But in science the credit goes to the man who convinces the world, not to the man to whom the idea first occurs

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НазваниеBut in science the credit goes to the man who convinces the world, not to the man to whom the idea first occurs
Дата публикации28.06.2014
Размер192.48 Kb.
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7. Sergei Vetsel

Calculation of bending and elastic properties of monolayer graphene

Panel discussion 6

Time-limit: 10 minutes

Chairpersons: Tatiana A. Sergeeva (Post Graduate Student, SSU)

Elena V. Karpetz (Senior Lecturer of the Department of English and Intercultural Communication, SSU)
1. Maksim Balakin

Dynamical Behavior of Van der Pol Generator with Time Delayed Feedback

2. Olga Chichvarina

Artefacts in SEM: Hydrocarbon Contamination.
3. Aleksandra Osokina

Scanning Electron Microscopy Research of Biological Specimens
4. Alexander Plastun

Modern Techniques for Generating Terahertz Radiation
5. Alexander Sadovnikov

Nonlinear Dynamics of the Electromagnetic Wave Propagation in 2D

Periodic Nonlinear Structure
6. Tatiana Sergeeva

Validity of the Wannier Threshold Law for Angular Correlation Width in

Double Photoionization of Atoms

Panel discussion 7

Time-limit: 10 minutes

Chairpersons: Denis V. Ponomarev (Post Graduate Students, SSU)

Natalia V. Nesterova (Teacher of the Department of English and Intercultural

Communication, SSU)
1. Natalya Kazadaeva

The Assessment of Dentine Coloration from Autofluorescence Spectra
2. Alexandra Kozina

Photodynamic Lipolysis with Indocyanine Green
3. Anastasia Koptel

Test-method for Quantitative Determination T-2 and HT-2 Toxins
4. Irina Parashchenko

Sorption-Luminescent Determination of Enrofloxacin and Oxalic Acid.
5. Mikhail Pozharov

Quantum Chemical Study of Several Rare-Earth Metal Complexes with Organic Ligands
6. Tatiana Shepeleva

On the Influence of Excitation Power on the Laser-Induced Fluorescence Spectra of Strongly Scattering Model Media
7. Irina Zotova

Studying the Nature of Contact Corrosion Layers on Lead Alloys by Impedance Spectroscopy
8. Ekaterina Zubkina

Optical Clearing of Eye Tissues

Panel discussion 8

Time-limit: 10 minutes

Chairpersons: Eugeny A. Sinelnikov (Teacher of the Department of Computer Sciences and Informational Technologies,SSU )

Julia V. Pivvueva (Teacher of the Department of English and Intercultural Communication (SSU))
1. Margarita Bogina

Deformation Models of Materials in Radiation Medium
2. Dmitry Doronin

The Method for Solving Differential Equations Systems on the Base of Quadrature Formulas

3. Dmitry Khvorostukhin

Geomarketing analysis of the new sales outlet optimal location (with the Saratov pharmacy network as an example)
4. Roman Lapkovsky

The Processes Synchronization in the Model of Cause-Effect Complexes
5. Tatiana Savina

Equilibrium Points in Antagonistic Games with Preference Relations.
6. Svetlana Sheshukova

Numerical Simulation of Envelope Solitons in Magnon Crystals Based on System of Nonlinear Schrodinger Equations
7. Ekaterina Vorobieva

Technological System of Modeling Oil and Gas Basins
8. Sergei Zhigunov

The Effect of Dynamic Loading of Hydro Manipulator on Its Long-Term Strength

Poster Presentations
1. Ekaterina Vorobieva

Technological system of modeling oil and gas basins
2. Irina Zotova

Studying the Nature of Contact Corrosion Layers on Lead Alloys by Impedance Spectroscopy
3. Ekaterina Zubkina

Optical clearing of eye tissues
4. Anna Kolesnikova

The Simulation of the fullerenes-filled nanotubes bending
5. Irina Parashchenko

Sorption-Luminescent Determination of Enrofloxacin and Oxalic Acid.
6. Alexander Plastun

Modern Techniques for Generating Terahertz Radiation
7. Elena Pogorelova

Physical and Chemical Properties of Nanofiltration Membranes Based on Alkylpyridinium Salts
8. Mikhail Pozharov

Quantum Chemical Study of Several Rare-Earth Metal Complexes with Organic Ligands
9. Alexander Sadovnikov

Nonlinear Dynamics of the Electromagnetic Wave Propagation in 2D

Periodic Nonlinear Structure
10. Evgeny Tarasov

The synthesis of carbon nanotubes using liquid catalysts
11. Svetlana Sheshukova

Numerical simulation of envelope solitons in magnon crystals based on system of nonlinear Schrodinger equations

Plenary Session
Tatiana N. Ivanova

Critical Thinking Skills against Stereotypes and Manipulation

The talk deals with logical reasoning and argumentation skills necessary for all kinds of academic work and important in every area of the humanities

. It is an attempt to show the difference between the traditional reproductive knowledge and new ways of processing information and generating knowledge that we need to master in the XXI century to be able to cope with the information flow unknown before. The author will also show and discuss with the audience examples of fallacies and manipulation attempts used for persuasion.
Liudmila P. Ostasheva

Teaching Professionally-Centered Essay Writing (Methodological Case Study Test)

The report centers on the specifics of the essay writing in the pedagogical institute as a professional case-study germane to international standards. This essay type is presented as simulated methodological cases. Five major assessment tools are recommended, as well as three assessment types, self and peer ones including. The efficiency is analyzed through students’ questionnaires.
Kate V. Dvoinina, Daria V. Ivanova

Can You Spell It, or How to Transliterate

(from Russian into English and from English into Russian)

The workshop is aimed at students and postgraduates who want to learn basics of proper names transliteration. It will consider both types of transliteration (from Russian into English and from English into Russian). The workshop audience will get a view of transliteration common mistakes. Students and postgraduates will have an opportunity to develop their transliteration skill.
Irina N. Sipakova

Good? Bad? Okay!

Example 1: Я не хочу жить нормально, я хочу жить хорошо! (Denis from Gluhar’ TV series says to his wife). Example 2: Отель нормальный, соответствует своим 5ти звёздам. (From the Travelers.ru Forum). What is your interpretation of «нормальный» in these or similar cases? Are the lexemes synonymous and should be translated as Okay or Normal/Normally or do they mean something different? Let’s share examples that are plentiful and variants of interpreting which might present a challenge!
Tatiana N. Ivanova

How to Get a Fulbright Grant for Your Research Project

Seeking a Masters’ degree? Eager to write a book? Eager to finish you doctoral dissertation? Would like to develop a new course for your students? Asking for money for a conference participation? Would like to study at the university? Fulbright Grant for your Research Project can help. The presenter will show you the way how to get it.
Evguenia K. Platonova

The workshop is devoted to exploring the site Picturing America. I am going to show teaching materials on the site and show the example of implementing the materials in the teaching process. We will look through the materials of Russian teachers presented on the brand-new CD disc of the project. I am going to explore the way to the idea of the lesson together with the participants and do a part of the lesson with them.

Anastasia Zagryadskaya

The World Speaks IELTS

More and more people nowadays would like to go to the UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and other countries for study or work. IELTS is an important step toward this goal. What is IELTS? What makes IELTS the most popular exam in the world? How to prepare for IELTS exam? The paper "World speaks IELTS" will provide you with all the information.

The Humanities
Alexsandra Abarenova

Lord and Lady Lisles` Relationship (on the basis of the Lisle’s letters)

This paper is an analysis of the relations between one of the most famous couple in England in the beginning of the 16th century – lord and lady Lisle. It is extremely important to show the wife’s role in the life of her husband, especially if he takes a high official position.

Elmira Abubikerova

Activity of Section of Scientists in Saratov in the 1920s

The article describes a professional organization, Sections of Scientists, and its activities. This organization was extremely popular in the 1920s because it solved problems of professional and financial support of scientists in higher education.

Alina Bolshakova

Multicultural Education in Modern Education Science

This presentation is devoted to the category of “multicultural education” and its place in modern education.

Education as well as society on the whole is going through the process of reappraisal of its values. The processes of integration and globalism of multicultural interaction are getting stronger. This can be proved by the new humanitarian personality-oriented paradigm of education, which sees a personality as the society's top value. One of the major conditions for multicultural education's existence is training of a culturally-competent teacher, who is capable of working effectively with his/her students. One of the main components of this kind of training is socio-cultural background knowledge of the relations between language, culture, and education; the so-called achievement of socio-cultural linguistic competence.
Olga Borisova

Evolution of the Image of the USSR in Great Britain during World War II

The work is devoted to the research of Great Britain’s visual propaganda during World War II and the role of the Soviet Union in it. The main source of the presentation is caricatures of one of the most famous artists – Leslie Illingworth, whose drawings most brightly reflect the given problem. Studying his pictures and other posters will help to find out a real attitude to the USSR not only of the British government but ordinary people as well. It will also show how it changed in the course of the war.
Kristina Borodulina

English Borrowings in the Russian Language. On the Problem of Functioning (Based on the Results of the Students’ Questionnaires)

The work is dedicated to the problem of English borrowings in the Russian language. The research is aimed at studying different degrees of assimilation which English borrowings undergo in the Russian language. Alongside with theoretical study some socio-ling survey has been carried out.
Svetlana Bozrikova

In Cold Blood” by T. Capote as an Example of Narrative Journalism.

The paper deals with narrative journalism as a subgenre of creative nonfiction. On the example of T. Capote's nonfiction novel “In Cold Blood”, the author analyses such key characteristics of narrative journalism as point of view, immersion, scene-by-scene construction, etc.
Alexandra Burashnikova

Modern Challenges in the Middle East

In this work the Middle East is presented from the geostrategic point of view. A complex of problems connected with security, stability, economic and political activity of the region is analyzed. It also shows the key actors having a profound effect on further development of the region.
Nikolai Evseev and Igor Chibrov

Memorialization of The Battle of the Nations (16–19 October 1813)

The work is devoted to several stages of memorialization of the Battle of the Nations which was the most large-scale fight in Modern History before World War I.
Maxim Feller

Socio-Cultural Integration of Migrants in Russia: the Analysis of Possible Ways

The problem of external migration is caused by the increased demographic crisis in Russia. The main result of the Russian migration policy is effective integration of the new members to the Russian society. The paper examines the possible ways this process can take: the assimilating of the new members, the creation of the ethnic expat community on the territory of Russia by the racial minorities. The article considers both feasible and workable solution of the problems.
Julia Gagina

Sovereignty and Federalism

The report focuses upon the issues of the competences and objects of the joint jurisdiction of the federation and the subjects. This article also pays attention to improving the mechanism of realization of state sovereignty within the Russian Federation.
Irina Galachieva

The Russian Constitutional Court and the European Court of Human Rights: the Ways of Interaction

This article points out the ways of interaction between The Russian Constitutional Court and The European Court of Human Rights at present. It focuses upon two basic ways and predicts the further effects of this interaction.
Anna Golovchinskaya

Freedom of Speech in Russia in the 20th – the Beginning of the 21st Century

The article is devoted to the problem of freedom of speech in Russia. The author analyses the period of Russian history from the beginning of the 20th century till the beginning of the 21st century. This question is of great interest because of its importance in the attempts of building democracy in Russia.
Elena Gulina

Football and International Relations: Is There a Link?

Based on Russian and English articles this research focuses on the question if there exists a link between one of the most popular kind of sports – football, politics and international relations and gives the most striking examples of this.
Maria Gusakova

The Act of 20 September 1976: Toward Direct Elections to the European Parliament

The report examines the problem of elections to the European Parliament by direct universal suffrage. The main document that launched this process was the Act of 20 September 1976. That’s why the most part of the report is devoted to the analysis of this document and its comparison with previous attempts of legislation in the sphere of direct universal suffrage.

Alexandra Kalyakina

Quadruple Alliance Citizens in the Saratov Volga Region during World Waк I

The research covers the issues of POW's stay in the Saratov Volga region, their working activity and accommodation peculiarities. The talk also presents the results of examining those citizen's destiny who were in the region at the beginning of the war. It should also be noticed that such statement of the question is new for the local history because the topic has never been studied on the local sources.
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But in science the credit goes to the man who convinces the world, not to the man to whom the idea first occurs iconMan @ gradusnik ru Спросить и ответить на вопросы Вы можете на форуме http
Градусник ру – это сайт о том, как сохранить и восстановить свое здоровье. Рекомендации пациентам, истории болезней студентам, конспекты...
But in science the credit goes to the man who convinces the world, not to the man to whom the idea first occurs iconMan @ gradusnik ru Спросить и ответить на вопросы Вы можете на форуме http
Градусник ру – это сайт о том, как сохранить и восстановить свое здоровье. Рекомендации пациентам, истории болезней студентам, конспекты...
But in science the credit goes to the man who convinces the world, not to the man to whom the idea first occurs iconMan @ gradusnik ru Спросить и ответить на вопросы Вы можете на форуме http
Градусник ру – это сайт о том, как сохранить и восстановить свое здоровье. Рекомендации пациентам, истории болезней студентам, конспекты...
But in science the credit goes to the man who convinces the world, not to the man to whom the idea first occurs iconMan @ gradusnik ru Спросить и ответить на вопросы Вы можете на форуме http
Градусник ру – это сайт о том, как сохранить и восстановить свое здоровье. Рекомендации пациентам, истории болезней студентам, конспекты...
But in science the credit goes to the man who convinces the world, not to the man to whom the idea first occurs iconMan @ gradusnik ru Спросить и ответить на вопросы Вы можете на форуме http
Градусник ру – это сайт о том, как сохранить и восстановить свое здоровье. Рекомендации пациентам, истории болезней студентам, конспекты...
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