Урок английского языка по теме "Travelling all over the world"

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Дата публикации24.07.2014
Размер23.12 Kb.
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Урок английского языка по теме "Travelling all over the world"
Тип урока: комбинированный.

Цели урока:


  • Формирование лексических и грамматических умений говорения;

  • Развитие умения читать и аудировать с целью понимания основного содержания;

  • Совершенствование речевых умений;

  • Совершенствование произносительных умений.


  • Развитие у учащихся творчества, внимания, наблюдательности, мышления;

  • Развитие у учащихся познавательного интереса.


  • воспитывать умение работать в парах и коллективе;

  • воспитывать аккуратность, усидчивость и ответственность.

Оснащение урока:

Презентация Power Point;

Раздаточный материал;


Ход урока

1. Warm-up activities

T: Good morning! Today we will talk about something interesting and exciting! Almost all people love it! It gives you new emotions, impressions and experience. But you have to guess the theme of our lesson.

Task 1 (Slide 2):

T: You have to name the counties according to their flags.

(Pupils name the countries and a teacher clicks a computer mouse to check the answers.)

Task 2 (Slide 3):

T: Now you have to decode the theme of our lesson. Use the first letters of the names of the countries and put them in order. If you do it right you will learn the topic.

(Pupils decode the phrase)

T: Well done. “Travelling all over the world” is the theme for discussion today.
2. Speaking

Task 3 (Slide 4):

T: Please, name your associations with travelling all over the world.

Task 4 (Slide 5):

T: Ok, look at the map. What country would you like to visit and say WHY? For example, I would like to visit Italy, because I want to try Italian pasta and pizza. And, of course, I want to go sightseeing.

(Pupils names reasons why the wish to go to one or another country)
3. Listening

Task 5 (Slide 6):

T: Great! Now, you see words which are connected with travelling. I will read a definition for you, your aim is to name the word I’m talking about.

(Pupils listen to the definitions and choose the right word)

  • the act of travelling from one place to another, especially in a vehicle (a journey)

  • a rucksack (a backpack)

  • a small piece of paper or card given to someone, usually to show that they have paid for an event, journey or activity (a ticket)

  • a person who comes from another country (a foreigner)

  • a holiday at a fixed price in which the travel company arranges your travel, hotels and sometimes meals for you (a package tour)

  • a long journey, especially by ship (a voyage)

  • someone who visits a place for pleasure and interest, usually while they are on holiday (a tourist)

  • the line that divides one country from another (a border)

  • the activity of going for long walks in the countryside (hiking)

  • a journey in which you go somewhere, usually for a short time, and come back again (a trip)

4. Developing language guessing

Task 6 (Slide 7)

T: Well done! So, use these words doing the next exercise. You have to choose the right word and the right number 1 or 0. In the end you will get a number.

(If pupils do this task right they will have the number 100 000)
5. Speaking

Task 7 (Slide 8)

T: If you have 100 000 rubles where will you go next holidays? Maybe, it will be a seaside resort, a desert island, a cultural visit, an exploration of caves, an adventure to jungles or climbing the mountains? Discuss in groups all the advantages and disadvantages of these types of travelling. Decide where you will go and name three reasons for this place and three reasons against the other places.

(Pupils discuss and present their ideas)

Task 8 (Slide 9, 10)

T: Why do people travel? Name as more reasons as you can. What is the most important reason for you?
6. Reading and Developing language guessing

Task 9 (Slide 11)

T: Now, we’ll play “Crosses and naughts”. Let’s divide our class into two groups. You can see different idioms which are connected with travelling. Try to guess the meaning of these idioms and explain them. If you are close to the right meaning you get a cross or a naught. If you have three crosses or three naughts in one line your group will win. I will give you copies that will help you to do these tasks.

  • a piece of paper (for a plane, train, bus, etc.) that allows one to go to a destination and return (round-trip ticket )

  • very expensive (big ticket )

  • a phrase is used to describe a long distance (country mile)

  • the first voyage of a ship or boat (maiden voyage)

  • the lowest class of accommodation on a passenger ship (rubber-necking)

  • to travel a lot, moving from place to place, and is therefore restricted to the contents of their

suitcase (live out of a suitcase)

  • something very good has happened to you (ship came in)

  • the lowest class of accommodation on a passenger ship (tourist class)

(Pupils read the hints and guess the meaning of the idioms)

7. Writing

Task 10: Write a cinquain poem (Slide 12)

T: And now you will do one of the most interesting tasks, you will write a cinquain poem. Do you know what it is? Let’s find out.

  • The first line has one word which is connected with the main topic.

  • The second line has two adjectives describing your main word.

  • The third line has 3 word verbs.

  • The fourth line is a four letter sentence that is about your main topic (your first word.)

  • The 5th line is one word which had to be a synonym or antonym of your first word.

  • The 6th line has the name of a person on which the poem was dedicated.

(In pairs pupils create their cinquains and then present. Teacher can offer different nominations for the cinquains: the most interesting, the funniest, the most philosophic, the most adventurous and so on. And pupils will discuss and decide what nominations they will get.)

T: Today, we’ve done the great job. I enjoyed your work. Thank you for the lesson and Bye-bye.

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