Санкт-Петербургский колледж управления и экономики «Александровский лицей» Курбангалеева Т. Н. Практика устной речи

НазваниеСанкт-Петербургский колледж управления и экономики «Александровский лицей» Курбангалеева Т. Н. Практика устной речи
Дата публикации04.07.2013
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Study the lexis.

convey – передавать, сообщать

provide information – предоставлять информацию

urgent message – срочное сообщение

get/receive information – получать информацию

get/receive letters from – получать письма от

reply to letters – отвечать на письма

send telegrams – отправлять телеграммы

make telephone calls – совершать телефонные звонки

share information with – делиться информацией с

share one’s experience with – делиться опытом с

attendant – помощник

exchange information with – обмениваться информацией с

transmit – передавать

send a message – отправлять сообщение

get/receive a message – получить сообщение

give feedback – реагировать

sender – отправитель

receiver – получатель

essential – необходимый, важный

subject matter – тема, предмет обсуждения

response – ответ

means of communication – средство связи

verbal communication – вербальное общение

non-verbal communication – невербальное общение

memo (сокр.от memorandum) – заметка, записка

circular – рекламная рассылка

aural ['ɔːr(ə)l] – слуховой, акустический

effective communication – эффективное общение

facilitate smth. – способствовать чему-л.

induce smth. – стимулировать что-либо

prompt action – быстрая реакция

private courier – курьер

postal – почтовый

telegraph office – телеграф

ordinary telegram – простая телеграмма

express telegram – срочная телеграмма

cablegram – каблограмма (телеграмма, передающаяся по подводному кабелю)

phonogram – телефонограмма

telecom service – телекоммуникационные услуги

automatic switchboard – автоматический коммутатор

fixed line telephone – стационарный телефон

telex – телекс

teleprinter – телетайп

facsimile [fæk'sɪm(ə)lɪ] – система факсимильной связи; факсимильный

device – приспособление, прибор

replica ['replɪkə] – точная копия

simultaneous [,sɪm(ə)l'teɪnɪəs] – одновременный, синхронный

fade away – выцвести

voice mail – голосовая почта

pager – пейджер

one-way communication – односторонняя/однонаправленная связь

teleconferencing – телеконференция, телеконференцсвязь

audio-conferencing – аудиоконференцсвязь

video-conferencing – видеоконференцсвязь

instant transmission – быстрая передача (данных)

short messaging service (SMS) – смс

incoming phone calls – входящие звонки

outcoming phone calls – исходящие звонки

Read the articles and then complete the tasks below them.


Every day you talk to the members of your family, friends and relatives on variousmatters. You receive letters from your friends and relatives on different occasions.You also reply to their letters. Sometimes to convey urgent message you send telegrams or make telephone calls. In this process you are able to share the information with others. Similarly they also share their experiences with you. You must have observed that in an office the officer rings a bell to call the attendant; people stop their vehicle at road-crossings after looking to the red light of the traffic signal and then start moving after seeing the green light. Through this some message is conveyed and understood even without speaking or writing. All these activities of sharing or exchanging information, ideas and experiences between two or more people are known as communication. Communication may be defined as “A process of sharing facts, ideas, opinions, thoughts and information through speech, writing, gestures or symbols between two or more people”. This process of communication always contains messages, which are to be transmitted between the parties. There are two parties - one is ‘Sender’, who sends the message and the other ‘Receiver’, who receives it. Generally the process of communication is said to be complete when the receiver understands the message and gives the feedback or response. At road-crossings red light of the traffic signal sends the message to stop the vehicle. When people stop their vehicles by seeing the red light, it is the feedback or response. This feedback may be in any form. Even while talking to your friend ‘nodding your head’ is treated as feedback. Thus, feedback becomes an essential element in the process of communication along with message, sender and receiver. Hence ‘Communication Process’ includes the following elements:

Sender – The person who sends the message, also known as the source.

Receiver – The person who receives the message.

Message – Subject matter of communication. It may contain facts, ideas, feelings or thoughts.

Feedback – Receiver’s response or reaction or reply to the message, which is directed towards the sender.

For sending the message to the receiver or getting the feedback from the receiver we need a medium, which is called as a medium or means of communication. It carries the message to the receiver and brings the feedback from the receiver.

Types of Communication

When we talk to others or write to them, communication takes place between us. But for such communication, language is essential. Communication with the help of words is known as verbal communication. Similarly when we meet our friends, we shake our hand with them. This also conveys some meaning. This is an example of non-verbal communication.

Communication without any use of words is called non-verbal communication. Let us know further about these two. Verbal communication is made through words, either spoken or written. Communication through spoken words is known as oral communication, which may be in the form of lectures, meetings, group discussions, conferences, telephonic conversations, radio message etc. In written communication, message is transmitted through written words in the form of letters, memos, circulars, notices, reports, manuals, magazines, handbooks, etc.

Non-verbal communication may be ‘Visual’, ‘Aural’ or ‘Gestural’. Sometimes you look into some pictures, graphs, symbols, diagrams etc. and some message is conveyed to you. All these are different forms of visual communication. For example, the traffic policeman showing the stop sign, a teacher showing a chart of different animals are visual communication. Bells, whistles, buzzers, horns etc. are also the instruments through which we can communicate our message. Communication with the help of these types of sounds is called 'aural' communication. For example, the bell used in schools and colleges to inform students and teachers about the beginning or end of periods, siren used in factories to inform the change of work–shift of the workers are examples of aural communication. Communication through the use of various parts of the human body, or through body language is termed as gestural communication. Saluting our national flag, motionless position during the singing national anthem, waving hands, nodding head, showing anger on face, etc. are examples of gestural communication.

Types of Communication








Communication in Business

Business people share their business information with employees, suppliers, customers, distributers, Government, banks, insurance companies, etc. Sharing information regarding business activities and their results is known as business communication. Business commuication plays a very important role in the success of any business enterprise. Let us discuss the importance of communication in business. i. Business communication helps provide information to the customers regarding the products and services of the business organization. ii. Effective communication facilitates quick-decision making. In today’s world of competition, quick-decisions are necessary. Proper Communication saves times, reduces wastage and cost and induces prompt action. iii. Proper communication helps businesspeople manage business affairs more efficiently. If the right type of information is made available at the right time through proper communication then the management can utilize it in the best possible manner. iv. In any organisation where communication is proper, employees are motivated to work more because their complaints, suggestions and grievances are taken care of properly. v. In every field, technology is continuously changing. Proper communication places a businessperson in a better position to improve his products, relationship with employers, customers and others.

Means of Communication

There are various ways through which we communicate with each other. These may be called as the means of communication. In face-to-face contact we use different parts of our body or we directly talk to others while communicating our message. Where face-to-face communication is not possible, we take the help of some other means through which we usually convey our messages. For example, we may use letters to convey written messages; talk to others over telephones; send telegrams and use various other modern machines like computers, fax machine, etc. to communicate our messages. The means to be used in our communication process depend upon the purpose of communication. For example, to send any urgent message we generally use telephone; for any important matter for which a written document is required, we use letter, telegram, fax, etc. Now-a-days modern technology has given us a wide option to choose the means according to our requirement and liking. Let us discuss some of the important means of communication commonly used in business.


Letters are a written form of communication. These can be sent or received by individuals or organisations. Written messages in the form of letters can be delivered to the receivers through special messenger, post offices or private couriers. This method is mostly used where face-to-face communication is difficult or other means are not easily available. It helps in keeping a record of the communication. The cost involved is low in this means of communication.


It is also a form of written communication by which messages can be sent quickly to distant places. It is generally used when there is an urgency of communicating any important message. It transmits message much faster than ordinary postal mail. This facility is available in all telegraph offices, where on payment of specific fee, we send our message. Charges are payable on the basis of number of words used in writing the message including the address of the receiver and sender’s name. Hence, telegraphic messages are written in brief. Telegrams can be sent as ordinary or express. Express telegrams travel faster than ordinary telegram, for which extra charge is to be paid. To send telegrams to foreign countries cablegrams are used. Telegrams can also be sent by using telephone, which is called as phonogram. Here by ringing up the telegraph office through a telephone, the message can be recorded and later the telegraph office transmits the message to the receiver.


Telephone is a very popular form of oral communication. It is widely used for internal and external business communications. Long distance communication is facilitated by STD (Subscriber Trunk Dialing) while international communication can be made through ISD (International Subscriber Dialing) facilities. Both government and private agencies provide telecom services. Telephone is mostly preferred as it helps establish instant communication. In business firms as well as government and private offices automatic switchboards known as private automatic branch exchange (PABX) are installed to facilitate internal as well as external communication. Now-a-days mobile phones are very popular as they give an access to the receiver at any time, anywhere. This is an improvement over the fixed line telephone. It possesses many modern features like Short Messaging Services (SMS), Multi Media Messaging Services (MMS) etc., by using which written messages can be sent to the receivers. SMS sends only text. MMS sends pictures, sound and text. Both private and government organizations provide this service.


Telex provides a means of printed communication using teleprinter. Teleprinters are machines installed at different places which are connected to a central exchange through cable. In each machine a standard keyboard is fitted. Any message typed by using those keyboards at one end is automatically typed at the other end. Hence instant transmission is possible.


Fax or facsimile is an electronic device that enables instant transmission of any matter, which may be handwritten or printed like letters, diagrams, graphs, sketches, etc. By using telephone lines this machine sends the exact copy of the document to another fax machine at the receiving end. For sending any message the documents on which message, diagram or drawing is typed or drawn has to be put in the fax machine and the fax number (a telephone number) of the other party has to be dialed. Then the fax machine at the receiving end will instantly produce the replica of the matter. This is the most commonly used means of written communication in business. The main advantages of Fax system are easy operation, instant transmission of handwritten or printed matters over any distance, simultaneous transmission to two or more receivers, etc. The machine also records each transaction of communication. The only limitation is that fax machines accept document up to a standard size. Again, as a usual practice, a copy of the same document is sent to the receiver through post for their record. The receiver at the other end also makes a photocopy of the document immediately after receiving the message through fax machine, because there may be chances that the ink used by the machine may fade away after some time.


Electronic mail, popularly known as e-mail is a modern means of communication. The system makes use of electronic methods of transmitting and receiving information. In this case individuals, through the internet, open an e-mail account in their name from any ISP (Internet Service Provider). Then letters, messages, pictures or sounds can be sent through their computer to the e-mail accounts of other individuals. Whenever the other person will access his e-mail account he receives the message. The information is communicated audio visually and the process is extremely fast. This method is gaining popularity with increased use of internet among the users.

Voice Mail:

It is a computer-based system for receiving and responding to incoming telephone calls. It records and stores telephone messages through computer memory. The caller can get the required information by dialing the voice mail number and then following the instructions of the computer. The individuals can also record their messages through voice mail. The receivers at their own convenience can get the message from the machines and take action accordingly.


This is an instrument which can be used to receive any short messages from the sender at any time. Within a limited area if any body wants to send any message to a person who does not have any fixed work place or s/he is in motion, then the message can be sent through pager. The sender dials a telephone number and gives his message orally to the company operating the pager service. This message is transmitted by the company to the person possessing the pager. The message travels through air in the form of electronic signal, which is converted into written message through pager. By reading that message the receiver will take action immediately. It is a system of one-way communication, which means, the receiver can only receive the message but cannot send any message through this machine.


Conference generally refers to a meeting of people for consultation or discussion regarding any common issues. Here people sit together and interact face to face with each other. But, teleconferencing is a system through which people interact with each other without physically sitting in front of others. People can hear the voice and see the picture of others and also respond to their queries even if sitting in different countries. It requires the use of modern electronic devices like telephone, computers, television etc. For every teleconferencing a central controlling unit is required that facilitate the entire process of communication. There are two different types of teleconferencing: audio-conferencing and videoconferencing. Let us know more about them.

Audio-conferencing - It is a two-way audio communication system in which the participants listen to the voice and respond immediately sitting at different places. People may listen to the voice through radio or television and put their queries by using telephone.

Video-conferencing - Besides listening to the voice, the participants of the conference can also see the picture of each other while talking themselves. This is called video-conferencing. There are two different types of video conferencing process.

i. One-way video and two-way audio: In this system, the participants can listen to the voice and see the picture of the people sitting at the studio. The audience maintains a contact with the studio through telephone and the people at the studio listen to the voice of the participants.

ii. Both way audio and video: Here participants at both ends i.e., studio as well as audience end, are able to listen to the voice and see the picture of each other while talking amongst themselves.
Complete the following tasks.

  1. Define 'communication' in about 20 words.

  2. Name four elements of the communication process.

  3. What is meant by Business Communication?

  4. “Letters are the best means of communication”. Do you agree with this statement? Give reasons.

  5. Give a short description of Voice Mail.

  6. Explain the meaning of 'verbal communication'.

  7. Give any four points highlighting importance of communication in business.

  8. “Telephone is a very popular form of oral communication”. Do you agree? Give reasons.

  9. Differentiate between Verbal and Non-Verbal communication.

  10. Explain the meaning of communication and its process.

  11. Discuss the importance of communication in business.

  12. State the different types of Non-verbal communication.

  13. “E-mail is the fastest method of transmitting written messages”. Explain.

  14. You are an exporter and you want to mail an exact copy of a quotation to an importer in USA. Which means of communication would you use and why?

Complete the table, then using it tell about the advantages and disadvantages of different means of communication.
The advantages and disadvantages of different means of communication.

means of communication









Voice Mail





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