Методические указания по изучению английского языка для специальности -270205. 65

НазваниеМетодические указания по изучению английского языка для специальности -270205. 65
Дата публикации02.09.2014
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ТипМетодические указания
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1. to land- делать посадку

2. to take off - взлетать

3. aircraft - самолет

4. freight - груз

5. perishable foods = perishables - скоропортящиеся грузы; скоропортящиеся товары

6. structure- строение, структура

7. area - участок, пространство; район, область, зона

8. runway - взлетно-посадочная полоса, ВПП

9. airplanes - аэроплан, самолет

10. taxiway - рулежная дорожка

11. terminal (building) - аэровокзал, здание аэровокзала

12. to board - садиться на самолет, всходить на борт

13. exit - выйти, выход

14. gate - ворота; дверь, проход, затвор, клапан, заслонка ,шлюз выход ( в аэропорте )

15. ticket - билет

16. baggage - багаж

17. control tower - диспетчерская вышка; контрольно-диспетчерский пункт

18. air traffic control - 1) управление воздушным движением 2) авиадиспетчерская служба 3) авиадиспетчер

19. refueling -дозаправка, заправка

20. facilities - оборудование, приспособления, аппаратура;

21. maintenance - содержание и техническое обслуживание, уход; текущий ремонт

22. ramp - трап

23. airline - авиалиния; авиакомпания

24. cargo- груз

25. airfare - стоимость, цена авиабилета

Airports differ in size and layout depending on their function and the types of aircraft that use them. There are three major types of airports: military airports, general aviation airports, and commercial airports. Military airports have one or two paved runways, generally 3,000 to 4,600 m (10,000 to 15,000 ft) long. These airports are used only by military aircraft.

General aviation airports, which cater to small civilian aircraft, are smaller than commercial airports. They are often found in rural areas or in small towns. General aviation airports have one or two runways from 900 to 1,500 m (3,000 to 5,000 ft) long. Some runways at general aviation airports are paved, but many are simply grass-covered paths. Facilities vary widely at general aviation airports, depending on the size of the airport. Commercial airports are used by airlines. These airports may be small or large. Small commercial airports have one or two runways from 1,800 to 2,400 m (6,000 to 8,000 ft) long and can accommodate larger aircraft than general aviation airports can. Large commercial airports serve the world’s major cities. They usually have pairs of parallel runways from 3,000 to 3,700 m (10,000 to 12,000 ft) in length. Airports approved as destinations for flights from other countries are known as international airports.

Commercial airports are designed to transfer passengers and freight to and from aircraft. In order to accomplish this transfer as efficiently and as safely as possible, airport operations are grouped into four general areas: aircraft services, passenger and freight services, support services, and airport security. Aircraft services focus on the flight, maintenance, and refueling of aircraft at the airport, as well as on air traffic control around the airport. Passenger services are centered in the terminal building, where passengers purchase tickets, load baggage, and enter and exit aircraft. Terminals are designed in a variety of ways depending on the needs and size of a given airport. Airports also provide many support services indirectly related to air travel, such as restaurants, shops, parking, and aircraft emergency services. Finally, airport security involves ensuring the safety of passengers and aircraft by screening passengers and their luggage for weapons or explosives.

A. Aircraft Services

The runway of an airport allows aircraft to land at and take off from the airport. Airport runways are arranged to permit the maximum number of safe takeoffs and landings in all weather conditions. Runway designs at airports differ according to the type of aircraft ,the runway serves, the prevailing wind direction and speed, and the availability of land. Environmental factors such as nearby wildlife or mountains must also be considered when building runways.

Many airports have more than one runway. Parallel runways at civilian airports must be separated by at least 1,300 m (4,300 ft) if simultaneous approaches are to be allowed on both runways. If runways are closer together than that, aircraft landings and takeoffs must be staggered to ensure that a safe degree of separation exists between aircraft during flight. Good design practices require each runway to have a parallel taxiway so aircraft can enter or leave the runway as directly as possible. Taxiways are short paths followed by aircraft that connect the runways to an area called the apron, which surrounds the terminal gates. When an airplane lands, it moves from the runway to the taxiway, so that other aircraft can use the runway. Aircraft preparing to take off wait on the taxiway until the runway is clear. To aid in night landings and increase visibility in bad weather, runways are lit with white edge lights and taxiways are lined with blue edge lights.

The control tower is a structure located at or near the terminal. It manages all air traffic at the airport.It also coordinates baggage, fuel, and food service. Other airline employees provide pilots with final flight information, such as the passenger list and the latest weather information.

Ground crews working on the apron area near the gates help maintain aircraft in between flights. They load baggage, restock food and other supplies, perform routine maintenance, and refuel aircraft.

1. lay-out - планировка, план, расположение

2. military - военный

3. civilian aircraft- гражданский самолет

4. flight - полет

5. destination —конечный пункт маршрута

6. to transfer passengers – перевозить пассажиров

7. aircraft services-обслуживание воздушного судна

8. security – безопасность, защита, охрана

9. to load luggage –-грузить багаж

10. weapon - оружие ( для боевых действий )

11. explosive - взрывчатое вещество, взрывоопасное вещество

12. weather conditions - метеорологические (погодные) условия, метеоусловия

13. runway serves - обслуживание взлетно-посадочной полосы, ВПП

14. prevailing wind direction – направление господствующего ветра

15. availability -годность, полезность, пригодность;

16. to separate - отделять, разделять

17. approach - заход на посадку; подход к зоне аэродрома

18. apron - перрон ( аэровокзала )

19. visibility - видимость

20. ground crew - наземная команда

21. to restock food - пополнять запасы еды

Airport Terminal

Today’s busy airports are designed to handle millions of passengers and hundreds of thousands of flights every year. For optimum efficiency airplanes park side by side at gates along the outside of concourses to receive and discharge passengers. The long concourses, containing passenger-waiting areas, branch out from a central terminal that houses airline ticket counters and baggage-claim areas.

Site selection

Aeronautical and environmental factors
Selecting a site for a new airport, or evaluating how well an existing site can be expanded to provide a new major airport, is a complex process. A balance must be achieved between aeronautical and air-transport requirements and the impact of the airport on its environment.

From an aeronautical viewpoint, the basic requirement of an airport is that it have a relatively flat area of land sufficiently large to accommodate the runways and other facilities and that this area be in a locality free from such obstructions to air navigation as mountains and tall buildings.From the viewpoint of air-transport needs, airport sites must be sufficiently close to population centres. Environmental considerations, on the other hand, dictate that the site should be far enough away from urban centres that noise and other harmful effects on the population should be kept to acceptable levels. Furthermore, the airport should not destroy areas of natural beauty.

The most modest airport facility-with a single runway, an apron, and a building that serves simultaneously as terminal, administration area, and control tower-can comfortably be built on a site as small as 75 acres, since it requires only a flat, well-drained area sufficient to accommodate a short runway and its surrounding safety strip. Larger and more modern airport facilities, on the other hand, require multiple runways of extended length, extensive terminal apron areas, and large areas of land for parking and access roads. For such an airport, a minimum area of 3,000 acres is likely to be required. Several major airports-such as Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport in Texas, King Abdul Aziz International Airport near Jiddah, Saudi Arabia, and Charles de Gaulle Airport near Paris-are built on sites well in excess of this figure.

1. site - стройплощадка

2. environmental factor - фактор окружающей среды, экологический фактор

3. to evaluate - оценивать

4. requirement - требование

5. flat - плоский, ровный

6. to accommodate -обеспечивать, снабжать , вмещать

7. locality - местность; район, участок; край, место

8. free - свободный, вольный, независимый

9. obstruction - затруднение продвижения, преграждение прохода, заграждение

10. air navigation - воздушная навигация, аэронавигация

11. harmful - вредный, пагубный

12. to destroy - разрушать, рушить,

13. modest - скромный

14. safety strip - полоса безопасности

15. access road - подъездной путь
The selection process
The site-selection process for large airports can take many months; in some cases - over many years. The procedure is complicated by many factors.

First, the operational capability of the site is assessed with respect to weather conditions such as wind, snow, ice, fog, and low visibility and also with respect to obstructions to air navigation around the airport, particularly on the approach and takeoff paths. The location of the facility in relation to air-traffic-controlled airspace is also important. In addition, there must be an evaluation of the capacity of the available land to accommodate the expected configuration of runways and other facilities. Flat or very gently undulating land is necessary, because runways must be constructed according to restrictions on maximum allowable slopes--which, in turn, are governed by aircraft performance on landing and takeoff.

Ground access to the airport is also considered. An evaluation is made of the distance from population centres, the regional highway infrastructure, public transport facilities (including railways), and the availability of land for parking. Development costs are also estimated, taking into account the nature of the terrain, soil and rock conditions, drainage requirements, and local land values.

The environmental consequences of an airport development rank very high in any site-selection procedure. The impact of aircraft noise on the neighbouring population is often the most significant environmental factor, but in many countries account must also be taken of the impact on the flora and fauna of the area, pollution through chemical runoff into local groundwater, the presence of endangered species or significant cultural sites, and even undesirable changes in land use. Many governments now require that environmental analyses of airport development projects include evaluations of population relocation, changes in employment patterns, and distortion of existing regional land use and transportation planning.

operational capability - работоспособность; эксплуатационные качества

assess - оценивать, определять

location - размещение; местоположение

airspace - воздушное пространство
Airfield layout and configuration

Operational requirements
It is obvious even to the most casual observer that there is a large variation in the appearance and layout of airport facilities. Simple airports designed to accommodate light aircraft are essentially similar, but, as airports become larger and more complex, accommodating more passengers and cargo, their individual requirements affect their layouts and ensure that each becomes recognizably different.

The principal determinants of airport layout are the number of runways and their orientation, the shape of the available site, and constraints at the site both on the ground and in the air. The location and orientation of runways is governed in turn by the need to avoid obstacles, particularly during landing and takeoff procedures. For the largest airports, obstacles to air navigation must be considered up to 10 miles (15 kilometres) from the runways. Runway configurations must also ensure that, for 95 percent of the time, aircraft can approach and take off without either crosswinds or tailwinds that would inhibit operations. At the smallest airports, light aircraft are unable to operate in crosswinds greater than 10 knots; at all airports, operation in tailwinds in excess of 10 knots is not recommended by aircraft manufacturers (10 knots, or nautical miles per hour, is equal to about 12 statute miles per hour or 19 kilometres per hour).

Runway configurations

The operational capacity of an airport, which is usually defined as the maximum possible number of aircraft landings and takeoffs, is determined by the number of runways that are available for use at any one time. The vast majority of airports around the world have the simplest possible layout, a single runway. Where crosswinds would be high for an unacceptable proportion of operational time, a two-runway configuration is necessary, usually in the form of a main runway and an auxiliary crosswind runway. Depending on the shape of the site and the availability of land, the crosswind facility can take on a crossed configuration or an open or closed V layout. Where visibility is good and aircraft can operate under visual flight rules (VFR), operational capacity increases from the lowest level, crossed runways, through the closed V and open V configurations. However, in poor visibility or under certain conditions of very heavy air traffic, aircraft must operate under the strict instructions and rules of air traffic control and instrument operation; these are called instrument flight rules (IFR). Under such conditions, crosswind runways cannot be used simultaneously with main runways, so that the capacities of the crossed and V configurations are equivalent to that of a single runway.

An increase in operational capacity under VFR is possible with the use of a close parallel runway configuration. Most very large airports must be assured of adequate capacity even under IFR conditions, and this can be achieved by separating the parallel runways by a minimum of 5,000 feet (1,525 metres). This independent parallel configuration permits simultaneous independent landings and takeoffs on both runways. Munich Airport in Germany exemplifies this type of configuration. Even greater capacity is possible using a four-runway configuration of independent close parallels, as is the case at Los Angeles International Airport. With such a configuration, even under IFR, it is possible for two aircraft to land simultaneously while two other aircraft take off. A number of the world's largest airports have master plans that feature eight runways in the form of independent close parallels supplemented by other close parallels that are capable of crosswind operation. However, with passenger aircraft increasing in size, most can now operate in crosswinds of 20 knots and above. This reduces the likelihood that configurations with four crosswind runways will ever be constructed.

Parallel Runways

Two parallel runways serve a major international airport. Narrow taxiways connect the runways and allow airplanes to move from the runway to the apron area near the terminal building, shown on the right. As jets leave the terminal, they travel along a taxiway to the end of a runway, where they wait in line for takeoff.

Intersecting Runways

Some airports, like Louisville International Airport in Kentucky, have several intersecting runways. To coordinate traffic and ensure safety, air traffic controllers tell pilots which runways to use and notify them when it is safe to take off or land.
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