Урока в 8 классе по теме “ Travelling with the literary сharacter”

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Павловская средняя общеобразовательная школа №2

Воронежской области

Разработка открытого урока в 8 классе по теме

“ Travelling with the literary сharacter”

Учитель английского языка ПСОШ №2

Форкина Оксана Николаевна


Задачи урока: 1. Совершенствование навыков разговорной речи по теме.

2. Развитие умения читать с полным пониманием содержания.

3. Учить высказывать свою точку зрения по содержанию текста.
Ход урока.
1. Начало урока.
Организационный момент.

T: Hello, boys and girls! I am glad to see you. How are you? I hope you are ready for work.

At first let’s speak about the weather today. What season is it now? What date is it today? What day of the week is it today?
Tasks for the lesson.

Today at the lesson we’ll speak about traveling. We’ll make a voyage with a literary character. We’ll read a story about the adventures of this hero. Let’s begin.
2. Working at the topic: “Travelling”
There are some proverbs about traveling. Let’s remember them please.

Ch: East or West home is best. There is no place like home. So many countries, so many customs. Better to ask the way than to go astray.
T: Answer my questions!

-Do you like you travel? What types of traveling do you like best of all a journey, a trip a voyage?

T: People like to travel on different reasons. Look at the scheme and tell answer the question: Why do people like to travel?

Ch: People like to travel because they want:

  • to meet new people -to take interesting photos

  • to visit interesting places - to go sightseeing

  • to try national food - to relax

  • to see ancient castles

  • to practice speaking languages

  • to listen to national musical instrument

T: There are different means of traveling. Tell me by what can people travel?

Ch: People can travel … (by bus, car, ship, plane, bicycle, train, on foot)
T: Tell about the types of travelling.
Children tell about travelling by car, train, ship, plane.
T: Today at the lesson we’ll make a voyage with a literary hero. Read the poem and guess who is he?

POEM: Upon an island, left alone

The outcast sailor made his home

He sewed his clothes from skins of goats

He grew his food, he built his boats

A friend names Friday helped him do so

Story books call him _____ (Robinson Crusoe)
T: Who wrote “Robinson Crusoe?” Ch: Daniel Defoe.
T: Listen to the biography about this writer and do the tasks.
Biography: Daniel Defoe was born in London in 1660. When Daniel was a schoolboy, he began to write stories. After he finished school the young man began to write articles for newspapers. Defoe went to other countries and met many people. That helped him to write stories. In 1719 Defoe wrote the novel “Robinson Crusoe”. He told the true story of a sailor who lived on an island for four years where there no people. Robinson Crusoe in Defoe’s novel lived on an island for twenty-eight years. He worked all the time and learned to make many useful things. People in England in many other countries liked the novel.

Choose the right word and fill the sentences.

1. D.Defoe was born in______ in 1660. (London, York, Edinburgh).

2. Daniel began to write stories when he was ____ (a student, a sailor, a schoolboy).

3. After finishing school Defoe wrote articles for_______ (magazines, newspapers, books).

4. Defoe wrote his novel “Robinson Crusoe” in____ (1720, 1819, 1719).

5. Robinson Crusoe lived on an island for_____ (four years, twenty-eight years, twenty years).

T: Now let’s being working with the text. At first we’ll work with some words from the text. Match the English and Russian word combinations.
1. a captain of a ship 2. a sailor 3. a great storm 4. were drowned . 5. a shore 6. a low sea 7. tools 8. raft

a) утонули в) спокойное море с) капитан корабля d) берег е) сильный шторм f) остров g) моряк h) инструменты
T: Read three forms of the verbs:

Break-broke-broken - разбиться -


Begin-began-begun- начинать

Wake up-woke up-woken up- проснуться

See-saw-seen - увидеть

Find-found-found - найти

Go-went-gone - ходить

Bring-brought-brought - приносить

Take-took-taken – брать
T: Now read the first part of the text.

Children read the text and translate it.
T: Do the task to the first part. Fill in gaps with the words under the line according the text.

1. Robinson lived in…. 2. The father of Robinson’s friend was … 3. The captain took the boys on the… 4. Robinson went to sea many times and now he was a… 5. One day there was a great storm the ship…. and all the people …. 6. Robinson was not drowned because he could… very well. 7. The sea carried him to the…. 8. There were no…. on the island.

a) people b) York c) swim d) ship e) a captain of a ship f) sailor g) broke h) were drowned i) shore

T: Let’s read and translate the second part of the text. Do the task after the text.
Task: Find the sentences to each picture according the text.

1. Robinson began to make a raft.

2. Robinson swam to the ship and got in to it.

3. Robinson put the raft on the water.

4. The sea was low and Robinson saw the ship.

5. He found some tools on the ship.

6. Robinson jumped on the raft and went to the shore.

7. The raft was ready.

8. Robinson put the boxes on the raft.
T: Now children let’s do the task to the whole text. Read the sentences and tell if they are true or false. Correct the false sentences.
1. Robinson lived in New York in the U.S.A.

2. Robinson was a captain of the ship.

3. During the storm the ship broke and all the people were drowned.

4. Robinson saved and found himself in Australia.

5. The sea carried Robinson to an Island.

6. There were people on an island.

7. Robinson found tools and many other things on the ship.

8. Robinson found two dogs on the ship.

9. Robinson made a raft and brought the things from the ship to the island.
T: Answer my questions.

  • Did you like the story?

  • Did you read the novel “Robinson Crusoe”?

  • Do you want to live on an inhabitant island? What would you do if you were on an inhabitant island?

T: Now children tell me poems about traveling.

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