Санкт-Петербургский колледж управления и экономики «Александровский лицей» Курбангалеева Т. Н. Практика устной речи

НазваниеСанкт-Петербургский колледж управления и экономики «Александровский лицей» Курбангалеева Т. Н. Практика устной речи
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8.3. Environmental Organizations and Agencies

Study the lexis before you read the article.

environmental organization/agency – природоохранная организация

conservation organization – природоохранная организация

fight for the preservation of – бороться за сохранение чего-л

earth’s biological diversity – разнообразие форм жизни на земле

to achieve its mission – выполнить свою миссию

go strong – не сдаваться, держаться, сохранять силу

biocentric – "биоцентрический", рассматривающий живую природу как главную ценность

nuclear testing – испытания ядерного оружия

whaling – охота на китов, китобойный промысел

grass-roots efforts – попытки простых людей/ широких масс

indigenous peoples – коренные народы

savvy – смекалистый, сообразительный

stigmatize – клеймить позором, позорить

conservation projects – комплекс мероприятий по охране природы

cesspool of untreated sewage – выгребная яма для неочищенных сточных вод

mitigation – уменьшение/смягчение отрицательных последствий

urban park – городской парк

Read the article and complete the tasks below it.

Green Activism

World Wildlife Fund

The iconic panda logo has made the WWF instantly recognizable to many people around the world. With 5 million members internationally and over 1.2 million in the States, this 45-year-old wildlife defense organization is going strong. Strongly promoting an emphasis on science, the WWF works to preserve nature and its creatures. From the organization’s website: “We are committed to reversing the degradation of our planet’s natural environment and to building a future in which human needs are met in harmony with nature. We recognize the critical relevance of human numbers, poverty and consumption patterns to meeting these goals.”


Famously unapologetic, EarthFirst! came to national prominence in the 1990s. EarthFirst! is a little different. There’s no slick website. There’s no bureacracy. There are no members. They welcome any and all. The entire premise of this biocentric “movement” as it calls itself is to foster direct action. Founded in 1979 out of disgust at corporate environmentalism and “namby pamby” green action, EarthFirst!ers have famously gotten involved in green issues directly, sometimes breaking the law. Calling itself a priority, not an organization, the website explains: “Earth First! has survived attacks by moderates, would-be leaders and the agents of the system, remaining the most diverse, passionate, committed, and uncompromising group of environmental activists. Our direct actions in defense of the last wild places only seem radical compared to an entire paradigm of denial and control, where the individual is convinced they are powerless, and the organizations set up to protect the wilderness continue to bargain it away.”


Greenpeace began in 1971 when a group of activists put themselves directly in harm’s way in order to protest nuclear testing off the coast of Alaska. Believing that concerted action from ordinary people is the best way – according to their signature quote from Margaret Mead, the only way – the organization has helped to stop whaling, nuclear testing, as well as leading efforts to protect Antarctica. Over 2.5 million members worldwide.

National Wildlife Federation

The National Wildlife Federation is dedicated to preserving animals in the United States and works with local agencies in the 48 contiguous states. It is one of the largest environmental organizations, with over 4 million members participating in grass-roots efforts on a variety of wildlife issues. The organization was actually founded by a cartoonist named Jay Darling (aka “Ding” Darling) in 1936 at the behest of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC)

According to the official website: “The Natural Resources Defense Council works to protect wildlife and wild places and to ensure a healthy environment for all life on earth.” The NRDC combines hundreds of active lawyers with over 1.2 million members to create direct and legislative change. The focus is on preventing climate change and saving endangered species, among other goals.

1% For The Planet

If you’ve shopped for anything organic or sustainable you’ve likely seen the 1% logo. With nearly 1,000 firms and companies now participating, 1% is helping corporate interests green their bottom lines by giving back to environmental causes. It’s a meaningful start.

Forest Stewardship Council

Certification from the FSC is essential for a green retailer to have genuine “eco cred”. Environmental labels and certifications are not globally standardized, but FSC is one you can trust. This non-governmental nonprofit was established to protect forests. Located in 46 countries, the FSC helps companies, governments and communities with proper forest management and accredidation. Though there are many certifications in the green world, the FSC is the only one that:

prohibits conversion of natural forests or other habitat around the world

prohibits the use of highly hazardous pesticides around the world

prohibits the cultivation of genetically modified trees (GMOs)

respects the right of indigenous peoples around the world

controls each certified operation at least once a year – and if they are found not to comply, the certificate is withdrawn.

Rainforest Action Network

The relatively new Rainforest Action Network (RAN) is lauded by various media organizations as being incredibly savvy. Based in San Francisco and Tokyo, the 43 employees and thousands of members create memorable and often stigmatizing (when necessary) marketing campaigns to get corporations to clean up their acts. When companies like Home Depot and Citigroup make positive changes that better the environment, RAN is quick to give praise – but never scared to dish out harsh critique.

The Nature Conservancy

Since its inception in 1951 the Nature Conservancy has dedicated itself to saving lands and waters. With over 117 million acres sustained, 5,000 miles of rivers kept clean, and hundreds of marine conservation projects, the Nature Conservancy is one of the most successful and effective green organizations in existence. The science-based approach (they have 700 scientists on staff) is used in all conservation efforts around the world.

Environmental Defense Fund

The Environmental Defense Fund was started in 1967 and works with corporations and government to create environmental programs, initiatives and policy. Areas the EDF seeks to address: using “strong science” to affect markets, laws and corporate partnerships. EDF has received numerous top awards from media and charity evaluators.

Earth Liberation Front

Famously activist, the ELF (or Elves) organization is an anonymous, independent and mysterious environmentalist group promoting civil disobedience and economic sabotage. Numerous cases of arson, SUV bombing, and other “extreme” actions have earned the ELF environmentalists a militant reputation. They maintain no office or press contacts and many environmentalists have been keen to distance themselves from the Elf. Some key quotes from one of the de facto leaders:

“There are over six billion people on this planet of which almost a third are either starving, or living in poverty. Building homes for the wealthy should not even be a priority. Forests, farms and wetlands are being replaced with a sea of houses, green chemical lawns, blacktop, and roadkill. Farmland is being bought out by land developers because of their inability to compete with cheap corporate, genetically-engineered, pesticide saturated food. The time has come to decide what is more important: the planet and the health of its population or the profits of those who destroy it.”

Association of Environmental Professionals

A must for anyone working in green, the Association of Environmental Professionals is the leading industry organization for environmental professionals. The non-profit aims to connect those working in green collar jobs, environmental technology and media and other sectors in order to foster improved skills, share resources and build relationships.

National Geographic Society

Celebrating its 120th year, the iconic and beloved National Geographic Society is one of the largest, most well-funded and most prominent environmental organizations. Focusing on science-based research and general interest as well as conservation efforts, Nat Geo is decidedly environmentalist without that being the overt thrust of the organization, choosing instead to celebrate amazing wonders of the earth and its creatures. Its mission: “Since 1888, we’ve traveled the Earth, sharing its amazing stories with each new generation. National Geographic’s Mission Programs support critical expeditions and scientific fieldwork, encourage geography education for students, promote natural and cultural conservation, and inspire audiences…”
Answer the questions.

  1. Have you ever heard of the green organizations mentioned above?

  2. Which organisaton, in your opinion, is a greater success than the others? Why do you think so?

  3. Would you like to join any of the green organisaton? Why (not)? Which one(s)?

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