Урок английского языка в 6 классе по теме: «How different the world is!»

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Урок английского языка в 6 классе по теме:

«How different the world is! »

Власюк Ирина Анатольевна,

учитель английского языка ГБОУ гимназии 116

Приморского района Санкт-Петербурга

Задачи урока:

    1. Совершенствование коммуникативной компетенции учащихся, эмоциональной и эстетической стороны владения иностранным языком.

    2. Развитие и углубление знаний учащихся по страноведению.

    3. Повышение познавательного интереса к иностранному языку в процессе игры, драматизации на уроке, воспитания умения работать в коллективе (группе).


Карты Великобритании и Северной Ирландии, США, флаги и эмблемы государств, газеты страноведческого содержания, аудиокассета, видеокассета, выставка проектных работ учащихся класса по теме «English Unites the World: Diversity within unity». Раздаточный материал для проведения работы в группах и парах, тестовые работы.

План урока:

      1. Организационный момент.

      2. Страноведческая разминка.

      3. Речевые упражнения.

      4. Грамматический тест.

      5. Аудирование.

      6. Подведение итогов.

Ход урока:

        1. Организационный момент.

          1. Приветствие;

          2. Сообщение правил соревнования;

          3. Представление команд.

Учитель: Good afternoon, boys and girls! Today we are going to have an unusual lesson. It will be a trip to the English-speaking countries. We are going to talk about traditions, sightseeing, meals, etc. I am sure that you are full of energy and ready to have some fun. Do you like to play? That is very nice. You are sure to know all the words on the topic: «How different the World is! ». A great variety of tasks, quizzes, tests are waiting for you. You have been divided into two teams. Who will be the winner today? Who knows the material on the topic best of all? Today some guests from our school are present at our lesson. I am happy to greet you on behalf of my students. I hope you will be pleased with their answers. They like English and try to study it as well as they can.

        1. Страноведческая разминка.

Ответить на вопросы:

Quiz №1. Do you know Britain?

Quiz №2. Scotland Quiz.

Quiz №3. What do you know about the USA?

Quiz 1. Do you know Britain?

1. The UK is an island country. But it has land border. What country does it border on?

2. What are the main parts of the UK? What are their capitals? >

3. What are the national flowers of England, Scotland, Northern Ireland?

4. What is the highest mountain in the British Isles called?

5. What cities in Britain have the following nicknames?

a) Auld Reekie;

b) The Smoke;

c) The Granite City?

(London, Cardiff, Edinburgh, Aberdeen, Glasgow)

6. Give the names of:

a) the longest river in Britain;

b) the largest lake in Britain;

c) the largest city not counting London;

d) the busiest port.

7) Why are there few outdoor cafes in London?

8) What are the Highlands like?

9) Which parts of Great Britain are the centers of woolen and cotton goods industries?

10) What is the official name of the country?

11) Are all the people in Britain English?

12) What is the name of the Scottish lake where supposedly lives a monster?

Quiz 2. Scotland Quiz.

1. The longest river in Scotland is....

a) the Thames b) the Shannon c) the Glide

2. The largest lake in Scotland is....

a) Loch Ness b) Loch Lommond c) Loch Leven

3. The traditional Scottish hat is called

a) A bonnet b) tam-o'-shanter c) a bowler hat

4. The sport originated in Scotland is....

a) Golf b) tennis c) cricket

5. Kilt is a national Scottish skirt mainly for....

a) Men b) women c) children

6. The biggest city in Scotland is....

a) Aberdeen b) Glasgow c) Dunoon

7. The highest mountain in Scotland is....

a) Ben Nevis b) Everest c) Loch Ness

8. The population of Scotland is ... million people...

a) 5 b) 15 c) 35

9. The Gaelic word "lassie" is translated into English as....

a) A young girl b) an old woman c) a handsome man

10. ... was a famous Scottish poet.

а) T. Hood b) R. Burns c) A. Green

11. The national hymn of Scotland is called....

a) Auld Lang Syne b) My Bonnie is over the ocean с) Amazing Grace

12. Mary Stuart who was the Queen of Scotland died in …

a) Paris b) Edinburgh c)London

Quiz 3. What do you know about the USA?

1. Christopher Columbus landed in America in:

a) 1620 b) 1942 c) 1492

2. Washington, D.C., is a:

a) State b) country c) district

3. How many states are there in America?

a) 50 b) 52 c) 25

4. Who arrived at Plymouth Rock in 1620?

a) The Indians b) the pilgrims c) the French

5. In which month is Thanksgiving Day celebrated?

a) December b) February c) November

6. Who built the first car?

a) Benjamin Franklin b) Alexander Graham Bell c) Henry Ford

7. What is the capital of Georgia?

a) Atlanta b) San Francisco c) Los Angeles

8. What is the tallest building in the world?

a) The Empire State Building b) the Sears Tower c) the Washington Monument

9. Who fought against racial discrimination in the 1960's?

a) Martin Luther King, Jr. b) Frank Lloyd Wright c) Emily Dickinson

10 .The Statue of Liberty was a gift from:

a) Italy b) England c) France

  1. What is the capital of Massachusetts?

a) St. Louis b) Memphis c) Boston

12. A famous American artist is:

a) Norman Rockwell b) Jack London c) Robert Lee Frost
III. Речевые упражнения.

Монологическое высказывание.

Task 1. Describe the country.

Using the following words describe the following countries:

Flags. Language.

Emblems. Food.

Patron Saints. Tantaloon Castle.

Day Fun. Vikingar.

Arthur’s Seat.


The United States' flag is called the "Stars and Stripes". It has thirteen red and white stripes and fifty white stars on a blue field. One star is for each state of the United States now, and the stripes are for the first thirteen states of the union.

There is a story that the first flag was a patchwork quilt made by a patriotic lady called Betsy Boss. The flag is also called the "Star- Spangled Banner", the name of the national anthem of the United States.

In the eighteenth century, America was a land of many flags. There were, for example, the ship of New Hampshire, the tree of Massachusetts and the anchor of Rhode Island. The Stars and Stripes first became the national flag after the Declaration of Independence, in 1776.

Americans enjoy their flag. They use the stars and stripes as a popular design on shirts, shoes, hats - anywhere and everywhere in fact. It is typical of American informality and their love of bright, cheerful colours.

But Americans are patriotic too. Many of them think that America is the best, the first and the greatest nation in the world, and that their flag is the flag of freedom.

The Stars and Stripes stand by the President's desk. The flag hangs in every classroom in America, and every day school children salute it before the school day begins. And on July 4th, Independence Day, the Stars and Stripes are everywhere, on the streets, on houses, and in the big parades.

Britain's flag is called the "Union Jack". It is really three flags on top of each other - the red cross on white of St. George for England, the white "X" on blue of St. Andrew for Scotland, and the red "X" on white of St. Patrick for Ireland.

Like Americans, British people have fun with their flag. They put it on biscuit tins, party hats and plastic bags. But unlike Americans, most British people do not like to talk about or show patriotic feelings. They feel too embarrassed. You will see the Union Jack on top of government offices in London, but you will not often find it in shops, in offices, or in people's homes.

Every now and then, British people forget to be embarrassed. This usually happens on a royal occasion, like a wedding, or an anniversary. Then they all bring out their Union Jacks, have picnics and fireworks, sleep out all night in the open to watch the soldiers and the royal family go past and even talk to strangers!

On really special occasions, some people arrange "street parties" They close the street so that cars cannot get through, and put up tables and chairs. People from the houses all round put out flags and bring food for everyone to share. There are games and races for children, and in the evening everyone dances in the middle of the street where they live. It doesn't happen very often - perhaps only once in ten or twenty years I but it's an occasion that everyone remembers.
Task № 2. Emblems.


I. Thistle

The thistle has nothing pleasant in it, especially if you carelessly touch its thorns; But it has an important meaning for the people of Scotland. It is the Scottish national emblem. Scotland is a part of Great Britain.

Why did the Scottish people choose this thorny plant as the national emblem of their country?

The answer is interesting and it can be found in the history of Scotland. The people of Scotland chose the thistle as the national emblem because it saved their land from foreign invaders many years ago.

People say that during a night attack by the invaders the Scottish soldiers were awakened by the shouts of the enemy soldiers as their bare feet touched the thorns of the thistle in the field they were crossing. That was a good reason for choosing the thistle as a national emblem.

II. Exercises

1. Find the English expressions in the text for the following.

Колючее растение, важное значение для…, национальная эмблема, хорошая причина для…, спасти земли, иностранные захватчики, армия врага, ночная атака, босой.

2. Answer the questions.

3. What is the national emblem of Scotland?

4. Why do many people consider thistle an unpleasant plant?

5. Why did the Scottish people choose the thistle as the national emblem?

6. Did they have a good reason for that?

7. What other flowers are the emblems of the parts of Great Britain?


III. Kiwi

Sometimes you can see a living emblem. One of such "emblems" is the kiwi, a very unusual bird found only in some parts of New Zealand. It has no tail, almost no wings, and its nostrils are situated near the end of its bill which in used to find food.

The kiwi lives in thick forests and prefers to spend its time in the dark. Although the kiwi weight only a little over two kilogrammes, it has a very good appetite. It can eat as many as three hundred worms a day, which are its main food.
Task № 3. Match exercises.

Match the country, the patron saints and their days.





St David

March 1st


St Andrew

March 17th


St George

April 23rd


St Patrick

November 30th

Task № 4.


St. Patrick's Day

March 17 is St. Patrick's Day. It's a national Irish holiday. But many people who immigrated to the United States have come from Ireland Today, it is said, Irish descendants in the United States put on a noisier and bigger St. Patrick's Day celebration than the people tn Ireland. Every year on March 17 or the preceding Saturday, cities with large population of Irish Americans have parades. Green is one of the national colors of Ireland and also one of the signs of spring. Green stripes are painted on the streets where the parade will travel. People wear green shirts, ties, hair ribbons and hats. Many American bars even serve green beer on that day!

For some fun you can place your invitation message on shamrocks cut from green construction paper or you could use the one-serving size boxes of cereal and place your invitation message on the back with a large mailing label; then just wrap the boxes and mail them to your guests.

A St. Patrick's Day Party Buffet is fun and easy because just about any kind of food can be tinted green. A more traditional meal of corned beef and cabbage is another option and you can add lots of green side dishes to go along with it. A Blarney Stone surrounded by shamrocks I Leprechaun sitting next to a pot of gold chocolate coins or even an Irish Derby make great centerpieces for a St. Patrick's Day Buffet table. Clear carbonated beverages can be tinted green to fill a punch bowl and mint chocolate chip ice cream makes a great St. Patrick's Day dessert.
Task 5.

А) «People of two nations divided by one language».

What is the American variant for the following English words?

British American









  1. Everyone knows a little Irish. Match the old Irish proverbs and the old English ones.

1. Nil aon tintean mar do thentean fein.

There is no place like home.

2. Is fear rith maith na drochsheasamh.

A good run is better than a bad stand.

  1. Mystery notes. Can you work them out?


Helloimbeatriceimsevenandimastudentatgreenwoodschoolmyfatheriscall edfrankandmymotheriscalledmargaretmumistthirtynineanddadisfortyone

weareafriendlyfamilyweliv einoxfordthisisatownnotfarfromlondon


deartomivejustseenwildwestwingstheyarebrilliantshallisendyouthevideoi tsamazingitsdirectedbyafamousfilmdirectorbutidontrememberhisnameim


Task № 6

  1. Pupils should watch the film's excerpt about «Eating out traditions in the UK» and should say in brief about the traditional English food.


IV. Hot Cross Buns

The first Christians in Rome made hot cross buns two thousand years ago. But now there are Easter traditions in Britain Here's a story about hot cross buns. In 1800 a widow lived in a house in East London Her only son was a sailor and went to sea. Every year she made hot cross buns and kept one for him. He never came back, but she kept a bun for him every year. Then after many years she died. Now her house is a pub. It is called The Widow's Son". For a long time people remembered the widow. Even Easter they put a hot cross bun in a special basket in the pub.

  1. Roast Beef and Yorkshire Pudding

This is the traditional Sunday lunch from Yorkshire in the North of England. It is now popular all over Britain. Yorkshire pudding is not sweet. It's a simple mixture of eggs, flour and milk, but it's delicious.

Two common vegetables with roast beef and Yorkshire pudding are Brussels sprout and carrots. And of course there's always gravy That's thick, brown sauce. You make gravy with juice from the meat.

  1. Haggis

Haggis is a traditional food from Scotland. You make it with meat, onions, flour, salt and pepper. Then you boil it in the skin from a sheep's stomach. In Scotland, people eat haggis on Burns' Night. Robert Burns (the Scots call him "Rabbie" Burns) was a Scottish poet in die 18th century. Even year the Scots all over the world remember him and read his poems.

b) Recite Robert Burns poem «To a Haggis» in Russian version.

  1. To a Haggis

Fair fa' your honest sonsie face,

Great chieftain o'he puddin'-race!

Aboon diem a' ye tak your place,

Pinch tripe, or thairm:

Weel are ye wordy o'a grace

As lang's mv arm.

В тебе я славлю командира

Всех пудингов горячих мира, —

Могучий Хаггис, полный жира

И требухи.

Строчу, пока мне служит лира.

Тебе стихи.

Дородный, плотный, крутобокий.

Ты высишься, как холм далекий.

И под тобой поднос широкий

Чуть не трещит,

Но как твои ласкают соки

Наш аппетит! (С. Маршак)

Task 7.


Make a story using the following words.

Tantaloon Castle. Arthur’s Seat.

Vikingar. The Granite city.

Not far from Glasgow there is one interesting attraction to visit. It is Vikingar. It is the amazing multi-media experience that takes you from the first Vikings raids in Scotland to their defeat at the Battle of Largs This museum is located in the beautiful coastal resort of Largs. In addition to Vikingar this area's Viking's history is celebrated annually at the Largs Viking Festival, which takes place each year in September.

There are a lot of castles in this part of Scotland. One of the largest is Tantaloon Castle. Near Tantallon Castle we can see the Bass Rock. It is a small island, 100 meters high. A long time ago there was a prison on the rock. Now there is a light house, and many thousand birds live on the island.

Now we go west towards Edinburgh. First we can see Arthur's Seat, a hill in the middle of the city. Visitors to Edinburgh like to go up this hill. From the top they can see all the city and the sea and the hills. Arthur's Seat is 1.6 km long. At the top end Scots built the Castle and at the bottom end they built the Palace of Holyroodhouse. Mary Queen of Scots lived in Holyroodhouse for six years from 1561 to 1567.

The Granite City.

Granite is a hard stone and Aberdeen people built their houses with granite. The most famous street is Union Street. It runs from the harbor in a straight line for one mile. Aberdeen has a big harbor. Ships come to Aberdeen from all over Europe. Aberdeen was once famous for fish, but now it is famous for oil.
Task 8.


Read the texts about Great Britain and the USA and find the following expressions in the texts.

  1. Texts

Great Britain

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the UK) occupies the territory of the British Isles. It consists of four main countries which are: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Their capitals are London, Edinburg, Cardiff and Belfast.

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is the official name of the state.

The UK is an island country, it consists of 5,500 islands, large and small. The two main islands are: Great Britain to the east and Ireland to the west. They are separated by the Irish Sea.

The area of the country is 244,100 square kilometers. The UK is situated off the north-west coast of Europe between the Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea. It is separated from the European continent by the English Channel and the Strait of Dover.

The population of the UK is over 57 million people.

The main rivers of Great Britain are the Severn and the Thames. There are many lakes in the northern part of the UK. The largest cities of Great Britain are London, Birmingham, Glasgow, Manchester, Bristol, Edinburgh.

IX. Exercises

Find the following expressions in the text.

Занимать территорию, площадь, островное государство, официальное название, северо-западное побережье Европы, Атлантический океан, Северное море, население, пролив Ла-Манш, Па-де-Кале, основные реки, крупнейшие города, отделен от Европейского континента, квадратные километры, состоять из островов.

The United States of America

The United States of America is one of the biggest countries in the world. It is situated in North America and covers the territory of about 9,364 thousand square kilometers. It borders on Canada in the North, Mexico in the South. It is washed by the Atlantic Ocean in the East, and by the Pacific Ocean in the West. The population of the country is over 220 million people.

The country is divided into fifty states, each of which has its own capital, government, motto. The capital of the whole country is Washington, D C. (District of Columbia). It doesn't belong to any state.

One of the biggest rivers of the world flows through the country. It is the Mississippi river.


Find the following words and expressions in the text.

Одна из крупнейших стран мира, граничит с, не принадлежит, протекать через страну, собственная столица, правительство и девиз, омывается Тихим океаном, на западе, на востоке, на севере, на юге, вся страна, разделена на штаты.

IV. Письмо.


Read the text below. Use the word in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line.


Was Invented in Britain.

It was in Britain that the word "smog" was first used (to describe a

of smoke and fog).

1. mix

As the world's first industrialized country, its cities were the first to

suffer this condition. . 2. Atmosphere

In the 19th century London's "pea soupers" (thick smogs) became

famous through of them in the works of Charles Dickens and in

the Sherlock Homes stories. 3. describe

The situation in London reached its……….point in 1952. 4. bad

At the end of that year a bad smog, which lasted for several

days, caused about 6.000 deaths. 5. particular

V. Аудирование,


Listen first, and then answer the questions about the dialogue «At the baggage claim».

At the baggage claim

Sasha: Excuse me. Are you from America or England? Megan: Neither. We're from different English-speaking countries. My name is Megan. I'm from Ireland. Irish is our official language, but most people speak English.

Sasha: It's nice to meet you. Welcome to Russia. My name is Sasha. I'm from Moscow.

Kevin: Hi, Sasha. My name is Kevin. I'm from New Zealand. And this is

John. He's from Canada. And this is Sally. She's from Australia. The official language in all of our countries is English.

Sasha: It's nice to meet all of you.

Sally: How do you know English so well, Sasha?

Sasha: I've been studying English for two years at school. I also spentlast summer in England and I'm just returning from America. I spent the summer there.

John: Did you have a nice time?

Sasha: Yes. I had a great time there. I saw a lot of interesting places and made a lot of friends. What will you be doing in Russia?

Kevin: We'll be studying Russian and traveling all over Russia.

Megan: We want to learn Russian, because it is also spoken by a lot of people.

Questions for Conversation about the dialogue

At the baggage claim

1. Where is Megan from?

2. Sally is from Australia isn4 she?

3. Why does Sasha know English so well?

4. Has Sasha been studying English for a long time?

5. What are the plans of the foreign tourists?

VI. Домашнее задание. Итог урока.

Учитель: Children, I am pleased with your work today. I will give you only good and excellent marks. Thank you. Today I am not going to give you any homework. Bye. See you.

Завершается урок-конкурс подведением итогов. Можно определить не только команду-победителя, но и самого активного участника, а также отметить участие ребят в отдельных конкурсах.

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Разработка урока английского языка в 3 классе по теме «Рождество» (учебник Биболетовой М. З и др. «Happy english» unit 2)
Урок английского языка в 6 классе по теме: «How different the world is!» iconУрок английского языка в 8-ом классе
Место урока в системе уроков: урок – экскурсия с закреплением речевого и грамматического материала и введением новых лексических...
Урок английского языка в 6 классе по теме: «How different the world is!» iconУрок русского языка и английского языка по теме «Комплексный анализ текста»
Романенко Лариса Владимировна, учитель русского языка и литературы, Лябах Юлия Анатольевна, учитель английского языка моу-сош №28...

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