Учебно-методический комплекс рабочая программа для студентов направления 030900. 68 «Юриспруденция»

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ТипУчебно-методический комплекс
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Таблица 5.









1. Master’s Degree in a Global Education

What does a Master’s Degree Entail? (http://gradschool.about.com/od/choosingaprogram/a/masters.htm)

Applying for the Master’s Degree (motivation letter)

Expressing Arguments “For” and “Against”

Сomparing and contrasting arguments

Discussing and evaluating sources of information

Argumentative Essay Writing “For/Against”

(Practise Writing. Mary Stephens. Longman p.44)

Grant proposal writing (http://www.cpb.org/grants/grantwriting.html)

Words and phrases dealing with Master’s Degree and problems of education.

Tense Revision (Active Voice)

2. Master’s Degree Dissertation. Carrying Out One’s Research.

How to Choose Successful Research for your PhD or Master's Degree (http://www.suite101.com/content/dissertation-and-thesis-topics-a17177)

In a master's degree thesis, is it best to paraphrase or directly quote? (http://www.enotes.com/essay/group/discuss/masters-degree-thesis-best-paraphrase-directl-70297)

A Masters Degree Thesis: How to Complete it successfully

The ways of critical thinking: putting forward hypotheses, supporting arguments

Summarizing the main points of scientific research

Writing a summary

(Плужник И.Л. «English for Academics in Law» рр 68-71)

Resume writing

Words and phrases to discuss the importance of carrying out a research.

Words to talk on research structure

Tense Revision (Passive Voice)

3. Lawyers’ Professional Competencies

Letting the Client Talk: Questioning Techniques (Legal Practice Course Guides, p.8 – 10)

Graduate Recruitment Programme (Introduction to International Legal English, p.14)

Paraphrasing and expressing one’s opinion

Writing letters, faxes and emails ( Oxford Handbook of Legal Correspondence, pp. 7)

Words and phrases dealing with lawyers’ skills


4. Law of Contracts, Company Law, Intellectual Property Law

Introduction to Contract Formation (International Legal English, p.64)

Limited Liability Partnership Bill (International Legal English, p.26)

Business Method Patents (International Legal English, p.152)

Negotiating (International Legal English, p.69)

Forming a business in the UK (International Legal English, p.25)

Informal presentation: a type of a company

Phrases for discussion

Writing an informative memo

(International Legal English, p.70)

Notes for a case brief (International Legal English, p.152)

Words and phrases describing types of contracts, roles in company management, trade mark statutes

Modal Verbs



Course reader (Introduction to International Legal English, p.107)

Practice insights: Family Law” (http://legalcareers.about.com/od/legalspecialties/a/familylaw.htm)

Legal Translation (Introduction to International Legal English, p.107)

Explaining, comparing and contrasting

Participation in a discussion

Writing advice letter from petitioner’s solicitor to client (Oxford Handbook of Legal Correspondence, p.177)

Words and phrases dealing with child custody, divorce, child support, parental rights, property rights

Non-Finite Forms (Participle I,II; Gerund; Infinitive)

6. International Commercial Law

International Law (Introduction to International Legal English, p.94)

Commercial Law (Introduction to International Legal English, p.60)

Profile of a Commercial Lawyer (Introduction to International Legal English, p.62)

CPD seminar on labour law (Introduction to International Legal English, p.98)

Role-play: discussing options

Follow – up letter (Introduction to International Legal English, p.104)

Words and phrases relating to legal instruments, patents, fields, institutions and concepts in commercial law

Grammar Revision

  1. Темы лабораторных работ (Лабораторный практикум).

См. п.5. Содержание дисциплины.

  1. Учебно - методическое обеспечение самостоятельной работы студентов. Оценочные средства для текущего контроля успеваемости, промежуточной аттестации по итогам освоения дисциплины.

Перечень методических рекомендаций, указаний по проведению конкретных видов учебных работ

Название издания


год издания

  1. Плетяго Т.Ю.Обучение различным видам чтения профессионально-направленных иноязычных текстов для студентов экономико-правовых специальностей

Электронный вариант, 2011

  1. Акулина А.Л. Иностранный язык. Обучение переводу типичных лексических и грамматических явлений английского языка

Учебное пособие.

Тюмень: 2010, ТюмГУ

Виды самостоятельной работы студентов при изучении дисциплины

  1. Письменные работы: аргументированное эссе (200-300 слов), аннотация (30-50 слов), комментарий текста (200-250 слов), рецензия (150 слов), реферат (5-10 стр.), деловое письмо (150 слов), заявки на участие в грантах и конференциях (250-300 слов), контрольные работы по пройденным грамматическим темам, составление глоссария по профессиональной и научной тематике (не менее 50 лексических единиц в месяц), профессионально-направленного портфолио (не менее 10 видов различных письменных работ).

  2. Устные работы: подготовка презентаций (устное выступление 8-10 минут), подготовка к ролевым играм, кейс-стади.

При выполнении студентами самостоятельной работы преподаватель осуществляет методическую поддержку и консультирование с использованием программ Skype, ICQ в режиме он-лайн и переписки по электронной почте.
Требования к зачету

  1. Лексико-грамматический тест.

  2. Монологическое высказывание с элементами аргументирования и собеседование с преподавателем по ситуации профессионального характера (20 предложений).

  3. Детализированное чтение и перевод текста профессионального характера со словарем (1 500 п.з.) и ответы на вопросы преподавателя по тексту.

Образцы заданий промежуточного лексико-грамматического теста

  1. Fill in the blanks in the text with the words from the box.

1. Kenneth ______ the firm four years ago and now ______a wide range of clients on information technology, communications, privacy, spam and intellectual property law, ______ them in contentious matters in court.

2. He’s currently _______ a Master’s degree of e-Law at Wolverhampton University.

3. I ______ legal issues relating to information technology, ______ and _______ agreements, and I ________ cases in court.

4. It’s an extremely wide range of work, from _______ software license agreements to ______ privacy and spam law to _______ disputes about copyright ownership.

advise on; advises; advising on; draft; drafting; joined; litigate;

negotiate; representing; resolving; undertaking

5. But I usually spend most of the day ______ documents, ______ agreements, _______ clients and, of course, ______ emails.

6. ______ junior lawyers is also an important part of most days.

7. I spend much of my time ______ scientific and technical documents to ______ in what ways an invention was new and innovative.

8. I _____ and ______ patent applications to ______ patents for the inventor.

answering; determine; drafted; drafting; meeting with; reading and analyzing; reviewing; secure; submitted; supervising

2. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form.

1. This is the most difficult case I ever (have).

2. Yesterday I (work) for six hours and (complete) two reports.

3. I always (want) to be a barrister.

4. Mary (have) a nervous breakdown last year. No one (be) surprised. She (work) much too hard for months.

5. Before she (begin) her university course, Lesley (read) all the books on her first year reading list.
3. Make the derivatives from the words in capitals.
In the English legal system a practicing lawyer must hold one of two 1. PROFESSION qualifications; s/he must either have been. 2. ADMISSION to practice as a solicitor or have been called to the Bar as a barrister. This. 3. DEVIDE of the legal profession is of long standing and each branch has its own. 4. CHARACTER functions as well as a separate 5. GOVERNMENT body and professional rules. The barrister is usually thought of 6. PRIMARY as an advocate, since this is the work in which s/he is most often engaged. Until 1990 s/he had the virtually 7. EXCLUDE right of audience as an advocate before all the superior courts and s/he can also 8. APPEARANCE in the inferior courts. When acting professionally barristers are known as “counsels”. In total there are almost 7000 barristers in practice, a number which is just about small enough to make this branch of the profession a closely-knit unit. This point is 9. SIGNIFICANCE, bearing in mind that the senior judges in the English legal system have, until now been drawn exclusively from the ranks of 10. EXPERIENCE counsel.
4. Read the text and translate the words and phrases in brackets using their equivalents in the box below.

pupil; a high level of trust; requirement; covering a wide area of law; insufficient; closely supervised by an experienced lawyer; competence; preparatory course; articled clerk; Law Society Final examination; Bar Final examination; are subject to standardized examination

Entering the Profession

How does someone become a lawyer? As with doctors and other professionals enjoying (высокая степень доверия) because of the specialized knowledge, lawyers (проходят процедуру стандартного экзамена) and other controls to regulate their (компетентность). In some countries in order to practice as a lawyer it is necessary to get a university degree in law. However, in others, a degree may be (недостаточный); professional examinations must be passed. In Britain, it is not in fact necessary to have a degree, although nowadays most people entering the profession do. The main (требование) is to have passed the (квалификационный экзамен, проводимый Коллегией адвокатов) (for barristers) or the (квалификационный экзамен, проводимый Ассоциацией юристов) (for solicitors). Someone with a university degree in a subject other than law needs first to take a (подготовительный курс). Someone without a degree at all may also prepare for the final examination, but this will take several years. In most countries, lawyers will tell you that the time they spent studying for their law finals was one of the worst periods of their life! This is because an enormous number of procedural rules (охватывающий обширные области права) must be memorized. Even after passing the examination though, a lawyer is not necessarily qualified. A solicitor in England, for example, must spend two years as an (клерк-стажер), during which time his work is (тщательно контролируется опытным юристом), and he must take further courses. A barrister must spend a similar year as a (ученик).
Образцы заданий итогового лексико-грамматического теста

(Final Achievement Test)
1. Choose the correct variant (a, b or c)
1. What matters do solicitors mostly deal with?

a) communicating with other parties, presenting cases in Court of Appeal

b) drawing up documents, communicating with counter parties, presenting cases in magistrates’ courts

c) drawing up contracts, wills, investigating violent and unnatural deaths

2. In what way do solicitors get ready for the Law Society exam?

a) they do everyday junior work at established firms of solicitors

b) they attend lectures at the university

c) they complete a special preparatory course

3. What are barristers allowed to do after they are “called to the bar”?

a) to present cases in Crown court

b) to associate with a senior barrister

c) to “take silk”

4. What particular skill is necessary for barristers?

a) drafting documents

b) negotiating

c) eloquence in public speaking

5. What things ensure judges’ independence from interference of the state or any other party?

a) security in their jobs, early retiring age, high salaries

b) security in their jobs, later retiring age, high salaries

c) security in their jobs, later retiring age, public respect
2. Insert an appropriate form of a modal verb
How to Catch your Man

‘Candidates ¹must not attempt more than four questions.’ The young candidate for the law exam was very well-prepared and ² be told what to do. The results were brilliant. The paper achieved the third highest score out of 7,000 papers! But the examiners were puzzled. Mr. Paul Brett ³………………… achieved such a high score. Then the truth became known. The candidate was not Mr. Paul Brett, as it 4 ……………….. been. His wife had gone instead. Mrs. Alison Brett, a brilliant lawyer, had dressed up as a man. The fraud was discovered because an examiner had noticed that the candidate was visibly pregnant!

3. Translate the questions into English and answer them

1. Какие стороны участвуют в контракте?

2. Что значит «иметь обязательную силу» в отношении контракта?

3. Что считается настоящим предложением?

4. Какими правилами должны руководствоваться подрядчики при составлении контракта?

5. Какое право включает концепцию доверительной собственности?
Образцы тематики монологического высказывания

  1. Speak on the criteria one should keep in mind when choosing a dissertation or a thesis topic?

  2. To be a successful lawyer you need to develop a repertoire of knowledge, skills and attitudes. List these.

  3. What kinds of contracts have you entered into recently? Describe some of the goods and services you have bought or used over the past 48 hours from the legal point of view.

4. How should you prepare for an initial client interview? Describe your steps.

5. What are the basic skills and processes involved in interviewing and advising clients?
Образцы текстов для детализированного чтения
Law of Trusts

A trust is an agreement whereby property is held and controlled by someone on behalf of someone else. A common example of this is where someone dies and leaves money for grandchildren who are too young to deal with it themselves. The money will be held in the name of trustees – for example, the children’s parents. They will be the legal owners of the money and will have the power to invest and make other decisions about it. But they are required to act only in the interests of the children, known as the beneficiaries of the trust, and they must not make any personal profit.The concept of a trust is a creation of the law of equity. It is thus unique to common law countries such as the US and most of the Commonwealth, although many countries, such as Japan have statutes which effectively impose trusts in certain cases. Even though the common law and equitable systems have ling been merged, we still talk about the beneficiaries of a trust having an ‘equitable’ interest in the property, the trustees a ‘legal’ interest.
What Does a Master’s Degree Entail?

Master’s degree programs entail classes, similar to your undergraduate classes. However the classes are usually conducted as seminars, with a great deal of discussion. The professors tend to expect a higher level of analysis in master’s classes than undergraduate classes.

Most master’s degree programs require students to complete a master’s thesis, or an extended research paper. Depending on the field, your master’s thesis may entail conducting a thorough analysis of the literature or a scientific experiment. Some master’s programs offer alternatives to the master’s thesis, such as written comprehensive exams or other written projects that are less rigorous than theses. In service-oriented fields like clinical and counseling psychology, and social work, master’s degrees usually include a practicum or internship in which you learn applied skills like how to perform therapy.
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