Рабочая программа по дисциплине Иностранный язык (английский)

НазваниеРабочая программа по дисциплине Иностранный язык (английский)
Дата публикации19.02.2015
Размер0.66 Mb.
ТипРабочая программа
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6.1. Контрольные вопросы и задания для проведения текущего контроля

1 курс

  1. In what countries is English spoken as the mother tongue?

  2. Why is it necessary to speak English?

  3. Is if difficult for you to learn English?

  4. What can you say about the English language?

  5. Have you ever visited an English speaking country?

  6. When have people become alarmed with the danger of pollution?

  7. What can environmental pollution cause?

  8. Why is pollution a complicated problem?

  9. What do government and individuals do to reduce pollution?

  10. What pollutes the air we breathe?

  11. What is result of the pollution the atmosphere?

  12. What are the initial steps in this direction?

  13. When does water pollution OCCUR?

  14. Answer multiple choice questions about Tenses in Active Voice.

  15. What problems threaten human lives on the Earth?

  16. What are the most dangerous pollutants?

  17. Can we solve the problem of environmental protection?

  18. What is the main reason for the greenhouse effect and acid rains on our planet?

  19. What can we do to reduce pollution?

  20. Why is environmental protection of a universal concern?

  21. How much time does it take to double the Earth is population?

  1. In what countries is English spoken as the mother tongue?

  2. Why is it necessary to speak English?

  3. Is it difficult for you to learn English?

  4. What can you say about the English language?

  5. Have you ever visited an English speaking country?

  6. When have people become alarmed with the danger of pollution?

  7. What can environmental pollution cause?

  8. Why is pollution a complicated problem?

  9. What do government and individuals do to reduce pollution?

  10. What pollutes the air we breathe?

  11. What is result of the pollution the atmosphere?

  12. What are the initial steps in this direction?

  13. When does water pollution OCCUR?

  14. What problems threaten human lives on the Earth?

  15. What are the most dangerous pollutants?

  16. Can we solve the problem of environmental protection?

  17. What is the main reason for the greenhouse effect and acid rains on our planet?

  18. What can we do to reduce pollution?

  19. Why is environmental protection of a universal concern?

  20. How much time does it take to double the Earth is population Round table discussion.

  21. What means of transport do people use?

  22. How did people travel in the old days?

  23. How do many people like to travel now?

  24. What means of transport do people use in big cities?

  25. What can you tell about London’s underground?

  26. Can you prove that thousands of people travel every day?

  27. How does everybody want to travel?

  28. What is the fastest way of travelling?

  29. What can you say about travelling by train?

  30. Is travelling by sea popular?

  31. What is a voyage?

  32. Can buses take you at any place you wish?

  33. Why do some people prefer travelling by car?

  34. Is travelling on foot popular?

  35. What do you have to do if you feel like traveling

  36. What was your last journey (trip, voyage) like?

  37. Where will you go in summer?

  38. What must visitors of London learn? Why?

  39. What can you get at any ticket office?

  40. What does the word "Underground" show?.

  41. How is the London underground called?

  42. Which stops are marked "Request Stops"?

  43. What will you see inside some buses?

  44. What seats have London buses?

  45. Why must you observe traffic rules?

  46. What are some rules of driving in Britain?

  47. What does typical bus in London look like?

  48. What were the first routs in the US ?

  49. When was the first transcontinental railway constructed ?

  50. What was the length of railroads in 1917 ?

  51. When did air transport start to gain importance ?

  52. How many motor vehicles were registered in US in early 90s ?

  53. What is Amtrak ?

  54. How many passengers did it carry annually in the early 90s ?

  55. In what city of our country was the first Metro opened?

  56. When was the Metro opened?

  57. Did the work of the Metro builders stop in the years of the Great Patriotic War or not?

  58. When did the construction of the belt line begin?

  59. When was the construction of the belt line completed?

  60. What was the overall length of the Metro lines in 1962?

  61. What materials are used to decorate the stations of the Moscow Metro?

  62. What stations have escalators?

  63. What is the speed of the trains in the Metro?

  64. Have you ever been in the Moscow Metro?

  65. In what other cities of our country has the Metro been built?

  66. Do you often take a bus (trolley-bus, taxi, the metro, tram) ?

  67. How do you go to your plant, office or institute?

  68. What does the red light show? And the green light?

  69. Is there much traffic in your town?

  70. From what hour to what hour do the trolley-buses run?

  71. Have you got a bicycle or a motor-cycle, perhaps?

  72. Do you like riding it?

  73. How can you get from your home to the nearest railway station?

  74. How long does it take?

  75. What are the principal traffic rule? for pedestrians?

  76. What vehicles does street traffic consist of?

  77. What do you say to call a taxi?

  78. Which is the busiest street in your town (city)?

  79. What was the capacity of the Gorky Motor Vehicle Plant during the first Five-Year Plans?

  80. What new cars were introduced during the period of the Fourth and Fifth Five-Year Plans?

  81. What is the production of the Kama Motor Vehicle Plant (KamAZ)?

  82. By what is the KamAZ truck characterized?

  83. With what is the Soviet automobile industry preoccupied?

  84. What makes driving the GAZ truck easy?

  85. Is the truck adopted for operation under any climatic and road condition?

  86. What additional conveniences has the GAZ cab?

  87. What makes it ideal for use on farm?

  88. Where is the car designed to work?

  89. Have you ever travelled by steamer? What were your impressions?

  90. What kinds of ships do you know?

  91. What happens to some passengers when the sea is rough?

  92. Have you ever seen a heavy storm?

  93. Where do passengers have their meals?

  94. How long does a ship generally stay at a port of call?

  95. Who takes care of all the needs of the passengers on board?

  96. How can you send a radiogram from on board a ship?

  97. What are the three main parts of a ship?

  98. How can you find out about the weather for the next day?

  99. When a ship sails along a coast during a dark night, how is she directed?

  100. What is carried in holds?

  101. What facilities for passengers are there on board big liners?

  102. When are ships unsteady?

  103. When a ship enters a harbour, where is she generally moored?

  104. Have you ever travelled by plane and if you have, how did you like it?

  105. Is there a non-stop airplane service to Sochi?

  106. How does the ground look from a plane?

  107. In what cases are flights cancelled?

  108. How are passenger planes arranged inside?

  109. For how many passengers is there accomodation on most planes?

  110. What refreshments can you get on board a plane?

  111. How many hours does it take to fly from Moscow to Sochi?

  112. Is it possible to sleep on board a plane?

  113. At what altitudes do jet planes generally fly?

  114. Do they often fly above the clouds?

  115. What does a stewardess do on board a passenger plane?

  116. At what speed do jet planes generally fly?

  117. How many days in advance do you book tickets?

  118. What do some people suffer from when flying

  119. Do you like travelling by railway?

  120. What trains are most convenient for travelling over long distances?

  121. Where do you get information about trains?

  122. Who helps travellers to carry their luggage?

  123. Who takes care of the passengers while they are tra­velling?

  124. Who drives a train?

  125. Where do you have your meals while travelling by railway?

  126. How are trains announced?

  127. Are there through trains from Moscow to Tbilisi?

  128. Where do you go if you want to leave luggage tempor­arily at the station?

  129. What kind of car do you choose if you want to have a good night's sleep?

  130. What do you do while travelling by railway?

  131. How long do trains stop at small wayside stations?

  132. What kinds of locomotives do you know?

  133. What kinds of railway carriages do you know and what is the use of each?

  134. What is the speed of an express train?

6.2. Контрольные вопросы и задания для проведения промежуточной аттестации
Семестровый экзамен по дисциплине учебным планом не предусмотрен.

7. Учебно-методическое и информационное обеспечение дисциплины

Основные источники

Кононенко А.П. Английский язык для среднего профессионального образования: учеб. пособие. - Ростов н/Д: Феникс, 2009

Войковская А.С. Английский язык: учебник для СПО/ А.С. Восковская, Т.А. Карпова. - Ротсов н/Д: Феникс, 2010

Дополнительные источники:

Фенина Н.Г. Английский в монологах: темы для устного экзамена по английскому языку: учеб. пособие/ Н.Г. Фенина, Т.С. Пузанова. - Ростов н/Д: Феникс, 2008
в) программное обеспечение и Интернет-ресурсы

gouhpk.narod.ru/Downloads/informers/nm razr.doc

8. Материально-техническое обеспечение дисциплины
Материально-техническое обеспечение дисциплины включает:

1)  библиотечный фонд ГОУ ВПО «МГТУ»;

2) мультимедийное оборудование для демонстрации наглядного материала во время чтения лекций.

Дополнения и изменения в рабочей программе

за ___2011_____/_2012_______ учебный год

В рабочую программу Иностранный язык
по профессии 190604-31 Автомеханик.
вносятся следующие дополнения и изменения:

Дополнения и изменения внес Басирбиева З.Р. ___________________

Рабочая программа пересмотрена и одобрена на заседании предметной (цикловой) комиссии

иностранных языков


Председатель предметной (цикловой) комиссии __________________ Джанчатова С.К.


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