Учебное пособие по разговорному английскому языку для студентов всех специальностей неязыкового вуза Омск

НазваниеУчебное пособие по разговорному английскому языку для студентов всех специальностей неязыкового вуза Омск
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ТипУчебное пособие
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42. Answer the questions.

1. What is considered to be the centrepiece of the city?

2. Where is Drama theatre located?

3. Where are the surviving somber buildings of the 18th-century fortress situated?

4. What is the most opulent church in the city?

5. Who initiated the idea of construction of St. Nicholas cathedral?

6. What are the major museums in Omsk?

7. Is Omsk Metro going to be the best one in our country?

Speech practice

43. Choose any attraction of the city, find out photos and tell the class about it.

44. Work with your desk-mate.

Partner 1 Partner 2

45. Make a Power Point presentation of the topic “Omsk”.

Check list to module 6

1. Where is Omsk situated?

2. What makes Omsk an important air gateway to Siberia and the Far East?

3. What was the wooden fort of Omsk erected for?

4. Why do you think Omsk became an administrative centre of Western Siberia in the

19th century?

5. Who headed the “Provisional Government of Russia”?

6. When was Omsk proclaimed as the Capital of Russia?

7. What year was the control taken by the “red” forces?

8. What is considered to be the centrepiece of the city?

9. Where are the surviving somber buildings of the 18th-century fortress situated?

10. What is the most opulent church in the city?

11. What are the major museums in Omsk?

12. Is Omsk Metro going to be the best one in our country?

Module VII

Jobs and occupations
Vocabulary Training
1. Read and remember the following words and word combinations.



occupation, n

profession, n

trade, n

job, n

position, n

post, n

work, n

labour, n

business, n

employ (for), v

apply for, v

make an application

make an appointment

advertise for, v

employee, n

employment, n

unemployed, a

employer, n

be (un)employed

line, n

career, n

promotion, n

curriculum vitae (CV)

vacancy, n

accept, v

take up, v

What are you by profession (by trade)?

What post do you hold?

What business are you in?

What's your line?



at a factory / plant

at a firm / company

at a farm

at a workshop

at a high school

at the police

in an office

in a shop

in a bank

in an assembling department

in a hospital

at a travel agency

-Where do you work? - I work at a candy factory. / I work for Philips.



work shift-work

be on flexi-time

work irregular / long hours

give up work

be on / take maternity leave

be on / take sick leave

take early retirement

turn down, v

reject, v

give up, v

leave, v (job, position)

work half /part / full time

work nine-to-five

be fired

be dismissed

be out of work

get the sack

be made redundant

dismiss from, v

retire, v



salary, n

wages, n

fee, n

payment, n

income, n

profit, n

earn money

make / do money

What's your family income?

How much do you earn (make)?

2. Work as a group and give the names of occupations related to:

  1. teaching;

  2. health care;

  3. law;

  4. industry;

  5. business;

f) management;

g) mass media;

h) science;

i) art;

j) manual work;

k) services;

l) rare jobs.

3. In small groups make a list of jobs which can be described as:
full-time, part-time, temporary, seasonal, prestigious, demanding, challenging, caring, influencing, managerial.
4. Work with your teacher and think of the jobs requiring:
good qualification, rich imagination, an attractive appearance, refine taste, good sense of humour, quick mind, self-discipline, great responsibility, tolerance, special skills (administrative, organizational, etc.).
5. Choose the right word.

  1. What do you ... (do/make) for a living?

  2. Workers are called blue collars and they earn ... (wages /salaries).

  3. Wages in the USA and Europe are paid ... weekly /monthly.

  4. Office clerks are called white collars and they earn ... salaries/fees.

  5. Salaries are paid ... monthly/daily.

6. Payment for particular professional advice or service (private doctors, lawyers, teachers) is called ...fee/profit.

7. I have been ... offered/proposed a job in London. But I haven't been prepared to ... give up / take on that job.

8. A curriculum vitae /autobiography is a brief account of somebody's previous career.
6. Work as a group now and think on the following:

do the hair;

gather crop;

prepare medicines;

build or repair roads;

compose music;

do the painting;

sell meat;

have special knowledge, skill;

do the plumbing;

are in charge of a whole company;

bake bread, buns;

check tickets on a train;

make up computer programmes;

control or give orders to others;

control a business;

preside at a meeting;

fly a plane.

7. Work with your desk-mate and say how quick you can do the following things.

type the letter, print a word document, install a computer program, make coffee, fill in a form, write CV, make a contract, write business letter, buy a present for my co-worker, phone my foreign partner, water flowers in my office.
8. Work as a class and match the following verbs with nouns.

to apply for

to be at

to offer

to dismiss from

to hold

to advertise for

to make

to work



position / post




overtime / shifts


9. Match the following Russian and English word combinations:

work conditions,

work experience,

employment book (record), employment office,

family income,

income tax,

application form,

written request,


be sacked / dismissed;

доход (бюджет) семьи,

заявление (о приеме на работу),

уйти на пенсию,

быть уволенным,

трудовая книжка,

письменная просьба,

трудовой стаж,


условия труда,

подоходный налог.


10. Now scan the information quickly and say what this passage generally is about.
It's important to assess yourself realistically when you look for a job. Look at your experience, your strengths and weaknesses, likes and dislikes and decide. What you are good at, not so good at, what sort of things you want to do and can do. Use all possible sources to help you get careers advice: employment agency; job center; private employment agencies; national and local newspapers; professional or trade newspapers and journals; applications to possible employers; local radio stations and TV; the Internet; friends and relatives.
11. Answer the following questions.
1. Why is it important to assess yourself realistically when you look for a job?

2. What are the possible sources to get careers advice?

3. Have you already thought about your future possible job?

4. Have you had work experience yet?
12. Read the second text carefully and think of the possible title to this text.
If you feel you like the job being advertised or being offered to you make an application. The aim of your application is to get you an interview; the aim of interview is to get you the job. The first thing to do is to draw up a personal information chart - curriculum vitae (CV) or resume. In the field of education or medicine the paper is called CV and in any other field or branch? For example in engineering, it is known as resume. This should contain clearly separated sections, setting out: personal details, education, work experience, computer and language skills, activities and interests and references. Chronological CV is the most common format for an English CV. As for education, you have to put your most recent studies first. Here you don’t go too far back in time or leave any gaps. Your work experience has to be presented in reverse chronological order too, from the most recent job to the most former. Here it is better to give more detail about more relevant experience. Your CV should not be too long, not more than two pages. All the parts of you CV should be clearly presented. Your CV should look attractive and easy to read. Correct spelling and grammar are very important. It is good to make your resume checked by an English person. Finally, do avoid negative descriptions. The curriculum vitae is a means to sell yourself, not to discourage the employer.

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