Учебное пособие по развитию навыков устной речи для студентов II курса технических специальностей Издательство Алтгту

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НазваниеУчебное пособие по развитию навыков устной речи для студентов II курса технических специальностей Издательство Алтгту
Дата публикации08.05.2015
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ТипУчебное пособие
100-bal.ru > Туризм > Учебное пособие
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I. Words and word-combinations to be remembered:

  1. curriculum vitae (CV) - биография

  2. written application - письменное заявление

  3. opening position - вакансия

  4. to choose an occupation - выбрать работу по

to one's liking желанию

  1. experimental period - испытательный срок

  2. to work shift-work - работать по сменам

  3. to have flexible schedule - иметь гибкий график

  4. to work part/full time - работать

неполный/полный рабочий


  1. to work nine to five - работать с девяти до пяти

  2. to get off - увольняться

  3. be on sick leave - быть на больничном

  4. to run business - заниматься бизнесом

  5. to do trade - вести торговлю

  6. entrepreneur - предприниматель

  7. owner - владелец

  8. officer - чиновник, должностное лицо

  9. employment office - агентство по трудо


  1. work experience - стаж

  2. employment book - трудовая книжка

  3. position - должность

  4. supervisor - начальник

  5. subordinate - подчиненный

  6. salary - зарплата служащего

  7. wage - зарплата рабочего

  8. fee - гонорар творческого


  1. rate of pay - ставка оплаты

  2. fair salary - достойная зарплата

  3. legal contract - трудовое соглашение

  4. income tax - налог

  5. contractual obligations - договорные обязательства

  6. to undertake a responsible post - занимать ответственный пост

  7. employer/employee - служащий/


  1. job prospects - перспективы для


  1. opportunities for rapid возможности

  2. advancement - быстрого роста

  3. to be accustomed to work - привыкнуть

under pressure - напряженно работать

  1. to contact with people easily - легко налаживать

контакт с людьми

  1. to have good references - иметь хорошие


  1. supportive environment - хорошая рабочая


  1. main strength - основные


  1. promising - перспективный

  2. creative - творческий

  3. reliable - надежный

  4. skilful - опытный

II. Read, translate and retell the text:


Having a job and having a career are two very different things. A job is something you do to make money. You may enjoy the job, work hard at it and do well, but you are primarily doing it for the money to satisfy your other interests outside of the work environment. A career is something that integrates your desires and interests so that it gives you satisfaction above and beyond the money you make. To have a career means commitment and development but first of all planning.

This process can begin at any age. For some people it starts when they are small children and visit mom or dad at their place of work. For others it can come later through the inspiration of a teacher or exposure to a wider range of fields.

It is up to each individual to decide whether a job or career is best for them. People may share the same talent and interest but other aspects of their personality will dictate which direction to go with that interest. For example, one guitar player may decide to plan a career as a professional musician. Another may decide that the financial insecurity is too much for him, get a regular job satisfy his musical interests in his free time.

Whether you decide to get a job or plan a career, the job market today is quite different from that of your parents. In the Soviet system young people were guaranteed a job upon graduation. Now, there are no guarantees after university, institute or school.

The young person in today's Russia faces a very competitive job market.

What do the new dynamics of the Russian job market mean for young people? First, if they have decided they want a career, they must start early in their academic life to plan and take steps to develop their professional careers. Second, in addition to a suitable background for a desired career, creativity, self-promotion and preparation are absolutely vital for any sort of success in the job search. Last, students must develop confidence in themselves and recognize the power that each of them has to take control of their future and shape it in a way that is best for them.
III. Read the text and say if you agree or disagree with the following statements:

  1. Having a job and having a career are two very different things.

  2. Planning a career can begin at any age.

  3. The choice of a career doesn't only depend on a person's talents and interests.

  4. To face a competitive job market is to have no guarantees for getting a job.

  5. To take control of the future and to be well-prepared for the challenges of the job market one should take several very important steps.

IV. Read, translate and give the main idea of the text:

Looking for a Job

Looking for a job is a full-time occupation in itself, so it's important to get yourself self-assessed. Look at yourself realistically, at your experience, your strengths and weaknesses, likes and dislikes and decide. What you are good at, not so good at, what sort of things you want to do and can do. Use all possible sources to help you get careers advice:

  • employment agency;

  • job center;

  • private employment agencies;

  • national and local newspapers;

  • professional or trade newspapers and journals;

  • applications to possible employers;

  • local radio stations;

  • friends and relatives.

If you feel you like the job being advertised or being offered to you make an application. The aim of your application is to get you an interview ; the aim of interview is to get you the job. The first thing to do is to draw up a personal information chart or curriculum vitae (CV). This should contain such sections as:

    • personal detail – full name, address, phone number, date of birth, marital status;

    • your work experience;

    • your educational background;

    • details of any training;

    • personal particularities which are relevant (foreign languages, voluntary work, interests and so on).

Many of the jobs that are advertised in newspapers give a telephone number for applicants to ring. When you ring up about a job you must know what you want to say and how to say it:

      • be confident on the telephone;

      • know your facts;

      • give the facts in a straightforward manner;

      • try to make a good impression on the person to whom you are talking.

V. Answer the questions:

  1. What does your father do for a living?

  2. Is there a lot of stress connected with his work?

  3. Do you think that present career is the right one for him?

  4. What is your mother's occupation?

  5. Have your parents ever been unemployed?

  6. What is your family income?

  7. Is career an important part in your life?

  8. What is your idea of an ideal job?

  9. What are some good jobs to have and why?

  10. What are the worst jobs and why?

  11. What job would you like to get after you graduate from the University?

  12. You have won or inherited a lot of money. Would you continue working?

  13. Would you agree to get married and not to work?

  14. At what age can you get a part-time job in your country?

  15. What are the most popular jobs for young men and women?

  16. Would you like your work to be indoors or outdoors?

  17. Would you like to have your own business? Why?

  18. Do you prefer to have a job for which no further training is required or further training is necessary?

  19. Would you like to work for a big organization?

  20. Would you like a job that involved making things with your hands?

  21. What does you future profession demand from you?

  22. What are the main advantages and disadvantages of your future profession?

VI. Ask your friend:

  1. как он представляет разницу между карьерой и работой;

  2. какими факторами он будет руководствоваться при выборе работы

(work which is useful to society; good salary or wages: opportunities to meet different people; opportunities to travel, flexible hours; interesting and not boring work; good pension scheme: dealing with children; responsibility of your own; the chance of promotion; good career prospects; good working conditions; friendly colleagues, long holidays and other factors)

  1. какую работу он предпочитает и почему

VII. Comment on the following proverbs:

  1. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

  2. Work done, have your fun.

  3. Jack of all trades and master of none.

  4. Business before pleasure.

  5. Business is business.

  6. If you want a thing well done, do it yourself.

  7. New lords, new laws.

  8. A new broom sweeps clean.

VIII. Act out the situations:

  1. Imagine you are looking for a part-time job on your vacation. An officer at an employment office interviews you. Other applicants are also involved.

  2. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of your future speciality with your friend.

IX. Speak on your future profession in as many details as possible, answering the following questions:

  1. Where do you study?

  2. What faculty and speciality do you study at?

  3. What general and special subjects do you have?

  4. Why did you choose this profession?

  5. Do you have practice at enterprises of our town?

  6. Where will you be able to work after graduation from the University?

  7. Is your future profession useful? Why?

  8. Give additional information about your future profession (texts on your speciality).

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