Сценарий урока по теме «What Americans are like»

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МОУ «Средняя общеобразовательная школа №7 с углубленным изучением английского языка»

Сценарий урока по теме

«What Americans are like»

7 класс

Выполнила учитель

Высшей категории

Скрынник М.А.

Пермь 2008
Цели и задачи урока:

Воспитательные – воспитание уважительного отношения к науке и культуре страны изучаемого языка;

Развивающие – развитие эмоциональной сферы;

Образовательные – расширение объема социокультурных знаний о науке и музыкальной культуре США;

Обучающие – развитие основных умений речевой деятельности (аудирование, чтение, говорение), обучение аргументированному высказыванию, выражению собственного мнения.

Ход урока

T: Today we shall speak about the Americans. We shall see what people they are.

Open your text-books on page 225.

Task: Scan §3 and find its 3 main ideas


1. Americans are not afraid of new ideas

  • They built the first skyscrapers

  • They put the first man on the Moon

2. They like to be modern

  • Modern cities

  • Modern houses

  • New cars

3. They love old things

  • Visit historic houses

  • Build pioneer houses

  • Remember the days of the Wild West

T: What are your associations with the Wild West?

Ps: cowboys, saloons, buffaloes…

T: One of my associations is Western music.

Раздаю текст о музыке.

Task: Scan the text and answer the questions.

  1. When and where did people from Scotland and Ireland settle ?

  2. What were their main occupations?

  3. What were their songs about?

  4. What musical instruments did they play?

  5. What is a mountain song?

  6. What have you learnt about cowboys?

Ps answer the questions.

T: Now Listen to the song “She’ll be coming round the mountains”

Звучит песня.

T: What did you imagine?

P1: I imagined a cowboy, driving a horse with a lasso

P2: I imagined a band, playing stringed instruments (A bango…)

T: The song was very popular when I studied at school. It was sung by our School stars; V. Kibanov, V. Osipenkov, O Stryapunin. ( показать в альбоме фотографию с фестивалей)

Home Task: Speak about the Americans using the material of the lesson.

Find additions to prove the material of the lesson ( about the American scientists, makes of American cars…)
МОУ “Средняя общеобразовательная школа №7 с углубленным изучением английского языка»

Сценарий урока по теме

American National Symbols”


7 класс

Выполнила учитель

высшей категории

Скрынник М.А.

Пермь 2008
Цели и задачи урока:

Воспитательные – воспитание уважительного отношения к национальным символам США и России;

Развивающие – развитие эмоциональной сферы;

Образовательные – расширение объема знаний о символах США;

Обучающие – развитие основных умений речевой деятельности (чтение, письмо, говорение), обучение аргументированному высказыванию, выражению собственного мнения на основе предложенной лексики, иллюстративного материала.

Ход урока:

T: Every country has its own symbols. What are they?


  • A flag

  • A coat-of-arms

  • A national anthem

  • Others

T: Last lesson we spoke about the national flag of the USA What have you learnt about it?

P1, P2 speak about the flag.

T: Today we shall speak about American coat-of-arms.

На доске изображение орла и столбик прилагательных.










T: Look at the blackboard .

What do you see?

P1: A bird

T: What bird is it?

P2: An eagle

T: Look at the words. Choose the words to describe the bird.


  • Powerful

  • Strong

  • Proud

  • Mighty

  • Independent

T: Now make nouns from adjectives


  • Power

  • Strength

  • Pride

  • Might

  • Independence

T: This is American coat-of-arms ( на доске герб США). You see an eagle. Why do you think an eagle was chosen the national symbol of the USA? What does it symbolize?


  • Strength and power of the country

  • Its might

  • Independence of the country

  • Pride for its people and achievements

Task: Read the text and fill in the table

The US coat – of – arms

In 1789 the members of the US Congress chose the bald eagle as the national bird.

The coat – of – arms of the US represents an eagle with outspread wings, holding a bundle of rods in the left claw and an olive branch in the right claw. Rods symbolize administering and olive is the emblem of love.

Today the bald eagle appears on the official documents, on the President’s flag, on American coins .
The US coat – of – arms

When was it chosen

Who chose


Where does it appear

T: These are American coins. You can see the coat-of-arms on one side.

На доске изображение герба России.

T: Look at one more coat-of-arms. Do you recognize it? It’s Russian. What similar features do you see?

P1: An eagle.

T: Why do you think different countries choose an eagle as the national symbol?

Ps: - to show power, might and independence of the country.

T: What are other American symbols? We shall work with the copy now.

Task: Skim the copy (don’t forget about the pictures) and name other symbols of the USA.


  • Declaration of Independence

  • Liberty Bell

  • The Statue of Liberty

  • The donkey and the elephant

  • Uncle Sam

T: Underline what they symbolize.

T: Do you like jazz? Have you ever sung jazz? We’ll do it now. Jazz is rhythm . Snap your fingers like this: 1-2-3-4. Listen.

Ps snap fingers . T sings.

Do you know the symbols of the USA?

We do, we do.

What are they? What are they?

The bald eagle

And stars and stripes,

The Statue of Liberty

And Liberty Bell,

The donkey and the elephant

And Uncle Sam

These are the symbols of the USA.

I see. OK.

Home task: 1. Speak about American coat-of-arms and other symbols.

2.Write a 7-sentence article about the US coat-of-arms.

МОУ «Средняя общеобразовательная школа №7 с углубленным изучением английского языка»

Сценарий открытого урока по теме

The Pilgrim Fathers”

7 класс

Выполнила учитель

Высшей категории

Скрынник М.А.

Пермь 2008

Цели и задачи урока:

Воспитательные – воспитание уважительного отношения к истории США;

Развивающие - развитие эмоциональной сферы

Образовательные – расширение объема знаний об истории США

Обучающие – развитие основных умений речевой деятельности (чтение, письмо, говорение), обучение аргументированному высказыванию, выражению собственного мнения на основе текста.

Ход урока:

Ps: The country was born on the 4th of July. It began as the union of 13 states.

T: The history of the country had begun long before the country was born. For today’s lesson I T: What do you know about the history of the USA?

asked you to read the text “The Pilgrim Fathers”. What is the text about? Express your opinion in one sentence.

P1: The text is about how Europeans settled in America.

T: Who were the first Europeans to reach America?

P2:- the Vikings.

T: Let’s draw a time line.

В ходе урока дети заполняют линию времени

T: Where did the vikings come from?

P: - from Scandinavia.

T: Go to the blackboard, show it on the map (ученик показывает Скандинавский полуостров на карте мира). What Scandinavian countries do you know?

P: - Norway, Finland, Sweden.

T: On the time line put the date when the Vikings came.

Who came next?

P: - Christopher Columbus.

T: When did he reach the shores of America?

P: - in 1492.

T: Put it on the time line. How did the Americans commemorate his discovery? Find the answer on the copy “American holidays”.

P: - Columbus Day, on the 2nd Monday in October.

T: Put it on the time line.

Who came in the 16th century?

P: - the French, the Spanish, the British. (заносят информацию на линию времени)

T: When did the first British people come to America?

P: - in 1607. A group of farmers founded Jamestown in Virginia.

На контурной карте Америки ребята отмечают Джеймстаун. А также дополняют линию времени.

T: What have you learnt about this journey?


  • They fought with the Indians

  • Many British people died of illnesses and hunger.

  • They discovered that it was easy to grow tobacco.

  • They brought African people as slaves to work on the tobacco plantations

T: 1620. Comment on the date.

P: 101 men and women sailed on “Mayflower” and founded New Plymouth in Massachusettes.

T: What holiday commemorates this event?

P: Thanksgiving Day, celebrated on the 4th Thursday of November.

Заносят эту информацию на линию времени.

T: We know these people as the “pilgrims”. Define the word.

Ps give their variants.

T: Let’s write down the definition given in the Longman Dictionary.

A Pilgrim – a religious person who travels a long way to a holy place.

Дети записывают определение в тетрадь.

T: Were they religious people? Did they travel a long way? Why did they sail there?

P: - to find religious freedom.

T: What was their main belief?

P: - all people were equal.

T: What have you learnt about the pilgrims?


  • They had no slaves

  • Many of them died of illnesses and hunger

  • They were helped by the Indians

  • They made a feast

T: Why do you think they made a holiday dinner?

P: They were religious people, and religious people help each other and are very thankful.

T: Let’s sum up everything. Fill in the table comparing the 2 journeys.
Compare the 2 journeys



Where settled

What they were

The aim of journey

How they spent the first year

Who helped them, how

Attitude to slavery

How they celebrated their survival

T: Compare the results.

Раздаю копии стихотворения «The Pilgrim Child”

T: Listen to the poem and say what it is about.

P: It is about how Thanksgiving Day was and is celebrated.

T: What have you learnt about the celebration of Thanksgiving Day from this poem?

Ps make comments.

Home task: Retell the text choosing a role. Use the material of the poem.

МОУ «Средняя общеобразовательная школа №7 с углубленным изучением английского языка»

Сценарий открытого урока по теме

«A Romano-British town”

7 класс

Выполнила учитель

Высшей категории

Скрынник М.А.

Пермь 2008

Цели и задачи урока:

Воспитательные – воспитание уважительного отношения к истории Англии, к достижениям римской цивилизации.

Развивающие -

Образовательные – расширение объема знаний об истории Англии, а именно периода римского завоевания

Обучающие – развитие основных умений речевой деятельности (говорение, чтение, письмо), обучение аргументированному высказыванию, выражению собственного мнения на основе предложенных текстов и иллюстративного материала.

Ход урока:

На экране – слайд 1.

T: The Thames River remembers a lot. It remembers the earliest men, who fished and hunted on its banks. It remembers the people, who used metal weapons and tools. It remembers Phoenicians, who came for tin, which they used in making bronze. And it remembers the following.

the Roman came with a heavy hand,

And bridged and roaded and ruled the land.

R. Kipling

(from the “River’s Tale”)

Task: Comment on the words

P: Heavy hand – they came as invaders and killed many people.

Bridged and roaded – they built bridges and roads all over the country.

T: What did they need roads for?

P: They came as conquerors and their legions marched quickly from one camp to another. They needed bridges to cross the rivers.

На доске вывешены слова.

  • Narrow

  • Straight

  • Crooked

  • Short

  • Multi-layered

  • Sandy

  • Hard (solid)

Task: Choose the words to characterize the roads. Explain your choice.

Ps do the task.

T: What did the roads connect?

P: - camps.

T: Time went on. What do you think began to grow near the camps?

P: - towns.

На экране появляется слайд 2 – руины города.

T: You see the ruins of a Romano-British town. How did it look? What was there? Any ideas?

Ps give their ideas. Possible answers : roads, baths, villas…

T: Let’s see if you were right. (раздаю копии – план города). Look at the plan. What was there in a Romano-British town? Take your pens and draw a cluster. Leave 3 lines between the words.


  • A Forum

  • A basilica

  • An aqueduct

  • Sewers

  • Public baths

  • A temple

  • Villas

  • A theatre

На экране – слайд 3.

T: You see the remains of the Forum. What is said about it on the plan?

P: It was the central square of the town.

T: Find Text B. What can you add?

P: It had colonnades on three sides, behind which were shops, workshops and offices. There was a market in the centre of the Forum.

На экране – слайд 4.

T: This building is the basilica. What is said in the Text B about it?

P: It stood on the 4th side of the Forum and contained the council chamber and the law courts.

На экране слайд 5.

T: It’s an aqueduct. What did aqueducts do? Find the answer on the plan of the town.

P: It brought clean water to the town.

T: Look at the screen. What can you say about people who built it?

P: (possible answers)

  • They were good builders

  • They were good engineers

  • They knew the laws of physics and maths

На экране слайд 6.

T: Now we shall go to public baths. Look at the screen and say what people did there.


  • They washed

  • They did exercises

  • They chatted

  • They listened to music

T: Find the text “The Baths” . What can you add?

P: They had a snack to eat.

T: What sentence sums up all the information?

P: The baths were part of a Roman life.

T: Text B. What did the sewers do?

P: - carried away dirty water.

T: Why did the people build baths, sewers, aqueducts?

P: They wanted to make their towns clean and healthy.

T: Let’s return to the plan of the town. What can you say about the plan itself?

P: (possible answers)

  • Well-planned

  • Surrounded by the wall

  • The streets are straight

T: Copy 1 Text A. Skim the text and find additions to the description of the streets.

P: The streets were paved.

T: Do you think a Romano-British town was a quiet place or a busy-busy place?

P: It was a busy place, because there were shops and workshops there.

T: Let’s see what people did. Skim the text “Industry”, write out the main occupations and underline what people did. Fill in the table.


What people did














T: Let’s compare the results.

T: Now let’s imagine we are Romano-Britains. You will play a role. Your roles will be different. Take a card. Make up a short monologue. If you have the same role be ready to add.
Roles given:
Card 1.
You are a planner. Tell how you will plan a town. (a forum, a basilica…)

Card 2.
You are a rich Romano-Britain. You live in the villa. Tell who built your villa and what job they did.

Card 3.

You are a mosaic-maker. Tell us about your job. (what mosaic is, where you work, what you make of mosaics, what the themes of your works are…)

Card 4.
You are a traveller. Tell what impressed you most in a Romano-British town.

Card 5.
You are a goldsmith. Tell about your job. (What do you make? What materials do you use? Whom do you make it for?)

Card 6.

You are a pottery maker. Tell what you make, what material you use, how people use your pottery.
Ps play their roles.
T: Now lets make the conclusion of our lesson. What did we do?


  • Skimmed the texts

  • Analyzed the facts

  • Drew a cluster

  • Worked with pictures

  • Made suggestions

  • Made conclusions

T: What conclusion can we make?

P: The Romans brought their civilization to England.

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