Программа по формированию навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах и улицах «Добрая дорога детства» 2

НазваниеПрограмма по формированию навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах и улицах «Добрая дорога детства» 2
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в) Инфинитив последующего действия (the Continuative Infinitive)
Среди многих функций инфинитива следует выделить инфинитив в функции обстоятельства последующего действия, который представляет определённую трудность при переводе, так как формально нет различия между инфинитивом цели и инфинитивом последующего действия (в редких случаях на него указывает запятая).

Инфинитив в этой функции выражает действие, следующее за действием, выраженным глаголом-сказуемым, является как бы его логическим развитием. Наглядным примером инфинитива в этой функции могут служить известные слова Байрона:
I woke one morning to find myself famous. – Я проснулся в одно прекрасное утро и обнаружил, что я знаменит.
Переведите на русский язык следующие предложения:
1). The success of the poem gave Byron every right to write in his diary: “I woke one morning to find myself famous.”(The Guardian)

2). He looked round to see Harry coming up from behind. (Lindsay)

3). Two young men were arrested only to be released. (Leacock)

4). He had picked up a Kansas City paper – the Star – only to realize that his worst fear in regard to all that had occurred had come true. (Dreiser)

5). I have spent many weary hours in hunting up words and forms given in Matzner’s grammar, merely to find that they have no existence. (Sweet)

6). He had had a tremendous quarrel with her in her flat and she had walked out and left him there, only to discover, when she returned 3 hours later, that he had shot himself. (Priestly)

7). Mrs. June Makin woke early to find two burglars carrying her TV set from her home. (The Daily Mail)

8). Although the mill, a former military factory, filters the tons of waste water it pours into Baikal every day, enough toxic chemicals reach the lake to kill creatures in a contaminated zone of about a square kilometer and a half. (The Moscow Times)

9). I woke up to find the room full of smoke. (The Daily Mirror)

10). Both fervently hope that Jeffrey’s two toddlers will grow up to be Timberland bosses. (The Economist)

11). A small number of people live to be 80 in Russia. (The Moscow Times)

12). The company itself has had a complicated history, passing out of the hands of chemists Lea and Perrins in the 1930’s to join HP sauces. (The Independent)

13). They made their way to the hotel only to find it dark and deserted. (Dreiser)

14). You shouldn’t give the child everything he wants. You shouldn’t satisfy his every craving for food, drink and comfort. Otherwise, he will grow up to believe the world owes him a living. (Focus Magazine)

15). Then in 1984 we saw a drop of 2% to return to the 1980 figure. (The Financial Times)

16). We talked for a while and then I looked round to find that he had gone. (Gaskell)

17). “One of my pupils cancelled our appointment and I came back looking forward to Mr. Thornton’s lesson, only to discover that he also fears he might find himself too busy to read this evening. (Gaskell)

18). The most magnificent date from the 10th and 11th centuries when wealthy noblemen competed with each other to establish the best churches and monasteries. (The National Geographic)

19). When the lava cooled quickly, it solidified to form quite hard, monolithic rocks. (The National Geographic)

20). For example, in Shakespeare’s days very few people lived to be 40. Even as late as 1900, most people could expect to live to be 50 or so. But a boy born today will probably reach the age of 75. Women generally live longer than men, so a girl born today will probably live to the age of 80. In the future, people will probably live much longer than that. So maybe one of us will live long enough to hear an orchestra whose members are all over 100. (Men’s Health)

21). Then she told Pongo her story. She had eight puppies, but one afternoon she woke up to find not one puppy in bed with her. (Smith)

22). And here he comes if I am not mistaken to resolve all our doubts. (Doyle)

23). Health experts worry the virus could combine with human flu to create a drug-resistant bug that could cause the world’s next pandemic. (The Moscow Times)

24). He turned halfway along the 3rd floor corridor, to see Fred and George peering out at him behind a statue of a humpbacked one-eyed witch. (Rowling)

25). The lucky residents woke up to find biscuits with heart stickers stuck to their doors, gates and cars. (The Daily Mail)

26). He went out to find himself surrounded by the enemies. (The Daily Mail)

27). As the most passionate worshipper of every word he was saying and every gesture he was making I came here only to realize all my expectancies were ruined. (Sheldon)

28). It is often said that any child born in the US can grow up to become president, because one doesn’t need to come from the upper class or have an important family to become president, although these things sometimes help. (Newsweek)

29). As our country received its birthright from the peoples of many lands who were gathered on these shores to found a new nation, so did the pattern of the Stars and Stripes rise from several origins back in the mists of antiquity to become emblazoned on the standards of our infant republic. (Time)

30).Sally looked up to see Dinny Quin coming towards her. But a Dinny she had never met before.(Prichard)

31).In the early 1960s, Levi Strauss was sky-rocketing. American films and music had spread to Europe and jeans had come to symbolize a new, youth culture.(The Economist)
г) Инфинитив в адъективных сочетаниях (в функции определения)

В функции определения инфинитив в английском языке может соответствовать и в русском языке инфинитиву в той же функции.

e.g. There is every reason to suppose that the cargo will arrive in time – Есть все основания полагать, что груз прибудет вовремя.

Однако в английском языке инфинитив в функции определения используется гораздо шире, чем в русском.

Инфинитив, определяющий существительное, во многих случаях равен по значению определительному придаточному предложению.

Сказуемое такого придаточного предложения выражает действие, которое должно произойти в будущем. На русский язык такой инфинитив переводится определительным придаточным предложением с глаголом- сказуемым, выражающем необходимость или долженствование, а также с глаголом-сказуемым в форме будущего времени.

e.g. The question will be discussed at the conference shortly to open in Moscow. – Вопрос будет обсужден на конференции, которая должна вскоре открыться (которая скоро откроется) в Москве.

В адъективных словосочетаниях инфинитив может быть в форме как действительного, так и страдательного залога, если определяемое обозначает предмет, подвергающийся действию, выраженному инфинитивом. В данном случае Indefinite Infinitive Passive может быть равен по значению определительному придаточному предложению, сказуемое которого выражает возможность.

e.g. Most of the beautiful buildings to be seen in this street were built in the 19th century. – Большинство красивых зданий, которые можно увидеть на этой улице, были построены в 19-ом веке.

Инфинитив в функции определения часто встречается после слов the first, the last и т.д. В этом случае инфинитив равен по значению определительному придаточному предложению со сказуемым в том же времени, в котором стоит сказуемое в главном предложении. Такие придаточные предложения, однако, очень редко употребляются вместо инфинитива. Инфинитив в этом случае переводится на русский язык глаголом в личной форме.

e.g. I am sure he will be the first to come to the meeting. – Я уверен, что он первым придет на собрание.

Инфинитив в функции определения может также указывать на назначение предмета, обозначенного существительным или местоимением. В данном случае при переводе следует обратить внимание на порядок слов.

e.g. He brought me a book to read. – Он принес мне почитать книгу.

She gave him some water to drink. – Она дала ему попить воды.

Перед инфинитивом, указывающим на назначение предмета, может стоять относительное местоимение which или whom с предшествующим предлогом. Это относительное местоимение может быть опущено, причем предлог тогда будет ставится после инфинитива, а при наличии прямого дополнения – после него.

Такие обороты переводятся на русский язык инфинитивом или придаточным предложением со сказуемым, выражающим возможность.

e.g. The children have a good garden in which to play. = The children have a good garden to play in. – У детей есть хороший сад, в котором они могут играть.

I have no one to whom to speak on this question. = I have no one to speak to on this question. –Мне не с кем поговорить по этому вопросу.
Переведите на русский язык следующие предложения:

1). He was always the first to enter the dining-room and the last to leave. (Mansfield)

2). The next to arrive was Roger. (Galsworthy)

3). It was an old woman, with only a cat to care for in all the world. (Wells)

4). Let’s emigrate to the Yucatán. It’s a wonderful place to die in.(Lindsay)

5). There are always so many more important things to be attended to.(Shaw)

6). The desire to write was stirring in Martin once more. (London)

7). She waited till the persons to be passed stood up. (Lindsay)

8). He looked again at the shelves of books to be read and understood. (Wilson)

9). “Yes”, he thought, “I must have room to hang my pictures”. (Galsworthy)

10). Can’t you see your way to do it for eight thousand after all? (Galsworthy)

11). New steps to fight pollution of rivers have been announced in Wales and Scotland. (The Times)

12). Trained men at the airport watch the aeroplane on their radar screen and tell the pilot by radio the course to follow, they tell him when and by how much to reduce height, and give any other orders that may be necessary. (Focus Magazine)

13). He clips the cable to the person to be rescued, who is then lifted to safety. (Focus Magazine)

14). Moon is still a riddle from the distant past – and will be for a long time to come. (The National Geographic)

15). Yet another says that the first European to reach the New World was Leif Ericson, a Viking sailor from Iceland. (The National Geographic)

16). Monks were the 1st to inhabit the rocks of Meteora during the 9th century. (The National Geographic)

17). The 1st traffic lights of this type to appear in Britain were in London, on the junction between St.James’s Street and Piccadilly, in 1925. (The Guardian)

18). Members don’t really have a say in choosing the films that are brought, that’s one thing to consider, but maybe the main thing is that there are very few advantages in actually being a member. (The Sunday Times)

19). Franklin D.Roosevelt had been elected four times (1932, 1936, 1940, and 1944), the only man to serve so long a term. (Newsweek)

20). Presidents cannot serve more than 2 terms, which means that no president can remain in power for longer than 8 years. This rule only started in the 1940s, but President Franklin Roosevelt is the only president to have served more than 2 terms. (Newsweek)

21). The South American experts were the 1st to use finger prints to catch criminals. (The Sunday Times)

22). There is a wide range of programmes to choose from. (School Leaver Magazine)

23). Should the 1st man to contact aliens be a specialist in British industry, he will easily explain to them the ABC and the fundamentals of the world economy with all its tendencies, contradictions and prospects. (The Financial Times)

24). In January this year Lord Browne, BP’s general manager, said in an interview: “In Russia we have accumulated many business contacts and a substantial knowledge about how to do business there”. (The Financial Times)

25). By the end of the year such kiosks will be available at 150 locations in England and Wales, at places as diverse as the Albert Docks in Liverpool and Dover ferry terminal. The first to be opened by Health Minister Gisela Stuart is at a pharmacy in Essex on Wednesday. (The Times)

26). Llay Main Colliery was the last major mine to be opened on the North East Wales Coalfield and began production in the early 1920s. (The Guardian)

27). Harry looked right and received a surprise to shake him out of his torpor. (Rowling)

28). If one expects to get fun out of sailing with children, on is likely to find it fun. Still, there are many things to be considered before the fun starts. (Cornell).

29). Matthew Brady, one of the first people to take actual war photographs, was there with all his equipment.(Newsweek)

30). Glenn Hammond Curtiss built a series of flying boats for the navy and the 1st airplane to cross the Atlantic. (Times)

31).The first flag of the colonists to have any resemblance to the present Stars and Stripes was the Grand Union flag, sometimes referred to as the “Congress Colors”.(Time)

32).Timberland sponsors competitive yachtsmen and the annual Iditarod winter dog-sled race across the Alaskan tundra, where it equips competitors with snow boots that cost about $500 a pair to make.(The Economist)

33).The three simple tenses obviously cover all possible time: time now, time gone by, and time to come.(Smart)

34).We have no time to lose. (Voynich)

35).There are a hundred and fifty things to do. (Voynich)

36).There was nothing to see.(Aldridge)

37).There was nothing to be done about it.(Wilson)

38).They entered the station and found that there were nearly five minutes to wait. (Huxley)

39).Suddenly she felt the need to speak. (Wilde)

3. Самостоятельный (независимый) причастный оборот

(Абсолютная номинативная конструкция)
В английском языке существуют обороты, в которых причастие выражает действие, не относящееся к лицу (или предмету), обозначенному подлежащим предложения. В этом случае действие, выраженное причастием, относится к лицу (или предмету), обозначенному существительным в общем падеже или местоимение в именительном падеже, которое стоит непосредственно перед причастием. В таких оборотах причастие как бы имеет свое собственное подлежащее. Такие причастные обороты называются самостоятельными причастными оборотами (The Nominative Absolute Participle Construction).

Самостоятельные причастные обороты не соответствуют русским деепричастным оборотам, т.к. русское деепричастие всегда выражает действие, относящееся к лицу (или предмету), обозначенному подлежащим предложения. Самостоятельные причастные обороты выполняют в предложениях функцию одного члена предложения – сложного обстоятельства, и соответствуют в русском языке либо придаточным предложениям, либо самостоятельным предложениям.

Значение самостоятельного причастного оборота определяется контекстом. Чаще всего такой оборот выражает:

  1. время, соответствуя придаточному предложению времени.

e.g. The sun having risen, they continued their way. – После того как солнце взошло, они продолжили свой путь.

  1. причину, соответствуя придаточному предложению причины.

e.g. The day being piercing cold, he had no desire to loiter. – Так как день был пронизывающе холодным, он не имел желания медлить.

3) сопутствующие обстоятельства, соответствуя самостоятельному предложению, которое стоит в конце и вводится одним из сочинительных союзов (причем, в то время как, а).

e.g. The wool was placed in the warеhouse, the cotton being forwarded to the factory. – Шерсть была помещена на склад, а хлопок был отправлен на фабрику.

В некоторых случаях такие самостоятельные причастные обороты переводятся на русский язык или самостоятельными предложениями с сочинительным союзом «и», или самостоятельным предложением, не присоединенным ни одним из сочинительных союзов.

e.g. Business on the London Mental Exchange was very brisk that day, over one thousand tons of tin being sold in the afternoon. – В тот день сделки на лондонской бирже металлов были очень оживленные, и во второй половине дня было продано свыше 1000 тонн олова.(или:Во второй половине дня было продано свыше тысячи тонн олова.)

В ряде случаев самостоятельный причастный оборот, выражающий сопутствующие обстоятельства, может переводиться на русский язык деепричастным оборотом со значением образа действия.
e.g. She stood silent, her lips pressed together. – Она стояла молча, плотно сжав губы.

He stood with his arms folded. – Он стоял, скрестив руки на груди.

4) условие, соответствуя придаточному предложению условия.

e.g. Weather permitting, the ship will leave port tomorrow. – Если погода позволит, пароход выйдет из порта завтра.

В самостоятельных причастных оборотах встречаются все формы причастия действительного и страдательного залога. Past Participle встречается реже других форм. Самостоятельный причастный оборот с Past Participle чаще всего выражает время.

e.g. His story told, he leaned back and sighed. – Когда его история была рассказана, он откинулся назад и вздохнул.

Present Participle следует переводить глаголом в настоящем времени, если сказуемое выражено глаголом в настоящем времени, и глаголом в прошедшем времени, если сказуемое выражено глаголом в прошедшем времени, т.к. Present Participle выражает действие одновременное с действием глагола-сказуемого.

e.g. That plant produces/produced large quantities of pig-iron, most of the pig-iron being turned into steel. – Этот завод производит/производил большое количество чугуна, причем большая часть этого чугуна перерабатывается/перерабатывалась в сталь.

Present Participle может переводиться глаголом в настоящем времени и в том случае, когда сказуемое выражено глаголом в прошедшем времени, т.к. Present Participle может выражать также действие, совпадающее с моментом речи, независимо от времени глагола-сказуемого.

e.g. The steamer could not enter the dock, its length exceeding 120 metres. – Пароход не мог войти в док, т.к. его длина превышает 120 метров.

Perfect Participle всегда переводится глаголом в прошедшем времени, т.к. Perfect Participle всегда выражает действие, предшествующее действию, выраженному глаголом-сказуемым.

e.g. The goods having been unloaded, the workers left the port. – После того как товары были разгружены, рабочие ушли из порта.

В современном английском языке самостоятельные причастные обороты могут начинаться с предлогов «with» и «without». Такие обороты, как правило, выражают сопутствующие обстоятельства или причину.

e.g. With the USA and Great Britain spending large sums on rearmament, it is hard to believe that there can be any serious decline in the demand for metals. – Т.к. США и Великобритания тратят большие суммы на перевооружение, трудно предположить, что может быть серьезное снижение спроса на металл.

He was slowly and carefully spreading the papers on the table, with Tom closely watching. – Он медленно и аккуратно раскладывал бумаги на столе, а Том внимательно наблюдал за ним.
Самостоятельные причастные обороты очень распространены в научно-технической и политико-экономической литературе. Они реже встречаются в художественной литературе и почти не употребляются в разговорной речи.
Переведите на русский язык следующие предложения:

1). George yawning, the conversation dropped. (Galsworthy)

2). This being so, I should like you to reconsider your answer. (Galsworthy)

3). But the occasion having seemed to offer itself, he had spoken. (Dreiser)

4). He saw his father, blackcoated, with knees crossed, glasses balanced between thumb and finger. (Galsworthy)

5). He had been lying quietly, since the car started, with his head pillowed on his arms. (Maltz)

6). There had been no rain, and with the hot weather beginning, everybody was anxious about the threatened drought. (Prichard)

7). The purpose of this interrogation was to trap him into saying something that, without he himself being aware of it, could be used against his own people. (Sommerfield)

8). I lay awake thinking and my mind jumping around. (Hemingway)

9). At midnight, no reply having been received, the two countries entered upon a formal state of war. (Morton)

10). No objection arising from any quarter, the resolution was adopted. (The Minutes of the UNO)

11). The mine was dusty and unhealthy, many miners suffering from consumption. (Foster)

12). A Ju 88 was shot down by one of our fighters, the crew being taken prisoner. (The Times)

13). The muddy fall weather having come on, Martin had pledged his wheel some time since. (London)

14). I used to eat a couple of nights a week at the Ausland Club, it being conveniently located for me. (Shirer)

15). The hat sailed far out into space and we could see it smaller and smaller, the patent leather shining in the clear air, sailing down to the river. (Hemingway)

16). Her husband presently followed her, and there being no other company we went to dinner. (James)

17). In the way of society, it must be confessed, her privileges were meagre, Sir Arthur Demesne and his two compatriots being her only visitors. (James)

18). The dance broke up, the couples hurrying to their seats. (Norris)

19). The reins broke in Lord Mohun’s hands, and the furious beasts scampered madly forward, the carriage swaying to and fro. (Thackeray)

20). He moved off to the house the terrier running in front. (Galsworthy)

21). Paintings by old masters realised ₤ 702, 190 at a sale in London, with two Rembrandts accounting for ₤ 278,000 of the total. (The Times)

22). It was pretty depressing out in the street, with a gusty wind throwing handfuls of light drizzle in your face. (Dickens)

23). The room was in partial darkness, Picardo having swung the shutter as he went out of the window. (Conrad)

24). It being now pretty late, we took our candles and went upstairs. (Dickens)

25). The English language is spoken all over Scotland with a variety of regional accents, but all of these can be at once recognized as Scottish, with the vowels and consonants pronounced more nearly as written than in standard English or any of the regional accents of England. (British Airways Highlife)

26). Apart from some worrying physical changes, the participants reported major mood and personality problems, the severity increasing with the amount of steroids taken. (Men’s Health)

27). With temperatures reaching 45 C, this dried-up landscape of dwarfed bushes and threatening mountains will always terrify some travellers. (The European)

28). With so many mothers choosing either to work or to follow an active schedule outside the home, the use of childcare facilities is becoming more and more widespread. (British Airways Highlife)

29). That influenced dividing the year into 12 months (in the calendar now in general use), their names being given by the Romans. (The National Geographic)

30). Photos and panoramas reveal that the Moon’s surface is uneven and rugged, with many hills and cavities like volcanic craters, some measuring several kilometers in diameter. (The National Geographic)

31). The Giant’s Causeway is on the north coast of Ireland, its capital being about 100 km to the south. (The National Geographic)

32). In 1980 promotions accounted for about a third of all spending on marketing, with advertising taking up the rest. (The Economist)

33). Testing results show that the difference starts early, with girls doing better by the age of seven. (Focus Magazine)

34). Densities in the new towns vary – the average being about 15 people to an acre. (Newsweek)

35). The church’s interior is impressive and diverse, with the dominant colour being white, which creates breathtaking contrasts of light and shade. (Exploring Vilnius, 2006, City Guide)

36). Martin Luther King grew up in this atmosphere, with his home being used as a community gathering place, and was no doubt influenced by it. (Newsweek)

37). He was pacing the room swiftly, eagerly, with his head upon his chest and his hands clasped behind him. (Doyle)

38). China is a substantial market for U.S. semiconductor producers, with U.S. exports of integrated circuits to China totalling $2.02 billion last year.(The Financial Management)

39). There were nights in winter when he woke up with porcelain in his bones, with cool chimes blowing in his ears, with frost piercing his nerves in a raw illumination like white-cold fireworks. (Bradbury)

40). With some 5,000 square meters of the 7,500- square-meter building gutted by 11.30 p.m., firefighters said there was no hope of saving the 19th-century structure. (The Moscow Times)

41). With fears about bio-terrorism being exacerbated by the outbreak of anthrax cases in the U.S., it’s likely that pharmaceutical companies will prove to be some of the few direct beneficiaries of the September attacks. (The Financial Management)

42). With a recession looming, hordes of vintage champagne and luxury hampers are gathering dust. (The Financial Management)

43). With a gusty wind wreaking havoc on the field, the battle was decided by one goal. (The Daily Mail)

44). “What a charming piece you are playing!” I ask myself if Chopin did not write it in Majorca with the sea roaring about his house, splashing the window panes with salt water. (Sand)

45). “Now we’re stuck in there with our armed forces very extended.” (British Airways Highlife)

46). Sunday 4th June promises to be an especially exciting day with the final match in each sport taking place. (The Daily Express)

47). Progress was slow, the 80 miles from Plymouth to Penzance taking 2 hours. (The Sunday Times)
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