Программа по формированию навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах и улицах «Добрая дорога детства» 2

НазваниеПрограмма по формированию навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах и улицах «Добрая дорога детства» 2
Дата публикации12.04.2014
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Урок английского языка в 9 классе по теме “Healthy living guide”

Урок подготовлен и проведен учителем английского языка МОУ «Самарская средняя общеобразовательная школа» Шкарлупиной Мариной Викторовной, 2008
По основным этапам учебного процесса: урок закрепления.

По способу проведения урока: практическое занятие.

По дидактическим целям: урок – закрепление.

Цели и задачи:

  • Проверить прочность усвоения материала по теме “Healthy living guide”

  • Активизировать лексику по теме в монологических и диологических высказываниях, аудировании;

  • Повышать удельный вес самостоятельной работы, научить проводить исследовательскую работу по теме; развивать умение сопоставлять и анализировать информацию по теме;

  • Вести пропаганду здорового образа жизни среди учащихся.

  • Убедить учащихся, что здоровье человека находится в зависимости от состояния экологии

Оснащение урока: картинки к пословицам, кроссворд, аудиозаписи с песнями спортивной тематики, учебник, стенд с грамотами учащихся в спортивных мероприятиях школы, района.
Методы: частично-поисковый, беседа, сравнение, анализ, диалог.

Формы работы: индивидуальная, коллективная.
Ход урока:

I.Организационный момент

Teacher: Good morning, children! I’m glad to see you. Sit down, please. Who is on duty today? Is anybody absent? What day is it today? What is a date today? What is the weather like today? … (учащиеся отвечают на вопросы учителя)

II.Подготовка к активной познавательной деятельности

Teacher:well, my dear boys and girls! Look at the blackboard and read the epigraph of our today’s lesson “Здоровье до того перевешивает все остальные блага, что здоровый нищий – счастливее больного короля “ (А.Шепенгауэр).can you explain these words? What do they mean?

P1.To my mind, it’s better to be healthy, than rich.

P2.Human health is more important than the wealth.


Teacher: My dear, what is the theme of the lesson? What shall we do at the lesson?

Р2: The theme of the lesson: Health living guide

P3: We shall do oral exercises to repeat the theme and draw a conclusion that our health is the most important thing in the world. P4: We '11 speak English, check our home work.

I .Пpaктическая деятельность на у роке

1.Фонетическая зарядка.

[ai] - fibre, pride, guide, exercise, environment, diet, lifestyle.

[i] - inactivity, indicative, skip, sin, slim, slimmer, living, skin, physical, fit

[i:] - anemia, disease, fever, protein, meals, keep.

[ei] - gain, weight, brain, overweight, pale.

[k] - crisps, calorie, count, cancer, cough.

2. Речевая зарядка.

Teacher Did you do morning exercises today!

PI: Yes, I did I think it's the best way to keep fit

Teacher Do you go in for sports?

P2: Yes, 1 do. I play tennis. The good thing about tennis is that you can play it any time of life.

The longer you keep on playing it the better you feel.

Teacher: Are you good at tennis, basketball or football?

P3: Yes, I’m. I like playing football, because I especially like playing team games, 1 enjoy

working together with others.

Teacher. What sport do you go in for?

P4:1 like to play tennis. I play it every day after school. It helps me to clear my head, and to

relax after a long day.

P2: As for me, I play football every day after school.

Teacher Do you know any proverbs and poems about health?

PI: As fit as a fiddle.

P2.Good health is above wealth.

P4.Wealth is nothing without health

P5.People sometimes say to me:

'Tell me, what do you want to be?"

I usually answer, "I don't know,"

But it isn't really so:

I want to win an Olympic race,

I want to see the Earth from space,

I want to travel to Timbuktu,

I want to be rich and famous, too,

I want to star on Hollywood's screen,

I want to invent a new machine,

I want to be very clever and wise,

I want to win the Noble prize,

But most of all, I want to be

Healthy and strong, and happy.

Заполнение Word Web (каждый учащийся вставляет слово, используя полученную раннее информацию (рисунок 1)

Рисунок 1
3. Развитие навыка монолога.

Teacher Of course, it's very important for our health to follow a diet Do you know what does right diet consist of?

Заполнение Word Web (рисунок 2)

Рисунок 2
Teacher. Is it right to eat many sweets?

P2: To eat too much is a bad habit It harms health.

Teacher What is the name of the man who eats very much?

P5: Robin.

Robin, Robin, what a man!

He eats as much as no one can.

He ate a lot of fish, he ate a lot of meat,

He ate a lot of ice-cream and a sweet,

He ate a lot of porridge and ten eggs

And all the cookies Mother has.

He drank a lot of juice, he ate a cake,

Then said: “1 have a stomachache."

Teacher Is Robin right or wrong? Why?

PI: Of course, he is wrong, because he eats too much.

Teacher Yes, you are right What is the name of this disease?

P2: Obesity

Teacher What is the best way to avoid it?

P2:1 think, the best way to be healthy is to eat less.

Teacher You are right, but there are some more ways to solve this problem. Let's do ex.2 p. 101 (учащиеся выполняют упражнение)

Teacher Do you know any proverbs and poems about healthy diet?
P1.An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
P2. Diet cures more than the lancet

P3: Some of us like brown bread,

Some of us like white.

Some of us eat a lot of meat.

Some don't think it's right

Some of us like apples,

Some drink juice at night.

Some of us eat many sweets,

Some don't think it's right

Teacher WelL boys and girls, another way to be healthy and keep fit is having physical activity

Заполнение Word Web (рисунок 3)

Рисунок 3
Teacher Do you know any proverbs and poems about sports, physical activity?

P4.Sport is fun for girls and boys.

If s much better than the toys.

You can sledge and ski, and skate,

And play snowballs with Kate.

You can swim and play football,

Hockey, tennis, basketball.

You can jump and you can run,

You can have a lot of fun.

P5: Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.

P1.When children stay still, they have done ill. \

P2.A sound mind is in a sound body.

P3.After dinner sit a while, after supper walk a mile.

Teacher What about sport? Is it useful for our health?

P4: All kinds of sports help our health.

Teacher: What kinds of sports are popular in Russia? And what about your family?

(Ученики называют различные виды спорта)

Р5: My father likes playing football, and my mother enjoys watching basketball

Teacher Are you against or for sports?

PI: As for me, I am for sports

Teacher Do you prefer going in for sports or watching it on TV?

P2: My friends and I prefer playing sports.

Teacher. Why do you think sport is a part of our everyday life?

P3: I'm sure that sport is a very important part of our life

Teacher What is your favourite kind of sport?

P5: My favourite sport is volleyball.

Teacher And what can you tell us about our school? Do we have any sport clubs? Are there good sportsmen in our school?

P2.I want to tell you about sports in our school. You know we pay great attention to sports in the school. Any boy or girl who shows good results at our PE lessons is given every help to become a good athlete or even a champion. We have PE twice a week and we enjoy our lessons very much. The lessons are held in a gym and in the sports ground. At the lessons we run, jump and play sport games. From time to time in the school competitions and sport festivals take place. We are crazy about football and basketball. Our football team is one of the best in the region. Sergatch Roman, Kireev Vova, Kireev Denis, Starodubtsev Denis are the best football players. Each student in the school knows Popova Iren, Bratchkova Kate, Mansurova Marina. The girls are excellent runners and basketball players. They won many competitions.

P3: In my opinion the best sport is tennis. In fact I play table tennis. My father has taught me this game. And now I play it every day. I'm so glad that tennis is so popular in the school. During the breaks or after the lessons there are many students waiting their turn to play tennis. It is good for my health and body. Tennis also helps me to relax after my working day.

P5: As for me I do not like sports. It takes a lot of energy and time. As a result of going in for sports, people can have broken legs and arms. It makes you unhappy when you lose. So I prefer to watch sport competitions than participate in mem

Teacher Thank you for your stories. All of you are right. I agree that if a person plays sport he is healthy and keeps fit Do you agree that to be healthy means to have good habits?

PI: To my mind, you are right, because if a person smokes or drinks alcohol he isn't healthy. Заполнение Word Web (рисунок 4)

Рисунок 4
Teacher Some bad habits are really deadly Let's do ex.4 p. 105 and see what arguments against bad habits seem more convincing for you.

(Учащиеся выполняют устно упражнение и определяют, какие последствия на человека имеют плохие привычки)

4.Исследовательская работа

Teacher At home you had to ask the questions about the healthy living guide to our pupils. Do you have any results?

PI: We tested pupils of our school. We asked the questions.

  1. Do you go in for sports?

  2. Is it good to smoke, drink alcohol, take drugs? Why?

  3. Do you eat the right food?

  4. Do you skip your meals?

  5. What do you prefer: to play sports or to watch TV sport programs?

  1. We have tested 61 pupils from 5* to 11* forms. For the Is1 question 37 students said* "Yes"

  2. 57 pupils said, "No"

  3. Do you eat the right food? 31 pupils said, "Yes"

  4. 48 pupils answered mat sometimes they skipped their breakfast or dinner.

  5. 22 pupils answered that they prefered to watch TV and 39 pupils liked playing sports

The conclusion: We can expect these diseases:

  • The first is psychiatric problems

  • The second - obesity

  • The third - stomach problems

Teacher. Can you be healthy if the environment is polluted? What do you think about this problem?

P4: Today the situation is quite different People all over the world are worried about what is happening to environment.

P5: It is known that about two hundred years ago the air was pure and clean. It was perfect for animals and people of earth to breathe. Then people began to build factories. Those factories put a lot of harmful gases into the air. Then people began to drive cars. Driving cars added more pollution to the air. Nowadays the air in many cities is filled with "smog". Polluted air is bad for people and animals, trees and other plants.

PI: You know that when power plants bum coal to make electricity and when cars burn gasoline invisible gases are released into the air. Some of then can mix with water and make it acidic.

They can get into rain clouds, where they get mixed in with rain and snow. Then the acid falls back to the earth with rain or snow. This is called acid rain. Acid rain is extremely harmful to plants, rivers and Jakes and the creatures than live in them. In some places it is killing forests. It also pollutes water that animals and people need to drink.

P2: It's common knowledge that many animals are disappearing. It's because there are more and more people living on Earth. They need room to live. They cut down forests, and wild areas are filled with houses. The plants and animals that live there can become endangered - which means that because there's no place for them to live, they begin to disappear. Some even become extinct which means that they all die out and are gone from the Earth forever.

P3: So I think that the environment influence the health of the people and if the people want to be healthy they must think about the place where they live and keep the countryside tidy.

All woods are home to animals.

So we behaved like guests,

We only looked and never touched,

The birds' and rabbits nests.

5.Физ. Минутка примерные комплексы профилактической гимнастики на уроке для:

  • улучшения кровоснабжения головного мозга: И.п.: стоя. На счет 1-4 потянуться руками вверх - в стороны и вернуться в исходное положение. Расслабиться, повторить 3-4 раза.

  • снятия напряжения: режим выполнения - 2 движения в секунду. Продолжительность от 30 секунд. Энергичное встряхивание пальцев и кистей рук; руки от локтевого сустава; руки от плечевого сустава (как будто стряхиваешь воду). Положение рук: вниз, прямо, в стороны, вверх, одновременно или поочередно.

  • снятия усталости: I.тщательно массировать мизинцы обеих рук. 2. поднять руки над головой и сцепить кончики пальцев. Потянуть одной рукой другую в правую, а затем в левую сторону, одновременно совершая наклоны туловища соответственно вправо и влево. Каждый наклон длится 5 секунд. Сделать 3 наклона в одну и в другую сторону. (Физ. Минутки проводить каждые 15 минут урока)

6.Итоги урока

Teacher At our lesson we have spoken a lot about the human health. All of you have worked hard and carefully. What conclusions can you draw?

PI: People must follow healthy diet

P2: Everyone has to play sports and do morning exercises

P3: If you want to be healthy you should have good habits.

P4: People must protect the nature so that to be healthy.

7..Выставление оценок за урок

Teacher You are right. So, all of you have good marks today.

8.Домашнее задание

Teacher Write the composition (15-20 sentences) "A sound mind is in a sound body.”

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