Программа итоговой аттестации по специальности 031201 «Теория и методика преподавания иностранных языков и культур»

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НазваниеПрограмма итоговой аттестации по специальности 031201 «Теория и методика преподавания иностранных языков и культур»
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Чтение, перевод и интерпретация текста

Для чтения и перевода предлагается отрывок из художественной литературы объёмом до 1000 знаков.
В ходе чтения отрывка выпускник должен продемонстрировать сформированность фонетических (произносительных и ритмико-интонационных) навыков.

При переводе отрывка выпускник должен продемонстрировать следующие умения:

  • распознавать в литературном тексте релевантные речевые средства, лексические единицы и грамматические структуры;

  • извлекать из текста как эксплицитную, так и имплицитную информацию;

  • передавать интегрированный смысл и детали художественного текста высокого уровня содержательной и языковой сложности.

Основной задачей интерпретации является осмысление художественного текста как сложного структурного единства системы взаимодействующих элементов, служащих раскрытию идейно-тематического содержания литературного произведения.

В ходе анализа выпускник должен продемонстрировать следующие умения:

  • демонстрировать понимание текста на уровне различных структур и различать внутреннюю структуру текста;

  • идентифицировать прочитанное с историческими событиями соответствующего исторического этапа;

  • адекватно воспринимать языковые выразительные средства и уметь давать им профессиональную оценку;

  • соотносить содержательные аспекты текста с собственным восприятием мира и рассматривать их с учётом культурного контекста;

  • пользоваться различными моделями лингвистического анализа.

Реферирование газетной статьи
При реферировании текста студент должен продемонстрировать знание лексики соответствующей тематики (внутренняя и внешняя политика, экономика, спорт, театр, проблемы общества и т.д.), а также показать общий кругозор в оценке значимости изображаемого в тексте события или проблемы для современного общества. В структуру ответа входит определение темы и идеи текста, оценка логики его построения, позиции автора, характеристика языка и жанра текста, а также соотношения текстовой и иной визуальной информации (фото, коллаж, шрифт и т.п.).

Программа теоретических вопросов

по дисциплинам лингвистического цикла

для отделения английского и второго иностранного языков

Theoretical Grammar

Теоретическая грамматика английского языка
1. The Categories of Aspect and Tense of the Verb.

The Problem of the Perfect Forms.

The grammatical meaning and grammatical opposition of the categories of aspect, tense and correlation. Cases of neutralization of these categories. The aspect-tense blend view vs the strictly categorial (morphological) approach. The semantic approach to the category of aspect. The categories of development and retrospect. Time and tense. Non-recognition of the grammatical future tense. The categories of primary and prospective time.

2. The Categories of Number and Case of English Nouns.

The grammatical meaning and grammatical opposition of the categories of number and case. Cases of neutralization of the oppositions. Singularia and Pluralia Tantum. Absolute Singular and Absolute Plural. Grammatical number and lexical meaning of nouns compared. Lexicalization of plural forms. Different case theories (limited-case theory, analytical theory, positional case theory, theory of possessive post-position), strong and weak points. The grammatical meaning of the Genitive case form.

3. The Sentence. Classification of Sentences. Types of Sentences.

Basic properties of the sentence. The difference between the word and the sentence. Predicativity and modality. Principles of classification of sentences. One-member and elliptical sentences. Communicative types of sentences. The problem of the exclamatory sentence. Transposition of the communicative type. Actual division of the sentence. IC-analysis of the sentence. Composite sentences. Semi-composite sentences.

4. The Verb as a Part of Speech. The Category of Voice.

The categorial meaning of verbs. Morphological and syntactic properties of verbs. Classification of verbs (finite/non-finite, notional/semi-notional, transitive/intransitive, subjective/objective, terminative/non-terminative, etc.). The grammatical meaning and grammatical opposition of the category of voice. Middle voice, reflexive voice, reciprocal voice (strong and weak points for their recognition).Passive voice forms and compound nominal predicates.
5. The Phrase.

Approaches to the definition of the phrase in foreign and Russian linguistics. Principles of classification of phrases. Syntactic relations between the elements of the phrase (agreement, government, adjoinment, enclosure). Subordinate phrases and their types. Endocentric and exocentric phrases. Binary and multiple phrases. The theory of 3 ranks (O.Jespersen). H.Sweet’s and E.Kruisinga’s theories of the phrase. Phrase-structure grammars.


Лексикология английского языка
6. Etymological Classification of the English Word-stock.

The Problem of Borrowing.

Etymological classification of the vocabulary (native, borrowed, international words, hybrids). The native element of the English vocabulary: Indo-European, Common Germanic and Anglo-Saxon layers. Characteristics of words belonging to the native word-stock. Reasons for borrowing. Types of borrowings. Translation loans, semantic loans. Assimilation. Types of borrowings according to the degree of assimilation. The fate of borrowed words in English.

7. Word-formation. Basic Types.

Morphemes. Free and bound forms. Major and minor types of word-formation in present-day English. Affixation. Classification of affixes. Compounding. The criteria of compounds. Classification of compounds. The “stone wall” problem. Conversion. Total and partial conversion. Productive patterns of conversion.

8. The Systemic Character of the English Vocabulary System.

Synonymy and Antonymy.

English vocabulary as a system. Synonymy and its sources. Classification of synonyms. Semantic contrastives: antonyms and conversives. Classification of antonyms and conversives.

9. The Development of Meaning of the English Word (Semantic Changes).

Linguistic and extra-linguistic causes of semantic changes. Metaphor, typology of metaphors. Metonymy, types of metonymical change. Narrowing, broadening, elevation and degradation of meaning. Other types of semantic change (hyperbole, litotes, etc.).
10. The Structure of Lexical Meaning.

Lexical meaning as a structure. Denotation and signification. Denotation and connotation. The structure of lexical meaning according to M.V.Nikitin: intensional, implicational, extensional part of lexical meaning.

11. The Systemic Character of the English Vocabulary System.

Homonymy and Polysemy.

English vocabulary as a system. Homonymy vs. polysemy. Sources of homonymy. Mechanisms of polysemy. Irradiation and concatenation as types of semantic structure of a polysemantic word.

12. The Theory of the Word.

The problem of definitions: different approaches. Features of a word (indivisibility, positional mobility, wholeformedness, etc.). The size-of-unit problem and the identity-of-unit problem in the English language.

History of English

История английского языка
13. Personal Pronouns in Old English and their Further Development.

Personal pronouns as one of the most ancient group of words in the vocabulary. The origin of OE personal pronouns. Grammatical categories: person, number, case, gender. Tendencies in the development of the category of case.

Changes in the categories of number and case in ME. The reason for lexical replacements in the system of personal pronouns. The appearance of “she” and “they, their, them”, their. Changes origin in the forms of the pronoun of the II person in ENE.

The competition of case forms of the I and III persons in MnE.

14. The Morphological Classification of Verbs in Old English.

Means of building the principal forms as the underlying principle of the classification.

Major groups: strong and weak verbs. Strong verbs their origin. Ablaut as the characteristic feature of strong verbs. 7 classes of strong verbs. Classes 1-5: the signs of classes and types of ablaut. Description of classes 6 and 7. Weak verbs as a Germanic innovation. The origin of the dental suffix. Classes of weak verbs, their stem-building suffixes. Irregular verbs of class 1. Class 2 as the only productive type. Minor groups of verbs: preterite-present verbs their origin and peculiarities; anomalous (suppletive and irregular verbs).
15. The Noun in Old English.

Grammatical categories of the OE noun: gender, number, case. Gender as a classifying (lexico-grammatical) category. Grammatical gender us “real” gender in the groups of animate and inanimate nouns. The system of cases in OE. The problem of the instrumental case. The expression of the category of number.

The system of noun declensions. The factors determining the type of declension. Strong and weak declensions. Productive/inducing and unproductive/noninducing stems. The characteristic features of the productive stems (-a-, -ō-, -n-). Peculiarities of -r-, -s-, root-stems. Homonymy of noun inflections as the sign of the decline of the system.


Стилистика английского языка
16. Stylistic Semaseology and Its Expressive Resources.

Analysis of semantics and use of semantic capacities of a word in stylistic purposes as a problem in Stylistics. The stylistic distinction of the content of a word in terms of denotation and connotation. Types of connotation distinguished: emotive, expressive, evaluative, stylistic, pragmatic, etc. Private and general emotive associations. Dictionary / contextual meaning. General rules and laws of shifts of meaning. Patterns of combination of meanings producing a certain stylistic effect.

17. The Classification of Functional Styles.

Functional perspective in Stylistics and the notion of functional style. General overview of functional style systems. Critical analysis of the criteria suggested for functional classification of styles by I.R.Galperin, Y.M.Skrebnev, I.V.Arnold and other Russian scholars. Sociolinguistic perspective of language variation.

18. Stylistic Stratification of the English Vocabulary System.

Construction of different yet interrelated classifications of the English vocabulary system based on the criteria of historical perspective, territorial restrictions and function (referential use in a particular communication area). The guiding role of confinement of words to various spheres of speech communication, which allows the distinction between stylistically neutral sphere of vocabulary and the two stylistically marked poles of stratification: literary and colloquial strata. Precise description of the above mentioned strata.
19. Norm and the Deviation from the Norm as a Stylistic Factor.

Half-marked Structures and Their Expressive Resources.

The distinction between the norm as an abstract idea and the norm realised in concrete texts. The notion of the literary norm. Admissible and inadmissible variations within the norm. Defeated expectancy principle. The theory of grammatical gradation. Marked, semi-marked and unmarked structures. Half-marked structures as a variety of defeated expectancy.

Theoretical Phonetics

Теоретическая фонетика английского языка
20. The Theory of Phoneme. Phonological Analysis

of English Speech Sounds.

Phoneme theory: the Prague school. N.Trubetskoy, R.Jakobson and their contribution in phonology. The phoneme as a set of distinctive features. Three criteria for classifying phonological oppositions. Privative, gradual and equipollent oppositions. Constant and neutralizable oppositions. The inventory of DFs offered by R. Jakobson, G. Fant and M. Halle. The advantages of the inventory.

Methods of phonological analysis. The aim of phonological analysis. The distributional method. The two laws of phonemic and allophonic distribution. Contrastive distribution. Complementary distribution). Free variations of sounds.

The notion of differential meaning introduced by descriptivists. The drawbacks of the purely distributional method. The semantic method.

Программа теоретических вопросов

по дисциплинам лингвистического цикла

для отделения немецкого и второго иностранного языков

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Государственным образовательным стандартом высшего профессионального образования и примерной программой дисциплины по направлению...
Программа итоговой аттестации по специальности 031201 «Теория и методика преподавания иностранных языков и культур» iconРабочая программа дисциплины опд. Ф. 02. 4 «Теоретическая грамматика»
«Лингвистика и межкультурная коммуникация» специальностей 031201. 65 «Теория и методика преподавания иностранных языков и культур»,...

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