Программа по формированию навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах и улицах «Добрая дорога детства» 2

НазваниеПрограмма по формированию навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах и улицах «Добрая дорога детства» 2
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§ to go wrong — не ладиться, не получаться.


23. Tancred 6 declared that unless the Emperor's great tent was given to him filled to the brim with gold, as well as an amount equal to all the gold given to the other princes, he would swear nothing.

Бессоюзные условные предложения. При отсутствии союза в придаточном условном предложении происходит инверсия и сказуемое (или его первая часть) ставится перед подлежащим:

Were she here, she would call at your Institute.

Если бы она была здесь, она зашла бы к вам в институт. (ср. русское: была бы она здесь. . .).

Had you listened carefully, you would have understood (If you had listened. . .)

Если бы вы слушали внимательно, вы бы поняли. . .

Should she see you, she would be surprized (If she should see you. . .).

Если бы она увидела вас, она бы удивилась. . .

What would become of the earth, did she cease to revolve! (If she ceased. . .).

Что стало бы с землей, если бы она перестала вращаться?

Примечание 1. Последний случай инверсии с появлением вспомогательного did встречается очень редко.

Примечание 2. Бессоюзные условные предложения I типа могут начинаться только с глагола should; II типа — с should, could, were; III типа — с had+причастие II.

В условных предложениях употребляются сочетания в значении «если бы не»:

if it were not for (II тип),

if it had not been for (III тип).

Такие сочетания часто употребляются в бессоюзных предложениях с инверсией:

were it not for,

had it not been for.

Were it not for his arrival, we should go to the theatre. Если бы не его приезд, мы бы пошли в театр.

Сочетание «but for» тоже имеет значение «если бы не»: But for your help, I should not have finished my work.

6 Tancred — Танкред, имя военачальника-крестоносца.


Если бы не ваша помощь, я бы не окончил работу. (Здесь вместо условного придаточного стоит сочетание «but for+существительное или местоимение»).


2. Переведите.

  1. Should the train be late, don't wait at the station.

  1. All this, were it to happen to me now, would seem perfectly natural and normal.

  2. Had these facts been fully appreciated by the Allied Generals at the time the war would have taken a different course.

  3. But for the labours taken by the compilers of this voluminous work, we could have no idea of the scope and extent of these law books of ancient Iran.

  4. It is possible that had Keats lived longer he might have been a greater poet than Shelley, for his poems show a great progress from the earlier to the later.

  5. Had the author concentrated upon a single aspect of his subject, his study would have proved easier to read.

  6. This information would have been highly satisfactory, had it not been for that hitch about the time.


Should с 1-м л. ед. и мн. числа и инфинитивом Indefinite употребляется как вспомогательный глагол относительного будущего (Future in the Past). В дополнительных придаточных предложениях после прошедшего времени в главном предложении сочетание «should+ инфинитив» переводится будущим временем:

I promised them that I should come on Monday. Я обещал им, что приду в понедельник.

Should с инфинитивами Indefinite и Perfect употребляется в 1-м л. ед. и мн. ч. в качестве вспомогательного глагола сложной формы сослагательного наклонения. Переводится сослагательным наклонением (прошедшее время+частица «бы»):

I should do it tomorrow. Я бы сделал это завтра.


Should с инфинитивами Indefinite и Perfect употребляется во всех лицах как вспомогательный глагол сложной формы сослагательного наклонения. В таком случае should самостоятельного значения не имеет и в сочетании с инфинитивом переводится русской формой сослагательного наклонения:

Не demanded that the letter should be posted immediately. Он потребовал, чтобы письмо было отослано немедленно.

Should с инфинитивами Indefinite и Perfect употребляется как модальный глагол со значением долженствования и переводится «следует, должен» (если после него стоит Infinitive Indefinite) и «следовало бы, должен был бы» (если за ним идет Infinitive Perfect):

Не should be more attentive.

Ему следует быть более внимательным.

Не should have been more attentive.

Ему следовало бы быть более внимательным.

Сочетание «should like+инфинитив» переводится «хотел бы», «хотелось бы»:

I should like to speak to him.

Мне бы хотелось поговорить с ним.


1. Переведите. Определите функцию глагола should.

  1. We did not know that we should be asked to take part in the Conference.

  1. One should be conscious of one's faults.

  1. Should she ask you for my address, give it to her.

  1. I know I should have done it long ago.

  2. Why should you stay here all day long?

  1. We are of an opinion that he should leave Leningrad for good.

  1. You shouldn't have said so!

  1. I told him that I should let him know the date of the examination.

  1. If I were you, I shouldn't speak about it at all.


  1. You should have come earlier, the lesson is over now.

  2. It's a lucky coincidence that she should come here today.

  3. Is it absolutely necessary that you should stay here so late?

  4. One should think before one speaks.

  5. We hoped that we should come in time.

2. Переведите. Определите функцию глагола should.

  1. Since these two sounds differ only in the fact that one employs voice while the other is merely a whispered or breathed sound, it does not seem very strange that they should have been thus represented by the same character.

  2. His irritable demand that he should be left alone was quite characteristic of him.

  1. Room had however been found for him, should he want it.

  2. In considering some of the problems peculiar to the portraiture, it should be remembered that the idea of resemblance is not always the same for the artist and for the layman.

  3. All community and labour organizations should support the teachers in their effort to obtain their rights.

  4. It is natural that words of Scandinavian origin should be plentiful in the areas covered by the Danelaw,7 and such words are most common in the North and the East Midlands.

  5. Yet, amid these many references to the classical tongues, it should not be forgotten that the language under discussion is English, and that English is spoken by about two hundred and twenty five million people, of whom only fifty million live in Britain.

  6. The student of Japanese history, in any of its branches, should note well the two dates which stand at the head of this chapter.

  7. There is a certain difficulty in deciding whether many Greek words should be described as coming directly, or through Latin.

7 Danelaw ['delnlo:] — области о-ва Британия, завоеванные датчанами в IX—X вв., и законы, установленные в них.


10. Should a case arise which cannot be settled by village authorities, the aggrieved person may petition the Wali for permission to sue.


Would со 2-м и 3-м л. ед. и мн. ч. употребляется как вспомогательный глагол относительного будущего (Future in the Past) в дополнительных придаточных предложениях после прошедшего времени в главном предложении. Сочетание «would+инфинитив» в этом случае переводится будущим временем:

Не promised us that he would come soon. Он обещал, что он скоро придет.

Would с инфинитивами Indefinite и Perfect употребляется во 2-м и 3-м л. ед. и мн. ч. в качестве вспомогательного глагола сложной формы сослагательного наклонения. Переводится сослагательным наклонением (прошедшее время+частица «бы»):

It would be very convenient for us. Это было бы очень удобно для нас.

Would со всеми лицами употребляется как модальный глагол со значением желания, или (с отрицанием) нежелания совершить действие:

I wanted to send for a doctor, but he wouldn't hear of it.

Я хотел послать за доктором, но он об этом и слышать не хотел.

Would со всеми лицами употребляется для выражения обычного или повторного действия в прошлом: They would leave the camp at dawn. Они обычно уходили из лагеря на рассвете.

Would+инфинитив со 2-м л. употребляется при вежливом обращении:

Would you tell me the time?

He скажете ли вы мне, который час?

Сочетание «would like» переводится «хотел бы»:

They would like to see you. Они хотели бы повидать вас.



1. Переведите.

  1. Would you mind if I shut the window?

  2. I did not know who would be my neighbour.

  3. Would you like to have one of these pictures?

  4. She was in a hurry and would not hear of staying with us a little longer.

  5. He told me he would be glad to help us.

  6. Would you lend me your pen for a minute?

  7. They would have gone there, too, if they had had tickets.

  8. The man would be sitting there all day long, probably dreaming.

  9. It would be better to read this book in the original.

  1. He would be sorry if you did not let him know.

  1. Why do we have dialects? Wouldn't it be simpler if everyone spoke alike?

2. Переведите. Определите функцию глагола would.

  1. There was no one who would not be sorry to hear of what had happened.

  2. If a complete list were prepared of the dates at which words were created or borrowed, a picture of the slow and unceasing development of our civilization would be unrolled.

  3. It would be splendid for an archaeologist to work there, in a town so fantastically rich in antiquities and prehistoric culture.

  4. There was, however, little understanding of land warfare among the nation at large; 8 most people thought that one battle would decide the issue.

  5. She would not listen to his enthusiastic accounts of his experiences in Italy.

  6. Few people nowadays would deny these well-established facts.

  7. If Leonardo's life were not so completely documented, I have no doubt that theorists would have attempted to prove that he was not one person but two, and that the

8 at large — здесь: в целом,


hand that painted the Gioconda was not the same that wrote the Note-books.

  1. On the morning, following the bride's transfer to her new home the boy's family would send gifts of ceremonial food to the home of the girl.

  2. It was intended that the actual responsibility of leading the troops to the east would fall on two military commanders, Lupinius and Sintula.

  1. The mother asked her son not to go swimming alone, but he would not listen to her.

  2. He would take no money in exchange for his hospitality, and he bade me come to him should I ever be in those places again.

  3. For many years it appeared as though the English language would be superseded by the language of the conquerors.

  4. If one were to take the trouble to count up all the words in the dictionaries, one would reach a total running into six figures — the hundreds of thousands.


Глаголы may и might в качестве модальных были рассмотрены выше, в разделе «Инфинитив и инфинитивные обороты» (см. стр. 40—43).

В случае употребления may и might в качестве вспомогательных глаголов сложной формы сослагательного наклонения они обычно не переводятся.

В уступительных придаточных предложениях:

However difficult this book may be from the point of view of the language, you are to read it.

Как ни трудна эта книга с точки зрения языка, вы должны читать ее.

Don't contradict him, whatever he may say.

He противоречьте ему, чтобы он ни сказал.

В придаточных предложениях цели:

Try to speak clearly, so that you may be understood better.

Старайтесь говорить ясно, чтобы вас лучше поняли.


Глаголы might, could в сослагательном наклонении в значении возможности употребляются:

в простых предложениях

This rule might be applied here.

Это правило можно было бы применить здесь.

в определительных придаточных предложениях

I can give you some materials that might be helpful in your work.

Я могу дать вам некоторые материалы, которые могли бы быть полезны в вашей работе.


1. Переведите.

  1. Не could do this, if he tried.

  2. The letter said that the materials might be used by us.

  3. There was no rope whereby the boat might be tied to the river's bank.

  4. He spoke so rapidly that we could not clearly understand him.

  5. He drew the plan of the building more skillfully than any one else could have done it.

  6. Could I but see that thing myself, I would believe in its existence.

  7. He had come here that he might help me to finish the task.

  8. Whatever may happen, we must accomplish this task in time.

  9. You may have noticed it before.

  1. The work could not have been done during such a short period.

  2. The book may have been left here by some of our students.

  3. I have some documents here that might be of some interest to you.

  4. He tried to behave as if nothing had happened, so that nobody might notice the change.

  5. I couldn't have been seen at the Institute on that day for the simple reason that I wasn't there.

10 Т. Н. Мальчевская 145

  1. There were too many details in his work which he couldn't have foreseen.

  1. He may have been the author of this play.

2. Переведите.

  1. The cave deposits contain two standardized tools in enormous quantities. Both could be used as knives and scrapers.

  2. Later, when writing came into more extensive use, some material was needed on which writing could be done easily and conveniently.

  3. Lest the sound of the filming mechanism might be heard, he had simulated a little refreshment and had sung during the critical period.

  4. Japan's large population could not have been self- supporting for so long had soil and climate not been favourable.

  5. One of the greatest merits of Bacon's prose is his short sentences, in which respect he may have been influenced by his study of Montaigne.

  6. Language enters all human activities and few, if any, of them could be carried on without language.

  7. This authoritative knowledge of Hittite (language) could not have come about if the deciphering scholars had not been linguists who had slowly and carefully ascertained by scholarly methods, with profound respect for the text as a text, the exact words and grammar, conceiving this as their paramount duty.

  8. This author, Koj'iina by name, may have utilized materials collected in the manner just described.

  9. Alfred the Great himself, when over forty years of age, learned the Latin tongue in order that he might translate into English works which he thought would be of benefit to his people.

  1. A man isolated from childhood in a confined space, for instance, might have as good a brain as anyone else, but he would have very little to think about, and his ideas and the range of his ideas would be very limited.

  2. Especially if the period of separate development (of languages) is long, many of the features which were introduced during the earlier stage may have ceased to be reflected in the modern languages.

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