Программа по формированию навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах и улицах «Добрая дорога детства» 2

НазваниеПрограмма по формированию навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах и улицах «Добрая дорога детства» 2
Дата публикации04.05.2014
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ТипУчебное пособие
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II. Read, translate and retell the text:

The Altai Region

The Altai Region is situated in the South East of Western Siberia at an equal distance from the four oceans. Its territory covers 1691 thousand sq. km., the population numbers 2,7 mln.people including urban –1,4 mln. and rural - 1,3 mln. people. The region has 12 towns (Aleisk, Barnaul, Belokurikha, Bijsk, Gorniak, Zarinsk, Zmeinogorsk, Kamen'–na–Obe, Novoaltaisk, Rubtsovsk, Slavgorod, Yarovoye), 7 urban and 60 rural districts. The capital of the Altai Region is Barnaul. Its population runs to 700 thousand people. Altai borders on Novosibirsk and Kemerovo regions in the North; Kazakhstan, Mongolia, China, and the Republic of Altai in the South.

In the XVIII century the territory of Altai was «the Silver Treasury of Russia». It had been the personal property of the Cabinet and Russian tzars.

You can’t but admire the nature of the territory we live in. One of the greatest rivers of the world– the Ob formed by the junction of the two rivers the Katun and the Beya flows through the Altai Territory.

There are 3 thousand lakes in our Altai. The largest one is Kulundinskoye Lake (728 sq.km.). Two types of landscape prevail in the region: mountainous in the East and steppen in the West. Considerable areas are covered with virgin taiga forests. True hunters and fishermen highly appreciate the wealth of the taiga and the lakes. "The Belokurikha" health resort with its famous radon baths is situated in a picturesque corner of the Altai foothills. Visitors of Yarovoye Lake use its curing mud. Herbs are prepared in Altai in large quantities. A great number of tourist paths lead to the mountainous Altai.

During the Soviet period such important industries as agricultural machine building, petrochemestry, textile industry and others have been founded in the Altai and they are constantly developing. Today Altai produces engines, tractors, power-station boilers, tractor ploughs, freight railway cars, tyres, electric pumps, radio-apparatuses, cotton and synthetic fibres. The production of consumer goods has been organized here lately: washing machines, TV-sets, chemical goods, furniture, sports goods and tourist equipment.

The largest plants are joint-stock companies «Altai Tractor», «Barnaultransmash», «Sibenergomash», «Altaiselmash-Holding», «Altaivagon», «Chemical Fibre plant» etc.

They call Altai «the Breadwinner» and the people are right. Altai is a major agricultural producer in Russia. It produces millions of tons of grain, meat, milk, vegetables and potatoes. Altai has become the foremost producer of sugar beet, oil-giving sunflowers and soy. A number of other crops are grown here: buckwheat, pears, oats and flax. It also produces berries and fruits.

Altai ranks first in Russia in the output of cheese and second in the output of butter. Breeding animals for furs is highly developed in Altai. Principle brunches of agriculture are crop production, livestock farming, fodder production, maral breeding and bee keeping. Livestock farming specializes in meat, milk, wool and eggs. Food processing industry is the second in the industrial structure of the region. There are dairy, meat processing, confectionery, baking, liquor, wine-making, sugar and cheese making enterprises in the Altai Region.

Altai has 10 higher educational institutions, 1620 secondary schools, private schools, lyceums, gymnasium and a number of schools where pupils are taught in German, Kazakh and Kumandin. The number of books and magazines in public libraries runs to 18 mln. volumes. Representatives of more than 110 nationalities peacefully co-exist in Altai.

World famous is the Altai stone-cutting art. Artistic articles made by Kolyvan masters decorate many palaces and museums. The unique «Queen of Vases» is kept in the State Hermitage.

Altai gave birth to many talented people: Valerii Zolotukhin – an actor, Alexander Zalygin – a writer and editor, Ivan Pyryev – a film producer, Michael Evdokimov – an actor, Margarita Terekhova – an actress, Vassily Shukshin – a writer, actor and film producer. The name of the academician Michael Lisavenko who headed scientific research institute of Siberian gardening is well known all over the country too. Altai is the Motherland of Cosmonaut II German Titov.

Nikolai Rerikh viewed Altai as the most important geo-cosmic center of our planet.
III. Read, translate and reproduce the dialogues:

Dialogue 1.

- Could you tell me a few words about Altai and its peculiarities?

- One of the peculiar features of Altai is that it is situated at an equal distance from the four oceans, at the crossing of ancient trade routes. Besides it was the place where people came in search for land and freedom. In the XVIII century the territory of Altai was «the Silver Treasury of Russia»

- How many towns are there in Altai?

- The region has 12 towns but the capital city is Barnaul.

- When was the Altai territory founded?

- As far as I remember, Barnaul became the center of the Altai territory in 1937. But in former times Altai was included in Tomsk province.
Dialogue 2.

- What is the climate like in the Altai Region?

- The climate is sharply continental with long and cold winter, which lasts as long as six months and hot summer due to which Altai is called «a Corner of Paradise»

- What can you say about the landscape of Altai?

- The landscape of Altai is varied. It’s hilly and mountainous in the east; the smooth plane surface turns into steppe in the west. The unique belt pine forests stretch for hundreds kilometers.

- Are there many lakes? What are they famous for?

- Altai is famous for a thousand of blue lakes. The largest is Kulundinskoye lake and the most attractive is lake Teletskoye. More than one hundred rivers flow into it and only one the Beya outflows.

- Why is the Ob treated to be the most important water route?

- There are few such rivers on the globe. Its length is five thousand kilometers. Only the Nile, then the Mississippi with its inflow the Missouri and the Amur, the Yenisei and the Lena are longer than the Ob. It begins in glaciers of the Altai Mountains, carries in itself the waters of two rivers – the Katun and the Beya, and flows up to the Arctic Ocean. It washes the area of about 3 mln. square kilometers and links Altai with the Northern regions of Western Siberia.

- Have you ever been to the Mountainous Altai?

- Naturally. Why?

- How did it impress you?

- Oh, I’ve been to the Belokurikha health resort with its famous radon springs and I was greatly impressed by a picturesque corner of the Altai foothills with a mountain river and rich vegetation.
Dialogue 3.

- What are the main industries in Altai?

- During the Soviet period such important industries as electropower engineering, agricultural machine-building, chemistry, oil-industry, timber-industry, production of building materials and others have been founded and are constantly developing here.

- What does Altai produce?

- Today Altai produces engines for machinery, diesels and metal-cutting lathes, forge presses and tyres, electric pumps and steam-boilers, chemical and textile goods, furniture and sophisticated home appliances, faceted diamonds and tourist equipment and what not.

- Why is Altai named the"Breadwinner of Siberia"?

- To tell you the truth, Altai is a major agricultural producer in Russia. It produces millions of tons of grain, meat, milk, vegetables and potatoes, sugar beet, oil-giving sunflowers, soy, berries and fruits, etc.

- What are the main branches of agriculture?

- They include grain-production, stock-breeding, fodder producing, maral-breeding and bee-keeping.

- Thank you. I appreciate your willingness to answer my numerous questions.
Dialogue 4.

- What places in Altai are connected with the development of the

stone-cutting art ?

- Kolyvan and Lokot are the two places connected with the stone-cutting art. Vases made of Altai precious stones came into history of Russian decorative applied art.

- We know, Russia is a multinational country. Can we mean the same speaking of Altai?

- Yes, of course. Represantatives of more than 110 nationalities peacefully co-exist in Altai.

- What famous people did the Altai give birth to?

- Fortunately, Altai is the Motherland of many talented people such as German Titiov, Vassily Shukshin, Ivan Pyryev, Michael Evdokimov, Margarita Terekhova, Michael Kalashnikov, Robert Rozhdestvensky and others.

- Thank you, N. It was very kind of you to tell me about your region.
IV. Ask your friend:

- где расположен Алтайский край;

- какая общая площадь Алтайского края;

- какова численность населения;

- какой город является столицей Алтайского края;

- с какими регионами граничит Алтай;

- какие реки протекают по территории края;

- какой ландшафт преобладает в регионе;

- есть ли в крае курорты;

- что производится на Алтае;

- почему Алтай называют житницей /кормилицей;

- какое искусство Алтая приобрело всемирную известность;

- родиной каких знаменитостей является Алтай.
V. Act out the situations:

  1. Ваш зарубежный друг приехал на Алтай. Он спрашивает вас о том, когда образовался Алтайский край и каковы его особенности.

  2. Расспросите своего друга с Алтая о том, какая там природа, о местах, где он отдыхал, какое впечатление у него осталось.

  3. Ваш зарубежный партнер интересуется промышленностью и сельским хозяйством Алтая. Проинформируйте его.

  4. Ваш друг спрашивает, чем знаменит Алтай. Расскажите ему о знаменитых людях и культурных традициях Алтая.

I. Words and word combinations to be remembered:

breeze - легкий ветер

to be cast with clouds - быть затянутым облаками

to be soaked to the skin - промокнуть до нитки

to brighten up - проясняться

blizzard - вьюга, метель

clear - ясный

chilly (brisk) wind - холодный (свежий) ветер

cloudy - облачный

damp - влажный

dull - пасмурный

downpour - ливень

frosty - морозный

flash of lightning - вспышка молнии

to freeze - морозить

fresh - свежий

groundfrost - заморозок

hoarfrost - иней, изморось

haze (mist) - легкий туман, дымка

hail - град

icicle - сосулька

icing - гололедица

intermittent - зд. временами

melt - таять

pool - лужа

puddle - маленькая грязная лужица

patchy - зд. местами

to rumble - грохотать

rainbow - радуга

suntan - загар

sleet - дождь со снегом, мокрый снег

snowdrift - сугроб

to turn bad - испортиться

to turn for the better - улучшиться

to thaw - оттаивать

torrent - ливень

thunder - гром

weather forecast - прогноз погоды

II. Read, translate and retell the text:

The naughtiest thing in the world is the weather. It's like a capricious woman who always does the opposite to what you ask her.

When you want to go for a picnic in the open air you ask the skies to remain clear and the day to be fine. Nervously you switch on the radio and listen to the weather forecast. You tremble with joy to hear that it'll stay warm and dry with bright sunshine, and moderate breeze. Your imagination draws a hot summer afternoon and your­self saying: “Nice weather we are having today!” You take a lot of food and no warm clothes, go to the countryside but... do not get anything sunny.

You get it cloudy and cool with intermittent drizzle, which ends with a thundery shower. The sky is so heavily cast with clouds, the downpours follow one another with such frequency, the rumbling of thunder and flashes of lightning are so frightening that you've got no illusions left. You throw away the food and go back hungry and an­gry. And when you are already approaching your home soaked to the skin it suddenly brightens up. Oh, Goodness!

Each summer, every student survives through the best time of his or her life - an examination session. Then many students plead: “Please, weather, stay cloudy, chilly or even cold with brisk northerly wind and rain torrents leaving pools and puddles everywhere, espe­cially on the playground. And I'll be a good student.” The radio promises: “'Patchy light drizzle with showery outbreaks of rain.” But the “patch” is never in the right place. Instead the skies send heat and excellent weather for a sun tan. Everyone knows that sun tan never helps at exams.

And it is always like this. When you go skiing and want to have frosty weather with a lot of snow, it starts thawing and your skis sink in the slash. Instead of a snowfall and hoarfrost on the trees you get excellent sleet. The weather does not feel any pangs of remorse.

When you go in the car to the country, enjoying nice weather and a beautiful view of a rainbow in the blue sky, you pay no attention to some haze on the horizon. Some time later a thin mist in the distance turns into a thick fog and you spend a lovely two hours instead of one at the steering wheel.

When you plant some much-cared-for flowers in the garden, either a ground frost or a hail storm kills them. Digging muddy flowerbeds one feels exasperated: “What beastly weather we've had this week! And it keeps nasty! Wretched!”

To tell the truth, sometimes the weather is ashamed and turns for the better. But not always. More often it sticks to its own pattern and after a short warm spell turns bad again. Why is it always like this? Maybe, because the weather likes surprises and wants to bring in adventures to our life, breaking the boring routine with marvellous happenings?
III. Words and word combinations to be remembered:

to be awake - проснуться

bud - почка

to blossom - цвести, расцветать

to dig - копать, рыть

to drizzle - моросить

to fade - вянуть, увядать

forget-me-not - незабудка

harvest - уборка урожая

lily of the valley - ландыш

piercing - пронизывающий

to ripen - зреть, созревать

ripe - спелый, зрелый

to sow - сеять

snowdrop - подснежник

shower - ливень

violet - фиалка

to yield - уступать
Conversational Formulas

I am chilled to the bone. – Я продрог до костей.

I am drenched through. – Я вымок до нитки.

I am freezing. – Мне холодно.

I feel hot. – Мне жарко.

It’s pouring. – Льет как из ведра.

The weather is fine (warm, dry, cool, nasty, windy). – Погода прекрасная (теплая, сухая, прохладная, ненастная, ветреная).

The weather keeps nice. – Стоит хорошая погода.
IV. Read, translate and retell the text:


March, April and May are spring months. Spring has come, and everything is awakening from its winter sleep. The fields and meadows are dressed in green. There are buds on the trees, and the wild flowers once more begin to peep forth. The white snowdrop is one of the first flowers of spring. How lovely it is! Then forget-me-nots, lilies of the valley and violets make their appearance.

Birds sing their songs among the trees and begin to get their nests ready for summer. The gardeners dig the ground and sow seeds in the gardens. The days are warmer, for the bright sunshine has come again. Everything is full of life and joy. Soon the soft spring showers will water the earth and make the seeds grow.

In June summer sets in. June, July and August are summer months. June is one of the most pleasant months of the year. The days are the longest, as the sun rises early and sets late in the evening. The trees are in leaf, roses begin to blossom and their sweet perfume fills the air.

Then July begins. It is the warmest month of the year. Summer is in full beauty. The sky is blue. The sun is bright and hot.

Sometimes dark clouds gather in the sky. How fast they move along. See, they have hidden the sun. There is no blue sky at all. It is all black with clouds. It is dark like night. It will rain soon.

Now the rain begins. What large drops! Now the rain is over. It was only a shower. The flowers smell sweet, the sun shines brightly, and the birds sing. The hot sun ripens corn and fruit. Everything is ready for the harvest.

In September summer yields to autumn. The days become shorter and the nights longer. Apples, pears, plums and nuts are now ripe and may be picked. The grain crops have ripened and harvest time begins. Most birds go away to warmer countries.

The green leaves are fading. They begin to fall off. Some have fallen off from the trees and are lying dead on the ground. The leaves are no longer green, they ate red, yellow and brown. People go to the forests to pick nuts and berries or to gather mushrooms.

It often rains. The rain doesn't stop, it is drizzling. The weather is nasty, a piercing wind is blowing. It is more pleasant to stay indoors. It is bitterly cold at times. It is muddy, there are many pools of rainwater in the streets. Sometimes it is foggy, and the fog is very thick.

Winter has come at last. There are no flowers now in the gardens and the leaves have gone from the trees. The snow lies thick upon the ground, and the birds hop about looking in vain for food.

Snowflakes are falling thick and fast. Snow lies on the ground, on the bare branches of the trees, on the roofs of the houses. All the rivers and lakes are frozen; everything around looks so beautiful covered with ice and snow.

Children make snowmen and build snow-huts, play snowballs throwing them at one another. When the weather is fine children and grown-ups go skiing and skating or sliding down the snow covered hills.
V. Weather Forecast

Read the weather forecast and compose a forecast of your own for the region you live in.
Weather: England and Wales will start cloudy with outbreaks of rain. However, brighter, showery weather already over Scotland and Northern Ireland will slowly spread South and East throughout the day. The showers will be heaviest and most frequent in the North, falling as sleet or snow over hills and mountains, with drifting occurring in places. It will feel cold in the blustery and strong westerly wind.

Outlook: Sunny intervals and showers are expected. Feeling colder than of late in the north-westerly wind.

(“Daily Express”)
VI. Read, translate and reproduce the dialogues:

Dialogue 1.

- Hello, Matthew! How are you?

- I’m fine, thank you, David.

- It’s a lovely day, isn’t it? Are summers here always as good as this one?

- Oh, no! Last summer, for example, was cool and rainy. But we are lucky this summer.

- I see. By the way, it’s my first visit here. And what are winters like in Moscow?

- Frosty and snowy, as a rule. If I am not mistaken, winters in your country are not so cold as ours, are they?

- No, they are not. Winter is rather a pleasant season in my country. The usual temperature is about 5 degrees above zero. By the way, how is your wife?

- I hope, she is all right. You know, she is on holiday now.

- Is she? Where is she now?

- In the Caucasus, in Gagri.

- Oh! It’s a very nice place, isn’t it?

- Yes, it is. I like it, too.

- By the way, what’s the weather like there now?

- I think, it’s fine. The weather is usually very good in the Caucasus in September and there are not so many people. It’s not so hot as in summer and it’s dry and sunny. I’m sorry, David. I should be going. Here is my card with my new address and telephone number. Call me next week.

- Agreed. Thank you. Good - bye.
Dialogue 2.

Nick. What lovely weather we had last week. I hope it keeps dry and sunny this week, too.

Mary. Well, I wouldn't be sure. |Have you heard the forecast?

Nick. No. What does it say?

Mary. Occasional showers tomorrow morning, drizzle and more clouds later on, unsettled for the rest of the week.

Nick. 0h isn't that awful! I do hope it clears up by Saturday.

Mary. Why are you so eager?

Nick. Don't you remember? We were planning an outing for this week-end.

Mary. Oh yes, shall I ask Ann? She is a great one for outings.

Nick. Of course. Phone her straight away, will you?

Mary. All right.
VII. Ask your classmate:

  • как ему нравится погода сегодня;

  • типична ли такая погода для нашего региона в это время года;

  • Сколько продолжается зима, и какую погоду он предпочитает


  • как он развлекается зимой;

  • почему весну считают порой надежд и счастья;

  • какая погода обычно бывает летом;

  • где он обычно проводит лето и как справляется с жарой;

  • как меняется погода, когда приходит осень;

  • что он надевает, когда идет дождь;

  • какое время года он любит больше (меньше) всего, почему.

VIII. Act out the situations:

1) Making Arrangements for an Outing

to have a plan, to go for an outing, to phone, to be out, to leave a message for, to call on, to discuss particulars (подробности), to get in touch with, to think over, to find out, the weather forecast, dry, sunny, occasional rain (showers), to feel discouraged, not to give up the idea, to cheer up, to agree.

2) Impressions of an Outing (or of a Camping Holiday)

to start, to reach, to intend to hire, to take ad­vantage of, to have trouble with, to complain of, to put up with, sunny, to spoil, to start raining, to get wet through, to clear up, to get dry, to laugh at, to have a lot of fun, to enjoy.


I. Words and word-combinations to be remembered:

shop - магазин

self-service shop - магазин самообслуживания

shop-assistant - продавец

shop window - витрина

do shopping - делать покупки

department store - универсальный магазин

supermarket - большой магазин самообслуживания

grocery - бакалея

greengrocery - овощной магазин

bakery - булочная

butchery - мясная лавка

to sell - продавать

to be on sale - быть в продаже

to buy - покупать

to pay - платить

clothes - одежда

foot-wear - обувь

shoes - ботинки, туфли

toy - игрушка

china - фарфоровая посуда

appliance - прибор, приспособление

underwear - нижнее белье

linen - белье

fabrics - ткани

camera - фотоаппарат

dress - платье

costume - костюм (женский)

blouse - блузка

skirt - юбка

raincoat - плащ

coat - пальто

to suit - быть к лицу

to try on - примерять

fitting-room - примерочная

to fit - подходить (по размеру)

to wear - носить

suit - костюм (муж.)

trousers - брюки

sweater - свитер

cardigan - шерстяной джемпер

knit-wear - трикотаж

pullover - пуловер

jacket - жакет

perfumery - парфюмерия

face cream - крем для липа

powder - пудра

lipstick - губная помада

lotion - лосьон,

shampoo - шампунь

products - продукты питания

butter - масло

sausage - колбаса

fish - рыба

meat - мясо

poultry - птица

sugar - сахар

macaroni - макаронные изделия

bread - хлеб

cereals - крупы

roll - булочка

biscuits - печенье

milk - молоко

cream - сметана

cheese - сыр

basket - корзина

customer - покупатель

serve - обслуживать

counter - прилавок

cashier - кассир

cash-desk - касса

purchase - покупка

change - сдача

price - цена

II. Read, translate and retell the text:


When we want to buy something we go to a shop. There are many kinds of shops in every town or city, but most of them have a food supermarket, a department store, men’s and women's clothing stores, a grocery, a bakery and a butchery.

I like to do shopping at big department stores and supermarkets. They sell various goods under one roof and this is very convenient.

A department store, for example, true to its name, is composed of many departments: ready-made clothes, fabrics, shoes, sports goods, toys, china and glass, electric appliances, cosmetics, linen, curtains, cameras, records, etc. You can buy everything you like there. There are also escalators in big stores which take customers to different floors.

The things for sale are on the counters so that they can be easily seen. In women's clothing department you can find dresses, costumes, blouses, skirts, coats, beautiful underwear and many other things.

In the men's clothing department you can choose suits, trousers, overcoats, ties, etc. In the knitwear department one can buy sweaters, cardigans, short-sleeved and long-sleeved pullovers, woollen jackets. In the perfumery they sell face cream and powder, lipstick, lotions and shampoos.

In a food supermarket we can also buy many different things at once: sausages, fish, sugar, macaroni, flour, cereals, tea. At the butcher's there is a wide choice of meat and poultry. At the bakery you buy brown and white bread, rolls, biscuits.

Another shop we frequently go to is the greengrocery which is stocked by cabbage, potatoes, onions, cucumbers, carrots, beetroots, green peas and what not. Everything is sold here ready-weighed and packed. If you call round at a dairy you are sure to buy milk, cream, cheese, butter and many other products.

The method of shopping may vary. It may be a self-service shop where the customer goes from counter to counter selecting and putting into a basket what he wishes to buy. Then he takes the basket to the check-out counter, where the prices of the purchases are added up. If it is not a self-service shop, and most small shops are not, the shop-assistant helps the customer in finding what he wants. You pay money to the cashier and he gives you back the change.

III. Complete the following sentences:

1. When you want to buy something ... 2. There are different kinds of shops in our city ... 3. A department store is divided-into-several departments ... 4. In the men's clothing department you can find... 5. In the women's clothing department you can choose ... 6. After you have chosen the thing you ... 7. If you need a jacket or a pullover you can go to... 8. Shoes are sold at... 9. In a supermarket you can buy ... to. The greengrocery is stocked by ... 11. At a dairy you can buy ...

  1. Read, translate and reproduce the dialogues:

Dialogue 1.

Ass: Can I help you?

Cust: No, it's alright. Thanks, I'm just looking.

Ass: Have a look around then. May be you would like something in our shop.

Cust: (in some minutes) I like this navy-blue jacket very much. Can I try it on?

Ass: Certainly. The fitting room is in the right-hand comer.

Cust: Oh, it suits me very well, doesn't it?

Ass: That's a really nice jacket. Pure wool, a modern fashion.

Cust: How much is it?

Ass: $ 55. English clothes are really of good value. They are so well-made.

Cust: All right. I can afford the price.
Dialogue 2.

Ass: Can I help you?

Cust: Yes please. I would like to have something from this shopping list.

Ass: Oh, your shopping list is very big. We stock only three items you ask for: butter, milk and cheese.

Cust: Two packets of butter, a pound of cheese and three bottles of milk, please.

Ass: Here they are. Pay by cheque at the cash desk.

Cust: Excuse me, do you happen to know where I could find some ham, minced meat and beef sausages?

Ass: They are all sold at the butcher's.

Cust: And I wonder if you stock any cigarettes here?

Ass: I'm afraid we don't You should try the shop next door for the cigarettes.
Dialogue 3.

Cust: Hello. I'm looking for a pullover. Can you show me one?

Ass: Certainly, madam. What kind of pullover do you want?

Cust: A woolen one. Medium size.

Ass: How about this one? It's very attractive.

Cust: Yes, but it's too thick.

Ass: How about this yellow one?

Cust: Oh, it's quite nice but it's too short and I don't like the colour.

Ass: What colour do you want?

Cust: I think blue or brown will do.

Ass: Well, we have some pullovers of that colour. Here they are, which one do you like best?

Cust: Can I try this brown one?

Ass: Of course, madam.... Oh, it fits you perfectly. It's exactly your size.

Cust: Yes, but I don't think it suits me. Can I try that blue one? It matches the colour of my eyes.

Ass: Which one? The dark blue or the light blue?

Cust: Light blue suits me better. But you see it's too long. Can I try another one?

Ass: May be this one is what you need. The price is 25 pounds.

Cust: Good heavens! That's a lot of money.

Ass: Nowadays that's cheap, madam.

Cust: No, it's too expensive for me. I'll look for something less expensive.

Ass: Unfortunately, we can't offer you exactly what you want. The colour, size, material, price are all wrong. Try another shop, please.

Cust: Good -bye, then.

Ass: That's right. But you'd better go to a big supermarket next time. You'll find everything there.

Cust: Thank you very much. It was very kind of you to explain me all that. I'm a foreigner here and I'm not accustomed to your service and prices yet.
VI. Ask your friend:

- любит ли он ходить в магазины;

- как часто он делает дорогие покупки;

- сколько стоит телевизор и холодильник;

- что он покупает в подарок ко дню рождения друга;

- обращается ли он за помощью к продавцу;

- какую одежду он предпочитает: спортивную или элегантную;

- какие товары он покупает к началу учебного года;

- какие магазины находятся рядом с его домом;

- нравится ли ему профессия продавца.

VII. Act out the situations using the following words and word combinations:

a) a self-service shop, a shop window, to display goods, a shop-assistant, to serve the customer, a basket, a counter, a cashier, to cost, to give back the change;

b) a blouse, to fit, to suit, a fitting room, to try on, tight, loose, of the latest fashion and style, to be out of fashion;

c) a book shop, to look for, be on sale, to be sold out, to recommend, a newspaper stall, to be lucky.

Part II
I. Words and word combinations to be remembered:

to overcome - преодолеть

in the twinkle of an eye - в мгновение ока

to travel on business - путешествовать по делу

to travel for pleasure - путешествовать для удоволь­


to begin with - прежде всего, начнет

с того, что...

the ruins of ancient towns - развалины древних городов

for a change of scene - для смены обстановки

different ways of life - разные стили жизни

to look at shop windows - рассматривать витрины


a city dweller - городской житель

to laze in the sun - нежиться на солнце

advantages - преимущества

disadvantages - недостатки

enjoyable - приносящий радость

means of travelling - способы путешествовать

a 4-deck liner - четырехпалубный лайнер

a drawback - недостаток

seasickness - морская болезнь

to reserve tickets - резервировать, бронировать


hiking - пеший туризм

to climb a mountain - взбираться на гору

to feel oneself a part of nature - чувствовать частью природы

a tent - палатка

a holiday-maker - отдыхающий, отпускник

to take pictures of smth. - делать снимки

to be reminded by the photos - вспоминать, глядя на


in advance - заранее

overnight train - ночной поезд

fast train - скорый поезд

a berth - полка (в вагоне),

спальное место

a sleeper - спальный вагон

to be due to arrive - должен прибывать по

II. Read, translate and retell the text:


The scientific and technological progress of the 20th century has allowed people to overcome time and distance in the twinkle of an eye. Now modern life is impossible without travelling. Millions of people travel every day either on business or for pleasure. To begin with most of us travel every day to our schools, offices and factories. From time to time we have to go to another city or country on business. Then after a year’s work people get a holiday and they don’t like to spend it at home.

Many people all over the world spend their holidays travelling. They travel to see other countries and continents, modern cities and the ruins of ancient towns. They travel to enjoy picturesque places, or just for a change of scene. It is always interesting to discover new things, different ways of life, to meet different people, to try different food, to listen to different musical rhythms.

Those who live in the country like to go to a big city and spend their time visiting museums and art galleries, looking at shop windows and dining at exotic restaurants. City dwellers usually like a quiet holiday by the sea or in the mountains with nothing to do but walk and bath and laze in the sun.

People can travel by plane, by train, by boat or by car.

Of course, travelling by plane is the fastest and the most convenient way, but it is the most expensive too. Travelling by train is slower than by plane but it has its advantages. You can see much more interesting places of the country you are travelling through. Modern trains have very comfortable seats. There are also sleeping cars and dining cars that make even the longest journey enjoyable. Speed, comfort and safety are the main advantages of trains and planes. That is why many people prefer them to all other means.

Travelling by boat is popular mostly for pleasure trips. On board of river ships you can visit different places of interest within your own country. On board of large cruise ships people can get across oceans and visit other countries. Ships stop for a day or two in different ports and people go on the shore for excursions. Crossing the ocean is a magnificent voyage with enormous waves before you and a 4-deck liner under you. The only drawback is seasickness. So before starting on a voyage you should find out whether you suffer from it or not.

Many people prefer travelling by car. This way of travelling is very convenient. You needn’t reserve tickets, needn’t carry heavy suitcases and you can stop wherever you wish and spend at any place as much time as you like.

The cheapest and one of the most popular ways of travelling is hiking. It is always a great experience for a lover of nature. Walking through the wood or along the river, having a rest on the shore of forest lake, climbing a mountain you feel yourself a part of nature. You can place yourself in a tent and enjoy fresh air and the sun all day long.

Most travellers have a camera with them and take pictures of everything that interest them. Later they will be reminded by the photos of the happy time they have had.

All means of travelling have their advantages and disadvantages. People choose one according to their plans and destination. When travelling we see and learn a lot of things that we can never see or learn at home.
III. Read, translate and reproduce the dialogues:
1   2   3   4   5   6


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