Программа по формированию навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах и улицах «Добрая дорога детства» 2

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Тема: «Путешествие по англоговорящим странам»

Visiting English – speaking countries or Why study English

УМК М.З. Биболетовой «Enjoy English - 4»
Оборудование: ММ доска, компьютер, ММ презентация, раздаточный материал.

Ход урока:

  1. Организационный момент: Приветствие. Введение в тему.

Today I’m going to invite you to visit one of the English – speaking countries. You see, it’s a real winter in our area now and what about the temperature? Is it above or below zero? So I’d like you to make a virtual tour to the country where the climate is rather unique. But first some facts for you. Do you remember how many students choose English as their first foreign language at school?

About 70% (per cent) of Russian students choose English as their first foreign language at school.


Рез – ты уровня обучености: диаграмма (мини - исследование) total number of 7 th grade students is 93.

7А- 81 % 7В - 55 % In total: 68% of students know English well.

7Б- 75 % 7Г - 61 %

Формулируют проблему:

Do all the students of our lyceum know the English language? - Of course, they do. But What is the problem? They don’t know English quite well. They’re afraid of speaking, writing, reading and practicing the language.

What should we do to improve our knowledge of the foreign language?

Высказывают гипотезы:

Listen to the teacher have a good textbook/teacher make gap exercises

Do homework regularly read American/English literature

read and write well learn poems by heart work in groups

watch videos and films in English

Высказывают гипотезу/предположение

  1. If you………, you can/ will….,……,……

  2. If you know English well, you can/ will ……………

  3. If you don’t know English well, you can’t/won’t…

read American/English literature speak fluently

study abroad communicate with travel

find a good job understand people well

tell (your pen- friend) about your country watch films/videos

Why do we study English?

P2: Edgar Poe «Fairy land», Class: Winter Morning

Проведём эксперимент: Let’s make an experiment today. Let’s see if it is really possible to understand, to learn English properly if you read, speak and watch videos, communicate with your partner .

План исследования: проверка гипотезы (эксперимент), анализ полученных результатов, вывод.

II Введение в тему

We’ll check your ideas and see if you are right. I’d like you to guess what country we’ll visit. And the knowledge of different school subjects will help you. There are several tasks for different groups.

Столица – г. Веллингтон (431 тыс. жителей, 2007), расстояние от Москвы до Веллингтона - 16 550 км. Время опережает московское зимой на 10, летом на восемь часов. Транспортная доступность – авиа сообщение, сеть морских портов.

Территория – 268,7 тыс. км2, население – 4,1 млн. человек (2006), преобладают потомки иммигрантов из Европы. Столица – г. Веллингтон (431 тыс. жителей, 2007), расстояние от Москвы до Веллингтона - 16 550 км. Время опережает московское зимой на 10, летом на восемь часов. Транспортная доступность – авиа сообщение, сеть морских портов.

Климат меняется от тёплого субтропического на севере до умеренного на юге, средняя t января в Веллингтоне +16° C, июля  +8° С.

Перелет с двумя пересадками занимает от 27 часов 25 минут. http://rlu.ru/dTg

  1. How long will the flight last?

The distance (S) between Moscow and the capital of the country we’re going to visit is 16 550 кm. The speed (v)of the plane is 613 кm/h.

t - ?

S= v*t T=27 hours

2. What is the population of the country?

It is 32, 3 times less than in the Russian Federation (145, 600 million people).

  1. 600 000- Population  -  November 2012 estimate 4,445,436………=145,5млн -4,5млн=141 млн………. 145,5 млн : 4, 5 млн=32,3

3.The flag looks like Union Jack but there are 4 Stars on it. They symbolize the brightest stars of the sky. The country is not famous for Kangaroos, it is famous for the products. English is spoken in a very unusual way here and it is often called Kiwi English.

Flag of NZ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_New_Zealand

What country is it?

На языке коренного населения маори (Ma-ori) Новая Зеландия именуется Аотеароа, что может быть переведено, как Страна Длинного Белого Облака (ao = облако, tea = белый, roa = длинный).

What is the plan we use to speak about the country?

Name/ nickname Population

Language Popular Sport

Area 268, 7 тыс. км2 Sights

The Capital Weather/Climate

Other big Cities


Do you know all of these things? What should we do then? Read books, watch films/ Videos, ask someone, surf the net.

To speak about sports let’s watch a video (about sport). Rank them please.

Проранжировать: Пять любимых новозеландских видов спорта в порядке убывания обожания: регби, крикет, нетбол, теннис, футбол. «Нетбол» — баскетбол без щита, особенно хорошо в него играют женщины. Are they winter or summer sports?

Rugby tennis

Cricket football


Tick √ the sports you’ve seen: rafting, rugby, tennis, climbing, cricket, surfing, yachting, football, netball, boating, walking.

Arrange the others according to their importance. The most important is the first.

1 rugby, 2…………., 3 …………., 4 ………….., 5………………

How do we call them? - Extreme sports.

What are winter sports popular in our country?

If you visit the country just now what season is it there? Have a look at the table: What are winter and summer months in NZ?

Climate data for Wellington, New Zealand

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Average high °C , day







































Зима здесь с июня по август. Лето — с декабря по февраль.

If you watch videos you learn new facts,

If you read a lot, if you look the words up in a dictionary or if you are good at IT technologies you can make presentations to speak about your own country.

P3: Presentation “The Russian Federation”.

Википедия: города. What are the main cities in NZ?

Dialogue: imagine, that you are visiting Wellington to study English abroad. You are from different countries. You would like to tell some interesting facts about them. You are welcome.

P4-P5-P6, P7-P8.

P9, P10 - y. 4, C. 37РТ.

The 21st century is the time of vital and crucial problems. And what is it for NZ?—глог, P11.

What should people do? Keep fit, eat healthy food, do sports, give up bad habits, so on.

III Подведение итогов, рефлексия.

Now let’s estimate your abilities in learning the English language. Приложение

It’s time to decide if it’s possible for everyone to be successful in learning a foreign language and English especially.

Оправдались ли ваши ожидания в том, что если знаешь стратегию изучения языка, можно достичь определённых успехов?

Д/з Decide: Write some questions, make a test, write a puzzle for your classmates or do ex.86, p.55



Fill in the table

Вид деятельности




Я знаю и понимаю лексику по теме «Путешествие по АЯ странам»

Я понимаю звучащую речь (диалоги/сообщения/описание) по теме

Я знаю, понимаю и умею применять числительные на АЯ для описания стран мира

Я могу найти нужную информацию по теме, используя разные источники

Я могу приготовить презентацию, составить задание для одноклассников

Я умею работать в паре/группе

Я могу составлять диалоги/описывать страны (Россию и другие страны мира)

Я совершенствую свой английский

Приложение 2

How long will the flight last?

The distance (S) between Moscow and the capital of the country we’re going to visit is 16 550 кm. The speed (v) of the plane is 613 кm/h.

t - ?

What is the population of the country?

It is 32, 3 times less than in the Russian Federation (145, 600 million people).

The flag looks like Union Jack but there are 4 Stars on it. They symbolize the brightest stars of the sky. The country is not famous for kangaroos, it is famous for the products. English is spoken in a very unusual way here and it is often called Kiwi English. Draw the flag of the country.

Tick √ the sports you’ve seen: rafting, rugby, tennis, climbing, cricket, surfing, yachting, football, netball, boating, walking.

Arrange the others according to their importance. The most important is the first.

Приложение 3

How To Prepare a Science Fair Project

c:\program files\britannica 9.0\ultimate reference suite\html\homework\howto\img\bcd06_arrow_orange.png


Selecting the right topic is the most important step in the process. Make sure you choose something that you are interested in and would like to learn more about. Below are three teacher-selected Web sites that will help you think about and choose a good topic. Remember, you must answer a question and not simply tell what you know about a subject!

If you are not sure what you are interested in, browse through the Science articles in the Homework Helpdesk to gain background knowledge of many different scientific areas.

c:\program files\britannica 9.0\ultimate reference suite\html\homework\howto\img\bcd06_arrow_orange.png


Gather information about different subjects from Encyclopædia Britannica articles and the Web sites listed at the end of this document. You can consult books, people, magazines, or anything that will help you answer your question.

Make use of Encyclopædia Britannica's Virtual Notecards to help you with your research.

c:\program files\britannica 9.0\ultimate reference suite\html\homework\howto\img\bcd06_arrow_orange.png


The scientific method begins with a problem.

After learning about the problem, scientists make a hypothesis, or an educated guess, to explain it. They test whether the hypothesis is correct by designing an experiment. The experiment gives the scientist measurements and observations, which are then analyzed. The analysis tells the scientist if the hypothesis was correct. If the hypothesis was incorrect, the scientist can revise it and test it again.

If the hypothesis was correct, scientists in other laboratories repeat the experiment to make sure that they get the same results.

c:\program files\britannica 9.0\ultimate reference suite\html\homework\howto\img\bcd06_arrow_orange.png


Do the experiment as described above. Ask your science teacher for guidance or follow the steps outlined in the scientific method.

c:\program files\britannica 9.0\ultimate reference suite\html\homework\howto\img\bcd06_arrow_orange.png


Put your findings into graphs and charts. Use your computer to help you. Try using word processing or spreadsheet software. Then print your graphs and charts in color. Use them in both your report and your science fair display.

c:\program files\britannica 9.0\ultimate reference suite\html\homework\howto\img\bcd06_arrow_orange.png


One of the most important components of a science fair is the display. Often students get very carried away with this step of the process, and the results can be very messy and unorganized. Use these presentation guidelines to help you plan your display.

  • Buy a science board from an office supply store.

  • Use no more than 3 to 5 colors and make the font black.

  • Make sure the font is large enough to read from more than 6 feet away. It is recommended that you do not use anything smaller than 24-point font. Your title, which should be centered, should be readable from down the aisle.

  • Use basic fonts (like Times New Roman). Do not choose fonts that are artistic or hard to read.

  • Make sure your display includes graphics and visuals. Include a very brief explanation. Use the science report itself to elaborate on the picture.

  • Think of the display as a summary of your science project. Do not include all points, but rather make use of your science report to explain in more detail.

  • Make sure everything is neat, straight, and readable. It may seem boring, but presentation skills are an important aspect of your project.

  • Proofread everything twice before you place it on the board!

  • DO NOT try to put too much information on the board.








Use a large font or buy letters at an office supply store.

Graphics, Pictures and Charts

Data Tables

This should all be done on the computer!





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