Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины

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Дата публикации08.04.2015
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ТипУчебно-методический комплекс
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Pet python snacks on* pit bull terrier

A Californian who used to have two pets, a pit bull terrier and a Burmese python, now has only one — a 90kg python with a pit bull-sized bulge*.

Police said the reptile escaped from its cage in Merced city, about 130km southeast of San Francisco. The owner finally found it under his house but then realised his 14kg pit bull was also missing. The mystery was easily solved.

«In the middle of the snake, there was a big round bulge,» police commander Tom Martin said. «The owner surmised* it was his 9-month-old pit bull.»

Officials are now considering whether the python should be considered a wild animal and in violation of the city code.

If so, the man might then have no pets at all.

Sawed-off firearm* brings prison term

James M. Furniss, 30, who lived on Highland Avenue in Bremerton last summer, has gotten 2 V4 years in prison because a sawed-off shotgun was found there.

He had called police himself, saying he had been burglarized and suspected his sister. His sister said she had removed things from his residence at the request of his landlord, who told her he was evicting* Furniss. Among those things was the shotgun*.

Furniss had prior convictions for robbery and assault, making it illegal for him to have any firearm.


to back - включить заднюю передачу; подать автомобиль

назад sport-utility vehicle — спортивный автомобиль to wade — идти вброд

in fair condition мед. в удовлетворительном состоянии Не certainly wasn't treated like one. — С ним определенно

обошлись не как с героем. harsh — сурово barely — едва

to snack (on s/th) — закусить (чем-л.) bulge — выпуклость, округлый выступ to surmise — предполагать, высказывать догадку sawed-off firearm (= sawn-off gun) - обрез ружья to evict — выселять shotgun - дробовик (ружье)

Найдите в тексте устойчивые словосочетания:

  • быть брошенным в тюрьму

  • распитие спиртных напитков в общественном месте

  • на месте (события)

  • не иметь выбора

  • раскрыть тайну

  • в нарушение чего-л.

  • по просьбе (кого-л.)

Be prepared to answer your teacher's questions.
Why Teachers Leave

Seven years ago I was a high school* teacher. I lived and breathed for my students. I worked 65 hours a week and was named to «Who's Who Among America's Teach­ers» twice in six years. I had many friends who were good teachers, too. We were all young, in our mid-to-late 20s, and we loved our jobs and gave it everything we had.

You'd never hear us complaining about «lazy» or «unmotivated» students — our students worked hard, learned well, and did everything we could have asked of them. They repaid us with gratitude, with compliments, with loyalty. Now we're all gone — none of us teaches anymore. What happened?

I'm not a teacher anymore because I wanted to spend time in the evenings and on weekends with my children, instead of doing clerical work like entering grades* and marking homework*.

I'm not a teacher anymore because it didn't make sense to work 65 hours a week for $28,000 a year when I saw friends with the same amount of education working less hours for two or three times as much money; because rushing to before-school yard duty*, lunch duty, teaching five classes and then attending a faculty or department meeting made me feel as if I worked in a white collar sweatshop*; because I spent so much time doing paperwork, yard duty, and other things that were unrelated to teaching; because I never had a moment of free time between September and June and never had a dollar in my pocket in July and August; because I spent years and thousands of dollars going to state-required*, nighttime teacher-education classes that usually taught little but consumed valuable time.

The cost of the departure of my associates and I from teaching is sizable — 150 students a year over 35 years times* 10 teachers — that's more than 50,000 students negatively impacted. How many millions more are hurt by similar departures in schools all across the country?

In War and Peace the great Russian writer Leo Tolstoy wrote that the success of an army depends not upon its generals or its weapons but instead upon the will and strength of the individual soldier in the field. I believe it is the same with education — success or failure depends above all upon the strength of the individual teacher in the classroom.

Our schools are like an army whose best soldiers, year after year, are deserting. I have three solutions:

Give teachers secretaries or teacher assistants. College professors have teacher assistants. A lawyer, a doctor, or an accountant has a secretary. If I've graded 150 assignments*, why can't somebody else enter them into the grade book? If they're simple assignments, why can't someone else grade them? Why can't somebody help me make copies or do basic research?

Reduce the workload. Most schools have six or seven periods* and the teachers teach five or six classes. Any teacher would be far more effective teaching three or four classes, instead of five or six. There is no educational or academic reason why teachers should teach five or six classes — it's simply a matter of money.

Keep the number of different classes we must prepare for to a minimum.

Just as my departure hurt other parents' children, the problem has now come back around to hurt my children. My little boy has had problems in school. Until recently he had a wonderful teacher who was patient with him, worked hard, and related well to the kids. Unfortunately for us, she got pregnant and just had a baby. She says she'll be back and maybe she will be, but she'll never be the same. She'll never work 65 hours a week again because she'll want to spend time with her own child. As her child grows older and she has more children, she'll either leave teaching or not work as hard and do a mediocre job. Either way, she's probably finished as a top-drawer* teacher. My son and countless others like him will suffer for it.


high school - амер. средняя школа

to enter grades (into the grade book) — проставлять оценки (в журнал)

to mark homework — проверять (выставлять оценку за) домашнюю работу

to mark an exercise - проверить упражнение The teacher marked the examination papers. - Препо­даватель выставил оценки на экзаменационных пись­менных работах.

before-school yard duty - дежурство во дворе школы пе* ред уроками

white collar - служащих!, «белый воротничок»

sweatshop — предприятие, на котором существует пото­гонная система

state-required — требуемый законами или властями шта­та (в США)

times матем. умножить на

to grade (= to mark) assignments — проверять (выстав­лять оценку за) письменные задания

period — урок, занятие

a history period — урок истории

top-drawer — первоклассный, великолепный
Найдите в тексте устойчивые словосочетания:

  • отдавать все свои силы, посвящать всего себя (кому-л.)

  • отплачивать благодарностью

  • канцелярская (бумажная) работа

  • иметь смысл делать что-л.

  • негативно влиять

  • по всей стране/в масштабах всей страны

  • прежде всего, главным образом, в основном

  • сократить рабочую нагрузку

  • свести к минимуму

  • работать посредственно

  • так или иначе

  • перестать быть (кем-л.)/ больше никогда не быть (кем-л)

What problem does the article highlight? What is the author's opinion on the problem? Do you share the author's opinion? What aspects of life in the USA did you learn about in this article? Did anything surprise you?

Does this kind of phenomenon/problem exist in our society?

What is the attitude towards this problem in our so­ciety?

Feature article

Curse* of Tutankhamun exposed: the archaeologists lived into their seventies

The mummy's curse seemed to be coming true when Lord Carnarvon died suddenly in April 1923, two months after the tomb of Tutankhamun was opened. But new research has found a flaw in the theory that anyone who disturbed the ancient Egyptian king's resting place would die horribly: most of those who should have been afflicted* lived to a ripe old age.

The tale of the curse became front-page news in the Twenties after Lord Carnarvon, who married into* the banking Rothschild family and funded the Tutankhamun expedition, got a mosquito bite which became infected, leading to blood poisoning and pneumonia.

Untimely deaths are also assumed to have befallen* many of the Westerners who visited the tomb in the same exploration, including Alb Lythgoe, an explorer who died in 1934 of a stroke*.

But Mark Nelson, of Monash University in Melbourne, has checked the lifelines of all 26 people who would have been «exposed» to the curse. The reality is that most of the people there survived, on average, to 70. This included Howard Carter, who actually broke the seals to the tomb so would be expected to have been the principal object of any curse, physical or metaphysical. But it is true his canary was swallowed by a cobra that day.

Newspapers at the time reported that the tomb was engraved with a curse promising that «Death shall come on swift wings to him who disturbs the peace of the king», although there is no record of such an inscription being found. More likely it was inspired by a warning by the novelist Mary Mackay in late March 1923, suggesting there would be «dire consequences» for anyone who had entered the tomb.

Dr Nelson has a simpler explanation, suggesting that «was almost certainly generated by rival newspapers shut out* of the find of the century when exclusive rights were given to The Times of London.»

He researched all the «exposed» Westerners, any of those who entered the tomb on the day the seal was broken in February 1923, or were at the opening of the sarcophagus in February 1926, or the opening of the coffins in October 1926, or the examination of the mummy in November 1926. That made a total of 26 people, each having between one and four «exposures» to any curse.

For comparison, he looked at those who were in Egypt but not present at any of those events. By comparing their age at death, he found no significant difference between the exposed and unexposed; the latter lived on average to 75, which is not statistically significant.

Professor Carter, who might have been expected to be worried, said he had no time for the curse. «All sane people should dismiss such inventions with contempt,» he said. But he did take the precaution on entering the tomb of taking specimens of air, and swabs* from the sarcophagus* fearing some sort of ancient infection. But they all turned out to be «absolutely sterile». Dr Nelson also notes that the «unexposed» group includes many spouses of the explorers, almost all women, who happen to live longer anyway.

Dr Nelson found no evidence of a Tutankhamun curse. «Perhaps finally, it, like the tragic boy king himself, may be put to rest,» he said.

curse — проклятие

to call down curses upon smb. - призывать проклятия на чью-л. голову

flaw — слабое место, ошибка, дефект, порок

to afflict — поражать (о болезни)

to be afflicted with a sense of inferiority — страдать комплексом неполноценности

to marry into family — стать членом какой-л. семьи, вступив в брак с одним из членов этой семьи Their seven daughters all married into prominent local families.

to befall - случаться (с кем-л.); приключаться; выпадать на (чью-л.) долю

A strange fate befell him. — Его постигла (ему выпа­ла) странная судьба. What befell him? Что с ним стало?

stroke — удар; паралич

to shut out — не допускать; лишить кого-л. чего-л.

to shut out immigrantsне разрешать въезд иммигрантам

to shut smb. out from hope — лишить кого-л. надежды

They talked French shutting out the little girl from the conversation. - Они говорили по-французски, что­бы девочка не могла участвовать в беседе.

swab — мед. мазок

to take a swab — брать мазок

Найдите в тексте устойчивые словосочетания:

  • место упокоения (могила)

  • сенсационная (главная) новость

  • безвременная кончина

  • главная цель

  • ужасные последствия

  • находка века

  • исключительные права

  • с презрением отметать

  • окончательно развеять (слухи)

What have you read or heard about his phenomenon? Be prepared to answer your teacher's questions or retell the text.


Reorder sentences to restore the original news story (one of the sentences is the headline!):

  1. «It was more of a fun way to say, "Listen, guys, wear the uniforms,"» she told the News.

  2. Damiba called the garbage-bag skirts «Damiba fashions» and said they weren't meant to be humiliating.

  1. The sixth-graders at the Bronx Preparatory Charter School were made to wear the bags by principal Marina Bernard Damiba, the Daily News reported Friday.

  2. Students at the school are required to wear a polo shirt with the school's logo and khaki, black, gray or navy blue pants or skirts that are at least knee-length.

  3. Joy Vasquez, whose daughter, 12-year-old Christina Zuniga, was one of the girls who wore the skirts, at first said the punishment was «really wrong,» the News said.

  4. School's punishment for dress-code violation: trash-bag skirts.

  5. But after meeting with Damiba, she told the News that her daughter «got a lesson out of it.»

  6. Two Bronx girls reportedly had to wear skirts made of trash bags to class as a punishment for coming to school in jeans rather than their uniforms.

Read the news story and answer the questions

Los Angeles — The stars of the hit TV comedy «Friends» have been persuaded to stay with the show for another two seasons in a deal which will net each of the actors a very friendly 750,000 dollars per episode.

That rate, arrived at after weeks of acrimonious negotiations, represents a whopping six-fold increase over the 125,000 dollars an episode each actor gets now.

According to reports, each of the six stars — Jennifer Aniston, Courteney Cox Arquette, Lisa Kudrow, Matt LeBlanc, Matthew Perry and David Schwimmer — will get about 40 million over two years. The deal was struck just hours before the deadline for announcing next year's shows.

Here are some possible meanings for the adjective acrimonious. From the story, which one do you think is the correct one?

a. friendly b. unfriendly c. decided quickly d. easy

Suppose you were the executive in charge of the company producing the show Friends. Why were you willing to pay so much money to each of the stars? Which two factors do you think were the most important in making the decision?

  • the acting abilities of the stars

  • the number of people who watch the show each week

  • the amount of money advertisers are willing to pay to sponsor the show

• the amount of work the stars much do each week to finish the show on time

Read the news story and answer the questions
Goodbye The Bear

Los Angeles — Hollywood's star bear has passed on to the great cave in the sky after a 15-year acting career.

Bart the Bear died earlier this month after a two-year battle with cancer.

He had starred with Anthony Hopkins in The Edge and wrestled Brad Pitt in Legends of the Fall. He also appeared with John Candy and Dan Aykroyd in Great Outdoors, and Ethan Hawke in White Fang.

Perhaps his best role was when he was the star in 1989's The Bear.

Bart was born in January 1977 in a Baltimore zoo and was adopted by the animal trainers Doug and Lynne Seus. Bart is survived by his bear brother, Tank.

Where do bears go when they die? (Different cultures usually have different ideas of what heaven might be like. Some American Indians who depended on hunting for their livelihood supposedly thought of heaven as a «great hunting ground in the sky». If that is the case, what would a heaven for bears be like? You can see that the writer of the above story answers that question in a humorous way.)

How old was Bart when he died?

Was Bart originally a wild bear?

Read the article and answer the questions

Have a whale of a time protecting the world's biggest fish

The whale shark is one of those creatures most divers around the world dream to see. The largest fish on this blue planet, they can grow 12 metres long or more! And Thai divers have been pretty lucky as a few of these harmless marine giants — who feed on nothing larger than plankton — still swim in our waters.

Believed to be protected by holy spirits, they have been left alone by local fishermen who otherwise might have wiped them out a long time ago. However, it seems supernatural powers are no longer enough to guarantee the survival of these fantastic creatures.

A couple of months ago, an alarming report appeared in several newspapers that in 1999 more than 1,000 whale sharks had been killed for their fins by Taiwanese fishing boats in the Indian ocean. And it is feared these ruthless hunters - who cut the fins off the sharks and leave them to die in pain on the sea floor — may one day come after our big friends.

To prevent such a thing from happening, a group of concerned divers — led by Dr Thon Thamrongnawasawat of Kasetsart University — is running a campaign to give .whale sharks legal protection, by urging the govern­ment to put this particular fish on the list of the country's «preserved species.» And they need your signa­tures to support their cause,

If you wish to join in this effort, please write your opinions to the group's email address:

rhincodon@seapapa.com. Decide whether the following statements are true or false according to the story.

Whale sharks are the largest of all fish.

While they look harmless, they are actually man-eaters.

Thai fishermen earn money by selling their fins.

Some local divers are worried that whale sharks may

some day be hunted here.

You can help them keep the whale sharks safe.

Unit 5

How newspapers are produced (text 1)

Gathering information is the first step in the produc­tion of the news in a newspaper. A paper gets the news it prints from two main sources: (1) its own reporters and (2) news services.

Reporters use interviews, research, and investigative techniques to gather information for their stories. They must have well-developed news judgment to sort out important stories from those with little public interest.

A newspaper employs several kinds of reporters. Many reporters cover a specialty called a beat. Some beat reporters are assigned to particular locations, including city hall, police headquarters, and the criminal courts. Other beat reporters cover a particular subject, such as science, religion, education, or consumer affairs. Certain other reporters, called general assignment reporters, cover any story to which they are assigned or which they find on their own.

The news staff of a big-city newspaper also includes investigative reporters and stringers. Investigative reporters search out and expose political corruption or other wrongdoing. They may work weeks or months to get a story or a series of stories. Stringers do not work full time for the newspaper, but they occasionally write a story for it. Many stringers for big-city newspapers have a regular job with a suburban newspaper, a regional magazine, or a small radio station.

Many metropolitan papers have a staff of reporters in the state capital and in Washington, D.C. The largest papers also have foreign correspondents in such cities as London, Paris, Moscow, and Tokyo.

Not even the largest newspapers can afford to have reporters in all the major cities of the United States and the world. As a result, newspapers depend on news services for at least part of their national and foreign news. The chief U.S. news services are the Associated Press (AP) and United Press International (UPI). Each of these services has reporters throughout the United States and throughout the world. Major news services in other countries include Agence France-Presse in France, Reuters in the United Kingdom, and ITAR in Russia (called ITAR-TASS in its bureaus outside Russia). News services were formerly known as wire services because they sent their stories by wire to printing devices called teletypewriters. Today, satellites are widely used to relay stories and photographs.

Many papers also get news from news syndicates.A news syndicate is owned by a newspaper or chain of newspapers with a large staff of reporters worldwide.

Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих слов и выражений:

телеграфное агентство — 1

телеграфное агентство — 2

общественный интерес

тема, сфера, в которой специализируется журналист

журналист, специализирующийся в определенной сфе­ре

журналист, освещающий разные темы

сотрудники отдела новостей

журналист, проводящий расследование какого-л. воп­роса, собирающий конфиденциальную информацию

внештатный корреспондент


газетный синдикат (организация, продающая раз­личным газетам статьи и др. материалы для пуб­ликации)

газетный концерн

Be prepared to answer your teacher's questions or retell the text.
News items

Saudi religious police declare Barbie «threat to morality»

Saudi Arabia's religious police have declared Barbie dolls a threat to morality, complaining that the revealing* clothes of the «Jewish» toy — already banned in the kingdom — are offensive* to Islam.

The Committee for the Propagation* of Virtue and Prevention of Vice*, as the religious police are officially known, lists the dolls on a section of its Web site devoted to items* deemed* offensive to the conservative Saudi interpretation of Islam.

«Jewish Barbie dolls, with their revealing clothes and shameful postures, accessories and tools are a symbol of decadence to the perverted* West. Let us beware* of her dangers and be careful,» said a message posted on the site.

A spokesman for the committee, which is an arm* of the Saudi government, said the campaign against Barbie -banned for more than 10 years - coincides with the start of the school year to remind children and their parents of the doll's negative qualities.

Speaking to The Associated Press by telephone from the holy city of Medina, he claimed that Barbie was modeled after a real-life Jewish woman.

Although illegal, Barbies are found on the black market, where a contraband doll could cost $27 or more.

Sheik Abdulla al-Merdas, a preacher in a Riyadh mosque*, said the committee's enforcers* take their anti-Barbie campaign to the shops, confiscating dolls from sellers and imposing a fine.

«It is no problem that little girls play with dolls. But these dolls should not have the developed body of a woman and wear revealing clothes,» al-Merdas said.

«These revealing clothes will be imprinted* in their minds and they will refuse to wear the clothes we are used to* as Muslims.»

U.S.-based Mattel Inc., which has been making the doll since 1959, had no immediate comment, a company spokeswoman said Wednesday.

Women in Saudi Arabia must cover themselves from head to toe with a black cloak* in public. They are not allowed to drive and cannot go out in public unaccompanied by a male family member.

Other items listed as violations on the site included Valentine's Day gifts, perfume bottles in the shape of women's bodies, clothing with logos* that include a cross, and decorative copies of religious items or text — offensive because they could be damaged and thus insult Islam.

An exhibition of all the offensive items is found in Medina, and mobile tours go around to schools and other public areas in the kingdom.

The Committee acts as a monitoring and punishing agency, propagating conservative Islamic beliefs according to the teachings of the puritan Wahhabi sect, adhered* to in the kingdom since the 18th century, and enforcing* strict moral code.


revealing — открытая (одежда)

offensive — обидный, оскорбительный

His actions were offensive to everyone. — Его действия оскорбили всех.

propagation - распространение (идеи, веры и т.п.)

vice — зло, порок

items — предметы

luxury items — предметы роскоши

to deem — полагать, считать

We deem her worthy of support. — Мы считаем, что ей стоит помочь.

perverted - развращенный

to beware - беречься, остерегаться, опасаться

You should beware of repeating the same mistakes. — Вам следует остерегаться повторять те же самые ошиб­ки.

arm of the government — правительственная организация

mosque — мечеть

enforcer — лицо или орган, принудительно осуществляю­щее право

to imprint — оставлять след; запечатлевать, фиксировать (в памяти и т. п.)

clothes we are used to — одежда, к которой мы привыкли

cloak - плащ

logo - логотип, фирменный знак

to adhere —придерживаться чего-л.; оставаться верным (принципам и т. п.)

These people adhered to the Church of Rome. - Эти люди принадлежали к Римской католической Церкви.

to enforce — принуждать, заставлять; проводить в жизнь; осуществлять, приводить в исполнение

Найдите в тексте устойчивые словосочетания:

начало учебного года

отрицательные качества

черный рынок

налагать штраф

с головы до пят

появляться в общественном месте

нравственные нормы

Be prepared to answer your teacher's questions.

Laying Down* «the White Woman»s Burden'*

A common complaint runs through the literature in which Muslim women describe themselves: they accuse the West of misrepresenting them. If so, who are they? What is the face of the Muslim woman?

A flood of stereotypes come to mind, from scantily-clad belly dancers* to burqa-shrouded* women.

But no stereotype explains the Muslim women who have become heads of contemporary nations: President Megawati Sukarnoputri of Indonesia; Prime Minister Tansu Ciller of Turkey; Prime Minister Khaleda Zia and Sheik Hasina Wazed of Bangladesh; Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto of Pakistan. The list could scroll on.

The most recent stereotype to bombard the American psyche is of the Muslim woman who lives veiled* and in fear of all men who are her oppressors. This was the Afghan woman under the Taliban regime. The image is a snapshot of one truth in one context.

But is it true in general of Arab-Muslim women who have become the focus of world attention?

The first step in answering this question is to distinguish between Muslim and Arab-Muslim women.

A Muslim is simply anyone who adheres to the Islamic religion. One in four human beings is Muslim with most adherents living in Asia or Africa. Only about 12 percent of Muslims are Arab. The Arab-Muslim woman is a minority within Islam and seems to be more defined by being Arab than by being Muslim.

Women in Arab nations often look identical to the Western eye. Yet, even the faces of these women change dramatically depending on the culture of the country in which they live.

Consider the veil, which has become a symbol of the Arab-Muslim woman to Westerners. Many Muslims argue that hijab (head cover) does not come from the Koran but from the later interpretation of Islamic law. The scholar Sanusi Lamido Sanusi writes, «Even a cursory student of Islamic history knows that all the trappings* of gender inequality present in the Muslim society have socio-economic and cultural, as opposed to religious roots.»

In Saudi Arabia, Islamic religious law, known as Shariah governs virtually every aspect of life. This includes a strict code of dress, which virtually inflicts* the hijab upon women.

By contrast, Tunisia has legally banned women from wearing the veil. In 1997, President Ben Ali said, «We have been concerned to ensure an equality of opportunity between men and women and to renew legislation regulating the sphere of women.»

In other Arab nations, such as Egypt, hijab is a personal decision. In Lebanon «it is not uncommon to see two girls in Beirut, one in complete hijab, the other in heavy make-up and tight dress, walking hand-in-hand.»

The freedom women experience in any particular Arab nation seems to derive from local tradition rather than from the Koran.

To understand the Arab-Muslim woman, I must lay down «the white woman's burden.» This is the feminist version of the «white man's burden» — a theory that was used to justify colonialism in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. In essence, the theory said that white people had a moral obligation to civilize brown people. The Rudyard Kipling poem in which the term originated was written to justify the British colonization of India.

Western feminists seem to believe they have a moral obligation to save the Arab-Muslim woman by molding* her into their own image. But if the oppression of Arab-Muslim women results from local traditions and not from religion or ethnicity, then it is possible to respect Islam and Arabs without disrespecting her.

By abandoning the assumption of superiority, Western feminists can say to the Arab-Muslim woman, «we don't disparage* your religion or your ethnic origins. We only want you to have choice.»


to lay down — сложить с себя (ношу), отказаться (от чего-л.)

the White Woman's Burden - «бремя белой женщины», перифраз известной фразы Р.Киплинга «бремя бело­го человека» («white man's burden»)

belly dancer - исполнительница «танца живота»

burqa-shrouded — закутаная в чадру

veiled - спрятаная под паранджой (veil — паранджа, ву­аль)

trappings — атрибуты; признаки

the visible trappings of success - зримые атрибуты успеха Не had all the trappings of a cowboy. - У него были все внешние атрибуты ковбоя, он был одет как ковбой.

to inflict - навязывать

to inflict one's views on /upon/ smb. — навязывать кому-л. свои взгляды

to inflict oneself /one's company/ on /upon/ smb. -навязываться кому-л., навязывать своё общество кому-л. to mold (AmE) = to mould (BrE) to disparage — относиться с пренебрежением

Найдите в тексте устойчивые словосочетания:

прийти на ум /в голову/

в страхе перед кем/чем-л.; в страхе за кого,что-л.

относиться к чему/кому-л.; быть справедливым в отношении чего/кого-л.

оказаться в центре внимания, привлечь к себе всеоб­щее внимание

исповедовать религию, быть приверженцем религии

неравенство полов

в отличие от

правила ношения одежды

в отличие от этого; по сравнению с. этим

равенство возможностей

обильная косметика

по существу, по сути, в сущности

сформировать/вылепить по собственному образцу/ подобию; подогнать по свой стандарт

What problem does the article highlight? What is the author's opinion on the problem? Do you share the author's opinion? How are Muslim women treated in our country?

Feature Article

Few hospitals admit family during emergency procedures

While there is growing support for allowing family members to be present when emergency procedures are performed on a loved one, only about 5 percent of U.S. hospitals have written policies allowing such access, according to a new survey of nurses.

About a quarter of the nurses in emergency rooms* and critical-care units* said family presence was banned during cardiopulmonary resuscitation* attempts and invasive* procedures, even though their units had no formal policy prohibiting such access.

«When patients are literally in a life-or-death situation, their loved ones should be with them whenever possible,» said study co-author Dorrie Fontaine, associate dean for academic programs at the University of California-San Francisco School of Nursing. «Having family present during emergency procedures can be a great source of comfort and support for patients.»

Traditionally, family members have been kept at a distance during medical emergencies — both because doctors and nurses felt that seeing them work on the patient would be upsetting*, and due to concerns emergency teams might be distracted* by questions or other behavior.

But studies in recent years have found that bedside visitation during emergency care has been rated an over­whelmingly positive experience by members and drawn generally positive reactions from health professionals.

In one study, done several years ago at Dallas' Parkland Hospital, 97 percent of health workers said they felt that family members' conduct during life-saving efforts were appropriate. The same percentage of family members said they felt they had a right to be in the room at such a moment and would do so again.

Susie Hott of Piano, Texas, became an advocate for family access during emergency procedures after her 14-year-old son, Donnie, died at Parkland after a fall from a tree fatally damaged his liver* in 1994.

She and her husband got to spend a few final minutes with their son, even as doctors struggled to revive him, only after a senior nurse, Theresa Myers, broke protocol and told attending staff she'd be responsible for the couple.

Being in the room and witnessing «all that was being done and how hard these people were trying helped me in my grief,» Hott said.

Myers and colleague Dezra Einhorn went on* to survey family members and doctors at Parkland, which now has a formal policy on family presence.

That study and others show that allowing a loved one to stay throughout a medical emergency helps remove doubts about what is happening, gives emotional support to patients and gives survivors a sense of closure should the patient die.

«A decade of research shows that the presence of family members during invasive procedures can be helpful to families, health-care providers and the patients themselves,» said Kathy Robinson, president of the Emergency Nurses Association. «Yet ... too many physicians and other health-care practitioners resist adopting this practice.»

According to nurses in the survey, about half of all hospitals allow a family presence most of the time without having a formal, written policy.

But Fontaine said this ad-hoc* approach isn't good enough. «The option should exist in all hospitals, backed up* by a written policy.»


emergency — неотложная помощь

to administer emergency to the wounded — оказы­вать первую помощь раненым

cardiopulmonary — сердечно-лёгочный, кардиопульмональ-ный

cardiopulmonary resuscitation — кардиопульмональная реанимация

to be upsetting — мешать (работать), нервировать

to distract — отвлекать

You are distracting me. — Ты мне мешаешь, ты меня отвлекаешь от дела.

liver — печень

Не has liver trouble. - У него больная /болит/ пе­чень.

to go on — продолжать

Go on with your work. - Продолжайте работать. They went on in their investigation. — Они продолжа­ли расследование. He went on to say... - Затем он сказал, что ...

ad-hoc — на данный случай

ad hoc committee — специальный комитет, комитет ад хок

to back up - поддерживать

to back up words with deeds — подтвердить слова делами

to back up a theory with facts — подкрепить теорию фактами

Найдите в тексте устойчивые словосочетания:

родные и близкие

находиться между жизнью и смертью

держать кого-л. на расстоянии; указать кому-л. его место

дежурство у постели больного

находить положительный отклик (у); с одобрением восприниматься кем-л.

медицинские работники - 1

медицинские работники - 2

нанести смертельные травмы

нарушить протокол

делать все возможное; стараться изо всех сил

устранить сомнения (в чем-л.)

Does this problem exist in our country?

Have you ever had to deal with the problem described in the article?

Be prepared to answer your teacher's questions or retell the text.

An opportunity, not a problem

News stories give the best opportunity for learning new words without having to rely heavily on your dictionary. There are a number of reasons for this. Certainly one of the most important is the style that news writers use in telling stories.

News writers generally begin their stories with a short summary of the main points, first in the headline(s) and then in the first paragraph. After that they retell the story in more detail. This means a lot of repetition which often gives you several opportunities to guess the meanings of unfamiliar words.

One of the best of opportunities comes right at the beginning in the main headline and the lead. What, for example, does the word aghast mean in the following?

Australians, Asians aghast at violence

Many Asians and Australians appeared to be shocked yesterday by the violent protests that halted a world trade meeting in the United States, and some criticised the demonstrators.

Obviously, aghast must mean shocked. The writer used a synonym to keep the story fresh. Finding and recognising such synonyms can save you a trip to the dictionary.

Following are a number of stories that are very good for guessing the meanings of unfamiliar vocabulary. Read them and answer the accompanying questions.


Courses on health prove a flop

Health education courses being taught in schools have proven to be a complete failure, education and health experts agreed yesterday. What does the word flop mean in this story?

2 Drug lord nabbed

Alberto Orlandez, the alleged head of a Colombian cocaine cartel, has been captured and faces charges in both Columbia and the United States, police said Sunday. What does the word «nabbed» mean in this story?

3 Taleban gains ground in fresh skirmishes

Fierce fighting erupted yesterday between the ruling Taleban militia and opposition forces in Afghanistan's northern Baghlan provinces, opposition officials said. If two sides are involved in skirmishes, it means that they are with each other.

4 North media mum on cattle

North Korean media has covered a rare visit this week by South Korea's richest man, but mostly kept silent on his gift of 500 cattle, Seoul officials said yesterday.

Tycoon Ching Ju-yung, 82, crossed the border into North Korea with the cattle on Tuesday.

If you are «mum» on something, you about it.

A tycoon is a very person.


EU may slap ban on Thai orchids, fruits

The European Union might prohibit the import of Thai orchids as well as vegetables and fruits soon if they do not meet EU standards, a foreign ministry official said yesterday.

Karun Ruechuyothin, deputy spokesman, said the British Agriculture Ministry had found aphids in Thai orchids since April last year despite several earlier warnings.

Following an EU council directive, the affected orchidshad been destroyed, but an import ban might be slappedon future blooms if they fail to be certified against pests,Mr Karun added.

If you «slap a ban» on something, you it.

Doctors tell Sanan to lay off the bottle

Doctors have advised Interior Minister Sanan Kachornprasart, a well-known wine Epicurean, to lay off the bottle.

Maj-Gen Sanan was admitted to the Police Hospital on Tuesday for treatment for what was described as a cold.

The minister was yesterday examined by Pol Maj-Gen Somsak Wiwat-anan, deputy surgeon-general, and a team of doctors.

They reported his condition had generally improved, he was less feverish and coughing less, although he complained about pains in his joints.

An x-ray of his intestine showed nothing wrong.

However, doctors concluded that Maj-Gen Sanan should quit drinking wine since, at 64, he is getting older. Find a phrase in the story which explains what it means to lay off the bottle.

7 Clark takes helm as new PM after swearing-in ceremony

Labour leader Helen Clark was sworn in yesterday as New Zealand's new prime minister, leading a minority centre-left coalition of Labour and the leftist Alliance Party supported by the Green Party, which earlier in the day won its seventh seat in parliament. What does «Clark takes helm» in the headline mean?

8 Thousands view relics of St Therese of Lisieux

Thousands of Catholic faithful attended services at a Miami church to view a box containing bones eft" a revered saint, the 19th century French nun who became St Theresa of Lisieux.

The Archdiocese of Miami asked the Miami-Dade Police Department for assistance in controlling the crowds at St Thomas the Apostle Church, where a mass honouring the saint's relics was held.

Crowds of up to 60,000 people have greeted the wood and gold box, called a reliquary, containing three of the saint's bones as the relics have toured the United States and Canada the past month.

In this story, the relics Are

What is a reliquary and what is it used for?

9 Scam left crew high and dry Bogus papers given for fictional jobs

The 226 Thais duped into paying for bogus jobs on ships in England had documents from the Harbour Department certifying they had completed basic merchant marine training, but the department denies they ever attended a course.

All the workers were wearing ship crew's uniforms, which helped convince immigration officers they were actually leaving to take up jobs overseas, the source said.

The men claim they were duped by four employment companies into believing they were going to work on ships in England. Instead they were sent to South Korea, where they were stranded for two months without any work. Each worker had paid one of the firms 170,000-250,000 baht for a fob which did not exist.

The word scam refers to

a training course

a plan to cheat someone out of money

a government official

employment in a foreign country The word bogus means

a) not real b) official c) expensive d) healthy If you dupe someone you ....

help them get what they want

teach them a new skill

trick them into believing something which is not true

offer them a very well paying job To leave someone high and dry means

to give them an improved standard of living

to put them in a difficult and inconvenient situation

to require them to pass a very difficult examination

to force them to leave the country

10 Sudarat admits she is a political fledgling

Disappointed runner-up Sudarat Keyuraphan yesterday admitted she was still «too young» politically to win the Bangkok governor' seat, and congratulated rival Samak Sundaravej for the «last chance» city voters have given him to stay in politics.

«I must accept that Mr Samak has been in politics for many decades. I am a newcomer. My political life is still less than a decade,» Mrs Sudarat told a news conference with a tired smile at her Thai Rak Thai Party headquarters on Vibahavadi road yesterday evening.

Ail of the words and phrases below help describe the idea of fledgling except




less than a decade

Reorder sentences to restore the original news story (one of the sentences is the headline!):

Ted was brought to the Peninsula animal shelter (приют), which tracked down (разыскал) Inglis despite outdated (устаревшая) information on the chip.

On their way home from the shelter, Inglis said Ted «put his front paws (лапы) on the dashboard (щиток приборов),» just like in the old days.

Inglis remembers that one of the things he and Ted liked to do was cruise around (кататься) in his car.

Microchipped cat reunited with owner after 10-year absence.

The cat was found about 13 miles south of where Inglis used to live in Burlingame.

Chris Inglis' black cat, Ted, was fitted with the chip back when the technology was still new in the early 1990s.

A cat with an ID microchip implanted under his skin was returned to his owner 10 years after he jumped out a window and vanished (исчез).

Where Ted spent all those years remains a mystery, but it appeared someone had been taking care of him.

But he was gone without a trace (без следа) for a full decade before someone found him this week.

10) When the pair reunited Wednesday, the cat «rubbed his face on my hand, climbed right up and started purring (мурлыкать),»
1   ...   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19


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