Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины

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Дата публикации08.04.2015
Размер1.63 Mb.
ТипУчебно-методический комплекс
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to click - разг. (вдруг) оказаться уместным, попасть в точку

Her joke suddenly clicked (with us) and we all laughed. — Её шутка наконец дошла до нас, и мы все засмеялись.

to pull up — останавливаться; делать остановку в пути

The car pulled up outside the house. — Машина оста­новилась перед домом.

Let us pull up at the next village. — Давайте сделаем остановку /привал/ в следующей деревне.

wagon — ист. крытая повозка, фургон американских ко­лонистов

to enthrall — очаровывать, увлекать

to enthrall the eye — приковать взор
Найдите в тексте устойчивые словосочетания: внести перемены во что-л.

  • кивать, качать головой

  • притоптывать, ногой

  • идти на пользу (чему-л./кому-л.), приносить пользу

Be prepared to answer your teacher's questions or

retell the text.

What unusual teaching methods have you heard or read about?
Exercise: headlines

A little grammar

Although they may not look like it, news headlines are usually sentences and they are almost always in the present tense. Look at the examples below and try to explain how both of these facts apply to each example.

  1. Unfortunate taxi driver's wife gets help

  2. Student gamblers warned

  3. Schools to close for Asian games

The first example is clearly a present tense sentence. But what about the next one? It, too, is a present tense sentence, but only because something is missing. Can you see what it is? (Hint: It is in the passive voice). In the last example, there are two missing elements. (Hints: How do you talk about the future using the present tense? What do you need before most English nouns?)

Almost all sentence headlines use the present tense— despite the fact that they generally describe past events. The present tense gives the subject a sense of freshness and immediacy, making it more interesting to read.
A matter of space

Headlines pack a great deal of information into a limited space, so it is not surprising that headline writers use several methods to conserve space. One obvious example is to use abbreviations («PM» for «Prime Minister», etc.). But they also use a special grammar, omitting articles («a» and «the») and the verb «to be» wherever possible.

Cooperation agreement signed (A cooperation agreement is signed)

Australian ex-judge sworn in to represent UK queen (An Australian ex-judge is sworn in to represent the United Kingdom queen)

Be sure to notice that the omission of the verb "to be" can make the headline appear to be in the past tense when it is actually present tense, passive voice.

Another way to save space is to use short words instead of long words. For example, if there is not enough space for the word criticise, writers use words like rap or lash instead. Another advantage of using such words is that they often sound a bit stronger and livelier.

Here are a few of the most commonly used short headline words: graft (corruption); row (disagreement); to back (to support); to air (to make known); to curb (to limit); poll (election); ties (relations); scam (clever but dishonest plan); to opt (to choose); to loom (to be expected in the near future); to vow (to promise).

Below are headlines. Your task is to turn them into complete sentences. In other words, you need to add any elements (the correct form of the verb «to be» and articles) that may have been dropped.

  1. Official accused of cheating students

  2. Collapse of building in school feared

  3. Airport taxi plan to be discuss

  4. Elvis sighted in wax museum

  1. Newspaper to receive seven awards

  2. Kicking babies considered to be healthy

  3. Plane too close to ground, crash probe told

  4. Stolen painting found by tree

  5. Killer sentenced to die

10) Sex education delayed, teachers request training
Exercise: the first sentence

Like the headline, the first sentence - known as the lead - also has a style. We can illustrate this by taking the same basic idea and writing it in the various forms available to news writers. Let's begin with the simplest.

A mysterious flying vehicle landed in a village near Washington yesterday.

This is typical of most leads in that the subject (vehicle) and the main verb (landed) appear at the beginning of the sentence. That is one reason most lead sentences are so easy to read. In a story like this one, however, the writer is likely to add some information:

A mysterious flying vehicle, said to be carrying people from the planet Mars, landed in a village near Washington yesterday.

A mysterious flying vehicle, said to be carrying people from the planet Mars, landed in a village near Washington yesterday, causing widespread panic.

Notice that the above sentences are a bit more complicated to read because the subject and the main verb are separated.

In particularly important or unusual stories the writer may choose to make the story sound more dramatic by beginning the sentence with an introductory phrase.
Creating fears the end of the world was near, a

mysterious flying vehicle, said to be carrying people from the planet Mars, landed in a village near Washing-ton yesterday, causing widespread panic.

In each case, the key to understanding the idea is to first find the subject and the main verb. Then you can start filling in the details like why, when, where, etc.

Adding the source

It would be strange for a story like this one not to have a source. The source is usually found at the end of the sentence or at the beginning. Lesser known sources — like «a police official» or «villagers», for example, usually go at the end while well known sources, like «President George Bush», generally come at the beginning.

A mysterious flying vehicle, said to be carrying people from the planet Mars, landed in a village near Washington yesterday, causing widespread panic, according to a famous fortune­teller who had visited the area.

President Bush confirmed yesterday that a mysterious flying vehicle, said to be carrying people from the planet Mars, landed in a village near Washington yesterday, causing widespread panic.

In the sentences below find the subject in each and circle it. Then underline the main verb. Put a box around the source if there is one.

  1. Trackers are out looking for a number of crocodiles along Bang Pakong River after they escaped from a Muang district farm.

  2. A recent decision by the Office of the National Cultural Promotion to scrap a proposal to set up a Muslim Consumer Protection Association has angered Thai Muslims who claimed it was unconstitutional.

  1. Six people were killed and around 1,000 injured as a freak hurricane struck Moscow, uprooting trees and destroying buildings, including parts of the Kremlin wall.

  2. A South African drug suspect who escaped during questioning was caught by anti-narcotics police yesterday.

  3. Despite the existence of laws to protect children and youths from the danger of smoking, the government has not done enough to create public awareness, said Bang-on Rithipakdi of the Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) Foundation yesterday.

  4. Prime Minister Mahathir Mohammad said yesterday his government is applying for a $700-million loan from the World Bank to aid Malaysians suffering from the regional economic crisis.

  5. Two traffic policemen caught on film extorting money from truck drivers have surrendered and one has protested his innocence.

  6. Two days after dramatically stepping into world currency markets to boost the sagging yen, American and Japanese finance officials yesterday vowed to intervene again if necessary, the Japanese finance ministry said.

Reorder sentences to restore the original news story (one of the sentences is the headline!):

  1. He filed a complaint (подать жалобу) with the health department.

  2. Officials say that same restaurant has been closed twice before for infestation (заражение паразита­ми) or unsanitary conditions.

  3. But officials say they'll be back.

  4. Man claims his fried chicken came with a side of mouse.

  5. Tony Hill says he was eating the second piece of his three-piece meal when he made the unappetizing discovery.

  6. A patron (завсегдатай) of a Popeye's restaurant says he bit into a mouse that had been fried along with the chicken. Inspectors checked the place yesterday and didn't find any rodents (грызуны).


The role of U.S. journalism

The First Amendment to the United States Constitution states that «Congress shall make no law ... abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press. ...» This amendment enables a journalist to perform his or her duties without government interference. These duties include (1) informing the public, (2) investigating wrongdoing, (3) influencing public opinion, and (4) entertaining the public.

Informing the public is the journalist's chief duty. Reporters represent the public at events that most peo­ple cannot observe themselves. Journalists therefore have an obligation to be accurate and to tell all sides of a story. They also have the responsibility of deciding which events have enough importance or news value to be re­ported. Citizens especially need good information about current political events to help them decide which can­didates to vote for and whether to support certain poli­cies of the government. Only through reliable reporting can people make intelligent decisions about how they want to be governed.

Investigating wrongdoing has become an increasingly important duty of U.S. journalism. Many news organi­zations feel a responsibility to safeguard the rights of citizens. These organizations do more than cover the news. Through investigative reporting, they search out and expose dishonesty in government, mismanagement of public funds, and unfair or illegal business practices. One of the most dramatic examples of investigative reporting occurred in the early 1970's, when the press played a major role in uncovering the Watergate scandal*. This scandal led to the resignation of President Richard M. Nixon in 1974.

Influencing public opinion. Through editorials, the management of a news organization expresses its views on current issues and attempts to convince the public of the same views. Many editorials encourage actions that a news organization believes will benefit the community or the nation. For example, an editorial might urge citizens to approve a school bond proposal* or to vote for a certain candidate for President. News organizations might also use editorials to fight for various social reforms. Such editorial campaigning is sometimes called advocacy journalism because it advocates certain causes.

The media also try to influence public opinion through commentaries. Commentaries reflect the opinions of in­dividual journalists rather than those of the manage­ment of a newspaper, a magazine, or a radio or TV sta­tion.

Entertaining the public. Newspapers may include such entertainment material as comic strips; crossword puzzles; hobby and travel sections; humor columns; and reviews of books, motion pictures, and plays. Newsmagazines also include entertainment items. Many other magazines are devoted largely to entertainment.

Fourth estate* is a name often given to the newspaper profession. The phrase fourth estate is believed to have first been used in writing by Thomas Babington Macaulay. In 1828, he wrote in an essay that «The gal­lery in which the reporters sit has become a fourth estate of the realm.*» Macaulay was adding a term to those already used for the three estates, or classes, of the English realm. These were lords spiritual, lords temporal, and commons*. The three estates* later came to stand for government, while reference to a fourth estate described any other influential body in English political life, such as the army or the press.


Watergate scandal — политический скандал «Уотергейт» 1972 г. в США, когда с ведома и при поддержке госу­дарственных чиновников (правящей Республиканской партии) был совершен взлом в штаб-квартиру Де­мократической партии, располагавшуюся в гостинич-но-жилом комплексе Watergate в Вашингтоне. Скан­дал привел к отставке президента Р.Никсона.

school bond - амер. облигация займа, выпущенного школь­ным округом

school bond proposal - предложение о выпуске облигаций школьного округа

the fourth estate — «четвёртое сословие», пресса (в рус­ском языке закрепился перевод «четвертая власть»)

realm — королевство; государство

lords spiritual — «духовные лорды» (епископы — члены палаты лордов)

lords temporal - светские лорды (не духовенство)

commons — члены палаты общин, «третье сословие»

the three estates — (три) сословия королевства (Великоб­ритания)

Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих слов и выражений:

  • государственное вмешательство

  • общественное мнение

  • новостная ценность; интерес для читающей публики

  • репортаж

  • информированное, разумное решение

  • освещать новости, события

  • репортаж-расследование

  • находить, разыскивать

  • обнаружить, раскрыть скандал

  • средство массовой информации; издание (газета, журнал)

  • выражать взгляды (на тот или иной вопрос)

  • проведение кампании

  • поддержка, отстаивание какого-то дела в прессе

  • средства массовой информации

  • комментарий

  • отражать мнение

  • развлекательный материал

  • комикс

  • кроссворд

  • обзор; колонка постоянного комментатора в газете

  • общественно-политический журнал

Be prepared to answer your teacher's questions or retell the text.
News items

Alabama man jailed after saving friend's life

A man saved his friend from drowning Monday, then was thrown in jail for public intoxication.

Kenneth Hood, 47, said he and his friends were sitting on the western bank of the Blakeley River when one of them accidentally backed* a sport-utility vehicle* into the water.

Hood waded* into the water and pulled friend Obie Jordan from the vehicle, taking him to the river bank and calling police.

Jordan and. the driver, who was not identified, were taken to the University of South Alabama Medical Center, police said. Jordan was listed in fair condition*.

Hood refused to be called a hero.

«He's my friend,» he said. «He'd have done it for me.»

He certainly wasn't treated like one*. Authorities arrested Hood and two others at the scene — Kathleen Margaret Smithart, 36, and 44-year old Ronald Eugene Briggs — for public intoxication.

«I guess it does .seem a little harsh*,» said Police Chief David Edgar. «But if he and his friends wouldn't have been drunk, his friend wouldn't have been in the water.»

Edgar said police had no choice because the three could barely* walk.

«If we left them sitting right there and they fell into the water again and drowned, we're responsible,» Edgar said.
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