinitive.

  15. Translation of synonyms, possessive pronouns, personal «it».

  16. Translation of comparative structures. The role of the context.

17. Translation and compression. Writing summaries and abstracts.
II. Последовательный перевод с английского на русский

Для последовательного перевода предлагаются тексты с пленки G – 93. Canada Today: The History, Geography, Nature, Population of Canada. Recorded by the Canadian Anna Rousell.
III. Письменный перевод английского текста (1200 печ. зн.)
с помощью словаря

Тексты для письменного перевода с английского языка на русский (1200 печ. зн.).


Andrew Jackson was elected President in 1828. Until the election of Jackson, Presidents had come from either Massachusetts or Virginia. Now, for the first time, a person from the frontier was elected President. It was also the first election in which most of American men could vote. They elected Jackson, the hero of the Battle of New Orleans.

Voters liked Jackson because he was a self-made man of the frontier. Jackson had been born in a log cabin. He had taught himself enough law to become a wealthy lawyer and judge in Tennessee. The new voters felt that Jackson was one of them, one of the common men.

Jackson first fought the British in the hills of South Carolina during the Revolutionary War. He was only 13 years at the time. One day Jackson and his brother were captured while trying to find food in a farmhouse. The British officer in charge ordered young Andy Jackson to shine his boots. When Jackson refused, the officer swung his sword towards Jackson’s head. Ducking, Jackson put his arm up for protection. He was cut severely on his hand and forehead. The scars were with him all his life.

When Jackson was elected in 1828, his followers were overjoyed. Thousands streamed into Washington for the inauguration. They showed up at the White House for the reception. Rough frontiersmen with muddy boots stood on the satin-covered chairs to get a glimpse of their hero. To keep from being crushed, Jackson had to escape by a back door.


On December 13, Sweden celebrates Lucia Day. The day is traditionally in honor of St. Lucia from Sicily, but the day’s celebrations today have little to do with her or any religious observance. There are three levels of celebration in most places. In many families the youngest daughter (or child) dresses up as Lucia, with a long white robe and a wreath of candles on her head, and wakes her family up with the song “Sankta Lucia” and coffee and saffron buns (specially made for Lucia Day), very early in the morning. Of course, in many families, at least one parent is already up to make the coffee and get the saffron buns out for the child, and so it is often the father of the family lies awake in bed waiting to be “awoken” by the little Lucia, but it is a much loved tradition.

Even if you do not celebrate Lucia Day at home, you may well see it at its second level, in many schools and workplaces. In many offices the employees will start the day with coffee, saffron buns and gingersnaps rather than going straight to work, and schools will often pick a Lucia and attendants and have their own small celebration. The Lucias can have as many female attendants and male attendants as they like, so all pupils can take part.

Finally, Lucia is celebrated on a local and national level as every local newspaper will have a competition to pick a Lucia for the town that year. These Lucias will usually lead a parade through town and then spend much time during the Christmas season bringing saffron buns and gingersnaps to homes for the elderly and hospitals.


In spite of celebrating all the religious holidays in the Christian year, and of their history of Christianity, few Swedes are religious any longer. Until recently a Swede became a member of the Church of Sweden automatically on birth, going back to the days when the Church kept census records. If you didn’t want to be a member, you could opt out, which would mean you could save 70% of the Church tax which would otherwise be added to your local tax bill. Now no one automatically becomes a member, but can opt to join the Church at the age of 18 if they like.

In fact few opt out and 92% of Swedes are members of the Church of Sweden, even though only 5% are regular Church goers. More will also go to the popular services, such as julottan, the early morning service on Christmas Day. Sweden today is more of a secular society than a spiritual one. Nevertheless, most children are baptised, with a small family party afterwards, most weddings are celebrated in churches and most funerals take place either in a church or in a funeral with a religious service. Many children choose to be confirmed at about the age of 14, and are prepared for this either through regular classes and attendance at a local church or else through a confirmation camp. The camps are intensive, live-in courses before confirmation, sometimes abroad.

Although most Swedes are Lutherans, there has been freedom of religion officially since 1951 and unofficially for several centuries before that. Because of immigration from other parts of the world there are over 50 000 Muslims, as well as members of Orthodox Churches, Hindus, Buddhists, etc.


“Why can’t a woman be more like a man?” So sang Professor Higgins in My Fair Lady, the musical based on Bernard Shaw’s play Pygmalion. The poor professor was baffled. He could not understand Eliza, the young girl he had saved from a life of poverty. All that was wrong was that she was in love, but he accused her of being a typical woman – irrational, illogical and never thinking properly. Not like a man at all! Today, many women are asking the same question as Professor Higgins but in a different way. Why can’t women be thought of as equal in intelligence to men and able to do many of the same tasks? Are men and women really so different or has history and conditioning made us think there is a difference?

Biologically, of course, there is – there has never yet been a man who bore a child – but the theory that there is a “male” character and a “female” character is not easy to prove. In Chinese philosophy there is the idea of Yin and Yang. Yin is earth, female, dark, passive and absorbing, while Yang is heaven, male, light, active and penetrating: the active male and the passive female. More recently, studies have shown that most people contain a balance of “male” and “female” characteristics.

It is the biological difference, however, which has always meant that men had one part to play and women another. In the earliest human groups or tribes, the work was divides in a simple way. Women stayed at home having children and growing fruit, vegetables and crops to feed the family. Men went away from home to hunt animals which would provide more food. The partnership was equal and women were respected for the part they played.


When Captain Cook “discovered” Australia, he found that another group of humans had made the journey to Australia many years before. These are the native Australian people, the Aborigines. But where did they come from? Anthropologists have come up with new evidence suggesting that the Aborigines came in two separate waves of migration. They’ve been looking at the fossil bones of two groups of Aborigines. The features of these fossils, especially the sculls, are so different that they suggest there must have been at least two distinct migrations to Australia.

The fossil bones found in Victoria are about 10 000 years old. They are the thick bones of very robust humans, with heavy facial features. The other group of bones, found in New South Wales, are much older – over 30 000 years old! These fossils are much less robustly built, in fact much less than any other Aborigine. The people may have come from southern China some 30 or 40 000 years ago. It is likely that they were the original inhabitants of China, driven out by the ancestors of the present-day Chinese as they moved down from the north.

The second wave of the more heavily-built migrants probably came from the region around Java. The two groups almost certainly bred together to form the Aborigine tribes that live in Australia today. Far from being a primitive people, it looks as though the ancestors of the Aborigines were highly-evolved humans who were able to make long sea journeys. Australia has been separated from other great continents of the world for many millions of years, so the Aborigines must have reached Australia by sea.
IV. Реферативный перевод (rendering)
русского текста (3000 печ. зн.)

Список текстов

  1. Образ Джефферсона.

  2. Визитная карточка, нужна ли она?

  3. Язык твой – враг мой (мнение журналиста).

  4. Чикагский филантроп.

  5. Трансатлантический экспресс.

  6. Как ходить в гости по-английски.

  7. Светлой памяти Филиппа Ройла.

  8. Первые леди в американской политике.

  9. Русская Америка.

  10. Gaudeamus igitur.


5.1. Основная литература

  1. Петрова, О.В. Введение в теорию и практику перевода (на материале английского языка) / О.В. Петрова. – М.: Восточная книга, 2010. – 96 с.

  2. Сдобников, В.В. 30 уроков устного перевода. Английский язык: учеб­ник / В.В. Сдобников, К.Е. Калинин. – М.: Восточная книга, 2010. – 376 с.

  3. Сапогова, Л.И. Переводческое преобразование текста: учеб. пособие / Л.И. Сапогова. – М.: Флинта: Наука, 2009. – 320 с.

  4. Швейцер, А.Д. Теория перевода: Статус, проблемы, аспекты / А.Д. Швейцер; отв. ред. В.Н. Ярцева. – 2-е. изд. – М.: Книжный дом «ЛИБРОКОМ», 2009. – 216 с.

  5. Морозов, М.М. Пособие по переводу русской художественной прозы на английский язык / М.М. Морозов. – М.: Р. Валент, 2009. – 336 с.

5.2. Дополнительная литература

  1. Палажченко, П.Р. Мой несистематический словарь. Из записной книжки переводчика / П.Р. Палажченко: в 2-х тт. – Том I. – 8-е изд., стереотип. – М.: Р. Валент, 2008. – 304 с.

  2. Палажченко, П.Р. Мой несистематический словарь. Из записной книжки переводчика / П.Р. Палажченко: в 2-х тт. – Том II. – 2-е изд., испр. – М.: Р. Валент, 2009. – 248 с.

  3. Клишин, А.И. Практика перевода английских текстов. Пособие для всех / А.И. Клишин. – СПб.: Андра, 2003. – 96 с.

  4. Нелюбин, Л.Л. Толковый переводческий словарь / Л.Л. Нелюбин. – 3-е изд., перераб. – М.: Флинта: Наука, 2003. – 320 с.

  5. Прошина, З.Г. Теория перевода (с английского на русский и с русского на английский язык): учебник на англ. яз. / З.Г. Прошина. – Владивосток: Изд-во Дальневост. ун-та, 2002. – 240 с.






1.1. Цель и задачи изучения дисциплины 5

1.2. Компетенции, приобретаемые
при изучении дисциплины в соответствии
с квалификационной характеристикой выпускника 6

1.3. Объем и сроки изучения дисциплины 6

1.4. Основные виды занятий и особенности
их проведения при изучении дисциплины 6

1.4.1. Лекционные занятия 6

1.4.2. Лабораторные занятия 7

1.5. Виды контроля знаний студентов
и их отчетности по дисциплине 7

1.6. Техническое и программное обеспечение
дисциплины 8



2.1. Лекционный курс 9

2.1.1. Темы лекционного курса 9

2.2. Темы лабораторных занятий 11



3.1. Перечень видов самостоятельной работы
студентов по дисциплине 16

3.2. Методические рекомендации
по организации самостоятельной работы студентов 16

3.3. Рекомендации по работе с литературой 16





5.1. Основная литература 23

5.2. Дополнительная литература 23



Учебно-методическое издание


Леонтьева Тамара Ивановна


Учебная программа дисциплины

по направлению подготовки

030700.62 «Международные отношения»,


032301.65 «Регионоведение»

В авторской редакции

Компьютерная верстка Н.А. Тятовой

Подписано в печать 20.10.2011. Формат 6084/16.

Бумага писчая. Печать офсетная. Усл. печ. л. 1,4.

Уч.-изд. л. 1,2. Тираж 10 экз. Заказ


Издательство Владивостокского государственного университета
экономики и сервиса

690014, Владивосток, ул. Гоголя, 41

Отпечатано: множительный участок ВГУЭС

690014, Владивосток, ул. Гоголя, 41

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