Методическая разработка урока по английскому языку. 8 Класс умк биболетова м. З

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НазваниеМетодическая разработка урока по английскому языку. 8 Класс умк биболетова м. З
Дата публикации09.09.2014
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ТипМетодическая разработка
100-bal.ru > История > Методическая разработка
Г. СПб, Авиаконструкторов ГБОУ школа № 581

Учитель английского языка Ербулатова Галина Петровна




Открытый урок по теме “Moscow is the heart of Russia” 8 класс.

Задачи урока:

Образовательные: а) провести практику в речевой деятельности: монологической, диалогической, аудировании; б) ознакомить учащихся с лексикой по истории Москвы; в) уметь проводить воображаемую экскурсию по Москве; г) учить логически строить высказывание; д) провести практику в работе по группам; е) активизировать известную учащимся лексику по теме “Holidays”.

Воспитательные: а) развивать любовь и чувство гордости за столицу, чувство дружбы; б) воспитывать уважение к истории города.

Развивающие: а) развивать мышление, творческую фантазию, инициативу в осуществлении иноязычной речевой деятельности; б) повышать удельный вес самостоятельной работы в школе и дома; в) развивать межпредметную связь (с историей) и познавательный интерес учащихся.

Оснащение урока: слайды с видами Москвы.

План урока

На доске написан эпиграф к уроку.

T: Good afternoon!

Pupils: Afternoon.

T: Sit down, please.

T: Today we shall speak about Moscow. We’ll listen to the tape about the history of our city, and speak on this topic. And now look at the blackboard. (Reads the words on the blackboard).

Looking down on Moscow, we see at our feet the richest and most beautiful city in the world, a city as great as London and as magical as Rome.”

These words will be a redline of today’s lesson. I suppose you agree with me. So, let’s prove it. All of you dream of visiting London, and let’s hope that sometime our dream will come true, we’ll see one of the greatest cities in the world, but we must be ready to answer questions about our city. Let’s remember what we know about Moscow.

On the blackboard you can see some small topics and key words. Use them, and say a few words on each of these themes.


The Capital of Russia

Слайд № 1


1147, was founded by, to be situated, population, total area

P1: Moscow is the capital of Russia. It was founded in 1147 by Prince Yuri Dolgorukii. Moscow is situated on the banks of the Moskva River. Its total area is about 900 square kilometers. The population of the city is over 8 million.

T: Good. Now about Moscow as a political centre.

Political Centre

Слайд № 2


The seat of the Government, the Duma, all the ministries, foreign embassies

P2: Moscow is the seat of the Government the Duma. The President of Russia lives and works there. There are all the ministries, and foreign embassies in Moscow. Many important political events are held in Moscow.

T: Nice. Who wants to tell us about Moscow as an industrial centre?

Industrial Centre

Слайд № 3


Factories, plants, to produce, goods

P3: We can say that different branches of industry are developing in Moscow. There are very many plants and factories in Moscow that produce motorcars, transformers, motors, TV sets, watches and other goods.

T: Right you are. Now speak about Moscow as a cultural centre.

Cultural Centre

Слайд № 4






museums, art galleries, theatres, libraries, parks

P4: There are a lot of museums in Moscow. The largest ones are: the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts and the State Tretyakov Gallery. Moscow is famous for its theatres. The best known is the Bolshoi Theatre. There are also a lot of green parks and libraries in Moscow.

T: Very good. Now let’s speak about education in our city.

Educational Centre

institutes, universities, young people, different countries

P5: We can say that Moscow is an educational centre. There are more than 50 institutes and several universities. Many young people from different countries come to Moscow to get a brilliant education.

T: Good. The next topic is about sport and transport.

Sport and Transport Centre

sport facilities, swimming pools, 1980 Olympic Games, railway stations, airports

P6: There are a lot of sport facilities in Moscow such as stadiums, swimming pools. And as you know the Olympic Games in 1980 were held in Moscow. Transport in Moscow is extensive. Here you can see all kinds of transport. To my mind Moscow’s metro is the most beautiful in the world. There are also 9 railway stations and 5 airports in Moscow.


Слайд № 5



T: And the last point is the sights of Moscow. When we go to London we shall take some pictures of Moscow, some photos or slides. Let’s suggest that our friends should walk along the streets of our Moscow.

На экране будут слайды с видами Москвы и учащиеся комментируют их. Примерные ответы учащихся:

P1: This is the Palace of Congresses. It is situated in the Kremlin. Many meetings and concerts take place there. It is a very nice building.

P2: Here you can see the University on Vorobyevy Hills. This university was founded by Michail Lomonosov, the first Russian professor.

P3: This is New Arbat Prospect. Old Arbat is the main street for folk holidays. It is a very nice place without transport. Kalinin Prospect is named New Arbat now.

P4: This is St. Basil’s Cathedral which is situated on Red Square. This Cathedral was built in honour of the Russian victory over Kazan. St. Basil was buried near this Cathedral in the green tower.

P5: Here you can see one of the famous places in Moscow – Red Square. In 1941 from Red Square Soviet troops went to the front to defend Moscow from fascism.

P6: It is the Kremlin. The Kremlin is the heart of Moscow. Here you can see St. Basil’s Cathedral, a Tsar – Cannon and a Tsar – Bell and many other famous things.

P7: This is the monument to Pushkin which is situated on Tverskaya street. Many people come to the monument to show their love for one of the best Russian poets.

P8: Here we can see the Bolshoi Theatre. Bolshoi Theatre, or Bolshoy Opera House, is the best-known theatre in Moscow. All visitors from Russia and other countries wish to get there.


T: Thank you very much. I think that our quests have got a lot of information, but we haven’t told them about our history. Let’s listen to the text and follow the course in history. After listening to the tape you will try to point out the main periods of the history of Moscow and ask questions on this topic.

The teacher switches on the tape with the text on the history of Moscow. Before listening the teacher many practice some difficult words.


History of Moscow

Слайд № 6


Moscow was founded in 1147 by Prince Yuri Dolgorukii on the banks of the Moskva River. Ancient Moscow occupied the territory of the present-day Kremlin. In the 13th century Moscow Prince Dmitri Donskoi defeated the Tatar hordes and Moscow became the symbol of the freedom and independence of the Russian people.

In the 16th century under Ivan the Terrible Moscow became the capital of the newly united state.

In 1712 Peter the Great moved the capital to St. Petersburg, but Moscow remained the heart of Russia.

In 1812 Moscow became the main target or Napoleon’s attack.

In 1918 Moscow is again the capital of the new revolutionary Russia.

In 1941 – 1945 in the heroic struggle against Hitler’s troops Russia and Moscow played a vital role in saving the world from fascism. Pupils listen to the text twice. Раздается лото (датысобытия).

T: Now you will work in groups. You should match the dates and the corresponding events. I will give you 2 minutes.


1147 – the foundation of Moscow;

The 13th century – the defeat of Tatar hordes;

The 16th century – the capital of the united state;

1712 – moving the capital to St. Petersburg;

1812 – the main target of Napoleon’s attack;

1941 – the capital of the revolutionary Russia;

1941 – 1945 – the heroic struggle against Hitler’s troops.

T: Now answer my questions. When was the Moscow founded?

P1: Moscow was founded in 1147.

T: Right you are. When were Tatar hordes depeated?

P2: Tatar hordes were depeated 13th century.

T: Good. When did Moscow become the capital of the united state?

P3: Moscow became the capital of the united state in the 16th century.

T: Right. When did the capital of Russia move to St. Petersburg?

P4: The capital was moved to St. Petersburg in 1712.

T: Well, when was Moscow the main target of Napoleon’s attack?

P5: Moscow was the main target of Napoleon’s attack in 1812?

T: Right you are. When did Moscow become the capital of revolutionary Russia?

P6: Moscow became the capital of revolutionary Russia in 1918.

T: Good. And the last date. When was the heroic struggle against Hitler’s troops?

P7: The heroic struggle against Hitler’s troops was in 1941 – 1945.

T: Very good. You have understood this text perfectly well, and you know the history of your capital.

Но у учителя на столе осталась одна дата – 1997.

P8: May I ask a question?

T: Of course, you may.

P8: And what about 1997?


T: Well, tell me please what was in 1997?

P1: In 1997 we celebrated the anniversary of Moscow’s Foundation.

T: Right you are. Now we shall play a little. You will write on the blackboard the words associated with the word “anniversary”.

На доске слово - “anniversary”, и ученики по очереди подбегают и пишут вокруг этого слова свои слова, которые возникают у детей по ассоциации: holiday, songs, salute, flowers, dance, people, illumination. Желательно, чтобы каждый ученик написал по одному слову.

T: Very good. Now make up sentences using at least 2 words.

P2: During this holiday people danced and sang many songs.

И т.д. по мере употребления слов учитель их стирает и так до последнего слова.


T: Very good. And you know that one of the most popular songs was “Moscow” by Oleg Gazmanov. We have prepared a surprise for our guests. Let’s sing the song. Включается запись песни без слов. Учащиеся поют песню на английском языке.

T: Thank you very much. You have worked well today. Let’s remember what we have done at today’s lesson.

Учащиеся подводят итог.

T: Your home task for the next lesson is: you are to prepare a shot story about your favourite place in Moscow. Your marks for the lesson are … Good-bye, my friends.

Pupils: Good-bye.


Through the wars, fires and years

The red bell flies to the sky.

We can bear this bell from afar.

This is a sound of the Great Russian heart.

In bright gold of saint cupolas

These sun light increase proudly.

Two headed birds have returned

And Russia is going on.


Moscow! We hear ring of bells.

Moscow! We see the golden domes.

Moscow! On gold of centuries

Time chronicle is going on.

I look from Vorobyovi Highlands

At night constellation of lights.

Moscow is too many years,

But it will never grow very old.

Spring will spill to the avenues.

Naughty rooks will very soon come,

And the capital won’t sleep again.

Happy birthday, all my friends.


Moscow! We hear ring of bells.

Moscow! We see the golden domes.

Moscow! On gold of centuries

Time chronicle is going on.

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