Vii mezinárodní VĚdecko praktická konference zprávy vědecké ideje

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НазваниеVii mezinárodní VĚdecko praktická konference zprávy vědecké ideje
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27 října - 05 listopadu 2011 roku

Díl 12


Psychologie a sociologie

Hudba a život


Publishing House «Education and Science» s.r.o


Vydáno Publishing House «Education and Science»,

Frýdlanská 15/1314, Praha 8

Spolu s DSP SHID, Berdianskaja 61 Б, Dnepropetrovsk

Materiály VII mezinárodní vědecko - praktická konference

«Zprávy vědecké ideje - 2011». - Díl 12. Pedagogika.

Psychologie a sociologie. Hudba a život:

Praha. Publishing House «Education and Science» s.r.o - 112 stran

Šéfredaktor: Prof. JUDr Zdenĕk Černák

Náměstek hlavního redaktor: Mgr. Alena Pelicánová

Zodpovědný za vydání: Mgr. Jana Štefko

Manažer: Mgr. Helena Žákovská

Technický pracovník: Bc. Kateřina Zahradníčková

VII sběrné nádobě obsahují materiály mezinárodní vědecko - praktická

konference «Zprávy vědecké ideje» (27 října - 05 listopadu 2011 roku)

po sekcích «Pedagogika». «Psychologie a sociologie». «Hudba a život»

Pro studentů, aspirantů a vědeckých pracovníků

Cena 270 Kč

ISBN 978-966-8736-05-6 Kolektiv autorů, 2011

Publishing house «Education and Science» s.r.o.

Materiály VII mezinárodní vědecko-praktická konference



Бокенчина М.К., Жиенбаева Н.Б. К вопросу о психологической

сущности переговорного процесса как деятельности в особых условиях .......... 52

Крымова Е.Ю. Влияние эндорфинов на организм .............................................. 57

Садыкова С.З. Цвет и психические процессы ...................................................... 60

Барсегян К.Р. Принцип вежливости в речевом общении.................................... 64


Zhubanizarova N.S. The influence of awareness of mans’ relationship

to intra-group processes............................................................................................... 66


Бочкарева Е.Н., Ханнанова Т.Р. Морально-психологическая

мотивация труда муниципальных служащих......................................................... 70


Асылбекова Л.У., Тапалова О.Б. Состояние и пути развития

проблем профессионального психологического отбора военнослужащих ........ 73


Шустова Н.Е., Карина О.В., Киселева М.А. Психическая саморегуляция

как фактор успешности подготовки спортсменов к соревнованиям ................... 78

Корягина Н.А. Professional development in business: gender aspects ................... 80


Халикова С.С. Мониторинг здоровья студентов

как необходимое условие здоровьесберегающей деятельности вузов................ 85

Гасанова Л. А. Исследование Интернет-зависимости

среди студентов Курганского государственного колледжа.................................. 90


Калдаре В.П. Российские традиции в кадровом менеджменте........................... 94

Дедов А.М. Особенности креативности у менеджеров

с высоким уровнем мотивации достижения........................................................... 97



Гарипова Н.М. Трансляция музыкального смысла как педагогическая проблема ....102

Добровольская Л.В. Практика современного школьного музыкального

образования в Казахстане и казахские национальные традиции ....................... 106

Materiály VII mezinárodní vědecko-praktická konference



К.п.н. Корягина Н.А.

Национальный исследовательский университет «Высшая школа экономики»,




Life of modern person is the rapid succession of events, responsibilities, problems

and other things which have become an integral past of our everyday activity.

Many economic, political, cultural peculiarities of our dynamic and busy life are constantly

putting stable internal representation of a human being to the test; and, consequently,

they raise the question of identity. All this makes scientists theoretically realize

the process of personal self-determination in the society [5, 8]. This selfdetermination

can be expressed both in physical, intellectual and moral terms (personal

identity), and in terms of self-association with a certain social group (social

identity) [2, 181].

Methodological bases of a psychological approach the problem of selfdetermination

study were founded by S.L. Rubinstein. He investigated problem of

professional determination in the context of determination problem, in the light of his

principle – external causes work through the internal conditions [7,9].

Vocational determination is realizing the level of one’s own professional abilities,

the structure of professional knowledge incentives and skills; understanding their

compliance with the claims laid by the activity a person; experiencing that compliance

as satisfaction with a chosen occupation [7].

Nowadays many scientists consider that the demand for socially and psychologically

developed personnel is increasing in the modern society. The emphasis here

put on leaders and businessmen, not just on mere employers. In psychology the guest

ions concerning personality formation of a businessman, his live values, the specificity

of choosing the direction of professional growth, and also the factors influencing a

person’s entering the world of business are poorly investigated. These issues are included

in the problematics of personality determination in business; however, they

are considered fragmentarily and do not allow seeing the integrity of ways, forms and

directions suitable for personality activity [5].

According to N.L. Ivanova’s study (2009), while assisting a personality to adapt

in business environment, it is necessary to impact the ways of personal activity of

self-determination in business. The mechanism of self-determination as a process is

searching new qualities of a person who appears in a problematic situation, taking

decisions about oneself or one’s place in the environment, when previous notions turn

out to be inappropriate for the situation [5].

Personality self-determination in business is accompanied by learning standards,

rules, values and other aspects of community that a businessman belongs to. At the

«same time a person realizes the idea about his professionally important qualities,

abilities and other characteristics providing professionalisation. Practically all the

professional development theories aim at predicting as follows: professional choice,

career plans, reality of professional achievements, peculiarities of professional behavior

at work, satisfaction from professional labor, efficiency of educational behavior of

a personality, stability or change of a work place, profession.

Business as social and vocational environment of personality development is

only a part of psychological investigations objective area; that is why, the problem of

personality self-determination in business is not studied thoroughly. Considering

business as activity and social environment lets scientists make psychological analysis

of a businesslike personality more properly [3; 4]. The necessity of investigating

management gender aspects is determined by active women joining the management

process of economy and appearing a new social group of «business women». For

Russia gender problems in economy, particularly, the participation of women in management,

are rather actual. During the 20th century professional employment of

women grew rapidly. They actively took part in all spheres of activity including management


A gender aspect is a function of objective and subjective phenomena of different

levels/ These phenomena are reflected in a role behavior of a personality of professional

self-determination [6].

There are the following gender aspects: the role of gender as a system of relative

personality behavior in professional self-determination and his/her interaction in the

social environment; the role of gender as a system of specific expectations in relation

to a personality status; that is, his/her understanding the model of behavior while

choosing a profession [8].

The role of gender is often related to the type of role prescription as a factor of

gender stereotypes. Gender stereotypes, existing in a society, have a great influence

on a process of socialization and professional self-determination of a personality [8].

One of the bases for traditional gender stereotype formation on professional selfdetermination

is division of labor according to sex character. The main criterion in

this division is a biological ability of a woman to bear a child. The important role in

approval of a gender stereotype about social roles fixedness, depending on a sex

character, belongs to Talkota Parson and Robert Bails mutual gender complementarily

concept. They studied gender differentiation in a structural-functional scheme [9].

Traditional gender stereotypes impede the process of personality professional

self-determination. According to Sandro Bem and Y. Plek’s androgyny concept there

isn’t only a male or a female role. Otherwise, it may lead to the dissonance of traditional

gender role behavior and idea of social role prescription [9].

So, the influence of gender aspects on professional personality selfdetermination

is not only a process of personality self-actualization, but a choice of a

life course too. It is also interconnection of a personality with social environment and

the gaining of personal social experience.

Activization of gender research was seen in the middle of the previous century;

to a great extent, owing to feminist movement and to discussion of women discrimination

issues, including a professional area.

The actuality of the problem consists in the following: on the one hand, professional

self-determination and personality self-realization in business is the result of

influencing many interconnected external and internal factors where gender is a past

of the system. On the other hand, entering business environment and further professional

activity may impact gender identification models, gender identity and social

models of personality behavior accordingly, for example, styles of leadership.

The novelty of our research is in investigating theoretical and practical questions

of personality self-determination in business according to a gender aspect.

Gender is a complicated system of biological, personal and environmental determinants;

that is why, it should be considered in professional personality selfdetermination.

In surveys there are very few researches about the influence of the activity itself

on gender development and gender identity, especially of a longitudinal nature. Investigations

are more often about the defection of differences in occupational interest

male and female pattern, in professional effectiveness, career, leadership [10]. There

is a necessity in a deep study of the problem whether gender types and the process of

professional self-determination are interconnected. If yes, how. It is important to understand

what is dominant in this process and what influences the change of masculine-

feminine gender stereotypes: sex assignment or a chosen occupation. It is important

to identity how far these interconnections are measurable and whether they reflect

the changes in self-image and gender roles. We consider that just gender aspect

gives the opportunity to see the peculiarities of value meaningful sphere of male and

female leadership personality, and also to understand the extent of personal responsibility

for one’s vital plans and prospects. There are some data according to which it is

possible to point out different styles of women and men leadership, different ways of

negotiating and other features, connected with the influence of management activity

on a gender personality development. All in all, nowadays, the gender aspect of selfdetermination

in business is not studied well enough.

The aim of our study is: 1) detecting the factors which influence professional

self-determination in business; 2) establishing the connection between gender and the

process of self-determination in business environment.

The object of investigation is professional self-determination and management

activity in a gender aspect.

The subject of the research is the problem of professional personality selfdetermination

in business. Gender aspect.

The methods of research organizing are as follows:

1) theoretical study analysis of professional self-determination and gender

identity problems;

2) testing techniques:

- techniques of studying structure and matter of identity: «Selfdescription

of sex roles» S. Bam (BSRT), the technique called «Who

am I?» of T. Macpartland – M. Koon;

- test-questionnaire of interpersonal relations diagnostics of T. Liry in a

modified version of L.N. Sobchik;

- techniques of investigating the level of professional self-determination:

«Questionnaire of professional preferences» of G. Holland, personal


- techniques of studying personal make-up: multifactorial personality

questionnaire of R. Kettel;

3) comparative analysis of the indexes based on test measurement of men

and women having their own business or occupying a leading position.

There was a sample group of 64 testees at the age from 30 up to 56.

Relying on the conducted research, we can suppose that professional selfdetermination

to a greater extent depends on external (favourable) conditions; while

personality self-determination depends on a person himself. It is worth mentioning

that often just negative environmental conditions let somebody show his/her worth;

and, consequently, stand out, be flexible and creative while solving problems.

Gender identity coinciding with biological and psychological sex character contributes

to successful professional self-determination. Vague gender identity, low differentiation

of sex reference bring down the influence of gender identity as a mechanism

which impacts the choice of values, professional self-determination.

Personality male and female characteristics, revealed while defining selfactualization,

are correlative with a traditional description of man and woman and

they do not change in the process of their professional formation. Besides, knowledge

and applying one’s specific personality peculiarities by both sexes enable more effective

mastering management activity.

In the process of male and female professionalization managers integrate different

ideas: while forming professionally there appears congruence of personality professional


For example, in Avdulova’s research it is stated that for women, while professionally

self-determination, the main thing is socio-psychological aspect but for men

it is active-professional aspect. Even fulfilling the same professional activity men and

women treat it differently. While planning their own career women are more often

concentrated on a current state of affairs, but not on a long-term perspective of development

[10]. Moreover, the author asserts that in the process of numerous investigations

it became evident that men and women have far more similar qualities than different

ones. Many of really existing differences may be changed in the course of education,

after changing one’s tenor of life and social expectations. During society development

the traditional notion is becoming vague while hidden women discrimination

is obvious.

To sum it up, the following conclusion can be made: when choosing the style of

leadership both men and women show really different models of business strategies

which are based not on the gender-role peculiarities but on the demands for effectiveness.

For all this it is necessary to search for models of combining male and female

leadership types while running a firm.

Juxtaposing the data acquired in the process of analyzing effectiveness of male

and female leadership lets us claim that, a successful man is more «effective» in setting

organizational goals and in a leadership quality parameter.

On the other hand, a woman is more «effective» in the sphere of personnel motivating,

communicating and decision-making. For alternatives analysis she derives

benefit from knowledge and staff potential. As for control, men and women exercise

it equally successfully. The conclusion suggests itself: potentials of man-leader and

woman-leader advantages are mutually complementary.


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